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↠calling ➳ Jekyll.

↠birth name ➳ Dresten.
   ⊱ pronunciation, Dr-eh-s-tin
   ⊱ sole meaning, N/A.
   ⊱ origin, N/A

↠biological sex ➳ Male.
   ⊱ gender, Male.
   ⊱ pronouns, He / Him.

↠species ➳ Canis Lupus Familiaris.
   ⊱ breed, German Shepherd. Specifically labeled as a Shiloh Shepherd.

↠romantic orientation ➳ Panromantic. He cares little for gender or appearance, only for character and heart.
↠sexual orientation ➳ Pansexual.

↠age ➳ 3 years of age.
   ⊱ birth month / time, On the 22nd of May on a mid-summer's day.
   ⊱ zodiac, Gemini.
   ⊱ birthstone, Pearl.


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↠base pelage ➳ Dresten has a thickened, lengthy base pelt of a dark mohagony that oftens appears black.
   ⊱ accentuating palate, He has shaded patches and markings of mixed colors over his body such as golden brown and light cream.

↠eye shape ➳ Round.
   ⊱ eye color, Deepened honey-brown.

↠anatomy, Dresten is quite a large male and has always been burly and thick-boned. With broadened shoulders and layers of toned muscle underneath a thick pelt of long fur, the male appears almost bearish in a way. His ears are tall and tufted with strands of lengthy tan fur that branch out at the base. One could describe Dresten as a fairly handsome canine with his rugged features and bulk.

↠scarrings, N/A.


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   ⊱ moral alignment, Neutral.

↠inventive or consistent, A bit of both.

↠curious or cautious, More cautious.

↠efficient or easy-going, Easy-going.

↠organized or careless, More organized.

↠energetic or reserved, Reserved.

↠friendly or challenging, A bit of both though a tad more on the friendly side compared to his brother.

↠compassionate or detached, In between.

↠dominant or submissive, Dominant.

↠logical or emotional, Logical.

↠possessive or lenient, Depends.

↠sunrise or moonhigh, Sunrise.

↠selfish or selfless, Mostly selfless, though still depends.

↠food aggressive or generous, Both.

↠merciless or merciful, Greatly depends.

↠trusting or skeptical, Skeptical.


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⊱ psyche,
Chilled, collected, reserved, domineering, judgmental, and slightly conniving with dark tendencies.

Generally speaking, Dresten is a mellowed and relatively easy-going individual for the most part. While he is not one to actively and excitedly seek social interaction with others, he is normally not opposed to the idea and is a rather fine conversationalist. He is calm and exceptional when it comes to keeping his head straight during a conflict or when trying times approach. He handles things with a sense of chilled collectiveness that would likely annoy someone that was attempting to get under his skin. This is something that probably separates him from his twin brother the most. He deals his damage with verbal intellect and glares that could kill as a first resort and is actually a bit harder to anger. Dresten is the lingering, eerie calm before the storm that is his brother. In some ways, he is predictable in terms of behavior, but he and his twin might as well be conjoined at the soul; dual personalities in one force to be reckoned with. Dresten has a bit of a judgmental streak and does not enjoy the idea of meekness or cowardice within others as he sees it all as nothing but weakness.

⊱ anatomical, -

↠Fears ➳ Something drastic happening to his brother resulting in his death. Dresten is deathly afraid of what it would be like to carry on without his twin.

↠Stat records,

⊱ hearing, 8/10
⊱ sight, 8/10
⊱ smell, 9/10
⊱ stamina, 10/10
⊱ defense, 7/10
⊱ offense, 7/10
⊱ cold endurance, 8/10
⊱ heat endurance, 6/10
⊱ swimming, 5/10
⊱ bite force, 238 PSI
⊱ feral, 9/10
⊱ intellect, 8/10
⊱ wariness toward humans, 10/10
⊱ dominance, 8/10


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↠sire ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠dam ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠siblings ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠step-kin ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠love interest ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠mate(s) ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠offspring ➳
  ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠friends ➳
  ⊱ anatomy and relationship,


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↠voice claim ➳ Idris Elba.

↠creator ➳ Toxi.
  ⊱ date of creation, 22nd July, 2020.

↠current roleplays ➳ Steel Canines.

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