The Art of Alcohol.

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"Why is it so small?" Jimin asked while looking at the tiny glass filled with clear liquid. The only thing he can think it to be is water, but why in such a small serving?

"So you must be a pro then, Chim? Going for the big shot glasses this early?" Hoseok laughs, confusing Jimin with the foreign term.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he twists in the bar stool. "More water."

"More water? Oh, so you must be a pro, huh?" Hoseoks laughs again, confusing Jimin even more. "Water already? Props to you for thinking ahead, we'll need some." Waving over to the bartender, he asks for two glasses of water, pleasing Jimin with the bigger size.

"Cheers Chim," Hoseok says to the smaller human, holding up his shot.

Y/N had told him this. He knew what cheers meant! It means to celebrate!

Smiling at his remembered knowledge, he holds up his glass as well. Following Hoseok's lead, he brings his shot glass and clinks it against Hoseok's, then brings it back to drink. From the size of the glass, Jimin thought that he could down the water in two or three gulps. So, that's what he does.

It's not until the burning sensation in the back of his throat sets in and the strong scent, that he realizes that it's not water. The first thing he connects the horrible taste to is the stuff Y/N put on a cut he got while he was cutting his pancakes a while back. He remembered the name, rubbing

alcohol, and how it stung his skin, much like how it was doing to his throat, but at the same time the liquid he just drank it's somehow sweet. Not to mention the smell that even stung his nose.

"Wow, that looked like yours was almost a one-gulper Chimmy," Hoseok says when finishing the shot that took him triple the time to drink than Jimin. "And for your first shot of the night?!"

Jimin's face is contorted back into a look of disgust, his mouth slightly open as if to release all of the bad he put in it. "Huuh, why does it taste like rubbing alcohol?" Jimin asks, his tongue out, making his words hardly comprehensible.

Hoseok gathers two of the seven words. Taste and alcohol. "I know, it tastes good, Right?"

"Good?" Jimin squints his eyes while looking back at the little glass of something he would never call "good."

Holding up the large bottle of soju, Hoseok pours Jimin another glass, then hands the whole bottle to Jimin. Looking down at the green-tinted glass, Jimin then looks at Hoseok with confusion as to why he gave it to him.

His question is answered when he sees Hoseok lift his shot glass. "Fill my glass, bro." Hoseok chimes with a little burp.

Mimicking Hoseok, he tilts the bottle and the liquid begins pouring out. And it's quick. The only experience of pouring things Jimin's ever gotten is by milk. Even then, it's only recently that Y/N started letting him do it himself because of all the times he'd make a mess or spill.

Everything about this makes it harder. The bottles' size and shape, the way the tinted glass makes it hard for him to see when the liquid is coming, and finally, the tiny shot glass that fills up in less than two seconds, by now Jimin's at the two-second mark... or even passed it.

"Wow!" Hoseok exclaims, lifting the bottle that continues to pour the alcohol with his free hand and back to its upright position. Thankfully only a little spilled on the floor, but Hoseok still keeps the bottle on his side of the table. "Cheers to your terrible pouring skills." Hoseok holds up the glass again, looking at Jimin expectantly.

He didn't know what was the right choice. He didn't like the beverage, but from Hoseok's behavior, he should take another drink. Then he remembers Y/N's words from the morning, "Listen to Hoseok, he knows what he's doing, okay?"

So he listens and clinks his glass against Hoseok's.

They drink.

"Alright Chim," Hoseok says while bringing over the second bottle of soju, his words noticeably slurring. "We're going to play flick the cap, do you know the rules?"

Jimin's head lays limply on the counter. As Hoseok explained it, he's at stage three of being drunk. He's at the best friend stage because all of a sudden when Jimin looks around, everyone he encounters is suddenly his new friend. However, that was about four shots in... now they've finished the entire first bottle and Jimin's head is pounding as he lies on the cool bar.

Hoseok had ordered tteokbokki not even halfway through as a small dish, it was soon eaten up by both of them. The spicy rice cake wasn't new for Jimin, so if anything it had helped with the process, but now he's just a mess.

"Chim," Hoseok shakes the small boy. "Get up. I thought you were a pro."

Swiftly jolting up, he points his finger up at Hoseok, puckering his lips drunkenly with one eye barely opened. "I am pro."

