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If you've ever been shopping with a five-year-old, then you'd know how you felt when you took Jimin shopping that day. He was helpless, stupid, careless, and most of all clueless. Clueless of what he was doing.

For example, when you told him to try on a shirt you picked from a rack, he started stripping in the middle of the store. That, along with several other occasions, was how you got kicked out of one of your favorite stores. You liked it because the quality was decent and most of all, it was cheap.

That's why it would be an understatement to say that you're upset.

That's also why Jimin trails behind you with a frown of his own. He could tell you were mad at him but didn't know how to make the situation better.

That's how you came to find yourself in front of yet another store.

"Jimin," you hiss through gritted teeth, still trying to contain your anger and embarrassment. "You'd better not do that again, understand?"

He just nods, looking at the ground. "I understand," he finally whispers back. You sigh and begin walking into the store. The men's section is towards the back, so you have to fight your way through other shoppers and clothing racks to reach your destination.

Just find the cheapest thing, then leave.

You think, still mad that you're mood has completely been ruined by the incident earlier. "How about this?" You shove a T-shirt into his hands, along with many other cheap items as you move down the aisle. Stopping once you've got a decent amount of clothes, you then lead Jimin back into the dressing rooms.

There's a woman standing behind a counter, fumbling with a couple of shirts. "Um, can he get a room please?"

"Yeah," she spits, "take number four."

"You heard her," you say to Jimin, "Room number four." He hesitates but eventually disappears back into the dressing room.

Just when you thought you'd have a moment to yourself, Jimin appears again. "Um, Y/N, which is number four?"

Leading him to the room, you say nothing and simply walk right back out.

You sigh lightly while sitting down in a chair that's outside the fitting rooms.

Finally some peace and-

You're thoughts get interrupted by a yelp.

Please don't be Jim-

"Ma'am!" The same woman who was behind the counter runs out and urges you to follow her back into the dressing room.

"What happened?!" You do as she says and race back with her.

"See for yourself," she huffs. You make your way to the back of the dressing room while finding the room again. You find it, but as you go to turn the handle, you also find out that it's locked. "Chim?" you whisper and gently knock on the door. "Chim, can you let me in? It's Y/N." With those few words, the door opens. It's only a crack, but you take that as a request to go in, shutting the door behind you. 

"Jimin?" his back is to you and he stands in tight skinny jeans and a white T-shirt. "H-hey," you reach out to touch his shoulder, "Chim, what's wrong?" He flinches when you touch him, and arches his back. So, you take it upon yourself to spin him around to face you.

His eyes are swollen red, and he doesn't look you in the eyes but instead focuses on the ground. "Chim, it's just me," you take his chin in your hand and lift it up. "You can talk." You try to reason with him, who's now looking in your eyes.

"Y-Y/N I..." As if something happened to wash over him in that short moment, he wraps his arms around you in one big hug. His face burrows into your neck like last time, and you can hear soft whimpers come from him.

He's crying.

"Tell me what happened," you say and stroke his blonde locks through your fingers while your other hand rests on the small of his back.

"I-I," his fingers dig into your back. "I was so scared." 

Your heart breaks at that. You've been so mean to him all day. First in the morning, then at the last store, and now this. "Why?"

He takes in a deep breath and you can still feel the cool air in the crook of your neck. "The woman... she..." his voice trails off, and you pull away from him.

This lady better has a death wish or something.

Not bothering to ask anymore, you storm off the fitting room. She stands impatiently behind her desk and asks when she sees you coming. "Is he okay now?"

"What the heck did you do to make him like that?" You scream, pointing towards the fitting rooms.

She scoffs. "What did I do? You should be asking him that!" She spits, looking unamused.

"Just tell me what happened, alright?" You quiet your voice in hopes that she explains more.

"Well, I heard him struggling back in the fitting rooms, so I went to go check things out." She says, clearly annoyed at the situation. "When I got to his room, the door was a cracked open so I let myself in and he completely freaked. I mean all I tried to do was help him get his pants on."

"YOU WHAT?!" You scream, raising a hand threateningly. "Why the heck would you think that that's okay to do?! It's no surprise that he freaked out!" You continue yelling at the snotty woman behind the counter. "How dare you ever touch him, he's my..." you trail of.

What is Jimin to you?

Trying to compose yourself you simply say, "We're leaving." Walking back in the dressing room, you become even more sad when you see Jimin curled up in a ball on the floor. "Chim, let's go." Your voice instantly softens around him, a complete contrast to what it was moments ago.

"Okay, Y/N." He begins to get up, and you realize that he's still dressed in the store's clothes.

"Hey, let's get you out of these, yeah?" He nods his head and waits for you to do it for him. You see what he's doing, but you don't go forward to take them off. "Go ahead," you mutter.

He holds up his arms out in front of him, to serve as an invitation. "Y/N, take them off for me." His voice is somewhat commanding, but it still has the same innocence that covers it up.

