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Warning: contains smut

Ladybug told herself that she needed to breathe. Her heat was a natural occurrence no matter how inconvenient it was. She inhaled and exhaled hoping that when she returned as Marinette, the heat would be miraculously gone.

"Buginette, why so glum?" Her leather-clad partner asked. The two teens had a few hours to patrol before the sunset.

"I screwed up Chat." She said plopping down on the edge of a roof. Patting the spot next to her as she needed to rant on about how stupid she's been and how unfair life was without revealing her identity.

"It's okay, I screw up all the time." He shrugged as mistakes were just part of life. Nobody was perfect but to him, she was pretty damn close. "Like the time that I used cataclysm on the Agreste Manor just to see what would happen."

"And you wonder why the Agrestes don't like you." She giggled.

"You fixed it so no harm done." He sat next to her letting his legs dangle off the edge as he selfishly hoped his fantasties found their way in becoming reality.

She shook her head and smiled. "Silly kitty."

"So what's your problem M'Lady? Is it boy problems because I don't think I can help you with that without being biased."

"At least your upfront about it." She took a deep breath wanting to tell him but she couldn't help rile him up a little bit. She shifted her legs, maybe it was an unconscious attempt to entice him.

ChatNoir gulped as he found himself staring. He slapped himself. 'Adrien get it together. She's opening up.' 'NOT LIKE THAT!'

"Are you okay? You're a little red."

"I shouldn't be allowed to think thoughts."

"I tell you the past two days I've had, I shouldn't either." She laid back onto the roof wanting to bask in the sun before it set.

ChatNoir wondered what could possibly be the cause of her bad days. To him, she was an Alpha and then it clicked that she could be suffering from the same problems he was. He had a chance to suggest that they could help each other but that idea wasn't fair to either of them.

"I mean out of all the things this was probably the worst thing I could do."
She used dynamic hand gestures to add emphasis to her conversations. An attribute of hers that he found cute.

"Even Tikki told me not to do it and like an idiot, I did it. Now I am stuck being Ladybug forever because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of a cute boy."

"What did you do?" He asked genuinely concerned.

"I all most confessed that I liked cats better than hamsters."

ChatNoir pinned his ears at her as she erupted in giggles. As the look on his face was priceless. She knew it was mean to toy with his feelings but she needed a good laugh even if it was at his expense.

ChatNoir sternly crossed his arms. Obviously offended that she wasn't confiding in him."I know you don't want to talk about our personal lives but that was a bit rude."

"Don't you mean our purr-sonal lives?" She asked mimicking the Nyan cat pose.

"You are fur-given just because that was really cute."She smiled as he tended to forgive her easily. Usually, all it took was a pun and the promise of treats from the Dupain-Cheng bakery.

He found himself lying next to her. He stared at their hands while she gazed at the sunset. Her hand barely grazing his. "You can tell me anything, you know that."

She surprised him by taking his hand in hers. "Thanks, Chat." Her simple gesture caused him to lose all reasoning.

'Does she like me? Love me? Or is she just horny? I mean she's an Alpha so...maybe? Should I ask? Calm down Adrien she's held your hand before.'

"What's with that face?" Ladybug laughed as he was trying his hardest to keep a neutral expression but he wanted to smile like the giddy schoolboy he was.

"It's my serious face because serious hand-holding involves serious faces." He held on her hand tighter afraid that his goofy nature would ruin this good moment.

She rolled on her side and bit her bottom lip before asking him an innocent but semi-flirtatious question. "Has anyone told you that you're a big dork?"

"The biggest." He replied thinking of how he felt a sense of reprieve. A different feeling he felt with Marinette he felt a sense of comfort. But also shame as he was beginning to be driven by his bizarre impulses. "Have I ever told you that you're beautiful, M'Lady?"

"You say that after the sun has set." She teased knowing very well one of the perks of his Miraculous was night vision.

"I didn't mean to insult you because trust me when I say you look beautiful in the night and in the day."

