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calling Spirit of the North.

birth name Kodiak.
   pronunciation,  K-oh-dee-ack
   sole meaning, It is a name meaning island; more specifically, an Alaskan island.
   origin, He once dwelled alone on Kodiak island, neighboring a native Inuit tribe who would occasionally run across the wolf and often stop to watch. he coexisted in peace with the native folk and they in turn believed he was a spirit sent to protect them.

biological sex Male.
   gender, Male.
   pronouns, He/Him/His

species Canis Diris.
   breed, Dire wolf.

romantic orientation Biromantic, no lean.
sexual orientation Bisexual, equally attracted to both genders in a sexual manner.

age Around 5 years, well into his prime.
   birth month / time, Early February, mid-winter.
   zodiac, Aquarius.
   birthstone, Amethyst.


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base pelage Silvery, moon-kissed alabaster.
   accentuating palate, A dusting of soft ashen atop the outter coat and hidden within the undercoat. a glaze of black sits prominent at the surface of the coat and the ears hold a dusty, light flaxen color to them.

eye shape Large and slightly almond shaped.
   eye color, A deep, vibrant shade of golden.

Kodiak's build wanders from that of a typical present day wolf. With a skeletal structure consisting of thick bone with layers of taut muscle stretched among his body; he is certainly a wolf that is not just all fluff. This, he inherited from his father, standing at a towering height of thirty three and a half inches at the shoulder and weighing in at one hundred and thirty pounds. Kodiak was the more physically blessed among his siblings; a well-bred beast of a Dire carrying the eye catching moon kissed pelt of his mother and intimidating stature of his father. He always carries himself with a sense of regality and authority, head lifted and ears pushed forward.

scarrings, He's got his fair share of hidden scars beneath his pelt.


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   moral alignment, Lawful good.

inventive or consistent, Consistent.

curious or cautious, Cautious.

efficient or easy-going, Efficient.

organized or careless, Organized.

energetic or reserved, Between.

friendly or challenging, Depends.

compassionate or detached, Between.

dominant or submissive, Dominant.

logical or emotional, Logical.

possessive or lenient, Possessive.

sunrise or moonhigh, Sunrise.

selfish or selfless, Selfless.

food aggressive or generous, Between.

merciless or merciful, Greatly depending.

trusting or skeptical, Skeptical.


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— Kodiak, in general, has seen many years and many things that the average Joe would likely not experience within a life time. Things, that to a regular individual, would likely send their mentality into a downward spiral and end with their presence in some physicatric ward or worse. Death. Yet these said, untold events are what have shaped and molded the brute into the being he is today. Upon first meeting, Kodiak is uptight and stiff. Almost as if he were an animal introduced to many unfamiliar faces, tense and ready to strike. He might look upon you with mild distaste, let his gaze devour every inch of your being in a calculating manner. He may turn up short when speaking, as if interest was already lost and he is already willing to brush you off like a flea upon his pelt. Other times, he might look right through you, past you and some place far away in heavy, brooding thought.

— Kodiak is a complicated case, though he is not impossible. He does not click with everyone and everyone does not click with him. He is not one for throwing himself into multiple connections and friendships with too many people, seeing as while his own trust issues are quite high towards others, he harbors slight distrust for himself in many cases. Kodiak is also not always that friendly. He can be an extremely cold and spiteful asshole when the mood hits him right, which in turn can drive the wrong people off. It takes certain kinds of individuals that are willing to put up with him and are dismissive of his behavior. After all, those people relieve him in some manners and make him a tad more...comfortable, with himself.

As stated previously, he is not an impossible case. Of course, he has many barriers and layers that do take a bit of time and patience to get past. Though once you do, things become easy for both sides. Kodiak seems to forget the negative of himself and even does so much as to get comfortable with the behavior and persona of certain people. Believe it or not, he has the capability to tease and strike a sarcastic, cheeky comment here and there, and much prefers if others do so as well so he doesn't feel awkward about himself. Once you've snagged his trust and a place within his frigid heart, you will be gifted with himying loyalty and support if he deems you worth his time and patience.

— Kodiak has lost many things and many people in his lifetime, and has developed an inward fear of losing anyone that gets close. Therefore, this is one of the reasons he harbors a hefty amount of possessive tendencies. Once he is attached, he can't seem to stray too far for too long. While he may not be around, he will always somehow be within reach. He is a dominant figure, making for another cause of his possessive nature and the need to have a sliver of control in multiple situations. With possessiveness comes protectiveness, and protective, he most certainly is. It's as if his life no longer concerns him as much as another's. He's a deadly force to be reckoned with who will place you on the receiving end of his wrath before a word is uttered.

And, my friends, he plays dirty.


Fears He greatly fears the loss of any who seek to grow close to him.

Stat records,

hearing, 9/10
sight, 9/10
smell, 10/10
stamina, 8/10
defense, 6/10
offense, 8/10
cold endurance, 10/10
heat endurance, 5/10
swimming, 3/10
bite force, Around 400lbs and 1,200lbs when attacking or defending himself.
feral, 9/10
intellect, 7/10
wariness toward humans, 6/10
dominance, 10/10


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grandfather , Luther.

grandmother , Valdis.

sire Taarak.
   anatomy and relationship,

dam Svana.
   anatomy and relationship,

Grendel, Amaris.
   anatomy and relationship,

   anatomy and relationship,

love interest
   anatomy and relationship,

   anatomy and relationship,

offspring Kairos.
  anatomy and relationship,

  anatomy and relationship,


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voice claim Idris Elba.

creator Toxi.
  date of creation, 15th November, 2020.

current roleplays ➳ —

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