Chapter 6...

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"I love game days." Tasha practically bounced on her toes as we waited in the security line.

"No wonder the guys get a rush when they come onto the ice." Josie said with a bright grin.

Even I had to agree coming to hockey games is exciting. There's something about being here with the fans and the energy that made it such a fun time. I didn't get the appeal at first, only tagging along with Josie but now that I've come to enough games I can say I'm a hockey fan now. Hard not to be when my entire friend group are hockey players.

All around us the fans talked excitedly. As they should considering the Knights are on a seven game winning streak. With the season nearing the playoffs everyone is talking about them being The Cup Champions again.

Getting through security only took a second, since this wasn't our first time coming to a game. As we walked towards the stadium doors I noticed multiple people staring at Josie, Tasha and Sydni. Aside from the fact they were wearing their boyfriends jerseys, everyone knew who they were. There's been enough pictures and articles online about all three of them. They weren't necessarily famous but they were definitely known in the hockey world. Dating the star players for the best hockey team in the league will do that.

As Josie and and Sydni walked ahead Tasha came up to my side. Hooking my arm with hers she sent me a wide grin.

"I got us tickets and seats for Josie's bachelorette party in three weeks."

"Perfect." Josie was in for a big surprise with her Bachelorette party. Yesterday Tasha texted me saying she was going to set it up and even try to get one of the dancers to bring Josie on stage.

"She's gonna kill us." I said but couldn't bring myself to actually be upset about it. Once she gets over the embarrassing part of it I know she'll have a blast.

"She's gonna love it." Our eyes met before we both laughed.

Arm in arm we skirted passed the fans towards our seats. Another perk to knowing Wyatt, Trevor and Bryton was the incredible seats. Josie has said before there's a family suite up higher that we could go and watch the game. There's apparently great food and drinks for free but there's nothing like being in the stands.

"Hello Ladies." Terry, our favorite and usual security guard, greeted us.

"Terry, how are you!" Josie smiled.

"Good. The baby is almost here." The grin on his face was contagious as all of us smiled back.

"That's fantastic! Still betting it's a girl." This is why Josie was so good at her job. She's great to talk to and always makes sure to ask how people are and questions about themselves.

"I hope so too." The proud smile on Terry's face was adorable. "Gonna be a great game."

"They'll win." Sydni nodded in agreement. "See ya later!"

Saying bye we all walked through the doorway leading towards our seats. Immediately I was hit with the noise. It was a mix of music and fans, everything echoing around the stadium. The first time I came to a game I was taken back by how loud it was. I can't imagine how the players play with the noise.

Taking our seats I ended up next to Josie on my left and an empty seat on my right. We were literally right up next to the plexiglass. If anyone crashes or get hit into the glass you can feel it in your bones.

The four of sat there talking, more like yelling, to one another as we waited for the game to start.

"What was that about at the barbecue?" Sydni asked, leaning around Tasha to look at me. Josie and Tasha also looking at me in question.

"Landon is typically an ass but what was his deal?" Tasha added.

"Honestly I have no clue." I shook my head. "He was just trying to protect Mateo, which I understand."

"Still it was a bit harsh."

"He did apologize though." At my words all three looked at me in shock.

"Landon? Apologize?" Josie looked at me like I had snakes coming out of my ears. "When? Where? How?"

"I was interviewing him for the Hockey for Kids and before I left he apologized."

"A full out apology?" Tasha asked.

"Yeah. Said he was in the wrong and how he shouldn't have said that to me." I didn't blame them for being so surprised that Landon said sorry. We all know how he is and apologizing was something he never does. I'm still shocked at it myself to be honest.

"He uh..."I hesitated in saying it but I really needed to get it off my chest. "HetookmetoRick's." I mumbled.

"He did what?" All three leaned in closer.

"We went to eat at Rick's." I was met with silence. Josie, Tasha and Sydni just stared at me for a good minute without saying a word.

"You and Landon went to Rick' eat? Alone? Just the two of you?" I almost laughed at Josie's expression but I pressed my lips together and nodded.




Their reaction was exactly like mine when I got home last night. Landon and I purposely being alone together was a shock in itself. We didn't once argue or try and kill each other.

Josie reached over and pressed a hand to my forehead.

"Do you feel sick? Woozy? Quick guys does she look pale to you?"

"He wanted to apologize by paying for my food. Who I am to say no to free food at Rick's." I gently knocked her hand off my head.

"True but its you guys. You've hated one another since you met." Sydni sent me a curious look.

