Chapter 33....

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They all stood there in stunned silence. It took a minute for my words to sink in before they all spoke at once.

"Coach? As in our coach?" Trevor asked.

"Coach coach?" Bryton added.

"Woah." Tasha breathed.

"Wyatt's mom and Coach Barnum." Sydni said, her eyebrows raised.

"Oh shit Wyatt's mom." Trevor turned to Bryton. The two of them shaking their heads as if they couldn't believe it.

"I thought I was seeing things but I saw them leaning against one of the tree trunks. I had just talked to Coach a few minutes before so I know its him."

"I did say a bit ago that Evelyn looked to be texting someone. She's been really giddy the past few months."

"She has been. When we went to the painting class," Sydni looked at Tasha and I. "I saw her smiling down at her phone."

"Wonder if they've been seeing each other for awhile now." Tasha wondered out loud.

"Landon didn't see them?" Trevor asked.

"No, he was off with Mateo." I shook my head.

"Josie and Wyatt are going to walk in any minute." Tasha glanced over at the tent. Music coming through the openings.

Any minute now Josie and Wyatt were going to make their entrance. And I know Landon will come looking for me.

"What do we do?" I asked the group. We all stood there staring at one another.

"Do we tell them?" Bryton asked. I couldn't even begin to imagine what Wyatt, Landon or Mateo were going to do if and when they find out.

"Just go up to Wyatt on his wedding day and be like 'hey dude, so your mom was making out with Coach and we think they are seeing each other'. Yeah that will go great." Trevor shot Bryton a look.

"Wouldn't it be better than any of them catching the two?" Bryton shot back.

I bit my lip unsure what to do. I couldn't go up to Landon and tell him. If he was going to find out it should be from his own mother, not me.

"Maybe Evelyn plans on telling them soon." Sydni butted in. "Maybe she hasn't found the right time.

"I think we just wait and see if Evelyn or Coach Barnum says anything to any of the three."

"I agree with Tasha. They might be seeing where their relationship is going before telling them." I added.

"So we just pretend we don't know?" At Bryton's words we all looked at one another. Slowly we all nodded.


"Wyatt's going to kill us if he finds out we knew."

"It's not our place to tell any of them." Tasha said in a firm tone. "Let Evelyn and Coach tell them when they are ready." She leveled Bryton and Trevor with hard looks. "Okay?"

"Okay." Both sighed.

"God can't believe its Coach. Who knew the guy was a romantic." Trevor shook his head.

"Evelyn and Coach were not on my bingo card." Bryton ran his hand through his hair.

At the sound of voices growing we all looked towards the tent. Must be Josie and Wyatt.

"Not a word." I looked at the boys mainly. "We better go."

I could tell we were all still reeling from the news as we made our way back to the tent. We walked through just in time for Josie and Wyatt to make their entrance. The girls and I shared a look before nodding towards the bar.

We definitely need a drink after that.

While Josie and Wyatt moved around the tent greeting everyone; Tasha, Sydni and I moved towards the bar. My eyes kept roaming the area incase we ran into Evelyn and Coach Barnum.

"The guys better not spill the beans." Tasha shook her head as we waited for our drinks from the bartender.

"Seriously and they say women are gossipers. Men are ten times worse." Sydni rolled her eyes.

"The amount of times I've heard Trevor on the phone with Wyatt or Bryton gossiping about some teammate or another team."

"They're girls stuck in mens bodies."

We shared a laugh, completely agreeing, as we grabbed our drinks from the bartender. Tasha grabbed an extra for Josie as the three of us turned back to the party. All three of us shoving what we just learned aside for now.

"Lets go find the bride."

Getting to Josie took a few minutes with all the guests wanting to congratulate the happy couple. I looked around wondering where Landon wandered off to. Having been away from him all week I wanted nothing more than to be by his side all night.

"Congratulations Mrs. Boone." Tasha's squeal had me turning to look at Josie. She was absolutely beaming as she stood there in new dress. Her reception dress was gorgeous. The silky white dress hugged Josie's body perfectly, thin straps on the shoulders before dipping into a very low in the back, with a small bit of fabric trailing behind. Simple yet perfect. 

