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"Um, Y/N?" Jimin asks you while laying in his bed. You're still up, working on an assignment while sitting in your bed.

Halting your hands from typing anything else, you glance up. "Yeah? I thought you were asleep."

"Can we go outside tomorrow?" he asks. Thinking back on it, Jimin hasn't gone out much. You can count a total of three times. The first was when you went shopping for his clothes. You also took him out when you saw the movie. Then you took him grocery shopping with you because he was curious a few weeks ago. Other than that, he's been cooped up all day by himself.

Maybe that's why he's so pale...

"I have school tomorrow." You say back.

You hear him shift from across the room in his bed. "After school?"

"Okay," you replied, sighing, you feel bad for basically keeping him hostage in your apartment. If he knew any better, he'd have been gone a long time ago.

"I am so happy, Y/n. I like you a lot." He giggles excitedly.

"I like you too. Get some sleep now," you reply.

"You should too, Y/N." He says. "You told me that sleep is important."

Shutting your laptop, you set it on your night table. "I know, I know. I'm going to bed soon.


"What are you wearing?" you ask Jimin while walking into your apartment. He stands in front of you with the same pair of skinny jeans you gave him when he fell into your room that you haven't seen ever since. He is also wearing a ridiculous yellow raincoat that you barely recognize to be yours. It has probably been at the back of your closet since you moved here. As long as you remember it was a gift you received but never chose to wear for seemingly obvious reasons. Clearly, Jimin didn't see any of those reasons.

He wiggles his arms and looks like a creature similar to a penguin but in yellow. "You promised that we were going outside today."

"Oh, that." You say, unenthusiastic. "Can we do it another day? Like maybe when it's not pouring buckets of rain."

"Buckets of rain... Y/N is that where rain comes from?" He asks.

Shaking your head, you say, "Never mind. But why are you wearing that old thing?"

"In the color book you bought me, yellow was the raincoat. Y/N, you wear a yellow raincoat when it rains." He explains to you, acting like you didn't have the slightest idea of the functions the raincoat served.

"It doesn't have to be yellow, Chim." You laugh, moving to unzip the too-small coat from him. "We can just use an umbrella."

You pull off the plastic-like material, and he's left in a white, long-sleeve shirt. "Okay Y/N."

"We can go out soon before it gets too late," you tell him. "I just have to change really quick."

You change out of your usual school attire, and dress in something warm, but comfortable. Like it's natural, you walk into the kitchen in search of a snack to eat before. Banana milk it is.

Just as you peel off the top, someone walks in. "Y/N! What are you doing?!"

"Having some banana milk...?" you say innocently, taking a sip of it.

"Oh, okay." You give him a questioning look before continuing to swallow down your drink. Jimin stands in the same spot and watches you the whole time.

"Why are you just staring at me?"

He turns to the right, looking in another direction. "I am not."

"Why are you acting so weird?" you ask, finishing up the mini carton.

You see him pout his lips from the side. "Hoseok Hyung told me that a boy and a girl go out to eat food when they're together."

"You mean like a date? Sorry to break it to you Chim, but we're not going on a date." His expression turns into an even sadder one.

He turns back in your direction, eyes wide. "Y/N," he says quickly, "will you go on a date with me?"

"No," you say bluntly. "We're going to the store, and I'll consider buying you some bubble tea on the way home."

He sighs. "Okay, Y/N."

"Great, then let's go." On your way out, you make sure to grab an umbrella. The pastel pink circle serves as a guard from the heavy rain when you step outside.

Standing under the little overhang that's just outside of your apartment, you're shielded momentarily. Pushing up the little ring that's by the handle, the once small bunch of fabric expands into a full-sized umbrella.

"Ready?" you ask while turning to Jimin. He looks mesmerized when you see him, staring up at the pink shield, "Chim?"

"Wow, this is so cool, Y/N. I've never felt the rain before, except when you let me open the window to feel it." He says while looking out into the busy street.

