Chapter 3: Canals and Cross Fires

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That day. Amsterdam, Netherlands 


"so, ananya, what do we do? " Neil asked. "One day in  Amsterdam.  Let's make it worth while."

"ummm, " avni looked at the tourist map and said,  "let's go to the Rijks museum,first" 

' shit, yaar. No way, a museum. How boring.  ' neil thought to himself.  But nodded a yes to avni, still embarrassed about the little incident they had in the flight. 

So, they first went to the rijksmuseum. The National museum of Amsterdam. But before entering the museum they posed in front of the I Amsterdam sign. Neil climbed up the letter S  rather comically  and asked avni to click a picture for him. She just smiled at his antics and clicked a picture for him. 

Then they went inside the museum and saw the entire museum, war collects and important paintings. 

 While Avni was enjoying the whole museum thing. Neil was more than bored. He was disinterested in everything.  and they weren't interacting much. He was just not a history or museum person

While walking together, he said to ananya,  "aren't you like a 50 year old trapped in the body of a 20 year old".

Slightly offended, avni turned to him and said, " excuse me?" 

He saw the narrowed eyes and a frown on her features and said, " no, I mean, I was just trying to figure you out. You are a little too serious. " he rectified himself.

She said to him, " you don't have to FIGURE ME OUT!!  And you are way too immature.  What about that!"

He just raised his hand up as if surrendering.  And said, "let's forget this. How does it matter if I am childish and you are aunty-ish. We just have today. Where to next?"

Avni knew he wasn't enjoying the museum thing so, pat came the reply, " van gogh museum.  I want to see his self potrait "

Neil groaned.  And said, "no. Not again"

Avni's frown increased.  

So, he said, " fine. let's go but you get only half an hour. And I decide the next two places.I am trying to work out a compromise here".

Avni gave him a sarcastic thumbs up and They next went to the Van gogh museum.  The entire museum was filled with beautiful paintings. They saw the Van gogh self portrait and Avni was awed. 

While Neil just murmured " so, the guy cut his own ear and painted himself by looking in a mirror?  What is so good about thay. Narcissistic fool."

Avni gasped, " what is wrong with you? Can't you appreciate anything? History is really boring for you, isn't it?"

Remebering the secret blabbering incident that happened precisely 4 hours ago, Neil turned red and said, " you don't get to say that. Firstly,  we promised that never to bring it up. Secondly, You yourself are so tight. Such a kill joy. Please smile sometimes.  "

"oohh!" avni fought  back.  " so what if I am uptight?  Everyone cannot be as immature as you are. Look at yourself. You are 21 years old!!!  and still skate-boarding,"  she said pointing at his skate board. "Grow up."

"uggh" neil said, clenching his fist and stompped away from her. Then came back a second later and said, "I am sorry, I know we are just two strangers, let's just enjoy this day. Without trying to kill each other. Let's just  celebrate not being dead. And may be I'll help you loosen up a little bit". He added with a wink.

'I don't need any loosening,  but your screw is definitely loose.' avni thought to herself but didn't say anything.  She simply Nodded agreeing to not fighting any more.

"so, you are not going to say sorry?" Neil asked curious now.

Avni raised her eyebrows and asked, "why would I? "

He just raised his eyebrows in return and shook his head from side to side and said, "Fine, let's just go to a place of my liking next."

So they went to the Heineken experience next. It was a brewery.  And they showed how all of their alcohols were brewed. Neil was rather enjoying himself. Plus they were getting little bits of alcohol to taste too. Avni was having a good time too. 

Coming out of the brewery, Neil's eyes suddenly lit up and he said,  "I 've got an idea. Let's just do something reckless to loosen you up. Let's make a rule.  We will do something absolutely opposite to what your normal response would be. And will see how things go. So let's get

 drunk " 

"absolutely not. It is 1 in the afternoon.  I am not drinking." she said. 

"oh you have already begun the game. Good good. So you said no, therfore we will do it", neil replied happily.  His eyes twinkling. 

"no way, that is the most childish plan I've ever heard" Avni protested.

"So, be a child for a day. live, laugh, love. I promise we'll have so much fun it would last a lifetime for you!" Neil replied, sarcasm lacing his last sentence. 

Avni thought to herself, ' may be by loosening up I'll be able to forget about the whole Dayawanti thing. And how will it matter if this stranger thinks anything about me? We surely won't meet again ever. May be this is my chance to be reckless.  Get the teenage rebel I never had'.

As if hearing her thoughts, neil said, " common say yes. How will it matter. We aren't meeting anyway in future and I promise I won't judge.  I mean, you know all of my secrets already  and still are here. So, say yes"

So, they were at a bar, sitting on high stools. And ordered a huge amount of drinks.Already having had 4 vodka shots. And  large pint of beer in front of the which was now empty . Avni was now feeling a little buzz and Neil was a little drunk. They decided this much was enough to enjoy today. Not overtly drunk and staggering but with just a happy buzz with which they could enjoy their whole trip without tripping over one of the canals. 

