Chapter 5

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Hera's P.O.V

"He is what?!" I asked shocked and looked over at Ezra. "How are they related and why did he never tell us that he had a sister?" I added. "Hera, calm down," he said, "and I don't even think he knows that he has a sister." I looked at him, "Then how do you know?"

"I was meditating and I somehow managed to get into Ezra's head," he explained, "I saw her." "You saw Dakota?" I said in disbelief. "Not Dakota, even worse," he said and my blood ran cold when I figured out who he was talking about. "Mira," I said quietly. "She is messing with Ezra's head through the force."

   "Ok, this doesn't explain how Ezra and Dakota are related," I said. "I'm getting there," he said and continued, "Well she was talking about how she was going to get Ezra back for her own and that Dakota was a mistake." I wanted to knock that women in the afterlife, no one calls a friend or family member a mistake, not under my watch.

   "Settle down Hera, " Kanan said. "Why would she call Dakota a mistake?! They don't even know each other," I said, "or did they?" "I don't think so," Kanan said, "But Mira said that Dakota was a reminder of her husband cheating on her."

   "So you think.." I paused. "I don't have to think," he said, "She whispered into my ear saying that Dakota was a worthless sister to Ezra and that they should have never met." I sat in the closest seat and gathered my thoughts on this new information. "What are we going to do?" I asked scared for our son. "Protect and help him, just like old times as a family," Kanan said.

   I looked up to see Kanan with his hand held out to me. "Only if you help me to fix him," he said and I smiled. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up a little to hard that I fell into him. He caught his balance and we ended up in a hug. We laughed and pulled away from each other. I missed times like this when it was just laughing and enjoying each other's company as a family.

   We heard a grown and looked over at the bed Ezra was laying on. He opened his eyes and a bit of a scrunched up face to help adjust to the light. I walked over with Kanan following me to the bed. We stood next to Ezra and saw him roll his head to the side to see us. Ezra blinked a couple of times and rubbed his eyes.

   "Are you feeling ok sweetie?" I asked worried for him. "What happened?" He asked with a scratchy voice. "You passed out again," Kanan said from behind me but I didn't turn to face him. "Oh," he said. "I'm going to get you a glass of water," I said and walked off to the kitchen.

Kanan's P.O.V

   The room went silent after Hera left. "So, when were you going to tell me your Sith mother was haunting your dreams or in your head?" I asked with crossed arms. I heard my move a bit then say, "Like you would have listened," he said bitterly, "You are never around anymore and I feel like we're.....we're..." "Getting farther apart," I finished his thought.

"Yeah," he muttered. I frowned and felt around for the bed. Once I found it, I sat on the edge and said, "I'm sorry, Ezra. I tried to talk with you but you kept avoiding me, it was kind of hard." "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have kept running off like that," he said. "No, it's not your fault, I shouldn't be trying," I said smiling, "I should be doing and I want to do something to help you."

I didn't get a reply which worried me. "I should of just stopped running from you," He sighed then added, "I was just scarred." That got my attention, "Scarred?"

"Yeah," he said quietly. "Scarred of what?" I asked. "Where is Hera? She should of been back by now," he said. "Don't get off of topic, Ezra. What are you afraid of?" I said sternly. "Nothing," he said and I could feel anger and fear rolling off of him. "Ezra Jaruss, what are you scared?" I asked sternly again.

"I'M AFRAID OF YOU!" He snapped and I was taken back a bit, "I AM AFRAID OF WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!" He calmed down some, "I'm afraid that you think that I'm a monster." I had no words. How could I after what I just heard. My own son is scared of me on what I think of him. "I know it's true too, that I'm a monster," he added and breathed hard.

"Do you want to know what I think?" I said more calmly, "I think you're the most kind, loving padawan that a master could ask for," I said, "But I don't want any kind of padawan, in fact I don't want one." I could feel a sad wave come off of Ezra when I said that. "I want my son back," I added and that got his attention.

   I felt the bed shift and then a set of arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around Ezra's shoulders and rubbed his back. "I-It hurts," he croaked. "What hurts?" I asked gently. "Everything," he said, sending a stab to my heart. "Then I'll help take that pain away," I whispered into his ear, "I'll keep you safe."

"I know," he said then pulled away from my arms, "Thank you, I needed that." "No problem Ezra, you can come to me when you need help." A minute later, the hiss of the door opening meant someone finally returned. "You two ok while I was gone?" She asked. "You should know," I said, "You were probably spying on us." Hera didn't reply and I heard Ezra laugh then cough a bit.

I smirked a little when I didn't hear a reply. "Here," I heard Hera say and Ezra thanked her, probably for the water. "Drink up and I'll have to check you up before you leave." "Ok," Ezra sighed and I felt the bed shift again. I stood up and stretched my legs a bit. I turned towards Ezra and asked, "How about some lightsaber practice when you're out of here?"

"Um, are you sure that's a good idea?" Ezra asked nervously. "I meant with the sticks," I said. "Oh, sure," Ezra piped. Once Hera fully checked Ezra, he was out of the med-bay and we went to go and use the 'lightsaber.'

Hera's P.O.V

I watched the boys from the Ghost's ramp. I was sitting on the smooth, metal platform and heard someone walk up from behind me. I turned and saw Sabine sitting next to me. "So, what now?" She asked. "I looked back at Ezra and Kanan and said, "We'll see."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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