Chapter 8....

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"Go Mateo!"

"You got this!"

I yelled alongside Sydni as I held up my sign. The game only had four more minutes and currently both teams were tied up. Down to the wire.

When Mateo ran out with his team it didn't take him long to notice us. It was cute how he was searching until he caught sight of the huge signs we were holding up while yelling. Just like Josie said Mateo came over to the side and grinned up at us. You could tell he loved that we brought signs.

Although I think he got a tiny bit embarrassed when the guys laid on the blow horns for a full minute. Which prompted someone to come down and tell us to put them away five minutes later. Laster longer than I thought it would.

Before running back out onto the field, Mateo turned around to face our section. He sent us a grin and a wink before sliding his helmet on and running back onto the field.

"One day he's going to get hurt for flirting so damn much." Landon muttered beside me.

"Wonder where he learned it from." 

"Wyatt." Was Landon's response. Deciding to tease him a bit I nodded in agreement.

"That sounds about right." I immediately knew I hit a spot as Landon turned in his seat a little to narrow his eyes at me.

"You don't think I can flirt?" I stifled my grin at the slight hurt tone.

"I mean." I shrugged. I don't know a lot about Landon but I just know during Uni he was a big flirt. I could definitely see him being a ladies man, especially when he was younger. "Out of all the Boone brothers Mateo is probably the best flirt." Which probably is true.

"Blondie." The nickname Landon gave me making my stomach clench. I felt him lean in closer, his breath tickling the side of my face. The smell of his cologne hit me in full force. God he smelled good. There is something about a nice smelling man.

"You haven't seen anything yet." Landon whispered, his voice deeper and huskier. A shiver ran down my spine at his words. There was a promise in his tone that made my toes curl.

I couldn't stop myself from angling my head to meet his eyes. His jaw clenched as we stared at one another. The thick tension between us growing as we sat there inches apart.

"I'd like to see what you got." My voice came out in a whisper but I could see the affect it had on him.

"Don't start something you can't finish." Landon's eyes flashed as he leaned in closer.

"Who says I won't." I never back down from a challenge.

"Hmm." His hum seemed to vibrate down to my bones.

It was dangerous being this close to him. The tension between us growing by the second. It felt so palpable as we sat there staring at one another with heated eyes.

Lydia stop. You know nothing will come of this. That rational part of my brain was yelling at me. Aside from the fact this isn't really the place to do this, I know doing anything with Landon was a bad idea. Of course that only seemed to make me want to do it even more.

Swallowing I forced myself to look away from those piercing eyes back to the football field. I needed to get a grip.

Shouting forced my attention back to the game just in time to see Mateo grabbing the ball. He stepped backwards looking down the field at his other teammates. When a huge guy from the opposing team came up on him I held my breath. It looked like the guy could squash Mateo. Down the line I could practically feel Evelyn's own anxiety as she watched her youngest.

Mateo easily darted away from the other guy, running forward. Above us the scoreboard timer ran down telling us he had less than a minute to do something. With each passing second my nerves grew. God this was worse than watching the hockey game the other day.

If they didn't make a touchdown there was a good chance it would go into overtime, which would only give the other team a chance to win.

We all waited with bated breath as Mateo managed to dodge more players coming at him. Unable to help myself my hand shot out and grabbed Landon's arm. I squeezed as Mateo brought his arm back, another player closing in on him.

With only a few seconds left Mateo launched the football down the field seconds before getting hit. I winced as he slammed to the ground but all of our attentions turned to the ball soaring through the air.

My grip on Landon's arm tightened as the ball headed for the end zone. My eyes were glued to the ball as it spiraled...right into the arms of the waiting receiver. The receiver grabbed the football in his hands mid-air before falling to the ground. Right in the end zone.


It was like time stood still as everyone just stood there making sure what we saw was real. It only lasted a second before everyone erupted into screams. The receiver from Mateo's team jumping up, holding the ball above his head.

Mateo was on his feet in seconds, running towards his teammates as they all swarmed the field. With that touchdown they won. Which means they are heading to the Championship game.

I jumped to my feet with a scream. Hands grabbed me by the waist and yanked me forward. My hands automatically wrapped themselves around Landon's neck as he pulled me into a tight hug. His body was tense as he breathed heavy against my neck. I had a feeling this moment was huge for Landon, just as much as it is for Mateo.

The hug only lasted a moment before he pulled back. My lips spread into a grin as everyone around us celebrated.

"He won." The relief in Landon's eyes made my heart clench. He may never say it or show it but he wanted only the best for his brothers, especially Mateo. Mateo's words from the other day at the BBQ rang through my head. Landon has done everything for his family, given up so much. This right here just proved it was all worth it.

Unable to help myself I cupped the sides of Landon's face. Repeating my words.

"He won."

Landon shoulders sagged as he nodded. I don't think he lets anyone see just how much pressure he puts on himself. I think I finally understood why he snapped at me the other day. I couldn't fault him for it.

Unfortunately our moment was ruined as the others came up beside us. I dropped my hands from Landon's face and turned just in time to be developed in a hug by Sydni. She pulled away with a wide grin.