"Maybe, I keep you in the running after all." She knew that she wanted Adrien but ChatNoir was the safe choice. He was a decent heroic partner and she was sure he would make a reasonable life partner. 

"Running for what?"

'Could it be possible that she's letting me have a chance? Even if it's slim?'

"If I tell you it will go to your head." She said playfully poking the space between his brows or where she assumed his brows to be.

"It probably will but please tell me anyway."

'But what if I am right? What happens to Marinette?' He gulped. He couldn't separate his excitement from his concerns. 'She needs me.'

She sat up still holding onto his hand as he was the only thing that hasn't changed. "Now, now, Chaton. A lady has to keep a few of her secrets."

"Can I at least have one?"

"I have an addiction to the cinnamon heart candies. You know the ones that are abundant around Valentine's day. So delicious."

"See how hard was that? Now I know what I'm getting you on Valentine's day."

"Just so you know, I kept all the gifts you gave me from the past four years. Even when I said you didn't have to do anything special."

"Everything?" He asked as he was still hurt about Marinette mentioning that she had a sign Astrocat doll.

"Everything. Even that really ugly Banana Noir Christmas sweater."

Ladybug had read in her research that it was common practice for fated pairs to hoard items that collected their fated pairs' scent. But she did this with items from ChatNoir and Adrien. She was starting to run out of room on her bed for the stuffed animals they gave her.

ChatNoir remembered giving the sweater to her and she couldn't even pretend to like it, it was that bad. But she didn't want him to return it. "I keep all your presents too, although I think our first Valentine's day together will always be my favorite."

He sat up wanting to relive that moment. "It was my first kiss with you." He couldn't recall if she was a good kisser but wished at least that she was as good as Marinette was.

"It's a shame you don't remember it." Ladybug teased twirling the end of her ponytail. As her Miraculous had given her a more age-appropriate suit and she quite liked the new one that ChatNoir sported.

ChatNoir bit his lip refrain himself from saying "Care to give me a reminder?" He knew that if he did that she would build her wall up again and he already spent so much time tearing it down.

"Yeah, but that's okay. We both know it would have probably gone to my head."

"It still did, Mr. Ladybug." She was referring to the interview after the Dark Cupid event where he was a stuttering mess and told the reporters that he was going to become Mr. Ladybug.

"OKAY! I was fifteen and stupid. Don't hold it against me."

"You were cute and manageable back then." She said missing how he used to listen to her orders. Now he threw himself into danger because it was his gut's instinct. "Now it's like trying to hold back a feral toddler with superpowers."

He did a simple gesture of laying their entangled hands on her leg. He paused for a moment thinking that maybe he was crossing a line. "I do it because I want to protect you. You mean a lot to me, Bugaboo."

"I couldn't do this job without you."

"Yes, you can. I've seen you do it. Plus you have Rena and Carapace now. I just feel like I need to show that I can be useful."

"You know how many timelines I've erased because you've gotten Akumatized? Or worse? All because you've been doing stupid shit." She let go of his hand to yank on his bell pulling his face towards hers. "So don't give me this pity party. You're my most important teammate. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Ma'am." He gulped as she had him pull him so close that he could feel the heat of her breath. He wanted to kiss her as who would rewrite time just for a friend or a partner? 'Does she...'

She quickly let go of his bell and turned her face away from his. Ladybug bit the inside of het lip worried that maybe she was experiencing the effects of her heat even though she was transformed. 'I should have heeded Tikki's warnings.'

"Ladybug." He called. Sweet, gentle, and soft a tone he used very rarely.

She turned to face him knowing that her face could not hide her humiliation.
ChatNoir using such a tone and placing his hand on her thigh made his intentions clear. He wanted her.

"Y-Y-You need-d somethin'?" Ladybug stuttered. His facial features heighten by the scattered streetlights 

"Yes." He took her hand in his and kissed it lightly causing her heart to flutter.

