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calling ➳ —

birth name Theia.
   pronunciation, Th—ay—ah.
   sole meaning, Theia is the Greek Titaness or, by extension, goddess of shining light, sight, and the one who endowed gold, silver, and precious gems with their brilliance and intrinsic value.
   origin, Her mother saw it extremely fitting to give her such a name that closely resembled her sun-kissed pelt and eyes that were a rare, yet perfect shade of golden that gleamed brightly if the rays of the sun hit them right.

biological sex Female.
   gender, Female.
   pronouns, She/Her.

species Canis Lupus.
   breed, Timber Wolf.

romantic orientation Biromantic.
sexual orientation Bisexual.

age 11 moons | 11 months old.
   birth month / time, March 18th
   zodiac, Pisces.
   birthstone, —


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base pelage A stark white alabaster.
   accentuating palate, Faint shading of golden beige stretching over her face, head, back, and sides. Though down her back is light ashen grey and perhaps small hints of black scattered somewhere in the midst.

eye shape Rounded.
   eye color, A very vibrant, luminous coloration of a soft golden. It can nearly be compared to the bright glowing hue of the sun.


Short desc. ;

A slightly smaller than average she-wolf with a willowy and elegant build. Her pelt is thick, though it is also short due to the weather nod climate conditions of her pack's territory. The coloring consists of a snowy white base, followed by a shading of light beige that makes her appear as though golden dust litters her pelt underneath the sun. Dorsal-wise, light grey trails down her spinal area, accompanied by flecks and hints of black. Lastly, her eyes are a brilliant, entrancing shade of soft, luminous golden.

scarrings, None as of yet.


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   moral alignment, Lawful good.

inventive or consistent, Consistent.

curious or cautious, Curious.

efficient or easy-going, Easy-goin.

organized or careless, Organized.

energetic or reserved, Both.

friendly or challenging, Probably way too friendly. She wouldn't even challenge an ant.

compassionate or detached, Compassionate.

dominant or submissive, Submissive.

logical or emotional, Emotional.

possessive or lenient, Lenient.

sunrise or moonhigh, Sunrise.

selfish or selfless, Selfless.

food aggressive or generous, Generous.

merciless or merciful, Merciful.

trusting or skeptical, Trusting. She's still kinda youngish.


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Theia is definitely what one would describe as having a youthful sense of purity and light to her. She hasn't experienced too much in her young life and, therefore, still manages to keep a hold on her mostly unscathed innocence. She possesses a heart that is likely far too big for her chest and if anyone were to be an extreme empath, it would be Theia. She is practically a master at sensing the emotions of others and even feeling them, in a sense, that whatever type of pain, sadness, or sorrow someone might be experiencing... she hurts for them. It literally pains her to see anyone, especially those she is close to, suffering in any type of way almost to the point of being the type to cry as soon as someone else started to. Honestly, there is a pretty high chance she would cry along with someone while doing her best to comfort them all at the same time.

— Her soul and spirit are delicate and fragile things, Theia definitely does not do well when faced with hostility of any form and most certainly cannot handle being at the mercy of anyone's aggression or anger. So it is because of that, that she tries her best to remain on 'good terms' with people, especially older wolves and those who rank higher. She'd do just about anything to keep others as happy as can be and to keep a smile on their faces at all times. Despite how this is pretty unhealthy on her part as in reality, it is quite literally impossible to make everyone happy. It is difficult for her right now to grasp the concept that sometimes no matter what good someone does, there will still be those that are not fond of you for whatever reason.

— She is, in fact, a bit timid and sensitive to a degree. A soft-spoken lass, she isn't one to be very openly opinionated or loud. She addresses everyone with a gentleness to her tone as if her voice hardly ever gets used. Though she also doesn't quite know how to stand up for herself, nor is she very good at saying 'no' most times and can very easily be smothered or drowned out by a more confident, 'dominant' being. She can also be vaguely described as skittish and a bit fearful of certain things. When paired with a wild, energetic wolf that is seeking to drag her out into the unknown for some adventure, she immediately tries to back out. It would be wise not to get her started on larger, more intimidating wolves either or intense situations. She is prone to delving into a state of panic where she forgets how to speak and her legs become literal jelly.

— Weak is also something that can describe this female in a way. Though she is only weak in the sense she struggles to fight for herself and stand up against others. The idea of conflict does not appeal to her and she does try to avoid it through every means possible. She simply wants to be a light of peace and kindness within an unforgiving world where some would be quick to try and put that light out and that is something she may never fully come to understand. The unfortunate and sad thing is, is one could do her wrong many times over and she would still attempt to make amends, despite any amount of pain she was put through. One thing is for sure, it definitely a difficult task to put out the light that Theia carries with her. It is a persistent thing, indeed.

anatomical, —

Fears She has a strong fear of failing, aggression, sudden noises, and the unknown.

Stat records,

hearing, 9/10
sight, 8/10
smell, 9/10
stamina, 10/10
defense, 3/10
offense, 3/10
cold endurance, 5/10
heat endurance, 7/10
swimming, 8/10
bite force, 1200 psi.
feral, 100%
intellect, 8/10
wariness toward humans, duh.
dominance, 0/10 LMAO


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sire ➳ —
   anatomy and relationship, —

dam ➳ —
   anatomy and relationship, —

siblings Erebus.
   anatomy and relationship,

Refer to Lina's character chapter in her roleplay. You'll find him there.

step-kin ➳ —
   anatomy and relationship, —

love interest Open for future development, like once she turns a year old.
   anatomy and relationship, —

mate(s) N/A
   anatomy and relationship, —

offspring N/A
  anatomy and relationship, —

friends Open!!
  anatomy and relationship, —


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fun facts
She has a fascination with stones and pebbles and has a hidden collection of ones that she finds pretty or unique. Don't be surprised to find her wading in a river and she all of a sudden dunks her head in to 'fish' the pebbles off of the riverbed.

— Her fascination extends to birds and the many different songs each one sings. Therefore, she would never kill or eat one. Ever. She can listen to a distinct birdsong and tell you exactly what kind of bird it belongs to.

— She enjoys singing and can usually be found softly doing so, usually with stuff that she has made up on her own or even humming little tunes to herself.

— When she gets too nervous or scared, she could pace around for hours if allowed and if she is ever forced to be still, she will usually sit and either nibble at her paws or pick at her claws with her teeth.

— She likes the feeling of a warm, physical presence, so if she is comfortable with you, you may end up feeling a Theia either subconsciously lean against you or snuggle up into your side while sleeping.

— Bad weather puts her in a gloomy mood. The sun if one of her favorite things about a normal day.

voice claim
Sophie Turner <3

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

creator Toxi.
  date of creation, 30th March, 2021.

current roleplays 'BURNING PILES'

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