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August pushed my wheel to the driver's side door. He stepped back as I struggled to force myself into the chair from the car. As I turned to the mountain August closed the car door behind me. I struggled to push the chair through the gravel, I told August to stop as he grabbed the handles to push the chair.

As we reached the mountain path we stopped in front of the dirt trail. I turned to August "it's at the peak of the mountain?"

"Slightly below the peak."

"How far below?"

"About twelve feet"

"So the peak"

"Slightly below"

There was a pause.

"We're not gonna be able to use the chair are we?" asked August

"Probably not."

We made our way back to the car. I leaned on a door as August placed the wheelchair in the trunk. August put our gear into our bags which he placed on my back before putting on the harness he had made. As he hunched over I strapped myself into the harness on August's back.

"Sorry," I said

"Things happen." August began to walk to the mountain trail as my legs swung above the ground.

We began up the trail, I asked August "What's it called again?"


"And you lick it?"


"The best visuals ever?"

"It takes you closer to unity with the universe."

As August walked we smoked a joint. When the sun set we found a flat spot next to the trail. As I set up the tents August collected firewood. I started the fire, August handed me a bag of beef jerky and started eating dried fruit.

I went to sleep after some time. When I woke up and crawled out of my tent August was in his underwear standing in tadasana. The cold morning air created goosebumps on his skin. His hair fell over his eyes as he stared at the sunrise.

I asked him "What are you doing?"

"Talking to god."

"What's he saying?"



"Ze, god has no gender."

"What's ze saying?"

"This mountain is really big."

"Anything else?"

"The meaning of life."

We began climbing again. Time passed and we reached a sign with تنوير on it. Nothing we licked made us hallucinate so we climbed the last twelve feet to the mountain's peak. August set me down on a rock and sat next to me. I looked at the immense forest in front of me a breathed in the beautiful ocean of green and brown.

I looked to August who was rolling a blunt he put the green weed into the brown wrap and licked it close. I took the blunt as August handed it to me. "Shanti, Shanti, Shanti," said August

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