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"So, basically, you're saying that he fell from the sky, had your name tattooed on his wrist, didn't remember who he was, and you didn't think to call the police?" Hoseok asks seriously.

"Well... it sounds bad when you say it like that." You trail off.

Standing up from your kitchen table, Hoseok puts his hands up in the air. "Y/N, what if he's a missing person?! What if he hit his head, and has serious brain damage? His family must be worried sick!"


"I know, he has your name on your wrist. What if it's just a coincidence, though?" He questions. "He could be seriously sick, Y/N."

You're silent. What if Hoseok is right?

Of course, the words he's saying have crossed your mind before. But that's as far as they've travelled, in your head. You've never had someone to talk to.

"I- I don't know." You stutter quietly.

He huffs, biting his lip thoughtfully. "Let's just- let's just talk to him first."

Hoseok leaves you at the table, walking back into your bedroom where Jimin is presumably still sleeping. You follow him shortly after.

 Earlier that night, since you didn't want to wake him, you and Hoseok moved to the kitchen to talk once Jimin's fever was nearly gone.

When you walk in to see Jimin, you see the colour is back on his face, he no longer sweats, and he looks as though he's peacefully sleeping.

"Thank god," you let out quietly before walking over to him.

You put your hand over his forehead for good measure when hovering over him, which causes him to stir slightly, humming before opening his eyes. "Y/N," he croaks immediately.

"Sorry, I woke you," you whisper gently, moving your hand off his forehead.

"Hyung," he observes Hoseok who stands hesitantly behind you. He then looks down, realizing he's on your bed. He instantly begins to get up.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down." You stop him from getting up. "Why are you moving?"

He looks up at you with creased brows. "Y/N, you hate it when I'm on your bed."

"No, I-" you stop, remembering all the times you did indeed tell Jimin to stay clear of your bed. "It's fine," you assure him with a release of your breath.

"He looks completely fine," Hoseok observes. "How is that even possible?"

You don't respond, only praying that he stays fine and healthy.


Jimin sits motionlessly at the kitchen table, hands neatly folded and on his lap. "Um, Y-Y/N-"

"Shhhh," Hoseok zips, shutting him up. He stands up at the other end of the table, one hand scratching the bottom of his chin in mock curiosity.

"Oh, come on Hoseok!" Y/N finally exasperated from her spot on the table. "How long are you just going to stare at him? You're scaring him!" Jimin stays quiet, confused beyond his regular melee. 

When Jimin woke up in Y/N's bed, he didn't even remember how he got there, let alone why  Hoseok was acting as if he was a completely different person. He couldn't remember being sick at all.

He had tried to cling to Y/N when he woke up, but then Hoseok made him sit here. In the kitchen, all while he just stands there. Staring!

"How do you know Y/N?" Hoseok finally questions.

With big eyes, Jimin turns to his Y/N for an answer, recalling her earlier words. "You may never tell anyone that you came from the sky, understand? Especially Hoseok."

She looks back at him.

I won't tell him, Y/N! Jimin says in his mind, hoping Y/N will somehow receive the message telepathically just through his eyes.

... Except, you never told me what to tell him if he asked. He attempts to plead with his eyes for an answer from her.

"Yeah, stop staring at Y/N and answer me." Hoseok commands; unintimidating like always.

"Uh... Cousin?" Jimin's says slowly, unsure.

Hoseok's mouth drops, and Y/N screeches before standing up. "No! Jimin tell him the truth!" 

"Especially not Hoseok."Y/N's words ring in his head, and he too opens his mouth in distress.

"Friends?" Jimin tries again.

"Jimin!!" Y/N screams, and Hoseok points an accusing finger at her.

"Y/N, I thought you said that you were telling the truth. So all this was a joke, huh?" He asks. Y/N only turns toward Jimin, running a miserable hand through her hair.

"Chim," she says softly while nearing Jimin. "Chim, just tell him the truth now. Tell him where you came from."

Eyes wide and round, he looks up at Y/N. "S-Sex?" He poses it as a question, still believing that Y/N doesn't want him to tell Hoseok the truth.

"What?! No!!"

"But Y/N, that's where you said all people come from," Jimin tries to reason. "Like Jerri and Baryu's babies."

Y/N abruptly stands up, pointing at Hoseok and then back to Jimin. "See!? What normal person would talk like that?" Y/N laughs crazily.

"Normal...?" Jimin peeps, looking down at his hands that remain folded in his lap.

"I don't know!" Hoseok fires back. "But I know who would! A person who fell, hit their head, and was then held captive in an apartment!"

"Hyung, are you upset with me?" Jimin asks.

Eyes straining at the blonde-haired boy, Hoseok huffs out an angered breath. "No, I'm just confused. Heck, at this rate I'm probably just sleeping. Pinch me now."

Jimin stands up when Hoseok extends his arm for him to pinch, shutting his eyes dramatically. Jimin walks over to the older boy.

And hugs him.

"Don't be mad," Jimin soothes. "Don't you just want to feel love?"

