waiting for the three words

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ali : ahem ahem , neil i think u r going to mumbai right 

avneil break the hug , both their faces fell and are sad 

neil : yeah , i have to (he says it in sad tone ), but y r u so much eager to throw me to mumbai ?(looking at ali)

ali : arey yaar nothing like that i just reminded u , because u were busy in ur PDA with ur wife 

neil : its just a hug u stupid 

avni is embarrassed and became red 

avni : mm i have to go and get ur bag ready 

neil : ok  u go i will come 

avni left to their room 

ali : neil i think u have to cancel ur trip to mumbai 

neil : i soo badly want to cancel but its really important 

ali hugs neil

ali : i am soo very happy neil , i am really very happy that my avni found her real love and dont u dare to hurt her again , if u hurt her mind u i will be the very first person to kill u 

neil : woah , ok ok i will never ever dare to hurt her bro after all who wants to get killed by his own brother in law 

ali : hmmm yeah its good to see that u r scared of me 

neil : dont get any ideas ok and yes the warning which u gave me earlier is worth to u too

ali : i know bro , dont worry i love mithali a lot and too much so i will never hurt her 

neil : what do u mean by that , i too love avni a lot , she is my life okay?

ali : i know , i know , i didnt mean that way , any how now go u r getting late 

neil goes to his room and avni's back was facing him , he goes near her and wraps his hands around her waist snaking them to her stomach , avni's breath hitched due to his closeness 

avni : ne-- neiiilll  

neil smirks seeing his effect on her 

neil : hmm 

avni : neeiiilll i think u r getting late 

she removes his hands from her waist and turns to face him 

neil : yeah i know but i will not go until i get what i want 

avni : what do u want ?

neil goes close to her and pulls her towards him by her waist , her hands lands on his chest while both their heart beats were fast and loud 

neil : u very well know avni , i want those three words from u 

avni : whh whhat ? which three words (stammering)

neil : oh acting all innocent huh? (pulls her more close ) but its ok i am not going to leave u until u say those three words 

avni goes all red due to shy and doesnt look at neil 

neil (huskily) : avni plse i am waiting 

avni looks into neil's eyes which are full of love towards her 

avni : neilll 

neils becomes dull seeing her uncomfortable but again comes into his naughty avatar 

neil :ok i know u need some time but atleast give me my energy does so that i can work actively 

avni looks at him confused  but her confusion gets cleared when neil's eyes are at her lips , she closes her eyes to feel his lips on hers , but neil just pecks her mole which is above her upper lip , she opens her eyes and finds neil smiling at her , he pecks her forehead 

neil : i want our second kiss to be happen when u say those three words until that we will wait 

avni blushes and lowers her head , neil lifts her chin in order to make her look at him 

neil : and if u blush like this i will lose my control 

avni gets more red in color 

neil hugs avni and avni hugs him back 

neil : i love u avni and i will miss u a lot 

avni : i will miss u too 

neil pecks her forehead and leaves for mumbai 

its been two days since neil left to mumbai , avneil missed each other a lot and when ever he has time he makes sure to talk to his wifey , just in this two days their love for each other grew more and today neil is going to return and avni is eagerly waiting for him 

finally he came and his eyes were searching for his life avni 

vid : ahem ahem babhi is in kitchen i guess 

neil : did i ask u ?

vid : no but i know u are desperately looking for her 

neil was about to reply but ali interrupted him 

ali : neil come with me its urgent 

neil : what ? where ?

ali : arey yaar come i have some work 

neil : noo i am tired and i have to take some rest 

ali : really , look i am ur brother in law and u have to obey my orders 

neil gives him a r u serious look 

neil : what ever i wont come i am seriously tired 

ali : ok fine i will go alone and if avni asks i will tell her that u were not willing to come 

neil : what ? avni ? y will she ask u ?

ali : because she is over there where i wanna take u 

neil : what ? but where ?

ali : shh just come with me 

neil gets irritated and follows ali to his car , ali takes him to a private beach 

neil : where is avni ?

ali moves slowly away from neil 

ali : sry neil avni is at home we r here for my bachelors party plse dont get mad 

saying this he runs before neil catches him 

neil pov : huhhh idiot , stupid , how dare he , here i am dying to have some alone time with my wife and this dumb head brought me here to a private beach party , huuhh how i wish i could kill him with my own hands 

after cursing ali he goes near the party and sits beside vid 

neil : u know his plan right ?

vid : yeah that is y i gave u a hint by saying avni is in the kitchen but u being dumb believed him and fall in his trap 

neil : huuh i hate that idiot 

vid laughs at neil 

vid : dont worry bro u can meet her after this party , u have ur life time to be with her , now enjoy this party 

neil : u will understand me when u will be in my place , whatever leave it and tell me did u propose juhi ?

vid : hmm no but i will once this marriage gets over 

neil : what r u seriously mad ? dont be late before everything goes from ur hand 

vid : i will not be late and dont worry now juhi became very close to me 

neil : oh wow with in two days ?

vid : yes and u know this is all because of u , thanku 

neil : its my pleasure dude no need of thanks 

vid : hmmm ok ok and u know juhi even apologized babhi 

neil : really ?

vid : yes and babhi forgive her 

neil : i know she will , she is soo very kind and has a very big heart , i soo want to go and have her in my arms right now 

vid : then go 

neil : no ali will feel hurt i cant go leaving his party 

vid : hmm yeah right 

neil : but also i am not going to leave that d--k head after this party gets completed let him enjoy as much as he wants 

ali : plse neil dont curse ur own brother in law 

neil : thank god because i am just cursing u , if u r not my would be brother in law i would love to kill u 

ali : oh thank u god for giving me my mithali , if not i would have died till now

neil : over action 

vid laughs at them 

after the party they arrived home 11:50 pm 

neil entered his room to see avni and he sees her standing in balcony facing her back 

neil slowly goes near her and back hugs her 

neil : sry avni , i am so sry 

avni doesnt say anything 

neil : avni yarr i am really sry , that idiot took me there saying that u were also there and was waiting for me , so i went there 

avni still doesnt say anything 

neil : plse yaar avni plse talk to me 

he makes avni turn towards him 

anvi doesnt looks at him 

avni : neil i think u have to go and freshen up 

neil just nods and goes to change 

after few minutes he comes out and finds the room dark without lights 

neil : avni

guys how is the update 

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thanks for all the love and constant support , love u all   


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