"Then play with me." Hoseok shifts his stool, bringing the unopened bottle closer to the two of them. He carefully removes the cap from the soju, making sure to leave the tamper band connecting the cap to the bottle attached. Then, he twists the band out until it's dangling by just a thread or two from the cap. "Alright Chim, you know the rules, we each flick the cap until it goes, bye-bye."

Nodding his head determinedly, Jimin sticks out his pointer finger and thumb, before carefully flicking the twisty protrusion.

Hoseok does the same, even going as far as to get eye level with the cap before squinting his eyes and flicking it.

The exchange goes on a few more times, and it goes back to Jimin's turn.

Letting out a huff of air, the blonde get's as close to the cap as he can before ever so gently flicking it.

It falls off.

Clapping his hand in victory Hoseok quite literally falls to his knees on the floor, shouting like a drunkard that he won. "IM THE WINNER!! I'M THE PRO!!"

"Im pro." Jimin pouts, resting his head back on the counter.

Getting back on his stool, Hoseok lines up five shot glasses. "Then prove it. You're the loser, so here is your punishment." Pouring the soju into each glass all in one motion, he smirks. "Drink up, my friend."

Rolling his head back on his shoulder, Jimin groans. The sensation is so foreign and so new to him, that he doesn't even know how to work properly. Everything around him seems heightened like he's floating.

So, just as his mind slowly plummets, he downs the shots. Shaking his head vigorously while putting his hands up, he shouts. "WOOOH!"

Stage 4. The song.

As if his hearing increased in those short seconds after the drink, Jimin hears the music as if it's the first time all night. Hopping out of his seat, he grabs a hold of Hoseok's arm before pulling both of them to the center of the bar where several people fill the floor.

"Dang Chim," Hoseok stumbles, "I didn't think you had it in you."

But Jimin doesn't even hear Hosoek, as he's already off dancing, shouting, sort of singing, and whatever else he feels.

"He's a good dancer," Hoseok observes the platinum-haired boy who's found his way to a clearing, where several people around are watching and cheering. "And... he's not that bad at singing."

Y/N's POV:

"I can't believe this." You complain while walking down the night streets, the only thing giving light being the few stores that are still open and the occasional streetlight.

As you told yourself you wouldn't do it, you're walking to the bar. In the heat of the moment, after the two of them left, you made sure to text and ask Hoseok which bar they were headed to. Luckily he told you that, but all forty-four texts you've sent over the past two hours have yet to be responded to.

You could care less about what mess Hoseok finds himself in because chances are he has already been in them before. Jimin, on the other hand, has no idea what he's doing. It would be a lie to say you aren't worried about him, so finally you broke under the pressure your anxiousness was putting on you, and you're now walking to said bar.

With an oversized coat and jeans, you walk into the bar which proved to be quite a walk. It's hectic as you enter; people covering every inch of the floor, a drink in everyone's hand.

You ignore all the cat calls you receive while walking further into the place, dodging hands that try to touch you or offer drinks. You block it all out, looking for the One person you came to find.

And you see him.


And he sees her.

Stage five. The girl.

Stumbling over to the bar, Jimin spots a girl with brown, long hair, the slim appearance of her bangs showing as she turns her head ever so slightly.

"Y/N," he breathes while walking until he's only inches away from her seat at the bar.

Her brown, golden locks fall perfectly down her exposed back. He sees the beginning of her black dress, the thin straps running along the sides of her back.

"Y/N," he says louder, causing her to turn around. "Wh-what?"

Taking a confused step back, he squints while inspecting the girl who is not his Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

"Hoseok!" You yell at the boy who has his arm in the air, passing another drink to Jimin, who seems to be completely out of it. "Why haven't you responded to my texts? And stop this!" You yell again as Jimin reaches his arm out limply for the next drink.

Eyeing you from the side, their eyes half closed and lips puckered, you watch as the two grown men you've learned to call your best friends look at you with confusion.

Because they're drunk, and don't understand a single thing that's happening. "Jimin," you say quietly, looking at the tiny boy who doesn't even seem to recognize you. You heave a sigh of relief while seeing him okay.

Even though he's drunk and will likely wake up tomorrow with the worst headache of his life, he's okay.

However, your happiness only last before you stare back at the redhead who attempts to hand you a shot.

"Hoseok," you grit out, clearly annoyed. "You better put that down before I have to."

