Untitled Part 8

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few day passes neil stops asking her about her whereabouts even though he wanted to , but he himself keeps alert of her warning to not involve in her personal life , in all these days he never argued with her neither she argued with him , they were living under the same roof but they r like strangers  , avni cooks daily for him and he enjoys her dishes , avni's hatred towards neil reduced because of his kindness , but she always thinks that she can never forgive him for what he did , ali keeps on trying to talk to avni but avni doesnt even look at him , neil apologizes to ali and ali forgives neil because he can see neil's love for avni and he is happy to find that neil loves avni and now avni can live her life happily , but the thing is neil did not realize yet that he loves avni , ali tries many ways to make neil realize him that he loves avni , but neil being very egoistic shrugs away ali's words 

neil : no ali , how many times i have to tell u that i dont love her , it is just that i feel sry for what i did with her and i respect her a woman 

ali : offo neil u know what u r a big dumb , any way i am tired of making u realize that u love her , so my dear bro when u realize that u love her dont forget to tell me , okay ? bye now 

saying this ali left neil cabin 

ali calls someone 

ali : so she is in red top and white skirt , i will send her pic , be ready to kidnap her and also get ready to get some wounds on ur body 

saying this he cuts the call and smiles like an idiot 

ali pov : neil today u will definitely realize ur love for avni 

after office hours neil gets into his car as usual he waits for avni to get into cab or auto so that he can follow her to her destination to know that she is safe , but today some goons misbehave with avni and avni tires to get out of their clutches 

avni : leave me , u idiot , i said leave me 

the goon tries to remove her scarf and she struggles in his hold 

ali watches all this and gets very angry , i just told them to kisnap her but what r they doing , before he can go , neil goes to them and kick them until they fainted 

avni sits at a corner on the road near a tree hugging her self , neils heart brekas seeing her like that , he goes near her and she looks at him 

neil : avni come we will go to home 

avni doesnt speak anything and simply sits in his car 

after getting inside her room , she goes to bathroom and sits under the shower cries out loudly hugging her knees to her chest 

avni pov : y god , y always me ? if neil hadnt come there dont know what would have  happened 

neil waits for her to come out but he senses something wrong and goes to her room , he doesnt find her inside the room and thinks she is in bathroom , he waits for 10 min to come her out but she doesnt , now he gets very much worried 

neil : avni plse come out 

avni doesnt respond 

neil : avni plse i said pen , if u dont open then i will break this door 

avni slowly opens the door , neil shatters seeing her in that state , her eyes swelled due to crying 

neil : avni dont worry 

before he could complete his sentence avni hugs him tightly , due to sudden force neil moves two steps back but he stabilizes him along with avni , he gets shocked due to this act of avni 

avni (crying): y neil , y always me ? y i cannot be happy ? y it happens to me every time ? am i really a sin ? y doesnt anyone loves me neil , what have i done ?

neil heart tears into pieces , he was not able to speak anything , tears flowed through his cheeks , but he acts strong infront of her to make her stable 

neil : no avni dont think like that , nothing happened and nothing will happen , i will not let anything happen to u , i promise trust me , everything will be fine , see u r fine at home , plse stop crying 

he cups her cheeks and wipes her tears and kisses her forehead affectionately , they both were very weak emotionally so they didnt find it odd though it was their first time being this close and comforting each other 

neil : avni now be a strong girl and go get ur clothes changed 

she just nods and goes to change her clothes , by the time she comes back , he too changes his clothes 

neil : avni plse i am feeling hungry , let us have dinner 

she just simply nods and they have their dinner , after dinner they both get into their separate rooms 

neil : dd 

dd : yes sir 

neil : i want them to be severely punished  

dd : yes sir dont worry they r already getting punished severely and after this they will never think to look at girl 

neil : ok 

dd : and sir how is bhabi 

neil : ur bhabi is fine 

dd : ok sir take care good night 

dd smiles because neil did not ask him to call avni as his bhabi today because every time he calls avni as  bhabi ,neil fakes his anger and asks him to not call that but today he did not do that 

neil gets very angry at those people 

neil : how dare they touch my wife , i will surely make them understand what will be the consequences of touching neil khanna's wife , i will not spare them 

he remembers avni hugging him and he consoling her and a small smiles appears on his lips remembering the forehead though it is not any romantic kiss , but it is their first kiss 

neil pov : god !!! neil stop thinking like that , u were just consoling her , thats it , dont take it as something else , but i liked when she poured her heart out infront of me , but wait y did she say that no one loves her , i am there no ? (realization hits him ) oh no i mean i like her , ali is there m her mother is there , y does she think that no one loves her ? 

he keeps on thinking of avni and sleeps 

next day at office ali comes to his cabin 

neil : ali not again , plse dont start ur lecture now 

ali : o hello i am not here to give any lectures i just want to say sry 

neil : y 

ali : because i came to know u dont love her , and i being stupid gave lectures to u , sry yaar 

neil : its ok 

ali : and yes i am here to tell u good news 

neil : what ?

ali : my parents brought a perfect match for avni , today they r thinking to talk to her 

neil : what ???!!!

ali : yes , even i am happy that she will get her happy life 

neil : no how can this happen ?

ali : what do u mean by that?

neil : i mean how can ask her to marry someone when i am here alive infront of u 

ali : how r u involved in this ?

neil : come on ali dont be stupid , i am her husband and when husband is alive how can she marry someone that too when i am not even willing to divorce her 

ali : y ? u dont love her right ? then divorce her and get her married to another person 

neil : no r u mad , i will not do that 

ali : y neil ? u dont want her right ? then y ?

neil : no stupid i cannot live without her , i want her my whole life , i cannot stay without her 

he blurted out his feelings and he himself is shocked 

ali : see i told u , u love her idiot , atleast now u realize it and dont lose her 

saying this ali leaves and neil keeps on thinking what he blurted out 

neil : do i really love her ?

he thinks of her , her smile, her innocence 

neil smiles : yes i love her , i am madly and deeply in love with her , i love u avni , i cannot live without u , i love u and i will make sure u love me back , i wont let u go away from me avni because  i am in love with u     

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