unknown uncle

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avni : kushi did u talk to him 

kushi : whom ?

avni : ur boyfriend 

kushi : avniiii he is not my boyfriend 

avni : hmmm 

kushi : what hmmm ? i said na he is not my boyfriend and haan i did not talk to him , i will talk to him after sometime 

avni : ok ok but dont be late 

kushi : heyyy 

avni : what ?

kushi : u know let us go for shopping today 

avni : what r u mad ?

kushi : plse na avni , ali's birthday is next week and i want to buy a gift 

avni : ha so ? u can buy it afterwards 

kushi : plse yaar 

avni : no office hours are not to bunk 

kushi : yeah but office hours r going to be over in 2 hours so plse let us bunk for 2 hours 

avni : no way , if neil gets to know this he will not leave us and trust me his anger is not good for us

kushi : common yaar avni he is hubby and i know he doesnt even dare to glare at u , so he will not do anything , so relax and come with me 

kushi drags avni out with her 

avni : wait kushi let me inform neil atleast 

kushi : r u mad , we r bunking , do u know what bunking is ? now shut up and come 

avni gets worried but kushi doesnt let her talk and takes her to shopping 

at shopping mall avni is not at all interested where as kushi is roaming all the shops over there 

kushi : offo avni nothing will happen dont worry 

avni : u know what u go and do ur shopping i will be there at that cafe day 

kushi : u sure ?

avni : yeah u go , i will be fine there 

kushi : ok u go i will come after my shopping 

avni goes to cafe day and sits in a corner place 

avni pov : i dont know what will be neils reaction when he get to knows that we r not at office , god plse help me fro neils wrath , i will do one thing i will call him 

just then she gets a call from neil , she gets scared to answer the call and finally she gathers strength and answers the call 

neil : avni where the hell r u ?

avni : neilll i ii am at shopping mall 

neil : what???? r u out of ur mind ? shopping mall ? avni u come to home right now 

avni : neill

neil : shut up and directly come to home 

avni : neill plse listen to me once 

neil cuts the call 

avni : god he is very angry at me 

person : hello beta 

avni looks at him and smiles slightly

avni : ji ? 

 person : u r looking worried puttar , what happened ? is everything ok ?

avni : yes uncle everything is fine 

person  : u sure ?

avni : yes uncle 

person  : oh ok take care beta 

avni smiles and nods her head 

he walks away and kushi comes to avni , avni glares at her 

kushi : avni what happened ?

avni : i have to go home bye 

she goes without looking at kushi , kushi runs behind her 

kushi : avni avniii plse yaar what happened?

avni : shut up and dont talk to me 

ali comes there 

ali : avni , kushi 

kushi : ali u here ?

ali : avni  called me to come here and pick u up 

kushi looks at avni who is very much angry 

ali : so kushi ready for ur boss wrath ?

kushi glares at him 

ali : what r u glaring at miss ? tomorrow u r gone and poor avni will face his wrath today only 

kushi lowers her head and says sry to avni 

avni ignores her as she is worried about neils anger 

kushi : avni should i talk to neil 

avni : u want my husband to kill me ?

kushi : come on yaar u r behaving as if he will really kill u , he will not even think to harm u idiot 

avni : oh plse shut up , u dont about his anger , anyway dont talk to me 

they reached avni's home and ani rushes inside , she knocks the door 

neil opens it and glares at avni with so much anger , he moves aside to let her in 

avni directly goes into room to avoid his angry gaze and changes her clothes and comes into hall to face neils wrath 

she sees him on the sofa watching tv 

avni : ahem ahem (clears her throat to gain neils attention )

neil looks at her for once ad continues to watch tv 

avni : neilll 

she sits beside him on sofa

avni : neil plse once listen to me 

neil still ignores her 

avni : neilll plse i am sry , i know i should have told u 

neil gets up to go but she holds his hand 

avni : neil plse 

next minute pins her into the wall and roars at her 

neil : do u even have an idea how worried i was ? avni how could be so irresponsible 

avni : neil once listen to me plse 

neil : yeah tell me ur excuse 

avni : neil kushii --

neil : yeah right kushi !!! how can i forget that "ms annoying " , she asked u and u went , without informing me , u could have messaged me 

avni : yeah i know it was my mistake plse i am sry 

neil was about to say something but gets interrupted by kushi aka "ms annoying "

kushi : plse forgive her sir 

neil and avni looks at her and gets away from each other as they were very close to each other 

avni : kushi!!!! u here ???

