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Fawnpelt dashed through the woods, and leaped out catching a rabbit a second before it dashed away. "Nice catch!"Sorreltail mewed padding over. The duo walked back to the clan, flicking her ear. "I wonder what we're gonna do with Sol now that we have him..."Sorreltail sighed. "I don't care what happens to him as long as he stops bothering me with his nonsense!"Fawnpelt retorted. "Are you also missing Snowblossom, you get to see her at the border with the leaders permission every half moon or so"Sorreltail sighed knowing that tone. "I don't miss her that much's just I think I might be expecting, I don't know"Fawnpelt sighed. "Expecting?! You should check with Leafpool, you might be expecting Sol's kits if he'd been pestering you every time he's out and about, I remember he annoyed you when you were part of Shadowclan with Snowblossom for a while!"Sorreltail gasped. Fawnpelt sighed, entering the clans camp. She went to the elders den, setting the plump juicy rabbit down. "Thanks youngin' mighty sweet of you"Purdy nodded. She turned, padding right to the medicine den, pushing through the brambles. "Jayfeather, Leafpool!"Fawnpelt called.

"Hello Fawnpelt..."Jayfeather greeted. She brushed her fur against his, both  purring quietly. "Sorreltail says I should get checked cause I told her I might be expecting Sol's kits by accident"Fawnpelt sighed. "Accident?"Jayfeather frowned. "When Sol was in Shadowclan before Snowblossom and Tawnypelt left and even before that he always bothered me, saying I was a sweet she-cat, and he hopes he gets to know me more, and even now he still pesters me when he's out and about!"Fawnpelt explains irritated with the tom already. Leafpool padded in, giving Fawnpelt a nod having  overheard what she said. Fawnpelt laid in a nest, looking nervous about the answers she might get. Leafpool looked at her and nodded. "You're expecting"Leafpool informs. A yowl of fury startled the clan, Fawnpelt dashing out of the medicine den. "Fawnpelt!" Sol looked at Fawnpelt, the she-cat slamming him down her claws on his throat. "Guess what Sol, I'm having your kits! Thanks a lot!"Fawnpelt snarled. Sol stared at her, surprise flashing in his eyes. "Oh're not sticking around to see them either..."Fawnpelt snarled at the hopeful look he had. Firestar hurried over, gently pushing her back.

"Mark my words Sol, you will NEVER see your kits!"Fawnpelt yowled. She turned, storming right into the warriors den. Leafpool padded in, and laid beside her. "It's alright Fawnpelt...I'm here for you I know how you feel in a way"Leafpool sighed. Fawnpelt stared at her, her claws sunk into the moss. "You can stay in the medicine den, I'll watch over you"Jayfeather says nudging the she-cat to her paws. "Is there a rule now that toms can't see their expecting mates"Sol demanded. "No but there's also nothing in the rules that tell you to go pinning after a she-cat who hates you more than foxes and badgers!"Sorreltail retorted angrily. "Fawnpelt..."Sol stared. Fawnpelt hissed at Sol, her tail protecting her belly. She vanished into the medicine den, Sol getting led back to his little prison. Sorreltail went to the medicine den, helping Leafpool comfort a scared Fawnpelt. Night arrived, Fawnpelt asleep curled up. She opened her eyes and got to her paws, leaving the den. She came out of the camp, Brightheart looking at her in surprise. "I need to walk and clear my mind..."Fawnpelt sighed. "Don't take too long okay Fawn, I know how you feel about all of this"Brightheart nodded.

Fawnpelt padded away, her ears flattened back. She remembered the way Brambleclaw and his patrol went when they had to go and retrieve Sol. "I'm not going long as he's there..I'll start my own clan, we'll live happy and I'll protect them with my life!"Fawnpelt promised. She hurried away, only stopping to catch a few mice for the journey. The mice hung by their tails on her jaws, as she continued onwards. She looked towards Shadowclan, spotting two familiar cats together, but kept running. "Fawnpelt!"Brightheart called sounding worried now, but the she-cat kept running. "I'm not going back, I won't go back I refuse...I'll never go back to Thunderclan, Sol will never see his kits for as long as he lives! They can search for me high and low but none of them will find me until I make myself known!"Fawnpelt swore. She took a rest in a clump of bushes, eating one of the mice. She curled up, going to sleep, her nose buried in her tail. A glowing cat appeared behind her, looking sad by her decision. Fawnpelts father pressed his muzzle to her ear, then vanished back to the stars. "You're gonna be okay."

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