(This picture is STUNNING! I saw it and immediately thought it was perfect for Josie)

"Can't believe I'm married." She looked over at her now husband who was talking with Trevor and Bryton. "Thank you guys for being my bridesmaids."

"Without me you and Wyatt probably would have gotten married in Vegas or something." Tasha shook her head. "Someone had to be the voice of reason."

I loved how Tasha was taking all the credit. She did help do a lot as the maid of honor, making sure Josie had the best wedding.

"I love you." Josie pulled Tasha into a tight hug, laughing at her antics. The two barely pulled away when Josie was swept into another hug.

"You now have my last name." Mateo grinned as stepped up beside Jo, putting his arm over her shoulders. "You're basically my wife." Josie looked over at him with a shake of her head.

"But seriously congrats Jo." Mateo pulled her tighter into his side. "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you Matty."

One by one Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton entered our group. The only person missing was Landon.

"Hey, have you seen Landon?" I asked the group after a moment.

"He said he had to get something from his car." Mateo said with a shrug. Right on cue I caught sight of Landon making his way towards us from the entrance of the tent. My gaze zeroed in on the envelope in his hand.

I sent him a questioning look as he approached the group, everyone finally catching sight of him. The smile he sent in my direction made my cheeks heat up. Who knew me, Lydia Ellis, would get all blush-y and giddy just from a stupid smile. Before Landon I never did.

"Hey." Landon greeted. I waited for him to come to my side but he surprised me by stopping in front of Josie and Wyatt who were turned to see him. "I know things will be a bit hectic after the wedding so I wanted to give you this." Landon extended the envelope in his hand towards the bride and groom.

I noticed the tension in Landon's shoulders as everyone watched, curious to what he gave them. Even I had no clue what he was doing.

Wyatt sent his brother a confused look while Josie opened the envelope. Whatever she saw made her eyes go wide, hand coming up to her mouth. Wyatt peered over her shoulder, head snapping up towards his brother.

"Landon you..." Josie couldn't get the words out. I could see tears filling her eyes as she stared down at whatever it was.

"You didn't have to do that." Wyatt finished for her.

"I know but I wanted to." Landon looked at his brother as he continued. "Typically the father of the bride or groom does something and since..." Landon swallowed looking a tiny bit nervous as he looked at the couple. We all caught the underlying meaning of his words. Neither Josie nor Wyatt had a father to do something like that for them.

"I wanted you guys to have a proper honeymoon."

"I can pay for the tickets. You-" Wyatt started to say but Landon instantly cut him off.

"I know you can but this is my wedding gift to you guys." Landon shifted on his feet as he geared up to say something else. "I've watched you grow from a kid to a man who's done amazing things with his life. Who will continue on doing amazing things. I'm proud of you."

Landon has never been the touchy feely type yet here is saying one of the most heart warming things to his brother. A brother he raised when he was just a boy himself. Landon was the father figure Wyatt or Mateo never had.

"And I'm proud of you for finding the person you want to spend forever with. So take it and have a good honeymoon."

My throat closed up as Wyatt stepped towards his older brother, wrapping his arms around him in a hug. Josie watched them silently crying as she clenched the envelope in her hands.

I know Landon can be an asshole. He's grumpy and prickly but there is no doubt in anyone's mind that he didn't love his brothers. He may never outright say it but actions like these just show how much he cares.

The pair pulled apart a second later. Both clearing their throats as if they didn't just get teary eyed.

"Thank you." Wyatt's voice was raspy as he cleared his throat once more. Landon just clapped him on the shoulder in return.

"Aw family bonding! Bring it in bros!" Mateo stepped forward, extending his arms out to bring both his brothers into a hug. He only made it a foot in front of Landon before Landon put his hand on Mateo's forehead stopping him from coming any closer.

"Not happening." The grumpy look was back on his face making me grin. That's my grumpy man.

"Come onnnn." Mateo tried to step closer but Landon just pushed him back. "I want a bro hug."

"Get married and you'll get one." I knew what was coming the second the words left Landon's mouth.


"No." Trevor cut in before he could even finish.


"No chance." Bryton did as well.


