Chapter One

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It was hot, or at least hot for me, as a man from Winchester Virginia where the hottest days of summer are rarely above one hundred degrees Fahrenheit this desert was a shock to the senses. Of course, it's also possible that the LSD I had dropped an hour before had was having a warming effect but regardless I was covered in sweat in my sixteenth hour straight of driving the great red horse. This was accomplished with the magical substances cocaine and Adderall.

On this sixteenth hour of driving, I began to notice the sky turning green with large purple vultures flying alongside the car. I'm able to say phrase "Maybe you should drrrii." Before my mouth refused to open. I heard a disembodied voice say "What's up?" and responded by pulling the car over to the side of the road bring it to a stop. I looked to the passenger seat to see my skinny friend Kevin Crowe staring back at me with a beer in his hand. Kevin was a high-ranking manager at some construction company in Richmond. Kevin had recently broken up with his flat chested overly possessive girlfriend after much convincing by myself and his brother shortly thereafter he agreed to join us on this trip to the desert home of sin. Kevin stared back at me as I silently screamed "You need to drive!" in my mind, Kevin seemed to not understand my attempt at telepathic conversation. With a substantial amount of effort, I was able to get my arm up and point at Kevin and then the steering wheel. "Do I need to drive?" he asked me. I struggled to nod my head up and down. "Get in the back," Kevin replied.

As I turned my head to the back seat of the car I saw another strange person. After a moment I realized the strange man was Jack Crowe, Kevin's younger Irish twin almost exactly 9 months' younger. Jack's charisma and good looks lead him to be able to maintain several non-emotional relationships with multiple women which were quickly ended when joining me on this adventure.

Jack got out of the car and motioned for me to get in the back seat. Using what's left of my energy and motor skills I climbed into the back of the convertible red horse. For the last few days, we've been trading spots when one gets too tired or high to drive it was time to switch to whoever was the soberest.

Our trip was headed for Las Vegas where I planned on setting down roots. I felt the need to leave Winchester the place was too pure and clean I didn't fit in. Winchester had it all natural beauty, people saying hello, homeowner's associations and such. As one of Virginias leading psychologists everyone expected me to be kind and friendly and sober I figured I'd fit in better as one of Nevada's leading psychologists.

As I looked back into the desert my mind began to wander as the vultures circled around me. I found myself thinking about those who had died in this barren wasteland. A slow death, sunburnt and starving, a horrible way to die. There are those who could crawl their way to the nearest town and get the help they need. Many of those trapped in the desert find a way to end themselves, be it a gun or knife. I'm not sure if in that situation I would end myself. In the past, I had put razors to my arms and drawn blood in but I don't believe my desire was to kill myself it was just something I did. Of course with the boredom associated with starving to death, I'd probably start cutting myself after a day to have something to do.

Staring out into the desert I hear a strange noise. I look into the driver's seat where Jake had turned on the radio and a rapper talked about how little he respected women, and how much he likes spending money excessively.

I looked back out into the desert and saw the home of my youth. There are beautiful trees and magnificent mountains and a small town full of those I call friend. In this town, there is a home with a hard-working father who did everything for his two daughters and his son.

After a moment the father is surrounded by his ex-wives and soon they leave the beautiful town and enter a corrupt capital city. The buildings are dark and the sky is gray. The father is drunk and violent the daughters leave his side. The friends are replaced by bullies and the son is worse of all.

He's always drunk or high, he's fighting whenever possible especially with himself. His self-inflicted mental torcher never ends and he regularly keeps a blade to his arm. He pushes whoever loves him away he's full of hate towards most things in life and is extremely pessimistic. He wants to die but lacks the conviction so kills himself slowly with pills.

I looked away in disgust from the dark seen into the driver's seat. I found myself staring at the staring at the Crowe brothers with them staring back at me. Jack was pointing a Colt 45 at my face I'm able to get out the word "Oh" before a bullet entered my right eye.

I felt the bullet passing through my skull and brain. Less a pain more a "presence" I felt the bullet exit my skull blowing out the back of my head. My head landed on the back of the car and then there's darkness.

I felt my eyelids covering my eyes, both of them. I reached for the back of my head and found it strange that it was all there. I opened my eyes to find myself spiraled out across the back seat and notice a still green sky. Accepting that the stimulants have worn off I prepared myself for Vegas.

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