Untitled Part 5

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neil feels very guilty for what he has done and wants to apologize avni and he decides he will apologize her later at home but right now he has to find more information about avni , so he calls dd 

neil : dd did u find any information about her 

dd : yes sir , mam stays with her mother and ali is her best friend , she agreed to marry ali so that she can stay with her mother 

neil : what do u mean by that ?

dd : sir mam agreed to marry ali because , alis parents accepted to keep mam's mom in their home after marriage and so she agreed for marriage so that she can look after her mother 

neil : what happened to her mother?

dd : sir neela parikh is taking treatment for her cancer 

neil : what ?

dd : yes sir from since months she is in hospital and avni mam is taking care of her and then alis marriage proposal came for her , she agreed to marry ali because her mother wants to get her married and another condition is that she can stay with her mother even after the marriage 

neil : y does she work for us then ?

dd : sir its just that she doesnt want to depend on her mothers money 

neil : what y ?

dd : sir neela parikh is step mother of avni mam

neil : what ?!!!(he is very shocked )

neil pov :  being a step daughter she loves her mother a lot like own mother 

dd : yes sir and i could get only this much information , i will update u more information about her with in 24 hrs sir 

 neil : ok thanks dd

neil cries sitting there , he feels ashamed of himself for misunderstanding avni 

later in the evening he goes to his home and searches for avni and doesnt find her 

neil goes to mithalis room and finds her packing her bag 

neil : mithali r u going out ?

mithali : yes neil 

neil : what ? but y at this time ? u know right things r not well here 

mithali : but neil mom called me , she said that she needs me 

neil : what ? then what about avni ? she needs u 

mithali : i know neil but its ur problem neil and more of that maa needs me i have to go  , u handle her , it is u who brought her and now u should know what to do with her and yes plse dont insult her again , she is very pure soul and i dont want to see her in tears any more 

neil doesnt say anything and mithali leaves  

it was 9 pm and avni was not in home yet 

neil pov : where did she go ? i hope she is fine , is she with her mother ? may be , i have to call dd

neil : dd 

dd : yes sir mam is with her mom 

neil : ok plse make sure she reaches home safely 

dd : ok sir (dd smiles slightly seeing his concern for avni )

at 10 pm avni reaches home and finds neil sitting in the hall , she ignores him and goes to her room 

neil : avni ---

avni turns to him 

avni : yes Mr Khanna ?

neil : i just , -- i just wanted to ask u -- mmhh had ur dinner ?

neil mentally face palms himself 

avni : oh from when did u start bothering me , anyway u dont worry Mr Khanna i had my dinner and plse stop ur fake concern 

saying this she leaves to her room leaving a stunning neil behind 

neil pov: how dare she talk t me like that no one ever had dared to talk to me in that tone , but she , anyway its my fault this time i have to apologize to her , but i dont know what happened to me i couldnt do it when she was looking at me , god plse help me 

he goes to avni's room and he knocks the door 

avni : yes Mr Khanna do u have any work with me 

neil : mmm avni i just want to , i want to 

avni : u want to ?

neil : i am sry avni , i am really sry , i know i did very wrong with u and i am really very very very sry for that , plse forgive me for what i have done 

he says without looking at her and he releases his breath which he held for few minutes and looks at avni when there is no reaction 

avni : its ok 

neil : its ok ??

avni : yes Mr Khanna its ok 

neil : avni i know u r very angry at me and i deserve a punishment and i am ready for it 

avni : after what u have done with no punishment can take my pain away Mr Khanna , so plse u better leave me alone 

neil looks very sad 

neil : avni plse 

avni : Mr Khanna what do u think saying sry can heal broken hearts , if so then we can do what ever we want and say sry to people 

neil : i know but avnii

avni :  plse leave me alone 

neil quietly leaves to his room 

avni breaks down crying after neil left 

avni : i cannot forgive u Mr Khanna , never 

next morning avni prepares break fast for both of them , neil comes to kitchen and finds her cooking 

neil : avni y r u cooking ?

anvi : maid is not feeling well so she did not come , its ok i know how to cook and if u dont want to eat the food which i cooked then its ur wish 

neil : y do u have to always fight with me , i just asked a simple question

avni : and i just replied u politely what is there to fight in it 

neil : then y did u say that i dont want to eat the food u prepared , did i say that ?

avni : no but i thought u generally wont eat food prepared by a gold digger like me 

neil : avni plse there is no need to taunt me , i am already feeling very guilty and i said sry right and i am really sry for that 

avni : sry doesnt fix the things (she mumbles to herself )

she leaves from there to her room and neil eats the breakfast prepared by her and likes the food prepared by her 

after sometime they both go to office 

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