"I never hated him..." Which was true. Landon may get on my nerves and annoy the shit out of me but I didn't hate him. Wasn't sure if that was true for him or not.

"No she lovesssss him." Tasha cooed jokingly.

"Not gonna happen." I rolled my eyes and snorted.

"What's not gonna happen?" A voice suddenly asked next to me. My neck twinged in pain at how fast I jerked my head to the side. Landon stood there staring down at us, his eyebrow raised.

I'm pretty sure all four of us looked like fish out of water with our mouths wide open. My mouth was dry as I swallowed. Oh god how much did he hear?

"Lydia said she's never going to get on the ice again." Tasha suddenly butted in.

"Probably for the best." Landon responded, the corner of his mouth tilting up as he kept on staring at me. I knew he was teasing as I narrowed my eyes.

"If I was taught to skate better I would kick your ass." I huffed turning back to look at the ice.

"Uh huh." Landon took a seat next to me. His response said he didn't believe me in the slightest. Didn't blame him cause I was like a newborn calf trying to walk for the first time when I was on the ice. We all know first hand at how bad of a skater I was.

We all played a game, girls vs boys, not long ago and found out how quickly I sucked. I could barely stay on my feet and keep the skates pointed in the right direction. I spent most of the time clinging to Sydni, who wasn't that much better, or the side boards. A lot of teasing later I ended up on the bench along with Sydni as we watched Josie, Tasha and eventually Mateo play.

"Not all of us grew up skating." I huffed, crossing my arms. "Or have a famous hockey brother." I mumbled.

"Don't worry we still love you." Josie patted my thigh with a joking grin. Josie picked up skating easily because she was athletic while I was anything but. I somewhat went to the gym...when I was feeling like it which honestly wasn't wasn't often. It's too much work being fit.

"Here." It was then I realized Landon was holding a drink carrier filled with beer. This was the third time in the last 48 hours that Landon has surprised me.

"Thank you." I stumbled over my words as I grabbed the beer from his hand, our fingers grazing. As I went to pass the beers down to the others I ignored the looks the girls were giving me.

Grabbing the last beer for myself I met Landon's gaze. His fingers were held the cup over mine.

"Trying to bribe us with beer?" I questioned.

"More like torturing myself." At my confused look he elaborated. "You guys get more vocal when you have something to drink." He wasn't wrong. Get a few beers in Josie and Sydni and the two become the loudest people here.

"Well you better be prepared because we had a few shots before we came tonight." I smirked, finally taking the beer from his hand.

Landon didn't look away as I brought the cup up to my lips. I watched as he clenched his jaw at the movement. I don't know what possessed me to do it but I purposely licked the rim of my cup. Landon's eyes glued to my mouth. The way his eyes darkened had me shifting in my seat.

Feeling a bit smug at getting a reaction I took one last sip and set the cup in the holder in front of me. My tongue darted out to lick my bottom lip as I sat back. I turned to look at the ice, feeling Landon's eyes me the entire time. I resisted the urge to look back over at him.

Thankfully the lights in the arena dimmed and the announcer came over the speaker, stopping me from doing something stupid.

All around me the fans got louder and more excited. As the other team was announced the boos echoed around me. Since we were right next to the ice everything felt magnified by 100. I braced myself as the announcer got ready to announce The Knights. It's about to get even louder.

I couldn't help but jump when the music came on above us signaling the team was coming out onto the ice. Happens every damn time.

"Welcome to the ice, your favorite Right Wing.....BRYTON YOUNG!" Everyone around me cheered but no one cheered louder than Sydni. I wasn't even sitting next to her yet it felt like I was.

"Next on the ice, the best Left Wing in the league....TREVOR HALL!" I swear the crowd just got a tiny bit louder as they yelled. Tasha following suit sounding like a banshee as she screamed.

Simultaneously Josie and I leaned in the opposite direction.

"And finally your star player, the one and only....WYATT BOONE!" At Wyatt's name the entire arena shook. The ground vibrated underneath my feet as well as my chair.

I leaned to the left just as Josie shot up from her chair and screamed. Josie was a freak about hockey. She was before she met Wyatt and its only gotten worse now that her fiancé was a hockey player.

I was practically on top of Landon as I tried to get away from from Josie's ear piercing screams. I glanced up and sent him a sheepish smile.

"Sorry." At least it's just Landon and not a stranger, like last time. Landon opened his mouth to reply but the screams around us grew as Bryton, Trevor and Wyatt skated towards us.