Smiling to yourself, you lift the umbrella up, attempting to make it over both your and Jimin's head. Uncomfortably, you have to stretch your arm out an unusual length so it's high enough for him. You wish you had another umbrella at home, but of course, you wouldn't need two when it was just you living there alone.

You assume that he noticed you struggling, as he grabs the handle from your hand. "Like this?" he asks you, holding the umbrella over both of you.

"Yeah," you slide over, closer to him so hopefully the only thing that gets wet is your shoulder. "Let's go."

You begin walking and soon realize the difficulty of being under an umbrella with someone else that's nearly double your size and walking at the same pace. It wouldn't be that big of a problem if it was merely sprinkling, but it's full-out showering. Another problem is that Jimin is walking like a turtle, which leaves you at an awkward speed, as you try and speed up and slow down with him so you don't get wet.

"Stop moving so much," you say while grabbing a hold of his free hand that's near yours. "I'm going to get even more wet if you do."

His hand tenses when you grab it, and his body does as well when you move closer toward him and your sides touch. "I'm sorry" he whispered.

"It's okay, let's just hurry before it gets worse." As soon as you say that... it does. The rain starts to come down even quicker, making loud clashes as it meets the umbrella. And then there was a boom. As if the situation wasn't already worse, a strong wind began to blow with the rain; basically making the umbrella useless, as the water was now coming from all sides.

"We need to stop somewhere so this can pass." You say over the loud storm, finally making the decision to go once the thunder sets in.

Spotting a coffee shop on the other side of the street, you quicken your already fast pace, grabbing Jimin's hand. He still grips the umbrella, which is doing neither of you any good as you're both already soaked head to toe. The only thing serving you justice is a coat you put on at the last moment before you left. Another boom sounds, and you feel Jimin's grasp tighten around yours.

Once you finally arrive in front of the cozy store, you don't waste any time grabbing the umbrella from Jimin and closing in before walking inside. A soft 'ding' sounds from the door when you open it, notifying the workers that a customer has arrived.

"Welcome to Daisy's Coffee Shop!" A male says enthusiastically from behind the counter of the small shop that's almost empty. "It looks like it has gotten pretty bad out there. Could I interest you in some warm coffee, or maybe some hot cocoa for the lady?"

Is this guy even serious?

"Um, sure." You reply, taken aback by his polite demeanor.

He smiles warmly at you, showing off his two front teeth adorably. "Of course. Go ahead and have a seat anywhere you'd like. I'll prepare something warm."

"Thank you," you say before making your way to a small table, Jimin following closely behind." Are you cold?" you ask while seeing him shiver. Unlike you, all he was wearing was a thin white long-sleeve shirt. It stood no chance against the rain and has partially become see-through.

He nods his head slowly, sitting down in the seat across from yours. "Y/N, are you cold?"

"No, I'm fine," you say while taking off your coat that's soaked up all of the water and resembles a giant sponge. "I had enough on, but you look like you're freezing."

Shaking his head, he attempts to smile at you. "If you're okay, then I am fine."

Before you can respond, the same employee comes to your table with two mugs. "Here you are," he says sweetly as he sets the cups down. "My name is Jeon Jungkook by the way, I'll be your server for today!"

"Thank you, I'm Y/N and this is Jimin." Your motion to yourself and across toward Jimin, who's clearly shaking.

Jungkook suddenly realizes something as a small, cute gasp escapes his mouth. "You

must be cold from the rain! I'll be right back."

Taking a tiny sip from the steaming hot chocolate you make sure not to burn your tongue. Mimicking your actions, Jimin brings the mug up to his lips. "Oh, be careful Chim. It's still very hot."

You watch as he resembles a cat but uses the tip of his tongue to drink the liquid. His face cringes back after drinking it. "Y/N, what is this?"

"I think he gave you coffee. Is there something wrong with it?" you ask, looking into the cup filled with light brown liquid.

"I've never had coffee. I don't like it." He pouts, pushing the mug away from him.

