Five: Family Christmas

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"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" two little voices squealed. Two voices that were attached to two little jumping beans. Otherwise known as my daughters.

"It's Christmas, mama!" my youngest, Diana, said. She tugged at my arm.

I groaned and buried my face into Raydir's chest. "Babe?"

"Mm, I got this." Raydir kissed the top of my head and sat up. "Good morning, my lovelies. What do we say?"

"Good morning, daddy! Good morning, mama!" Diana and Phoebe, my oldest, chorused.

"Daddy, why is mama still sleeping?" Phoebe asked. She pouted and crossed her little arms over her chest.

I grinned, sitting up and tickling her sides. "Because someone convinced her little bugger of a sister to wake mama up this early in the morning."

She looked up at me with her big green eyes—exactly like her father—and stuck out her lip. "I love you, mama."

"I love you too, baby." I kissed her forehead. "Now, let's go see if Santa visited."

Phoebe grabbed my hand and tugged me down from the bed to the stairs. Raydir followed behind us carrying Diana on his back.

"He came! He came!" Phoebe's face lit up as she saw the colorful wrapped presents under the tree. "Come on, Diana!"

Raydir kneeled down to let Diana off of his back. She bounced on her toes and looked between us and her sister.

"Go on, sweetie," I said with a smile. I wrapped an arm around Raydir's waist and leaned my head on his chest.

Raydir squeezed my shoulders. "Merry Christmas, Arwyn."

"Merry Christmas, Ray." I turned in his arms and kissed him.

"Mama, come look what I got!" Phoebe called out.

I laughed, taking Raydir's hand and joining our daughters. Phoebe proudly presented the doll she'd unwrapped to us.

"Look, daddy!"

"Ah, very nice sweetie." He brushed her dark hair away from her face. "Show your sister."

Phoebe turned around and stuck the doll at her sister. "Look what I got!"

"Cool!" Diana said. She held a similar doll in her small hands.

"You know," I said, pulling both of them to my lap. "I used to have a doll just like that when I was your age. And so did your Aunt Arabella. And now we thought it was time you both had them."

"How did Santa know, mama?" Diana asked.

Raydir smiled. "Santa is magic. He knew how special the dolls were to your mom and her sister and wanted the two of you to have them."

Our daughters' eyes widened in awe as they listened to Raydir tell the story. I grinned. He was so sweet with both of them. Diana had inherited his blonde hair and his cautious attitude while Phoebe had inherited my assertiveness.

"Can we open another one, mama?" Diana asked.

I ruffled her hair. "Of course, sweetie."

She grinned then ran to join her sister by the tree. Raydir took my hand and led us to the sofa where he pulled me into his lap. His lips nuzzled against my cheek.

"Best Christmas?" he murmured.

"It's always the best Christmas with you, babe." I kissed him. And it was about to get even better because our little family would soon be expanding.

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