All three came to a stop in front of the plexiglass. Each couple had a thing they did before every home game. Sydni and Bryton did the sign for 'I Love You'. Tasha and Trevor did a cross above their hearts. And Josie and Wyatt tapped the glass three times. It was cute each one had a different way of saying good luck.

I didn't need to look at my friends to know they had dreamy looks on their faces. Not that I blamed them, if my boyfriend went out of his way to see me right before playing a game I'd look like that too.

As the team got ready for the game we all made small talk, talking as much as we could with the noise. Beside me Landon seemed fine to sit there and listen. Once in awhile I felt him staring at me but I tried my best to ignore it.

The moment the team got back on the ice ready to face off all conversation stopped. All the girls immediately zoning in on the ice.

There really was something intriguing about watching hockey in person. Watching the players fight for the puck before taking off in the other direction. Hockey players weren't small by any means but they moved so fast and easy on the ice.

I watched as Trevor snagged the puck from the other team and took off towards the net. His legs were so freaking powerful as they propelled him down the ice, the other players hot on his heels.

It was almost like a dance. The way they weaved in and out, turning on a dime. The Toronto Knights were a well oiled machine. The hours and hours of practice has really paid off as they all moved as one. Anticipating where their teammate would be before they were there.

Watching Bryton, Trevor and Wyatt was unlike anything I've ever seen. The three almost had the same mind. One would steal the puck, the other slamming the opposite player into the wall, before sending the puck towards the other to score.

And when they scored. Damn, you'd think the roof of the arena would collapse from it. The entire place shook as fans shot to their feet and screamed. You don't mess with hockey fans in Canada.

I could feel everyone's excitement in my bones. Josie's screams deafening me. My ears typically ring for a good hour after a game. You have to plan for some ear damage when coming to a home game. The Toronto Knights fans were labelled the loudest for a reason.

The first period flew by. Wyatt and Bryton having scored two goals each putting the team at 4-0. There was still a lot of game left to play so I knew better than to think the Knights were a sure win. Anything can happen in hockey. I've seen teams make a comeback with 3 minutes left of the clock.

With a fifteen minute break us girls headed to the bathroom. The moment we got in line I knew the questioning was about to begin. I thought for just a moment they forgot about Landon bringing us beer. I knew they noticed the way Landon was staring at me. My friends miss nothing.

"So." Here it is.

"That was nice of Landon to get us a drink." Tasha said offhandedly.

"Yep." I nodded keeping my eyes forward.

"Especially when he hasn't done that before." I could feel their eyes staring at the side of my face.

"Some would even say he seems to be staring a lot."

"Hmm hadn't noticed." Oh I had. The annoyed sigh behind me made my lips twitch.

"The guy clearly likes you Lydia." Tasha was the one to say it.

"Yeah right. The guy can barely stand me." I shook my head, immediately banishing that thought.

"Maybe it comes off that way because he doesn't know how to tell you he likes you." Tasha's tone changed to her work one. "A lot of the time people, men especially, don't know how to vocalize their feelings so instead they find other ways to show it."

Out of everyone Tasha would know the best as she is a counselor and has helped countless people.

"See he doesn't know how to express himself." Josie nudged my arm.

"Even if he did like me, I don't want a relationship and I doubt he does too." While I may be slightly jealous of my friends relationships, I didn't actually want one. The last time I was in a long term relationship it turned out horrible. Stomp on my heart and never recover horrible. I wasn't sure I wanted to go through that again. Plus I was always busy with work.

"Who said anything about a relationship. You don't have to be dating to have some fun."

Tasha's words lingered in my head as we used the bathroom and headed back to our seats.


Hmm could there be something more to Lydia and Landon? As the smart Tasha just don't need to be in a relationship to have some fun ;)

Of course I had to add a hockey game to the mix. I love having all the girls there cheering on the guys and supporting them. And each couple having their own little ritual before a game?!? Ugh so freaking cute. Makes me feel so single. 

I will say from here on out things start to pick up. The pacing of this book may bit a bit different than the other two, obviously, but you guys are gonna love it! I am almost done writing the book so soon the whole thing will be up for you guys to binge!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so supportive and amazing with this book and the series. You guys are everything to me! Thanks for being so patient and reading along every week with me as we go. Love you guys!!!


<3 <3 <3


P.S What are you reading right now? I'm halfway through "Things We Left Behind" By Lucy Score and I love it so much. Her writing is phenomenal. 

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