Talking To God

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White surrounded me, nothing, there was nothing. I spun around countless times looking for something until I heard a voice behind me call out my name. Turning to the voice I saw a man towering over me with white hair and a beard to match. The man wore white robes and a judgmental expression.

"Who are you?" I asked him

"God." He answered

"Oh, so I'm dead."


"And this is purgatory."


"I'm not sure I believe in any of this."

"Regardless you've lived an exemplary life. You've dedicated your life to helping others the peace corps, charitable donation, community services and much more."

"So heaven?"

"Nope you've also had sex before marriage supported gay rights and were an atheist. So you're going to hell."

"Wait, so actually helping others doesn't matter if I don't follow Christianity perfectly?"

"Yup." Answered God as he sent me to hell. As far as I can tell God's a dick.

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