With this they went out. Neil pulled her uo to the cobbled pavement and they started walking around the canal. When neil said, " let's do the canal boat ride."

 Avni was alarmed.  " neil, hum pani me nai jaa sakte. We are drunk. Doob gaye to?"

" firstly, you said No. So we are definitely doing this. Secondly we aren't that drunk. Chalo. And I was a swimmming champ. I'll push you"

"what?" Avni asked incredulous.

" I mean I'll save you", he said shaking his head and blinking his eyes twice. Trying to understand the meaning of his own sentence. 

So they sat in the canal ride and saw the multiple brown bridges that crossed above them. Colourful houses with small doors and large glass windows lining through out. Beautiful trees, with pink, yellow and green leaves, lining the entire thing around them. Bliss. Neil took a big piece of wooden stick and started hitting the water with it, creating splashes of water that fell on avni. 

"stop it" avni said. 

"Nope" he laughed, and hit the water again. 

She took out her water bottle from her bag pack and emptied it on his head. And laughed an unhindered laugh.

While neil just smiled at her. Feeling that finally she was having some fun too.

Later, they got down at vondel park and entered the beautiful park. They moved around the garden watching birds and trees and made a small talk about their respective colleges, careers and how both of them were starting a new  chapter in their respective lives. Then The fed  the ducks swimming in the pond when 

Neil said, " so you know, most of my secrets. You should tell me one of yours. You know. That is only fair"

Avni, felt a little red and  thought, 'all of us don't have similar secrets. Some secrets are so big that they are  better burried deep down within. So,painful that they prick your heart and make it bleed'.

Looking at her lost in her own thoughts he shook her shoulder and said with a smile, "Ananya,  your secret?"

Avni said, " I am not telling you anything."

"you said a no!"

"uggh.. You and your stupid rule. Fine, I think I am enjoying this day. Never thought I would. That is my secret. Fine?"

"okay" said Neil

"okay?" asked avni.

"yeah, okay, I 'll take that" he said back. Giving her a big smile, and Something fluttered inside avni's stomach,  seeing him smile like that. As if the smile was meant just for her.

By the time they were done with roaming about in the park, It was getting a little dark. 

"So," neil  said, "where to next? Do you want to go to tha red district? " he asked a little slowly, trying to gauze her reaction at the outrageous suggestion  "we won't do anything, just watch. I mean,you can say no. I just want to watch the thing! What is it all about?"

Avni laughed and said,  "and as per your rule, we'll as it is  end up going. So let's just go." she was curious too. But she didn't want to tell him that.

So, they went to the red district. Just for an experience And it was another world to say the least. Different shops were lined with big glasses and women stood in those like mannequin , some scantily clad, others with leather straps and leather boots. There were strip clubs, beer houses, weed selling cafes. 

They didn't enter any of the establishments. Just walked through the street.  but, nothing seemed vulgur or bad. Rather the entire street was lively and fun. Buzzing with activity. 

Due to obvious reasons avni and neil didn't talk much throughout the walk. Though beautiful,  it was awkward sharing this experience with an utter stranger. 

Having done that, they took a cab to their hotel.once they reached the hotel, They stood at the entrance of their hotel, near the parking lot, which was rather secluded.  Neil turned to avni, and said  " this was a good day. Thank you stranger."

She took out a hand and shook  with his .  "yes, thanks to you too. I did enjoy today. And let's hope I am not as uptight now."

They laughed at that. Something twitched in Neil's heart. He saw a lock of hair come infront of her cheek, and he had the instant urge to tuck it back. He lifted the strand and tucked it behind her ear  and leaned forward towards her, very little space in between them and said, " keep my secrets safe".

Avni leaned in too. Lost in the intense eye lock for a moment.  They were all but going to kiss, when Avni suddenly pulled out and said, " I think I should go now. Goodbye...Stranger." and walked away. Leaving him behind, looking at her retreating figure.

Next morning,  avni didn't meet Neil. He had an early connection to london. While she had a flight directly to Boston.

Both of them, with different ambitions in their eyes and a hope for better future, parted ways from Amsterdam, With fond memories and a weird connection with a stranger.

But, the fate had different plans for these star crossed lovers, which they were unaware of. Which would happen in due course of time. Because cupid had already made them have a lasting impression about each other.


so, that was all about a day in Amsterdam . what do you think about this chapter? do let me know. 

PS. okay ? okay was inspired by JOHN GREEN.  augustus waters is BAE. And they were in Amsterdam too. But, luckily no faults in AvNeil's stars

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