Hoseok eventually hugs him back. "Yeah..." he sighs. "Yeah, I do." He responds, forgetting about why he was angry. "Hey Chim, why's your arm so hot? I mean, like really hot, it- OH MY GOD!"

Pushing back, Hoseok grips the side of his waist that Jimin's arm rested on. "What the heck was that?" He clamours. "That felt like fire."

Y/N immediately rushes over to Jimin, gripping the arm that was hurting him earlier. "What happened? Does it hurt?"

"No," he responds simply.

"Wait," Y/N pauses. "Hoseok, his arm isn't even hot! That wasn't funny."

Hoseok looks up with a hurt expression. "I wasn't lying. It did feel like it was burning me!"

"Ugh, whatever. You think I'm crazy.... anyway." Y/N releases with another sigh. "I'm telling the truth, Hoseok."

Hand still holding onto Jimin's forearm, Y/N pulls him with her as she heads back to their bedroom.

"Y/N," Hoseok groans, following her. "I'm sorry, I just- it's too much for me to believe."

"I know. I just shouldn't have said anything." Y/N responds monotonously. "You can go home now. Jimin's better, so..." she trails off.

Hoseok stands in the doorway of the bedroom as Y/N flops face-first onto the sheets of her bed. "Y/N, I- I believe you. Just get some sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow." He releases another distressed breath before leaving.

Y/N turns off all the lights except a lamp on her bedside table. Then, as she crawls under her bed sheets, Jimin hears light sniffles replace the silence.

"I'm sorry I made you cry again, Y/N." Jimin peeps, still standing beside her bed.

"No, no. It's not your fault," she sniffles away the tears. "It's never been your fault. I'm sorry I make it sound like it is sometimes."

"Y/N, may I hug you." He asks after a little while. She nods her head slightly, but enough for him to see.

Like the other times, he slips in beside her on the bed. This time there's no hesitation from her as he does.

Facing her tear-stained cheeks and red eyes, Jimin simply looks at her, moving his hand up to gently move a piece of hair out of her face.

By now it's the middle of the night.

Y/N hums, shutting her eyes when Jimin eventually encircles her in a hug.

"Do you remember feeling sick earlier today?" Y/N asks quietly. 


"Do you remember wanting me to hold your arm?" She questions once more, hand moving to find his, under the blankets. "Like this?"

Jimin hugs her even tighter. "It feels good."

"Why does it hurt sometimes?" Y/N implores. "Jimin, you can tell me." It's silent for a while as he just holds her.

"I just really like you, Y/N." He says almost noiselessly, leaving her question unanswered.

Can't you see that?




"Just be careful, Chim." Y/N smiles gently at him, patting his head. "If he starts acting crazy or asks a question you don't like, all you have to do is run."

"Y/N, I'm not going to kill him, jeez!" Hoseok says while leaning on the wall of his apartment. "It'll be fine."

Jimin watches as Y/N looks at him, her eyes seemingly sparking more than usual. How beautiful.

With a smile and nod, she then hugs him. Immediately returning the favour, Jimin wraps his arm around her.

"Bye," she says before leaving for work.

"Goodbye, Y/N."

Hoseok calls him as he walks into the main room of his apartment. "Chim, come here."

Following Hoseok, Jimin too sits down on the couch in the room with the TV.

"Listen," Hoseok sighs, "I'm sorry I freaked out yesterday. Y/N told me that, she told you that, I know now. If you want to talk about it, you can with me."

Y/N did tell Jimin this morning. At first, he was confused. 

Y/N had told him so many times not to tell anyone. Whether it be a complete stranger or Hoseok, he must tell them that he was normal and did not come from the sky.

That's what she had always said.

But then she told him that Hoseok knew. She told him that they could trust him. And he trusts anything Y/N says, so he also trusts Hoseok.

"What do you want to know?" Jimin asks simply.

"Well, Y/N pretty much explained all of it..." he pauses. "All of it except your arm." Staring down at the faded letters, Jimin's brows crease.

"She said that it was hurting you," Hoseok lets out a very unbelievable, short laugh. "I mean, it just didn't make sense."

Jimin shrugs his shoulders, shutting his eyes. "When I think of Y/N, I just want her to touch me. I feel it."

"You feel it?" Hoseok parrots.

"I need her," Jimin whispers. "I feel it," he speaks putting his hand over his wrist.

"Jesus, Jimin." Hoseok shales his head gently. "Why haven't you told her yet?"

"Told her what?" Jimin implores, brown eyes searching Hoseok's as they sit across from each other.

"That you love her!" Hoseok exclaims in response, eyes big and hands up as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Love? But Y/N said I can't."

"Jimin. Do you like Y/N? A lot?"

He nods instantly.

"Do you feel like you always need her?"

He nods.

"Would you do anything to make her happy? Make her smile?"

Jimin nods vigorously at that. He actually would do anything for her.

"Does your stomach flutter when she touches you?"

He nods, knowing the exact feeling.

