Prologue:Start of the Maddness.

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3rd pov

In a world that was destroyed by war for power in the middle ofthe battlefield stood a lone man, surrounded by hundreds upon thousands of bodies his name is Hiro.

Sitting on a mountain of bodies he had wage a one man war against the Nexus alliance which enslaved him and others, not to mention they were experimented on Hiro lost his jaw and right arm which were replaced with a metallic jaw and a mutated right arm. The constant experimentation went on for seven years at the start of the age of 8. His master sage helped him and trained him to perfection.

Sage Hiro's master tasked him with free the world from the Nexus alliance and gifted Hiro with one final gift before he passed away the Dragon Sword.

In the span of three years Hiro slaughtered the entirety of the Nexus alliance killing all the leaders and setting the world free Hiro wandered the world but Hiro who had lost all his emotions from his constant torture eventually found people trying to recreate people like him with three children.

The three children with nowhere to go stayed with Hiro who took care of them. Hiro's powers continue to grow more and more gaining new abilities including his halo.

Hiro discovered that Nexus alliance had made a dimensional portal Hiro went to destroy it but it sucked in him and his kids.

Union City

Now in a unknown city Hiro and his kids see people fighting strange creatures.


the see a small Blonde girl fighting off some of the creatures.

When one was about to seek attack her. Hiro moving quickly intercepted the attack, his sudden appearance shocking ever.

Toga: Whoa who is he he even stopped an attack from a nomu.

Dabi: Don't know maybe a new wannabe hero.

What happened next no was ready for.

He started fighting and killing the nomus with ease. They were horrified by the brutality and gore but Toga she was getting abit too hot under her skirt.

Toga: He's so hot the way he tears those nomus apart all the blood and gore makes it so much better.

All present looked to see all the death one single man cause in mere moments.

Allmight: You didn't have to Kill all those nomus young man.

Hiro:So you would allow them to be sent to prison only for them to get out and start killing again.

Ozpin:no we want them to reform.

Hiro:Reform!!!!!????? Not everyone is worth reforming.

Everyone flinched from Hiro's outburst.

Sirzech:We understand that but you can't kill them.

Hiro: You're fucking pathetic. What I saw you were all struggling to beat all those nomus.

Ironwood:Well although were thankful to you for the help but you still acted without a hero license so you must be put under arrest.

Hiro: Under arrest huh.

Hiro:Come and try if you dare.

The power rolling off of Hiro was colossal which made everyone except Hiro's three children feel unease until someone spoke out.

???:Okay that quite enough!

Hiro: Another child? No you give off and air similar to my late master Sage, one of wisdom and kindness. So you're not a child are you.

???:I am not my name is Alka so what is your name.

Hiro:Hiro I don't have a last name or more like I can't remember it.

Alka: I'm sorry to hear that, but is it okay you take off the mask.

Hiro:You wouldn't like what you see.

Alka:I promise I won't judge.

Hiro started to pulled down his mask which made all the people gasp im horror.

Seeing the scared face of the young man with a metallic jaw made Alka worried.

Alka:What happened to you?

Hiro:I was experimented on for a long time seven years to be infact me and others were slaves made and trained to kill , killing is all I know, all I have, all I will be.

Hiro felt someone hug him it was the small Blonde girl.

Tears in her eyes she gently touched Hiro's face.

Beatrice:Why did you have to suffer so much just to be made into a monster.

Hiro:Yes but I am their monster no longer. All of those who were responsible for everything that has happened to me and others are dead I made sure of it. But at the cost of being alone.

Emma:Papa you don't have to be sad you have us now.


Max: (cooing)

Hiro:I guess I do.

Ozpin: Mr Hiro I'd like to make an offer.

Hiro: And what is that offer.

Ozpin:Come to our academy and be a student their.

Hiro:I don't know if you noticed but I'm a mercenary and a damn good one.

Ozpin:Yes I know that but all I see is a broken man Infront of me.


Ozpin:If you come back with us to Union Academy you'll have a place for you and your kids to stay at.

Hiro look at Max , Emma and Matt he needed a place for them to sleep.

Hiro: Alright old man you got yourself a deal.

With that Hiro and ozpin shook hands.

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