"-I already showed you how so-"

"I want you to do it," he interrupts. A wave of red washed over your face, and you stand frozen in the small room that seems to be getting more and more cramped by every passing minute.

"Just t-this once," you say and proceed to take off his shirt. Wrapping the hem of his shirt around your fingers, he raises his arms up fully in response to give you access to lifting the shirt up. His face is hidden for a little bit, which gives you time to breathe. You peel the skintight cloth off of his body and his chest is once again on display.

What is it with me and seeing him naked all of the time? You think, slightly annoyed at that fact.

He takes a step forward in the process, so there's only a short distance between the two of you. Silently, you take a gulp and start to undo his belt. So far your eyes have been locked on his, but your cheeks have grown far too red for you to continue it any longer. So, you look down.

Big mistake, Y/N.

Thinking your idea was so brilliant is shortly stopped when you realize what you're about to see as his pants slowly fall down. So, once again, you remove your gaze. This time you're looking at his chest You've gotten used to the delicate outline of his muscles, although it would be a lie to say that it doesn't have any effect on you at all. 

"Now, get dressed." You quickly spin around and wait for him to get clothed.

"Y/N," you hear Jimin rumble not long after you turn around, which makes you jump. Before you can respond, his chest is pressed up against your back, with his hands wrapped around your waist.

"Jimin," you use his actual name as a form of authority over him. "I already told you that you can't do this." You try to pry away from his grasp, but he holds on tighter. You're slightly relieved to feel the material that separates you from his chest, however.

His breath directly hits your neck, which sends chills down your spine. "Y/N," he repeats, "are you mad at me?"

No. "Yes. I told you that you can't do this anymore, so-"

"About earlier," he adds, "Are you still mad about earlier."

"No- well, yes, but that's not the point." You continue to try and remove his hands from your waist. "What I'm talking about right now is we already went over this, remember?"

He nuzzles his nose in the crook of her neck and inhaled your scent. As he leaned down his lips slightly touches a tender area of your neck, you're body went rigid in shock and for a brief moment, you almost forgot to breathe. Never in your entire life you had let any man be close to you, certainly not this close. "But Y/N, I don't want to." his voice landed you in reality.

"Want to what?" You ask hesitantly, breathing intensely.

"I don't want to stop," the same rumbling you heard earlier is back in his once lighthearted voice.

As if your face isn't already red enough, the flustered color spreads to your whole body. "Jimin, you can't."

"Why?" he roars, breathing harder into your neck.

"Because I said so! You wouldn't understand, okay?" You shout, struggling even more.

His hands snake around your wrists, so you're even more limited in the movements you make. "Then explain it to me so I understand."

"Maybe I will, but not while you're holding me down like this." You lie, trying to get him to let you go.

"Fine," he snaps, finally releasing you.

You turn around to face the dark voice. "What's this new attitude?" You ask like you're a mom, dealing with her little kid who doesn't want to listen. "Don't talk to me like that if you still want my help" you flare up, trying to sound in authority, but really you're still shaking inside from his actions.

"Sorry Y/N..." he whispers, the mischievous glint in his eyes disappearing "I just like you so much." The roaring that was in his voice has left and he's back to his quiet, soft demeanor.

"But you barely know me," you protest in a hushed voice, still avoiding his eyes. "Let's just go," you quickly say, also avoiding his response.


The way home was silent, and Jimin no longer walked by your side, but instead behind you. However, the awkwardness was slightly relieved when you go home to Hoseok. Like always, his bubbly attitude rubbed off on you, but every time you and Jimin looked at each other, you both immediately turned away.

Hoseok also made Jimin try on and show all of the clothes that you'd bought him. It was the first time you got to see them as well because of the fitting room incident. He looked more normal in a sense because the clothes were more fitted for his size, and he looked like a regular boy... or man. It's hard to call him a man because of his personality and level of maturity, but he sure looks like it.

That, along with you helping Hoseok unpack the rest of his stuff, took up all of the evening, and now you're back to another night. You settled again with a pair of shorts and a tank top, and Jimin also stayed in the pajamas Hoseok lent him.

Jimin's not following you like usual, so you pull out extra blankets and pillows for the couch on your own, while Jimin waits in the guest room. It doesn't take you long to accomplish the task, but when you go back into the guest room Jimin is asleep on the bed. Legs half off and all, he's still sleeping peacefully, and he almost looks comfortable.

Well, there goes your plan to kick him out to the couch. Sighing heavily, you heave his limp legs onto the bed, folding over the blankets in the process. You prop his head up on the fluffy pillow and swipe the hair away from his closed eyes. He's back to the warm and cuddly Jimin, and you're relieved, to say the least. Sure, he's gotten upset, but he's never acted like how he was in the dressing rooms.

Not wanting to bother him, you decide to sleep on the couch. You've got to admit to yourself though; you made one heck of a makeshift bed on the slim leather couch. However, the soft blankets couldn't stop you from realizing something. Something very crucial.

I forgot to do my homework.

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