With an exaggerated sigh, Hoseok nods his head. "You love her, Jimin! Tell her that. She needs to know you mean it."


"Y-Y/N, I love you." 

Face red and nervous, Jimin stands in the bathroom he shares with Y/N.

He says the words to the mirror, practising what he will say to his Y/N.

He needs to tell her.

But then why is he so nervous?

"I-I love you." He tries again, still stuttering.

There's a weird feeling in him. He knows what he feels. What if she doesn't feel the same?

"If you can't say it, you need to show her."

Jimin suddenly remembers what Hoseok had said after telling him to confess.

"Show her."

Show her you love her. Oh, how badly he wants her to love him too.



"I'm home," you call out while walking into your apartment, kicking your shoes off mindlessly. "Sorry I'm back later than I said, the alley was busier than usual tonight."

Jimin greets you normally. "Hi, Y/N."

His face is red, you observe. Quickly rushing over to him, you cup his face in your hands. "Are you sick? What's wrong?"

Jimin's face only grows redder. It almost looks as if he's... blushing. "I-I'm fine," he stutters quietly, pulling away.

Creasing your brows at that, you watch him carefully as he walks away. Weird. You think. He's never walked away when you touch him before. 

You do everything as usual. Change into comfy clothes, eat something unhealthy, watch TV, and then you find yourself on your laptop on your bed.

Except one thing has been different. Jimin hasn't been following you around like a lost mouse all night. He almost seems to be avoiding you.

So, sitting on your bed, you ask him. "Hey, what's up, Chim?" He sits on his chair silently, curled up with a blanket, not even holding Jerri or Baryu.

"Nothing," he says quietly.

"Oh, okay." You nod your head, though he can't see. "Do you want to watch a movie with me on my laptop?"

It's silent for a while until he abruptly stands up, hurriedly walks over to your bed and sits down on the far side of it, not daring to get closer.

"Hey, is something wrong, or--"

Jimin interrupts you, finally making eye contact with you and revealing his reddened face. "Y-Y/N, I..."

"What's wrong?" You urge with comforting eyes. "You can tell me, Chim."

"Y/N, II-lo..." Jimin struggles, face growing redder with each second that passes.

"Like? I like you too, Jimin." You say sincerely. "Is that all you had to say?"

Jimin shuts his eyes tightly, muttering something you can't quite make out. "Show her."

"Show? What did you say?"

You watch as Jimin opens his eyes, a different look in them that completely contrasts what he had looked like the entire night leading up to now.

Laptop still on your lap, Jimin suddenly moves- no, crawls across your bed and shuts it harshly, taking it and stretching across you to set it on the nightstand that stands beside your bed, getting extremely close in the process.

"J-Jimin?" You whisper questioningly as he suddenly places a hand on your leg without warning. "What's wrong with you today?"

You don't get an answer as he comes back into your view, face only inches away from your own. Except he isn't looking back into your eyes, he's staring at something lower. Your lips.

"What's-what's gotten into you?" You yelp as he inches over you with heavy eyes.

You're powerless as he hovers over you.

"G-Get off me," you try to say forcefully, but it only comes out weakly.

Your back is still pressed against the backboard of your bed, his close face not helping the limited space, and your legs outstretched as he wavers over you.

"Jimin," you try to say calmly, lifting up your hand to touch his shoulder "I think you might be getting sick again, let's just."

You don't get to finish when he grips your hand that's placed on his shoulder tightly, dark eyes looking at you warningly.

Then he throws you down so your back is flush with the flatness of the bed. Breaths heavy, you stare up in fright, his face still beet red and thirsty. His arm lifts himself so he's just elevated enough to be barely touching his body to yours without laying completely on top of you, his other hand still gripping your one hand above your head.

His legs line the outsides of your own, thighs touching in a cloth-covered heat.

His ash eyes bore into your own shortly before moving to scan the rest of you.

You watch him, see the rise and fall of his chest which is certainly faster than usual. You see the confusion behind those brown orbs as he stares down at you, how he doesn't understand, but just lets his instinct and desire take over completely without second guesses.

Without another second to pass, another minute for you to inspect what could possibly be going through his head, he leans down and kisses you.

It isn't feverish and quick as his previous actions were leading up to it.

Instead, it's somehow... gentle.

The way his plump lips rest on yours unevenly makes you forget about the devilish stare he gave you moments ago that you were sure was going to be the end of you.

His one hand that pins down your own slowly slips between your palms, and he threads his fingers through your own, holding your hand firmly.

His lips tremble along with his body before he parts his lips from yours to allow both of you to get air.

"Y-Y/N," he breathes heavily before taking a gulp, an almost frightened look on his reddened face.

It's silent and then,

"Y/N, I love you."

[A/N] Unedited.

And finally... the confession is here. Thoughts? What do you guys think is going to happen now?

Thank you for sticking with me all this time! I don't think I get to say it as much as I want, but you all mean the world to me. You are the love to me, as Y/N is the love to Jimin <3

Please take care of yourself and rest well.

Love you<3 BORAHAE!!

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