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Warning: contains smut

Adrien kissed Ladybug as he wanted to do so many many times in the past. To think all he had to do was reveal that he was her ChatNoir. As she would have just throw herself at him. Just like one of his fans. Superficial, but the same time deliciously flattering. Or prehaps his critical thinking was blurred with the taste of sweet strawberry lips.

She gleefully smiled as she was living the high she should of had when finding out that she had Adrien naked in her bedroom. 'ADRIEN AGRESTE IS NAKED IN MY BEDROOM?!!!' Should of been her first reaction but unfortunately she was bombarded with anxieties. With the stupid 'What ifs' that plagued her day and night.

Now she had her opportunity to savior him. To enjoy every bit of him. Was it so terrible to want him now that she knew who he was? She felt guilt eat at her the more his lips touch her's. "Adri...EEEeeNnn!" She called feeling one of his hands grab her rear. He pulled at her costume trying to tear it off of her as it was interfering with his plans.

"It won't.... come off.." He growled. His mind only focused on satisfying his urge.

"EEEPPP!" Ladybug yelled as Adrien picked her up only to slam her down on the narrow metal bench seat. She was sure that if he did that to Marinette Dupain-Cheng that she would have the cross hatching of the metal pressed into her skin. Blue, purple, green. The cool color wheel bypassed by her being transformed.

Adrien's hands scoured her body looking for away to get to his treasure. Her legs sprawled out as he tried and failed. His pupils widen as they filled with the need to undress her. Only for him to become more and more frustrated. How was he supposed to satisfy his Lady or himself if she was under lock and key? Like some sort of red and black chastity belt.

"Adrieen... Adrieeen..." Ladybug called as she impatiently waited for Adrien to take off his hoodie. Exposing how much his modeling work had paid off. Or was it the only benefit of being a superhero? Because carrying the fate of the world in your hands did not feel like a fair trade for abs. No matter how defined they were.

Ladybug let out a small giggle. He still had the hot pink wrap on his arms reminiscent of an Egyptian mummy. But she did not want a mummy. Quite the opposite in the fact.

Adrien kissed her neck and whispered a word. "Change.." He wanted her to change into who ever she was so he wouldn't have to reroute his plans.

She shook her head as she refused to change into Marinette. The half of her that would melt into him. Let him devour her, piece by piece. Again and again. She wanted to be the one to partake and remember ever inch of him. As she wanted to be able to have tangible memories of her 'first time' that she got cheated out of. Only blurs, moans, and the necessity to procreate.

She did not want to relive it. Not until she had the opportunity to have a decent memory. It did not have to be perfect. It just had to be with him.
Unobstructed by another heat. She only had two and already dread the next one. She was not herself neither Ladybug nor Marinette. Mindless, disturbingly unaware. And What would of happened if Adrien did not come to rescue her? Would she have become some stranger's prey?

'Is this too cruel?' She briefly questioned to be the one in the sober state? To be Ladybug instead of Marinette? To let him cling on to his false hopes as much as he was clinging onto her costume?

Thoughts of his blurred face and the passion of the night before ran through her mind. He had covered her mouth a few times to muffle her moans. During her investigation into Alphas she found that Alphas had a minimum amount of control during ruts. She wondered how much he had now. Enough to relieve her guilt? Enough for her to enjoy a guilty pleasure?

But her worries soon forgotten as he bit her shoulder. "AAaah! Ow!" She did not recall the biting of their previous rendezvous to hurt this much. Prehaps, she was too caught up with wanting to be bred like some sort of animal to be concerned about the pain. To feel a roaring fire burning in her chest. A fire that could only be snuff out by HIM.

His hand cupped what laid between her legs. His thumb pressing against the only spot she has ever cared about even when sporting her Ladybug costume. "AAaah! Aaah!"

Her sounds only encouraging him to try harder. He used his other hand to unbuckle his belt and unzip his jeans. Her eyes lingered up and down Adrien's muscular yet not overly fit figure. All his manliness exposed for his Lady to see. Her face as red as her suit. 'Thump' 'Thump'
Her heart beat escalating as she realized that Adrien's baton had indeed fit before.

She reactively closed her legs as she did not know if she could handle such a thing again. "Adrien.. I..." Her bottom lip plump as she turned her hips sideways. She wanted him but at what cost?

"Fuck." He stated as he had never seen Ladybug in such a powerless state even when it seemed that Hawkmoth would victorious, she never looked this desperate.

He pushed himself in-between her thighs as his first goal was unattainable without her cooperation. She would not transform so he had to make due. Like how Ladybug made due with her lucky charms that often were not used for their obvious purpose. He was more then willing to test out a different purpose for his black spotted, Luck Charm. A lucky charm which came with sensual sound effects.

"Adr..IeN!" His warm breath on her ear as he grunted and growled.

He called her "My Lady." In-between them. A nickname that she was never going to hear the same again. As now it was tainted. Tainted with memories of him hopelessly engulfed in his instincts to bred with the physically ideal mate. To guarantee the survival of the next generation.

An instinctual feeling wasted. As no offspring was going to come about. Her muscular thighs, despite how good the felt going in and out of did not lead to her uterus. Would not lead to carrying on his legacy.