"Finish that sentence and you'll feel my foot up your ass." Landon said with a glare.

"You guys are all rude. I'm going to find mom and tell her."

"Yeah you go do that."

With a huff Mateo walked off, no doubt going to find Evelyn. All the guys watched him go shaking their heads.

"Enough serious talk it's time to party!" Tasha cut the seriousness around us with a cheer, putting her wine glass in the air. "Lets go."

Grabbing Josie's hand, Tasha tugged her towards the dance floor. Wyatt tucked Landon's gift in his tux pocket before slowly following after his wife watching the pair with a smile. When Landon and I were the last ones left I turned to the side and held out my uninjured hand.

"Care to dance with me." I never got the chance to dance at my wedding, or any event like this before, and I wanted my first time to be with the man I love.

For a second I thought Landon would say that he doesn't dance but he slid his hand in mine.

"I'd love to."

I felt like a giddy school girl walking towards the dance floor. Like I was at prom in high school, my date leading me to the dance floor, about to have the night of my life.

Stepping onto the dance floor Landon grabbed my arms, bringing them up around his neck, before placing his own on my lower back. The song playing was not slow by any means but neither one of us seemed to care.

The two of us swayed side to side as the others danced around us. I saw Trevor twirling Tasha as she threw her head back laughing. Next to them was Bryton and Sydni, both mimicking each others dance moves. The two of them looking at each other with the biggest smiles.

On the other side of us Wyatt and Josie were wrapped in each other. Wyatt was whispering something to Josie making her smile even wider. The two looking so lost in each other.

I really had Josie to thank you everything. If it wasn't for her getting stuck in the elevator and meeting Wyatt, I wouldn't have met Sydni-who has become one of my closest friends. Wouldn't have met Trevor, Bryton, Evelyn or Mateo. Most importantly I wouldn't have met Landon.

We may have started off rocky when we met but it was like I knew deep down that he was going to become someone more in my life later on. Crazy to think it took all of that to get here.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Landon asked, bending his head closer to mine.

My fingers crazed the skin at the nape of his neck. I gazed up at him memorizing every inch of his face. I traced the light scare on the bridge of his nose that he got in a fight on the ice while in Uni. I wanted to continue on staring at his face for as long as he'd let me.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I found myself asking. Before we both jumped head first into this without the 'friends with benefits' label. "You. Me. Us?"

"Lydia." Landon's hands on my lower back pulled me a tiny bit closer. "I've wanted this for awhile now. I just wasn't sure where your head was at about it. We have a lot to talk about. Things we need to work through but if you'll let me I'll be right here every single day."

His words hit me right in the chest. We do have a lot to work through and talk about as we go forward but there's no one else I'd rather do that with.

"I know I can be a bit...difficult at times." I admitted. "I have some things I need to work through on my own but I want to do it all with you." I took a deep breath as I looked right into his eyes.

"I love you."

That's the first time in well over six years I've said those three little words. I wasn't even sure I was capable of feeling that way towards someone else after Jared. Yet here I am, in the arms of a man, I've falling completely head over heels for.

Landon's hands left my lower back and cupped my face. Our movement coming to a stop in the middle of the dance floor. He stared down at me with the softest smile I've ever seen on his face.

"I wanted to be the one to say it first but I guess I'll go second." He tilted my head up just a tad. "I love you Lydia Ellis."

The feeling that washed over me was indescribable. There were no words for how I felt hearing him say those three words. Landon may be the last person I thought would love me but he's also the right person to love me.

Not trusting my voice I did the only thing I could in that moment. I pressed my lips to his, gripping the back of his head as I poured my love into our kiss.

Standing there in the middle of the dance floor at our best friends wedding we kissed like no one was watching. And finally for the first time in my life I felt loved, wanted, cared for. All thanks to Landon Boone I no longer had a fear of love. 

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

You know me I had to put the title in there somewhere! Wouldn't be book 3 if I didn't! 

Can we talk about Landon buying Josie and Wyatt plane tickets for their honeymoon. Landon is the father figure in Wyatt's life and traditionally the parents/father does something (usually on the woman's side) but I wanted to give Landon a moment to show that he is that person in Wyatt and Mateo's life. 

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