gun shot

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avni goes to meet rohan and here neil waits for avni in their room 

neil pov : where did this girl go now ? i think she is with kushi , anyway i will take some rest

here avni meets rohan 

rohan : so did he come ?

avni : no i didnt see him in the meeting 

rohan : ask neil , he might know about him 

avni : yeah but what will i ask him ?

rohan : that y didnt dhruv uncle come ?

avni : its not that easy rohan , what if he get doubt 

rohan : tell him everything , y r we even hiding it from neil ?

avni : yeah even i dont want to hide anything but that idiot is not ready to listen na 

rohan : he is really an idiot , y is he not listening to u ?

avni : shut up , only i can call him as such and dare u if again u spill it out 

rohan : ok cool down beautiful 

avni : shut up and tell me one thing how r we going to make dhruv kapoor spill out the truth from his mouth 

rohan : simple by kidnapping kk 

avni (shocked) : whattt ??

rohan : yes what do u think ? where is kk ? y didnt he come yet ?

avni : dont tell me u kidnapped him 

rohan : yes i did and now we can use kk against dhruv 

avni : do u really think he cares for kk , i mean the one who killed his own wife cares for his son ?

rohan : yes he does because kk is the only one who takes over his business , so --

avni : may be u r right , but i am warning u dont harm kk 

rohan : chill i wont harm him , he is like my bro dear 

avni : dont dear me rohan and bye will see u in the evening party 

rohan : ok make sure u ask neil about him 

avni : y ? u said na u kidnapped kk and he will come here once he gets to know that his son is kidnapped , so its  not necessary to ask neil right ?

rohan sighs 

rohan : yes my dear , it is not necessary  , now go , ur husband might be waiting for u 

avni : ok bye see u in the evening party 

avni reaches hotel after half an hour and goes to her room to find pari sitting beside neil on bed 

avni : neilllll (she yells )

pari : hey what r u doing here ? and how did u come in ? i locked the door na 

avni glares at neil while he gulps down 

avni : i have spare keys of this room 

pari : oh ok , but wait y do u have spare keys ?

avni : because this is my room too and neil what is she doing here on our bed ? (in angry mode)

neil : avni she just came to discuss 

avni : discuss?

pari : y would we explain it to u ? and what the hell is happening ? ur room ? arent u his employee 

avni : no i am not , i am his wife and now if u will leave us alone ,it would be great 

pari : am sry , i didnt know that u r his wife , i will discuss in the evening 

saying this pari goes out of the room 

neil : u were rude 

avni : oh really , then what should i do , sit and see that how she is eye fuc--ng u ?

neil : shut up avni 

avni : no i wont and now if u r done i have to change my clothes 

saying this she goes to washroom to get changed 

avni gets changed and lays on the bed beside neil , neil tires to get up but avni pulls him back and places her head on his chest 

avni : plse let me sleep and u too sleep , i know u didnt rest 

neil closes his eyes and they both sleep in each other arms 

evening at 5 avni wakes up and she goes to get ready for the business meet and also it a big day as she is going to prove dhruv kapoor deeds 

avni gets ready and comes out , neil goes in and gets ready 

after getting ready they both along with kushi goes to the party 

kushi : avni i am really tensed yaar , kk is not picking my calls and he didnt even come yet 

avni feels guilty for hiding 

avni : dont worry he will be coming soon 

kushi nods 

rohan : hey beautiful ladies  

avni , kushi and neil turns to see rohan , neil clenches his fists 

kushi : hey rohan 

avni : hi rohan 

rohan hugs both kushi and avni 

rohan : hey dude 

neil just fakes a smile 

rohan : hey sweetheart wanna have a dance with me 

neil was about to yell but he gets interrupt by a voice 

girl : oh so she is sweetheart and what am i ?

rohan turns and sees his fiance and gulps down his throat 

rohan : baby ?

girl : yes honey (sarcastically ) tell me na who am i ?

avni whispering : who is she ?

rohan : my fiance , i am dead now 

avni suppress her laugh 

girl : what r u whispering honey ?

rohan : nothing dear i am saying that u r my life 

girl : oh really , just shut up rohan , i saw how u were flirting with all the girls over here 

rohan : really preeti ? all the girls , i am only flirting with avni 

then he realizes what he blurted , by the time he realized preeti goes pouting in angry 

avni : go u have got a tough time now 

rohan sighs and goes to pacify her , kushi and avni laughs at him , while neil smiles 

after pacifying his fiance he come to avni along with preeti 

avni : so done with pacifying ?

rohan : yup , anyway meet my life , my would be wife preeti 

preeti hugs avni and kushi 

rohan : excuse me i got a call , u people carry on 

avni : nice meeting u preeti 

preeti  : same here avni 

avni : so already controlling him huuh ?

preeti : yup and i love to make him pacify me , i feel like princess 

avni smiles 

avni : but poor rohan 

preeti : indeed , my poor man , he thinks that i dont believe him and he tries to explain me the situation but what he doesnt know is i trust him with all my life 

avni : i am very happy for u both  

rohan calls avni 

avni : what happened rohan ?

rohan : avni where is neil ?