neil is very much angry now 

kushi ; yeah i thought to apologize as it was my fault 

she goes towards neil 

kushi : neil sir its all my mistake , i only told avni to not to inform u , sry sir 

neil glares at avni and goes to his room without saying anything 

kushi : god!!! he is so rude 

avni : kushi  u know what we will talk tomorrow now u go plse 

kushi : hawww u idiot , how can u ask me to go away like that haan ? being with ur husband u changed like him 

avni : shut up and go now 

kushi : ok ok baba see u tomorrow and haan kiss him his angry will go away 

avni blushes but hides her blush to act strict 

avni : shut up and go 

kushi : ok ok but atleast dont hide ur blush 

avni smiles slightly and hugs kushi 

avni : u know , u very well know how to change my mood 

kushi : oh yeah , what r best friends for ?

avni smiles and kushi leaves , avni goes to prepare dinner and after preparing dinner she goes to call neil 

avni : neil dinner is ready plse come and lets eat 

neil doesnt say anything but he goes to eat 

after having dinner he sits on sofa watching tv 

avni pov : god!! he is still angry , what should i do ?

she goes and sits beside him on sofa and holds his hand 

avni :neil plse sry na , i will never do anything like this plse 

neil still doesnt say anything 

avni : neilll what should i do now mr ? u give any punishment but plse talk to me 

neil turns to avni and smirks naughtily 

neil : do what ur friend said u to do 

avni (confused ) : what did she say ? 

and she gets what neil is talking about 

avni : hawww uuuuu , u heard our conversation ?

neil nods his head in yes 

neil : now implement it , it may work 

avni immediately crashes her lips into his and he responds back with so much passion 

he vents his anger, love and concern all into the kiss , she tries to break the kiss but he doesnt allow her to do 

avni pushes him away panting heavily and rests her forehead on his 

avni : neill sry 

neil hugs her and she hugs back 

neil : never go anywhere without informing me  

avni : ok 

neil : loved ur kiss 

avni blushes 

neil : dont blush otherwise i will give u one more 

avni : ok then give me who said no 

neil looks at her with shock while she blushes more and he immediately takes her lips into his for another kiss 

after a beautiful long kiss they go to their room and cuddle into each other 

next morning 

avni : neil we have to go to airport to receive our mom's 

neil : yeah i know , i will be at time 

avni : neil i wont come to office today 

neil : y ?

avni : i have to prepare lunch for them , so 

neil : ok but only today i am permitting ur leave 

avni : ok boss (she says dramatically )

and they both laugh 

neil : ok see u , i will come soon , be ready by the time i come 

he pecks her forehead and leaves to office 

after sometime avni gets ready and goes to market to bring grocery 

person : hello beta 

avni turns to see the person 

avni : hello uncle , what a surprise ? 

person : yeah i am also surprised to see u here 

avni smiles 

avni : uncle u stay here in this colony ?

person : yes beta i stay here near by and how r u now ? i mean yesterday u were looking so worried 

avni : i am fine uncle thanku 

person : ok beta i am glad that u r fine now , i will take a leave see u soon 

avni : bye uncle nice to meet u 

he smiles and blesses her and walks ahead to go but his leg strips and he falls down , avni rushes to him and with the help of other persons takes him to her house as it is near to that area 

after checking the person doctor leaves 

person : i am fine beta dont worry 

avni : no uncle u arent fine and plse give me ur house number i will call and inform them 

person : no its ok beta i am fine (in worried tone )

avni : no uncle i will not listen to u now , plse give  any of ur  family persons number i will inform them 

person  : no beta they dont stay here in mumbai , its ok i will go by myself 

avni feels sad for him 

avni : uncle i cant let u go like this plse stay , my husband will come now , we both will drop u at ur house 

person : no no i will go by myself 

avni : no uncle plse stay , u r not fine , u cant go by urself 

person : i have to go beat , its important

avni sighs and calls her driver 

avni : ok uncle u may leave but our driver will drop u 

person smiles and blesses her again and goes but before going he looks at avni's family picture which is hanged on wall

avni finds something odd but shrugs her thoughts away 

neil comes as soon as that person leaves , he hugs her from behind , at once avni gets startled 

neil : relax wifey , its me 

avni turns to him and hugs him 

neil : what happened y r u looking sad 

avni : neil yesterday i met an uncle , he is so kind , today i met him again near to our house , he got injured and i brought him to our house , i asked him to stay until he gets fine but he refused and went away saying he has an important work 

neil : oh who is he ? did u take his number ?

avni : no i forgot to ask him his name and his number , but i hope i will meet him again , i am really worried about him 

neil : dont worry avni he will be fine and i hope i too will meet him 

avni smiles and hugs him more tightly 

neil : acha ok come let us go to airport 

avni nods and they leave to airport 

hey guys this is kind of filler chapter and plse do comment and vote  

love u all 

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