"W-w-why d-did you d-do th-that?!" Ladybug remarked as she knew why. She had kissed him three maybe for times? Sure, there was either memory loss or Akumatiztions involved but it was what he had always wanted. Her.

"I want to be with you. It doesn't have to be today or tomorrow or a week from now but I want to be with you. And since you rewrote time for me, I would like to think that you might feel the same way."

"Th-that doesn't explain..." Ladybug was trying to gain her composure but it was lost in thought. 'Adrien or ChatNoir?' Either could solve her problems but it wasn't fair. Does she choose who her heart wants? Or does she choose the man who would do anything for her?

"The kiss?" He laughed using his thumb to make gentle circular motions on the top of her hand. "I want to mark you. Would you of purr-referred that instead?"

"Chat... I think I sh-should go." Ladybug said excepting ChatNoir to beg her to. Stay for a few minutes more but to her disappointment, he didn't.

Ladybug paced around her room debating whether to transform back.
She was going to have to endure her much-hated heat. She wondered how she would solve her dilemma. She couldn't call on her kwami without releasing the Kraken. She scrambled to her vanity drawer where she kept her surpressants. But she had already taken the recommended dose in the morning. The consequences of taking more would result in fatigue and nausea and she couldn't afford being fatigued as the protector Paris.

She picked up a book from her Doctor who specialized in the secondary sexes.  Ladybug wanted to figure out to solve this without complicating her relationships. She sat on her chaise with the book firmly in her hands. She threw it across the room as the book did not help her. "THIS IS SO STUPID!" she groaned.

The book had stated that an Omega could relieve their heat in many different ways. By suppressants or by a lover or with the help of an individual that was an Alpha. There was a fourth option which was by themselves put to run the risk of alerting Alphas with their pheromones. Which leads to unwanted advances or pregnancies.

The last sentence she read was "A heat can easily turn an Omega's friend against them."

"Shit! An Alpha is my only option." She held her face in her hands cursing herself for being the human being with the worst luck imaginable. "I could call... NO! Do not drag Adrien into this!"

She started to pace once again weighing her options. Thinking that maybe staying as Ladybug forever was the best option. "I think ChatNoir would do this for me? For Ladybug? I think he's an Alpha... WHAT IF HE ISN'T??!"

Ladybug stopped and her face turned red as she released what she was willing to do. "OH MY GOD!! Am willing to have sex with ChatNoir? CHAT -I ate an Akuma- NOIR???!!!"

But he was the only viable option as she already put Adrien through so much. She didn't want to cause a bigger rift between Adrien and Gabriel. She also didn't think she could face him after ditching their group study date.

She took a deep breath knowing that saying "My pheromones, my problems."
Was not going to solve anything. What if her parents saw her as Ladybug they'd be livid. She held a yo-yo in her hand and just said "SCREW IT!!" She called ChatNoir as she stood in the middle of her room.

"M'Lady?" The alley cat questioned. He had just seen her only fifteen minutes ago.

"Can you go to Marinette Dupain-Cheng's house? She's... ummm... in trouble. Yeah, trouble. That's it." She felt a little guilty about making him rush over.

"Is Evillustrator back?"  His face was plastered with worry. He was not the kind to leave a damsel in distress and the effect was that his mind came up with dreadful scenarios. Ladybug hung up on him before she even attempted to answer the question.

'Was she Akumatized? Attacked by an Alpha? Hurt?' It wasn't fair for Marinette to leave her out to dry.

Ladybug spoke the dreaded three words before being overcome by the burning sensation of the heat. This was different then when she was with Adrien. 'Was this the consequence that Tikki vaguely warn me about? It hurts..'

ChatNoir peered through the trap door and then slipped through without making a noise. That was clearly a lie as the light rings of his bell echoed through her room.

"Chat..." She called as she used both her hands to lean on her computer desk. She knew if she moved her knees would buckle and she would fall. She wanted to be the putty in his claws.

