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↠calling ➳ -

↠birth name ➳ Marisol.
   ⊱ pronunciation, Mar-ih-sol
   ⊱ sole meaning, 'Sea and sun'.
   ⊱ origin, Her name has Spanish origins and was one her mother gave to her for the vibrant color of her eyes and how she behaves like that of a calming sea. A striking polar opposite of her twin, Nymeria.

↠biological sex ➳ Female.
   ⊱ gender, Female.
   ⊱ pronouns, She / Her

↠species ➳ Canis Lupus Occidentalis.
   ⊱ breed, Mackenzie Valley Wolf.

↠romantic orientation ➳ -
↠sexual orientation ➳ -

↠age ➳ Two years.
   ⊱ birth month / time, April 1st at sunrise.
   ⊱ zodiac, Aries.
   ⊱ birthstone, Green Tiger Eye.


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↠base pelage ➳ Much like her twin, the base coloring of her pelt is a light cream. However, the brown covering it is a lot lighter than Nymeria; a very light latte tan.
   ⊱ accentuating palate, Instead of a very prominent black shading om the top layer of her pelt, her shading is more light and ashen grey in color.

↠eye shape ➳ Large and round, lightly slanted.
   ⊱ eye color, A very pale shade of moon kissed golden.


Marisol, despite the genes of her specific wolf breed, appears to be more on the lean and lithe side compared to her twin. She still has a bit of the height, slightly leggy and nimble; her build all around resembles a very 'feminine' nature. From outside looks, she would almost appear to be starved in some way, though she has simply grown into a lean and more agile frame. Her pelt is also much shorter and softer than Nymeria's just as it is lighter in color.

↠scarrings, None, as of yet.


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   ⊱ moral alignment, Neutral Good.

↠inventive or consistent, More consistent.

↠curious or cautious, Cautious.

↠efficient or easy-going, Easy-going.

↠organized or careless, Organized.

↠energetic or reserved, Can be a bit of both, depending, but mostly reserved.

↠friendly or challenging, Friendly.

↠compassionate or detached, Compassionate.

↠dominant or submissive, Submissive.

↠logical or emotional, Emotional.

↠possessive or lenient, More so lenient.

↠sunrise or moonhigh, Moonhigh.

↠selfish or selfless, Probably overly selfless.

↠food aggressive or generous, Generous.

↠merciless or merciful, A bit too merciful.

↠trusting or skeptical, More skeptical.


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⊱ psyche,

Marisol is a very down to earth dog, preferring to spend her days fueled by positive energy rather than let negativity overcome her if possible. She tries to treat her packmates with kindness, wanting them to feel like they could come to her if needed. She tends to be welcoming and doesn't really believe in judging a book by its cover. She is soft spoken, but would be willing to come to the aid of anyone. Marisol is also quite motherly and naturally protective, though often doesn't condone heavy violence at first. She has the tendency to fall into pits of anxiety and worry over certain situations that could be potentially threatening to herself or those she comes to care about. This worry she harbors often leads to stress that has been known to make her sickly. However, Marisol enjoys attempting to make another smile or laugh and at times, the female isn't against harnessing her mildly comical nature at times.

⊱ anatomical, -

↠Fears ➳ -

↠Stat records,

⊱ hearing, 9/10
⊱ sight, 4/10
⊱ smell, 9/10
⊱ stamina, 10/10
⊱ defense, 7/10
⊱ offense, 5/10
⊱ cold endurance, 6/10
⊱ heat endurance, 8/10
⊱ swimming, 8/10
⊱ bite force, 900 PSI
⊱ feral, 8/10
⊱ intellect, 8/10
⊱ wariness toward humans, 10/10
⊱ dominance, 1/10


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↠sire ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠dam ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠siblings ➳
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↠step-kin ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠love interest ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠mate(s) ➳
   ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠offspring ➳
  ⊱ anatomy and relationship,

↠friends ➳
  ⊱ anatomy and relationship,


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↠voice claim ➳

↠creator ➳ Toxi.
  ⊱ date of creation, 20th July, 2020.

↠current roleplays ➳ Latibule.

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