Sighing, you switch your cups, giving him the hot cocoa. "Drink mine. You'll surely like hot chocolate. "

The server comes back. "Here, I've brought a warm cookie for you to share. Sorry if it's still a bit cool, I've already turned up the heater."

"It's no problem," you say, smiling up at him. "Thank you so much! Everything is very delicious."

Showing his teeth again, he smiles back. "It's been my pleasure. Please let me know if you need anything else."

"We will," you say before he retreats back to the counter. "Isn't he sweet Chim?"

Taking another sip of the hot cocoa, he scrunches his face. "Y/N, I don't like him."

"What?! How can you not?" You ask, surprised at what Jimin said. "He's such a gentleman, and look at how kind he was to us."

You hear him incoherently mumble something. "Okay, Y/N." He finally says with a sigh.


"Thank you for everything! We'll be on our way now that the storm has mostly passed." You say to Jungkook while handing him your card to pay.

Shaking his head, he says, "No need. This time it's on the house." Then, just like before, that darned bunny smile appears. "Just tell me you'll come and visit again!"

"Of course, we will." You say sincerely.

"You will," Jimin mutters, loud enough for you to hear, but thankfully not Jungkook.

Clearing your throat harshly, you continue. "We should really get going. Thank you again for today!"

"Anytime!" Jungkook says one last time before you're out the door.

You reopen the umbrella since it's still drizzling out. Of course, you're still wet, but you'd do anything to even try to keep as dry as you got while in the shop. Your coat is unusable, as it's still soaking wet, so you hang it over one arm in an attempt to not squeeze any more of the water out of it in the process. "We're going home," you finally announce and start walking.

"But Y/N-" He whines, but you cut him off.

"No, but's! This is a mess... And now... We're. Going. Home." Jimin can't pick up or sense many obvious things, but one thing he can always tell is when you're upset with him.

"Okay.." He says sadly, walking a couple of feet from you, once again getting wet by the light showers the sky makes.

Sighing, you take a step closer to him, lifting up the umbrella over both of your heads. You walk home silently, your side occasionally hitting him accidentally. However, there's something calming about it; the rain brings a constant pitter-patter as it hits the ground, an umbrella above your head, and the presence of someone beside you, underneath it. You're not alone this time.


"Hm?" You hum.

He gently grabs your free hand that doesn't hold the umbrella.

"Y/N, why does it feel so warm when you touch me?!"


"Hey, Hoseok said he's off today, so you're going to hang out with him. Okay?" You ask

Jimin while getting ready for yet another day of school.

Yawning cutely while eating his pancakes, he nods his head. "Okay, Y/N. Will you be with us after school?"

"Depends on how much homework I have to do tonight." You say, giving him the same response you usually do. A part of you wants nothing more than to be out of school, but the other part wants you to stay. You still have no idea what you want to do, and with how busy you're going to be, you don't know how you'll even have time to think about anything.

"You always say that." He pouts.

Sighing, you nod your head. "I know, I'm sorry. Things will be better once I get this job, I can feel it. I start this weekend, so we'll do something before then, I promise."

"It's okay, Y/N. You are doing... uhh...outstanding!" He smiles showing his thumbs up.

You chuckle halfheartedly while patting his head. "Hoseok will be here soon, but I have to go."

"Okay. I like you a lot, Y/N."

"I Like you too."



Sorry for the delayed update my stars! But here I'm back with another chapter of your favorite book. I am really really grateful for all your love and support for this book. 

Some of you are constantly asking where my other books (HALF &  DESIRED SIN)are, and I'm so sorry to tell you that I have unpublished them. A few months ago I was going through some hard times with myself, non-satisfaction, and unhealthy mental stability. I found myself so hopeless that I decided to delete all my books. Well, a very dear friend of mine helped me a lot and gave me a suggestion the write my current book. 

So all I did was to unpublish my books and start for a very basic with new energy. And I'm so happy that all of you are loving and supporting this book. All this makes me feel proud of myself as an individual. 

Again I'm so sorry for the people who were connected to my previous books but I hope you understand my situation. Love you all my stars. 


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