Her face red and sweaty, ChatNoir placed his hand on her forehead. "Are you okay?"

"You're aaan.... Alphaaaa right?" She clutched onto his chest wanting this feeling to stop.

"Yeah?" He gulped as he was glad that pheromones did not affect holder otherwise this situation would be the end of him. Marinette began to fall as she was losing her senses and balance. Chat caught her a held her in his arms letting her wrap hers around his neck.
"Marinette, it will be okay."

'My options are , go home, stay with her and just wait this out, or do I dare think it? Take advantage of an Omega acting on instinct?' He shook the thought out of his mind and took Marinette to the chaise.

"Marinette, you have to let me go." He said trying to pry her hands off him. She possessed such an odd amount of strength for someone so small. He didn't want to do anything that he'd regret. The soft moans that came from her as she shifted back and forth.

'Is she dry humping me?!' ChatNoir asked himself as he had seen it done at parties that he was forced to attend. 'This was a bad idea... Why would Ladybug put me in..'

His thoughts broke as Marinette kissed him. Sloppy, uncontrolled, breathy. Maybe, it was just her hormones but she felt ChatNoir was a far superior kisser than Adrien.

"Maaaarrrii.... I need to leaveee..." ChatNoir said but her lips kept clashing with his. He knew he was unaffected by his pheromones. It was so, so wrong. But this felt so, so right.

She pulled away just enough to take off her shirt as she was hot. ChatNoir gulped as she looked at him with her eyes that were burning with the Omega's instinct to breed. Who knew blue was the warmest color?

With her hands released he laid her back on the chaise. "Chaaaat..." She begged as he watch her hands. Her small hands touching moving down gliding down her torso. "Waaaantt... Yooouuu."

Marinette was begging him to take her but his morals tugged at him. 'Shes a friend I can't. But if I don't...' He could not abandon her, not like this.

"I'm going to take these off, okay?" He said thinking that she probably didn't understand a thing he was saying. He knew that he became blind to reason with in a Rut, he thought it was safe to assume a Heat had the same effect.

He pulled her pants down exposing her pink cotton panties. He was planning on doing just enough to satisfy her needs. 'As long as I don't transform I'll be fine.'

"I am going to touch you...now..." He said his hand hover over her but he couldn't. He avoided looking at her or want laid between her thighs. He found himself starting at a poster of himself, Adrien Agreste. 'This is all your fault.'

Marinette forced his had down wanting to be touched by him. ChatNoir swallowed as he move her panties to the side and carefully felt her. She was wet, soft, and warm and he hadn't yet slipped his fingers inside. 'Is this what it's supposed to feel like?'

She grabbed the bell on his suit and pulled as far down as it could go as he worked up the courage to insert his fingers. She put her hands on his chest feeling his large biceps calling his name.

"MA- Mar...Eeeee..." He groaned as she had bit his neck causing him to jerk forward.

A loud "AaAAH OoOW!" escaped her. As she could feel his claws deep inside. The feeling hurt but her body yearned for more. Her breathing escalating as ChatNoir pushed in, out.

"Don't bite." He ordered as she was revisiting old wounds.

"Chaaat!" She pouted as started to move her hips. He moved back realizing that this wasn't going to be enough. He hated the monster he became when he was in a rut but maybe that monster was the solution.

'Screw it.'

"Plagg, claws off!" He said knowing this was a horrible idea. But if he was going do this he needed to loose all sense of morals as she needed help and as ChatNoir he was no use.

He was overwhelmed by her Omega pheromones. He pulled her in feeling this urge to mate. Her sweet moans feeling the air as he moved his jeans down. Both their morals compromised by their instincts to become one.

"Aaah!!" Marinette moaned as she felt him inside her. His hands grasped her waist as moved in and out. He grunted like the animal he was afraid to become. "Chaaat!" She called feeling this sense of pleasure that was brought on by the very thing she loathed.

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