Chapter 10....

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"Out of everyone I for sure thought Wyatt would be the stripper." Evelyn said, making everyone laugh. "Never could keep his clothes on. You'd turn around and there he was naked running around the backyard."

"Wasn't me." Wyatt muttered.

"Of course not babe." Josie rubbed his arm but I could tell she was holding back from laughing.

"You and Landon use to have naked picnics." Evelyn continued, much to my delight.

"What" Across me from Landon choked.

"Actual picnics?" I asked, leaning forward amused.

"Don't." Landon hissed which just made me want to know even more.

"The two of them would ask to go sit outside on a blanket and have snacks. They'd sit outside for hours, naked and happy." Both Wyatt and Landon groaned at their mom words.

"Always knew they had a tight bond." Trevor teased.

"Naked buddies." Bryton added cackling.

This was the best barbecue so far. Nothing better than hearing embarrassing stories of Landon when he was younger, seeing his face turn pink. For a man who never shows emotions he looks beyond embarrassed.

"Please tell me you have pictures." I needed to see this.

"Of course." Evelyn sent us a wink which I took as a promise that she'll show us.

"Always knew you two were weird." Mateo laughed. Wyatt narrowed his eyes at his brother.

"We have plenty of embarrassing stories of you if you want to go there."

"I don't care." Mateo shrugged.

"How about that time we went to the zoo-" Wyatt started to say only for Mateo to jump up.

"Anyone want dessert? Time for dessert." Mateo said loudly. I laughed along with everyone else at Mateo completely cutting Wyatt off. "Let me help you with dessert mom." Mateo stood up hoping to get away before an embarrassing story slipped past his brothers lips.

"Don't be mean to your brother." At his moms words Mateo smirked at Wyatt. When Evelyn turned her back Mateo wasted no time in flipping his brother off.

Looping his arm through Evelyn's, Mateo quickly pulled her away from the table before Wyatt could say or do anything else.

"You are so mean to him." Josie hit Wyatt's arm.

"After the shit he's pulled over the years he has it coming."

"Like you are innocent." She sent him a look.

"Of course I am." Wyatt dramatically clenched his chest.

"So," I looked across the table at Landon, lips quirking upwards. "Naked picnics huh."

Landon's eyes narrowed making my smile grow.

"Don't even go there." His voice was low.

"Little Landon running around naked." I cooed.

"I'm your ride home Blondie. I'd be very careful what your next words are."

"If you drive me home naked maybe bring a towel to cover up. Don't want anyone to peek in and see things." I couldn't help myself. "Well unless you want people to see." The look he gave me would make others cower but I just sat there grinning.

"Hopefully you can to get naked since Wyatt and Josie are driving with us. Maybe you and Wyatt wanna get naked like old times."

"Blondie." Landon warned. I probably should shut up but I couldn't seem to control my mouth.

"Josie and I can sit in the back while you guys have a naked bonding moment."

Landon leaned forward, eyes narrowed, jaw clenched.

"That mouth is going to get you in trouble."

"There are ways to shut me up." The words slipped free before I could stop myself. Landon's eyes widened a fraction, dipping to my lips as if he was imagining the ways to shut me up.

My thighs clenched under the table as the image of him standing above me, hands reaching for his pants, tugging them down. His hands on the back of my head as I-

"Dessert is served!"

Mateo's words were like cold water being poured over my head. I blinked trying to clear the image in my head. My skin felt hot and I bet my cheeks were tinted pink. My eyes met Landon who was clenching the side of the table. Staring at me like he knew just what I was thinking about.

As the two of us stared at one another across the table I knew one thing for certain. Any ounce of control I had was seconds from snapping.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Thanks for having me over." I smiled at Evelyn as she pulled me into a tight hug. Her hugs were literally the best.

"Anytime. I'll text you guys about going to my painting class."

"Please do." From the look in her eyes I had a feeling this painting class was something more than she was letting on.

Stepping back I turned to Mateo. His smile was wide as he held his arms open.

"Come on in babe." He wiggled his eyebrows. With a shake of my head I stepped forward and gave him a hug. I wasn't exactly short, 5'6, but Mateo easily towered over me.

"You know this could be an everyday thing if you'd just agree to be my girlfriend." He said above me, arms wrapping around my back. Contrary to his words Mateo was hugging me like you would a friend.

"You would make a pretty great boyfriend." There's no doubt in my mind that Mateo would make a great boyfriend to some lucky girl. He's sweet, funny, caring, treats women with respect. I'm surprised he doesn't have a girlfriend.

"So let's make it official. I like my women older."

"I'm not 80." I pulled back slapping his arm.

"Even if you were you look fantastic." His grin was teasing.

"Gee thanks."

