Chapter 1

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It's just another ordinary work day in Valkyrain until reports come in of three people going missing. The missing people are Yuma, Astral and Amethyst. People are sent out to find them but they come up empty handed. Weeks go by and the three missing people have yet to be found that is until a random Sunday morning an unconscious female is found. People soon recognize the unconscious female as Amethyst the wife of Nash. People rush to call for an ambulance and the Supreme Court is called in to investigate what happened.

At the hospital Amethyst is checked over for any physical injuries but there are none. But upon further examination they find her mind to be weak and fragile, the hospital staff try to help her the best they can but her mind is to fragile for any kind of treatment less the hospital runs the risk of completely shattering her mind. Shortly after Amethyst was found Yuma and Astral are found in the same condition as Amethyst. All three people are put under the care of Ginyugoku.

"This just doesn't add up." Ginyugoku says to himself.

"Something wrong Captain?" Jeice asks.

"All three of them are close to having a completely shattered mind beyond repair, but there's only one person that could and would do such as thing."

"But she was destroyed years ago, there's no way that she could be doing something like this."

"Then we may be looking at a copycat. Either way, we best be on our guard."

"We better report this to the queen while we're at it."

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