Chapter 2: Bring Me To Life

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"Ok so you remember the story right?" I looked at Quinn as I put my shoes on.

"I remember, I still don't think people will believe it though" he slightly shrugged.

"Come on Quinny, it's perfect" I stood up making my way to him and placing my hands on his upper arms.

"Quinny?" He looked at me with an annoyed look.

"Well, the party officially started two minutes ago so you're officially my boyfriend for the week" I explained.

"Oh yeah, I guess so" he chuckled softly.

"And that means I get to call you Quinny, even if you hate it" I giggled.

"Fine, I'll deal" he smiled as I dropped my hands from his arms.

"Good" I returned the smile before getting serious again.

"What?" He asked concerned.

If there was one thing I knew about dating Quinn, even fake dating, was that he could be awkward sometimes...especially in the beginning or when he's uncomfortable. Something as simple as him showing he wasn't completely relaxed, comfortable and into any kind of intimacy could make our whole plan unravel. People would definitely know something was up.

Before expressing my concern over our believability with physical intimacy, I thought better of it and decided to just break the ice. I placed a hand on his arm again, leaning up to quickly press a kiss to his lips as his body tensed.

"There, now we got that awkwardness out of the way and I was ones ever going to believe us" I lightly laughed going to turn away.

"Hey" he grabbed my arm pulling me back to face him. "You caught me off guard, I wasn't ready for that at all" he chuckled.

"Alright then, go ahead" I motioned with my arms.

"Go ahead what?" He looked at me confused.

"Go ahead, kiss me" I continued.

He leaned forward and kissed me quickly...very quickly, and awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was your elderly aunt" I said with a laugh.

He breathed out frustrated and ran his hand through his hair.

"I think I know the problem" I said holding my hands up in front of my face to block it from his view. "Here, pretend I'm a pretty girl"

"Stop" he grabbed my arms and pulled my hands away from in front of my face. "You are a pretty girl, Y/N" he looked at me seriously.

"Is it just because we're friends?" I asked him questioningly.

"Is what because we're friends?" He asked confused.

"Why you can't kiss me without being awkward, why you can't even seem to touch me" I slightly threw my hands in the air.

"That's not true" he said quietly.

"Then touch me Q. Hug me, hold me, something. If you can't even touch me there's no way anyone's ever going to be-" I started ranting before he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulled me fully against him and crashed his lips on mine.

"Think they'll believe that?" He asked with a small pant as he pulled away.

I almost did.

"Yeah, I think that will work" I nodded, still sort of in a daze.

"Good" he said with a faint smile before finally releasing me. "I still think people might have trouble believing our story though" he turned to grab his jacket.

"Why do you say that?" I asked curiously grabbing my own jacket.

"There's no way anyone will believe you fell for me first" he chuckled softly while helping me pull on my jacket.

"It's completely believable, I could definitely see how any girl would fall for you" I gave him a smile as he slipped one of his hands into mine.

"Even if that was true, it doesn't matter. For the next week, I'm all yours" he tapped my nose gently.

"I'm a lucky girl" I joked with a light laugh as he tugged me out the door.

"So, before we go in there...are you sure about this? Like completely, all in sure?" He looked at me nervously.

"The awkward part is over Q, we've established we can be convincing with the physical intimacy. You're my best friend so I know we're convincing with knowing each other well and getting along. We can do this, your teammates and my family will leave us alone and then we can go back to being best friends. It's a perfect plan. It's believable and it's foolproof" I laid my hand on his knee.

"We can definitely do this" he took a breath. "So let's do this" he pulled himself out of the the car moving around the car to help me finish opening my door.

"How sweet of you" I grinned at him.

"Did you already forget you're officially my girlfriend for the week?" He chuckled, closing the car door.

"I didn't think that included special treatment" I breathed a laugh.

"That's not special kind of treatment, that's the way you should always be treated. The fact that you think me helping you with your door is special treatment proves why I would never want you to use a random guy to make your family think you're seeing someone" he said seriously.

"Huh?" I asked him confused. I had so many questions but for the life of me, that was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Nothing, don't worry about it"

I shrugged turning to move towards the party before I felt Quinn's hand in mine pulling me back to him. My body fell right into his and his hands on each side of my face pulled my lips to his, kissing me with an intensity I've never been kissed with before.

"What was that for?" I breathed, barely above a whisper as he pulled away.

"Just making sure we still had it" a soft smile played on his lips as he took my hand in his and lead me towards the front door.

Oh we still had it alright. But what did we have? Quinn had gone from awkwardly pecking my lips and not being able to touch me, to shocking me with heated kisses and wanting to hold my hand constantly.

He was definitely more comfortable with the situation now than he was before we left the house, the only question now is if people would believe us.

Fingers crossed.

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