avni looks around and she doesnt find neil 

avni : he is not here , wait i will search for him 

rohan : no idiot he is not here , he got to know that kk is kidnapped by dhruv kapoor and went to rescue him along with kushi 

avni turns to see kushi and then she realizes that kushi is also missing 

rohan  : come fast we have to go there 

avni : yeah i am coming 

avni along with rohan and preeti reaches the place where kk is kidnapped 

avni sees neil entering the building but she stops him 

neil : avniii what r u doing here ?

avni : neil first listen to me 

kushi : avni kk is here trapped in this building we have to find him at any cost 

avni : neil , kushi ,once listen to me 

just then dhruv kapoor enters with his goons 

dhruv : go , go and get my son from those idiots 

neil : uncle 

dhruv : neil u dont worry , u stay here i will get my son , u stay here and if we dont come u come inside , call police 

neil : ok uncle be careful , plse call me if anything goes wrong 

dhruv : ok u stay here until i call , and dont let avni and kushi come inside even if u come 

neil : ok uncle i will send them to hotel back , u dont worry 

dhruv goes inside the building along with goons 

avni pov : oh no at any cost i have to hide kk , until dhruv accepts his crimes 

they all enter into the building , avni prays god 

neil : avni , kushi , u people go right now 

kushi : no i wont go anywhere i see my karan   

neil : shut up kushi dont act like child 

meanwhile avni msgs rohan about the situation , he is already with kk as he knows shortcut to reach 

after few seconds few goons come and holds avni a gunpoint , neil tires to come out of their hold but goon hold him tighter 

neil : leave her 

goon : shut up and stay calm or else i will shoot her 

avni : neil plse calm down nothing will happen to me  

neil is having tears in his eyes and kushi is  crying by now 

neil : leave her or else i will kill u 

goon takes avni along with him in the building and takes her to rohan 

avni : roohaan ???

rohan : yeah its me 

that goon leaves avni 

avni : what is all this 

rohan : i asked my mates to bring u in and hold neil and kushi 

avni : but 

rohan : dont worry they wont harm them and prakash uncle is here 

avni : whattt ? when did papa ji come and y ?

rohan : come u will get to know 

rohan takes her to the place where prakash is there along with kk , dhruv and his goons 

avni is shocked to see the scene infront of her , prakash holds kk on gunpoint , avni and rohan are watching it from a corner and rohan starts recording it 

avni : rohan what is this ?

rohan : calm down and enjoy 

prakash : i will kill him dhruv , u made my life hell and now u r thinking to ruin my son's life as well 

dhruv : shut up u rascal and leave my son 

prakash : i will shoot him , tell me what r u doing against my son 

dhruv : no no plse dont  

prakash : tell me what is ur plan , i will not leave u if anything happens to my son 

dhruv first acts as he is scared but laughs out loud making prakash and kk shock 

prakash : r u insane y r laughing ? i will shoot ur son if u dont tell me now 

dhruv : oh really then shoot , i dont care 

kk : dad ??

dhruv : i know u wont shoot him because u cant 

prakash : u r under estimating me dhruv i can kill anyone for my family 

dhruv : oh really ? ur family ? (laughs evilly ) where is ur family ? they dont even want to see ur face now , after all u r accused for my wife's murder right 

prakash : yeah which i didnt  and i will prove it 

dhruv laughs out loud 

dhruv : how ? where r the proofs ? how will u prove that u r innocent and i did the murder ?

dhruv in his trance asks this question not realizing that kk is here 

kk : dad how can u dad , u killed my maa ?

dhruv realizes and comes out of his trance

dhruv : no beta he is lying , he killed ur maa 

kk : dad ?? 

prakash : no beta he killed ur maa , he killed her brutally and he proved me as murderer 

dhruv : no dont believe him beta , he is lying 

kk : i cant believe u r this disgusting ? how can u kill mom dad ?? how can u ? u disgusting man , i will kill u 

dhruv : beta listen , i accept i killed her but but there was reason 

kk : shut up not a word more , i will kill u with my own hands now 

he goes and holds dhruv's collar but the goon get hold of kk 

dhruv : sry my son , all these years cannot go in vain , i will kill prakash and after that i will send u away , i will make u understand after all u r my son 

saying this he points gun towards prakash , but before he can shoot neil punches him 

avni , kk , prakash r shocked to see neil , neil is now out of control and is punching dhruv black and blue 

avni looks at rohan and rohan blinks his eyes saying that it is his plan 

avni : thanku  rohan 

rohan : anytime darling , now come we have to stop ur hubby otherwise he will go to jail 

avni and rohan goes to stop neil , avni pulls neil back 

avni : neil stop , police will take care of him 

neil's eyes are red by now and his eyes are filled with pain and guilt 

avni hugs him to control him but avni is pulled away from him harshly by dhruv and dhruv points gun at avni 

neil : u rascal leave her 

dhruv : what do u think ? i will leave her this soon ?

neil : i said leave her , i will kill u bastard leave her 

neil somehow pulls avni to him but dhruv shoots her on her chest , and she collapses on the floor and the whole room becomes silent , police gets hold of dhruv and neil is in trauma looking at avni 

rohan : neilll , come we have to take her to hospital soon  

neil comes out of his trance and picks avni in his arms , tears are continuously flowing out his eyes finally they reach hospital 

so very very long update and yes double update 

how was the update ?

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love u all 

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