"Damn that was a good game." I went to reply but a figure out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. We all turned to see Mateo running in our direction, the biggest smile on his face. His hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat from his helmet and the grin on his face almost split it in half.

In one motion he jumped upwards, hooking his arms around the rod iron rails in front of us. Using his arms he managed to pull himself up and over the railing coming to a stop in front of his mom.

I felt like my heart was going to burst as he pulled Evelyn into a tight hug, easily overpowering her frame. Beside them I noticed Josie had her phone out snapping pictures of the moment.

With a soft smile I stepped to the side letting them all surround Mateo in celebration.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"The Championship is all ours." One of Mateo's friends said with a wide grin.

"With Mateo, definitely." Another added in.

Four of Mateo's friends, and roommates, were all smiles as they stood around the backyard. When I first saw them I thought they were all on the football team but after some introductions, learned that two were on the team with Mateo while the other two did different sports. One played soccer and the other baseball. I wasn't sure how they all met but you could tell they were super close to one another.

As I walked past them to fill my cup with a drink Evelyn made I heard them lower their voices.

"Dude, you didn't tell us there would be hot chicks here." Their expressions when they met us earlier was comical. They may try and act cool but their cheeks were pink when we introduced ourselves.

"Their all taken. Trust me you don't want to get in it with my brother and his friends." Mateo shook his head.

"I could take them." One of his friends puffed his chest as he looked over at Trevor, Wyatt and Bryton. I smothered a laugh at him thinking he could take them. Yeah the kid may be pretty big, thanks to football, but he had nothing on the guys.

"Dude they are professional hockey players. You'd be toast." Another guy said, shoving the one who made the comment.

"The only single one is Lydia." At the sound of my name my ears perked up but I kept my back turned to the group. "But she'd tear you apart." Mateo laughed.

"I like a challenge." I could hear the cockiness in the kids voice. My lips twitched at his words. I'd like to see him try.

Loving a good tease I grabbed my cup and headed towards the group. I purposely walked up to them when I could have easily moved around them.

"Excuse me boys." I touched the shoulder of one as I squeezed through. I didn't miss the way all four guys went quiet. The one I touched gulping. I knew teasing them was wrong but I couldn't help myself.

"Sorry to interrupt." I met the eyes of the one who said he liked a challenge. "Great game by the way." I sent him a small smile. It had the desired affect as he sent me a smile of his own.


My hand grazed down the guys arm as I walked through the rest of the group. I met Mateo's gaze who just stood there shaking his head, eyes flashing in amusement. He knew I was doing it on purpose. I gave him a wink before heading towards Josie and Tasha. I dared one more look over my shoulder, knowing I'd find them all staring after me. The one guy had a proud smile on his face.

Give him ten minutes and he'll come and try to make conversation; thinking he has a shot. As I walked further away I heard them behind me making me smile even wider.

As I came up to Josie and Tasha the two shook their heads at me with a grin.

"That was mean." Josie teased.

"I didn't do anything." I gave them an innocent look to which they both just snorted.

"Well someone doesn't look too thrilled." Tasha said around the rim of her glass. Her eyes darting to the side. Following her eyes I found Landon standing by the grill, beer in hand, as he glared in my direction.

I narrowed my eyes in return. Ever since we got in the truck to come here he's been acting weird. His time of being nice sure didn't last long. Wasn't sure why he'd be mad at me 'flirting' with Mateo's friends.

Brushing him off I turned back to my friends, finding them staring at me with raised eyebrows.

"Don't even start." I gave them a look. There will be no more talking about Landon. We've done enough of that today.

"Have you guys decided on a cake yet?" I changed the subject to Josie's wedding.

"Not yet. We've narrowed our flavors down and have a local bakery setting up some tasters this week but its so hard to choose." Josie said. "It needs to be a flavor both Wy and I love but also one others can eat. Or we just do smaller desserts like cupcakes or donuts for people." I could see the stress of having to decide weighing on her.

"What you can always do is pick a flavor for the cake or cupcakes for everyone to eat, and then have Evelyn make her chocolate cake for just you and Wyatt. I bet she'd do it." I suggested. Josie perked up at my suggestion.

"That's actually a great idea." Tasha nodded. "You and Wyatt love the chocolate cake and it's more personal than just a wedding cake."

"It's the best of both worlds."

A smile grew on Josie's face. I could see the idea growing in her head as she thought it over.

"I love that." She beamed. "It's perfect for Wyatt and I." As her eyes shot over my shoulder I knew she was looking for her fiancé. "Let me go talk to Wy about it." With a grateful smile Josie darted past us.

"That was a good idea Lyd." I could hear the curiousness in her voice. My knowledge about weddings hasn't escaped Tasha, especially since I knew more than the average person.

As much as I love Tasha I wasn't going to talk about it. I don't talk about my past let alone...that. Maybe one day but that day wasn't today.

"How are things going with Trevor?" Once again I changed the subject off of me. She clearly knew what I was doing but didn't comment on it.

