Chapter 1

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Infinite suddenly wakes up from a body landing on top of him. He groans loudly as he tried to push the body off. His twin brother, however, stayed on top of him, giggling as Infinite tried to push him off. "Zero! Get off, you're heavy!" Zero giggled even more, rolling onto his back. "No, I'm not!" Infinite groans again, this time rolling his brother off of him. "Yes, you are. You eat too much cake dumplings." Zero grumbles slightly, crossing his arms. "N-No, I don't!" Infinite smirks, playfully tugging on Zero's ear. "Oh, relax, you big baby. I was only playing with you." Zero blushes, his yellow eyes looking away. Infinite's matching eyes twinkled with a childlike playfulness. "Don't hurry, little bro. I won't tell them." Zero snaps his eyes back to Infinite's and the embarrassment was replaced with challenge. "You're only seven minutes older than me!" Infinite lets out a laugh before cuffing Zero's ear. "Whatever you say, bro. Come on. I'm starving." The two cleaned up their room from their morning shenanigans and walked downstairs, Zero nearly tripping. Their father, James or Jamey, heard the two and couldn't fight the smile that came across his face. He turns around in time to see Zero trying to sneak up onto the table, Infinite shaking his head.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zero screams, falling down and successfully landing in Infinite's arms. Infinite looks up at his father and smiles, despite the somewhat heavy weight in his arms. "He was trying to steal some food that you already cooked." James smiles, picking Zero up into his arms. "You know you have to wait." Zero sighs sadly, his ears falling against his skull. "I'm sorry. I'm just really hungry."

"We all are, Zero!" Infinite interrupted, his yellow eyes glaring at his brother. Zero winces, cowering into his father's chest. This caused the hostility to melt and Infinite sighed. "Sorry, Zero. Come on. Let's go get Mom." Zero nods, his father letting him down to the floor. The two walk upstairs in silence, Infinite feeling guilty. "Zero, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. Can you forgive me?" Zero sighs before looking over at Infinite. "If you promise me something, then I'll forgive you."

"Like what?" Zero looks around, spotting their parents' bedroom door. His eyes squinted thoughtfully, seeming to really stop himself from looking at Infinite. He failed, however, as he looked back at Infinite. "Do you promise to protect me? For as long as we live? And do you promise that you'll always support and guide me when I need it?" Infinite stared bewildered at his brother's almost adult-like promise. It took him a moment to answer. "I promise." Zero raised an eye ridge. "Cross your heart and swear on your life?" Infinite nods. "I cross my heart and swear on my life that I will protect you and stand by you." Zero smiles. "Good. Now, let's go get Mom and eat. I'm starving." Infinite chuckles before playfully hitting Zero's shoulder. "Me too, bro. Me too."


"Wow, for the fastest thing alive, you are extremely slow to react." Sonic, who was only two years younger then Infinite, pouted as he furiously tapped the ground with his foot. "Shut up! I bet you can't break the sound barrier!" Infinite nods, picking at the near nonexistent dirt under his fingernails. "You're right. I can't break it. But I at least have some really cool abilities." He summons a red smoke in his hand that both took on the texture of smoke and like cloth floating in the wind. Sonic stomps his foot into the ground, his bottom lip slightly quivering as a silver lining appeared in his eyes. Infinite sees this and dismisses the smoke, his face now becoming soft. He walks up to Sonic and gently wraps his arms around Sonic, bringing him into his chest. "I'm sorry. We're both unique in our own way. Besides-," Infinite lets go of Sonic and looks into his emerald eyes, a small smile on his face. "I was pretty jealous of your speed." Sonic immediately brightened. "Really? For how long?"

"Ever since I found out you could break the sound barrier." Sonic smiles and laughs. "I'm glad I'm not the only one." Infinite laughs with him, rubbing Sonic's head before the two start walking off. They walk into the woods, one of their favorite places to hang out along with Zero, Tails, and Amy. Tails was still in diapers and Amy was three-years-old, having a strange obsession with Sonic. As of now, it was only Infinite and Sonic as they chatted and explored further than their usual hangout area. The two didn't notice until they heard rushing water. The two look at each other, their eyes wide with fear. "W-We should probably g-g-g-g-go back." Sonic stuttered, pulling on Infinite's hand. The older jackal nods, turning around. His eyes caught something, however, and he stopped, causing the trembling blue hedgehog to stop with him. "Why are you stoppi-." The hedgehog shuts up as both he and Infinite saw a figure staring at them from the trees. They could not see his face for a wolf-like mask with carvings covered the top half of his face while a brown scarf covered his mouth. He wore a black cloak that splits at the back, which is where a tail flicks about. The tip was furred and spikes traveled up the tail, getting bigger until they disappeared. The two blink to find that the cloaked figure wasn't there. A shudder runs down Infinite's spine as he put a hand on Sonic's back and started pushing him back to town.

"Let's get back home." Sonic looks up at Infinite, fear swimming in those emerald orbs. "What was that?" Infinite shakes his head. "I don't know and I don't care. Let's just never come back here ever again."

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