Setting it down, he puts both his hands up. "Don't call the police." He announces, burping halfway through the last word.

"I can't believe you two right now!" You shake your head out of disappointment while watching the mess they've made of themselves.

And as if by some miracle as Jimin eyes you out of the corner of his eye, he realizes who he's looking at. "Y/N."

"Yes, Chim, we're going home. I know it hurts." You sympathize while taking a step closer to him.

But it's too late.

Too late for you to see the devilish smirk that appears on his lips when he realizes it's you, the darkness in his eyes that may or may not be a result of the alcohol, not even the empty bottle behind him that was only one of the many he drank all by himself.

Stumbling out of his seat, he swiftly wraps his arms around your waist before pressing his face into your neck.

Not thinking anything more of it other than that he's tired and drunk, you pat his back.

"Chim," you soothe. "Let's go home, okay?"

You don't consider his lips in any manner. He inhales your smell and presses into a grin as his hand slides down your back. You don't realize what he plans to do.

"Mmm," he hums into your ear, his body rumbling with pleasure. "Y/N, touch me. I love it when you touch me.'

"I know it hurts," you rub his back, still caught in the lie of his nonexistent innocence. You don't even listen to his words as you search for the nearest exit out of the bar, but it's nearly impossible with Jimin slumped on your shoulder and the abundant amount of people limiting your view.


Staring across the crowded room, you spot the double doors that just scream for you to open them. "Chim, let's g-"

You stop mid-sentence upon the feeling of his lips on your neck. It wouldn't surprise you in a normal instance, especially not now that he's drunk.

But it's not the same this time.

As he slowly opens his thick lips on the burning skin of your neck, you feel something completely new.

It was wet, sticky, and hot, hot, hot.

"What do you think you're doing?" You ask, and wish your voice sounded more composed and convincing. Except, it didn't.

He continues the uncharted path his tongue makes up to the base of your ear. "Y/N, you taste so good."

"J-Jimin, you can't just- OW!" You screech as he bites the side of your neck. His teeth soon retract as he goes in with his lips, sucking harshly at the tender skin.

As you push roughly at his shoulders, he still doesn't budge. Even as drunk as he is, he still has the same muscles as always.

"Chim, let me go now." You say while trying to compose yourself, and he moves to another area on the hollow of your neck and bites. "Y-You're hurting me."

Rumbling below you like a cheetah, he continues his hunt on your skin. "I've wanted to taste you for so long."

"Let go, you're hurting me." You choke out as he holds your arms in place. The heat travels to your face, and you don't know what to do or what to think.

People continue to bump passed you, but at this point, that's the least of your worries.

His terrorizing trail that leads up the side of your neck only sets your already cluttered mind into even more of a disorganized mess.

"Hoseok," you say the only thing- the only person you know could even maybe help you.

"Chim," Hoseok burps. "I always knew you liked Y/N." He giggles while walking into the crowd of people, shouting, "I KNEWI WAS ALWAYS RIGHT! I'M WINNER!"

Taking a harsh gulp, you feel so lost. So helpless.

Of course, Hoseok is drunk and isn't in the right mind to help anyone- not even himself.

So it's up to you.

"Jimin, let me go now." Your order and the same dark chuckle work its way from his mouth and into your ear.

Humming as he pulls away for the briefest of seconds, he meets your eyes with dark, heavy lids. "You're right," he says with a smirk. "We should go."

"I'm going to kill you when you're sober tomorrow." You think ahead, strongly tempted to punch him square in the face.

As you watch him eye your neck, his head straining forward again, you take this chance and slap him. It pains you to do it, but you can't risk him pinning you down again.

You're not sure what he's capable of in this state.

So as he holds his reddened cheek in his hand, he looks up at you with furrowed brows, set into yet another daze. "What.?"

Grabbing his free hand, you yank him through the crowd of people, stopping behind a certain redhead who stands in front of a lady who wants nothing to do with him.

Pulling his ear from behind, he screeches as you yank him along with Jimin out of the bar.

Jimin complies, even going as far as to hold onto your hand happily, while Hoseok stumbles his way behind, mumbling incoherent words.

"Y/N," Jimin purrs once you're out and into the cold air. You stop and look both ways for a taxi. There's no way they'd make it home by walking at this point.

Ignoring Jimin's wishes and Hoseok's complaints, you focus solely on getting home safely for the night.



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