"Anytime babe."

Over his shoulder I could see his friends watching. With a smile of my own I moved up onto my toes. Mateo's eyes were wide as I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Be good." Turning on my heel I felt Mateo standing there staring after me. I heard his friends say something to him which made me laugh under my breath. He loves to tease us its only fair we do it in return.

With a bye to the others I lifted myself into Landon's truck, Josie following behind me.

"By the way," Josie started as the guys got in the truck. "thank you for the cake idea. Evelyn loved it."

"Oh good!"

"All we need to do is the tasting for guests and we have a good chunk done for the wedding."

"It's coming so soon. Are you guys excited?"

"I'd marry her right now if I could." Came Wyatt's response from the front. Cue swoon.

"After all this planning eloping does sound pretty good." Josie laughed. "But it's only a couple more months." I watched as Wyatt put his arm back and gently wrapped his hand around Josie's ankle. The action was so simple and cute. It was like he couldn't go a second without touching her.

"It'll be here before you know it." The next few months will fly by for the both of them.

The ride to Josie and Wyatt's place didn't take long. As the two got out of the truck I had to stop myself from begging Josie to stay so I wouldn't be alone with Landon.

As Josie went to close the door she sent me a wink and a smirk. I pressed my lips together as I stared after her. She purposely had Landon drop them off first so it would just be us two. Smart move.

"Are you going to sit in the back the whole time?"

"Just letting you live out your dream of being my chauffeur." I plastered on a fake smile as I crossed my legs in the backseat. "Need my address?" I asked when he didn't move. He stared at me through the review mirror for another second before he started driving.

As he drove it I realized I didn't even know where Landon lived. We never hung out at his place and over the last year or so I've made an effort to not know anything about him. The satisfaction of him driving me home ebbed as the thought of him driving well out of his way for me.

"You don't live too far right?"

"Why? Planning on stalking me?"

"No." I shot him a look. "Just wanted to make sure you aren't going too far out of your way."

"Don't worry Blondie, I only live a few minutes from here." I tried to hide my surprise at him living close to me. How did I not know that?

We rode in silence the rest of the way. I could feel the tension between us growing with each passing second. From the moment he picked me up from work the tension between us has intensified.

Landon was silent as he kept his eyes on the road. I could tell I wasn't the only one lost in my thoughts.

When he pulled up to my apartment building and parked, a part of me was disappointed we were here already. Wasn't like we were having a great conversation or anything. I couldn't stand the guy, so why was I so disappointed.

"Well thank you." I managed to say, praying my voice didn't sound as disappointed as it did to my ears. Landon just nodded, keeping his eyes forward.

Okay then.

Grabbing my bag I opened the door. I dared one more glance over my shoulder at him. He was still staring straight ahead, hands gripping the steering wheel. Earlier I thought the sexual tension was mutual but the way he was acting now I wasn't so sure. Probably for the best anyways.

With a soft sigh I jumped out of his truck and shut the door. Swallowing the disappointment I headed for the building. I didn't dare look over my shoulder to see if he had left or not.

As I waited for the elevator I shook my head at myself, suddenly angry. Why did I think for just a moment that Landon felt what I did? That maybe, just maybe, he would do something after all the teasing today. He probably did all of that to mess with me. Just something else for him to tease me about.

I don't even like him. I kept telling myself as I stepped into the elevator. Clicking the button for my floor I gripped my bag. Time to erase any of those thoughts about Landon. Don't know why I'm even thinking about him.

The elevator doors were starting to close before a hand suddenly appeared. My eyes widened as a familiar figure appeared in the doorway of the elevator.


Without saying a word Landon stepped into the elevator. Those gorgeous blue eyes staring right into my soul as he walked straight towards me, stopping inches away. His big hands came up to cup the sides of my face, tilting my head back a little.

"Lan-" I went to say but was silenced as Landon placed his lips against mine. 


Sorry not sorry for the cliffhanger....please don't kill me :D but don't worry the next chapter things will spice up *wink*. I know this chapter is a bit shorter than the others needed the build up for the upcoming chapters. Cause just you guys wait!

I've been asked when the rest of the book will be up and I'm still hoping by the end of October. I writing the final chapters now so hopefully I can get through them fast and get the whole book up for you guys! 

I also want to say a HUGE thank you to you guys. My book 'Trapped for Christmas' made the Wattys Shortlist this year. Which is just insane. Never thought my little Christmas book would be nominated and its all because of you guys! The winners will be announced Dec 1st so imagine if we won? Christmas book winning around Christmas. So thank you so much for the love and support you guys give me everyday <3 <3

As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Do we think Landon and Lydia will start a friends with benefits type thing?


<3 <3 <3


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