He moved quicker then before letting out a sound that she had never recalled him making before. A quick sharp, "Ughhh!"

She looked down finding her abdomen and chest covered with a substance that she curiously touched. She played with it for a second before it clicked on what it was. "OH! That's quite alot!"

He grin deviously as weird as the scene was, he was feeling his himself build up yet again. He kissed her wanting an act two or at the very least an encore.

She placed her hand on his chest. "Huhhh.. huhh...Only one..." She tried to move her legs but he held them frimly in place "Someone mmmight walk in."

She was only excepting one round. As they were not in an ideal setting nor situation. She did not want the scandal of Ladybug having sex with Paris's precious golden boy the topic of everyone's conversation. She wanted her affairs to be private. Something she should of considered before she kissed normalcy goodbye.

"Let them." He replied before loosing himself in the taste of her lips. A taste that he did not think he could get enough of.

"Oh! Uhhh... Aaahhh!"

Marinette stared at the blank Google document fiddling with a pen. Watching the black cursor blink over and over again. She had some notes for her project for Miss Bustier's class and was just planning to convert them to a digital copy. As it would only be fair to share notes for the group project. A group project she had with HIM.

'SNAP' The sound of her breaking one of her fancy ball point gel pens. "CRAP!" She had gotten blue ink all over her desk.

Tikki shook her head disappointally at her Mistress. As any input that she  contributed was meant with a long rant. About the pros and cons of a over due confession.

Marinette began wiping up her keyboard only interrupted by a few taps on the trap door. As she opened it she when on about her dilemmas as she thought Rena Rouge was on the otherside. "Look, I know that makes me a Lemon tart with what I did to him but-"

Marinette was surprised to fine ChatNoir instead of her bestie. She had expected Alya to scold her on why toying with Adrien was terrible idea. As the longer she went on with this charade, the higher the chance that she would ruin the trust that they had built over the years. Or worse, he would be so emotionally distraught that she would have face ChatBlanc.


"Hey, just wanted to check on you. I got uhh... sort of distracted after the Akuma attack."

"Your worried about little old me?"

Her sweet smile only making him feel guilty. He had meant to make sure she was okay. To make sure she was safe but Ladybug made it impossible. The taste of her still lingered on his tongue. Yet, he was here infront of Marinette as some sort of self torture.

Marinette finished cleaning the ink before slumping back down in the Overwatch themed gaming chair. Another welcomed gift from Adrien. She cracked her fingers. "These notes aren't going to write themselves."

His green eyes glued to the back her neck as she sat at her desk. Baring no collar just a faint bitemark. Not enough to bond but it was definitely from someone. He wanted to ask but that was not his place. He swallowed his concerns as all he wanted was Marinette, at least at moment.

"Mari..." He collapsed to his knees and buried his head into her stomach. She began playing with his hair. The gentleness of her touch causing vibrations to admit from him.

She smiled not making the connection that he was sulking because of her. "Silly, kitty." As she found his purring quite soothing.

'I was right, he is clingy.' She had a wild theory that ChatNoir would be overly attached to her as Marinette. She was right. And now she was quite flattered because he was attaching himself to her without knowing her big secert.

"Adrien, I want to.. no I need to tell you something." She wanted to confess. Prehaps, it was guilt? Or fear? Or sympathy?

He looked up at her with his melancholic greens. "Mari... I don't think I can handle anything else right now."

'Idiot' was the only word she could use to describe him. She then thought of the statement he made. "My father is going to kill me." He had jokingly said those words. But she should of know with the pain in his voice that he would be right on target. Gabriel already hated the fact that Adrien wanted to go to public school. And did not like him befriending people lower then him. An insult directed at Nino and Marinette as they were not the best that society had to offer.

Gabriel ended up slowly warming up to Marinette during a few collaborations. He even gave her an application for his scholarship program. Making her the only Beta in the running for the Gabriel Brand scholarship. She was sure that as soon as it was found out that she was an Omega he tore up her application. She had this naive thought that she could get Gabriel to like Betas. She was not naive enough to think that she could convince him to change his mind on Omega's.

She could only imagine what disaster insued with Gabriel finding out that Adrien was not so innocent anymore. And smelling a vile Omega's scent on his son. He probably threatened Adrien. Using the excuse that he was teaching Adrien want was best for him. A situation that would certainly explain why he was here at her house at such a late time. "Gabriel, working you to hard?"

"Yeh..." He did not lie but did not tell the whole truth. Everything was getting to him. Sleeping with one of his best friend's, his father's scolding, the return of his brother, and the cherry on top. Having sex with Ladybug and getting caught by none other than Chloe frickin Bourgeois.

He just wanted to bury his head in a pillow and scream but found himself transforming into ChatNoir and heading to Marinette's house. He wanted something comforting and that something happened to be her. Prehaps in was an Omega thing as they were known for their nurturing nature.

"Adrien, you can stay here for they night if you would like....OF COURSE ON THE CHAISE AND NOT THE BED!"

ChatNoir laughed appreciating her efforts. "Afraid I'll bite?"

Marinette rolled her eyes and shook her head. "You think your sooo funny."

"It's because I am."

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