💙💚Dream Phobia😢😌

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Why would we always conquer with fear.... why... why always... sometimes water fear, sometimes height phobia, why always these fears come between us... why... Sometimes we conquer with dream phobia. Dream phobia  means when you have some dreams but you have fear that whether you will get success in your dream or not, whether it will complete or not, so this is all dream fear.

Akansha had so many dreams. When she was  in school, she wanted to be a teacher. When she was in college, her dream got change, now she wanted to be a lecturer but now after finishing the graduation, she wants to be an actress but there is always a fear, whether she is able to complete her dream, whether she will get success. According to me, you will get success if someone is always there for you as a support system, especially if that support system is your parents then everything become so easy but in Akansha's there is not any support system for her dreams. Her father only wants to see her married, he wants that now she should get married but she always ignored him.

"Fight for your dreams", is very easy to say but when you would fight in real then you get to know that how difficult it is...

Akansha is still fighting for her dreams but there is always fear that for which dream she is fighting with parents, going against them, always get scolded by father, it will be complete or not, she will get success or not... but due to her fear, she never forbid fighting for her dreams, she always tried to overcome with her fear...

I think parents should understand their children at least try to understand them, they're your children not of anybody else then why you couldn't understand them. I know children are not always right but at least support them and show them right way by your support and love....

So never fear with your with, try to overcome on your fear then you will see that fear is not that big as you are thinking, so make fear scare with you not you scared with fear...

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