"Things are good." Her eyes drifted towards Trevor. He was standing by the grill with Landon and Bryton. Her tone softened and a dreamy look took over her face. "I've never been in a relationship like this before."

I've known Tasha ever since I met Josie. It was a few weeks after Josie started working for me that she invited me out for a drink. Because we are somewhat close in age, and I didn't have many friends (too focused on work) I agreed. Tasha was already at the bar waiting for us. From that moment on the three of us became friends.

Over the years I've learned how shitty her parents are, treating Tasha like she meant nothing to them. Her cutting them off this past year has been the best thing for her. When Tasha told us what happened at a club a few years back, a man touching her without permission, I saw just how strong she was. Despite it all she was still the strong, independent, feisty woman I've come to love.

Trevor was perfect for her. He treated her like a goddess and he's never tried to make her someone she's not. She deserves someone who stands by her and doesn't dim her light.

"He adores you." I commented, watching as the couple smiled at each other from across the yard.

"He does, doesn't he." Her voice was almost giddy. I can a hundred percent see them getting engaged soon, even though they haven't been dating that long. Sydni and Bryton were definitely next.

I stood there watching as the two of them basically eye fucked each other. I scrunched my nose up.

"Get a room."

"Gladly." Tasha smirked. Knowing those two they would find a room and do something.

"Just make sure the bathroom door is locked this time." I said over my shoulder as I headed towards the house.

"Knock before entering!" She called after me.

"You nastys!"

After using the bathroom I headed back to the kitchen, only to run into a hard chest. I stumbled back a step before a hand on my elbow steadied me. From the way my skin tingled I knew who it was instantly.

"Sorry." The deep voice seeped into my bones.

Looking up my eyes clashed with a pair of gorgeous blue ones. Eyes I was staring into not even two hours ago.

I didn't like how my heart started racing or the way my stomach erupted into butterflies. What the hell was wrong with me? I don't get butterflies. That's not me.

"Sorry." I mumbled, taking a step back so I could move around him.

"Flirting with younger guys now?" His words made me stop in my tracks.

"Excuse me?" I whirled around, eyes narrowed.

"Didn't realize you were into Uni kids."

"You serious?" Was he actually saying this right now? "Why do you care?"

Landon crossed his arms cross his chest, his shirt stretching across the muscle. His jaw clenched as he brushed my comment off.

"I don't care." I could see right through his lie.

"You're jealous." I mirrored him as I crossed my arms. He clearly was because why else would he care that I flirted with Mateo's friends.

"I don't care what you do Blondie."

"Uh huh." I didn't believe him for one minute. "Keep telling yourself that." I went to skirt past him but he stepped in front of me, blocking my exit.

"You just love pissing me off don't you."

"I don't know what you are talking about." I tilted my chin up.

"You are purposely flirting with Mateo's friends." Landon took a step closer.

"Don't think highly of yourself." I snorted, although a part of me did purposely flirt knowing Landon was watching. But I wasn't about to admit that to him.

"We both know you have no interest in them."

"Maybe I do." I don't. "Why does it matter if I did?"

"Because," Landon leaned forward until he was inches from me. Almost caging me against the kitchen counter. "Boys don't do it for you. You need someone who will take control. Who will make sure you come over and over." My breath hitched at his words. He leaned his head down until he was whispering in my ear.

"That is what you need." Nothing could stop the flood between my legs or the way my mouth went dry. The way he spoke had me clenching my thighs, trying my damnest not to show I was turned on.

The thought of Landon taking control. Knowing what to do to get me off. Having someone get me off instead of my vibrator. My mind was instantly flooded with images of Landon. Images I really shouldn't be thinking about when I've tried so hard the last year to stay far away from Landon.

"When you're done with your little boys." Landon pulled back, eyes dark and jaw clenched. "You know where to find me."

Without another word Landon turned and left the kitchen. I sagged against the kitchen counter as my mind raced. Did he just imply what I think he did?

You know where to find me. That sure sounds like what I think it does.

I don't know what to think. Was that basically an opening to cross that line the both of us have been treading for the past year? Do I even want to cross that line? Part of me screamed YES! But the other part knew that if something were to happen between us things could become very awkward.

Despite all that I couldn't deny the pull I felt towards Landon. Would it really be that bad if something more were to happen between us? 


Ohh things are starting to heat up!! I know I wrote the book but even I am feeling giddy about Lydia and Landon :D They can deny it all they want but there is definitely something there. I can't confirm or deny that the next chapter things pick up....

Not going to lie I love any scene with Mateo in it :D I cannot wait to write his book and give him the time to shine because he really is my favorite. Always a good chapter when he's there!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! From here on out things will start picking up so just a heads up. Let me know if theres a specific scene you'd like to see coming up, never know it may pop up ;)

Love you guys so much!! Thank you for the 12k reads on this so far. You guys are incredible. Hopefully we can get Fear of Intimacy and this book to a 1 million reads soon!! Woooo.


<3 <3 <3


P.S Head over to instagram to see some really cute aesthetics I've made for this book. Today's is probably one of my favorites so far. I've gotten a lot better at making aesthetics so please give me some love, I need the attention :P

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