Chapter 8

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Ezra's P.O.V

Sabine and Zeb looked at me in shock but I was more than shocked. "What do you mean Dakota is my sister?" I asked confused. "When I got into your head that one day, your mother told and showed me that shadow of the figure that escaped the prison."

   "Wait, that used to be one of my worst nightmares," I said, "So it really happened." "I'm afraid so," Kanan said, "That shadowy figure must of been Dakota's mom." "You know," Sabine said, "I can see the similarities now but wasn't Dakota's hair orange?" "She must of used something to dye her hair to make it look real," Hera said.

   I started to walk towards the door to leave and think about everything that happened so far. "Where are you going?" Zeb asked. "Somewhere to think," I said and left the med-bay with worried faces watch me leave.

Hera's P.O.V

   "So, who do you think is Dakota's mother?" Sabine asked us. "It looks like the only one that can tell us is the one unconscious," Kanan said. I was worried for not just Dakota but also for Ezra. He just found out that he still has some family that was alive. Did Dakota know about this? Did both of the siblings know about their families? Was Dakota's mom even still alive?

   I snapped out of my thoughts when a groan filled the room from silence. Dakota's eyes flickered ole and examined the room. "Where am I?" She asked with a raspy voice. "It's good to see you doing well," Kanan said. Dakota turned her head and focused on Kanan's form. "Kanan?" She asked then looked over at me, "Hera?" "You're safe now," I said, "Get some rest."

"Man," she said sitting up slowly, "Took you long enough." I raised an eyebrow and I heard Kanan laugh. I hit him on the arm and he recoiled rubbing his arm. "How long has it been?" Dakota said mockingly counting her fingers, "Two years until you finally came to my rescue." "We're glad you're back Dakota," Sabine said.

"Good," Dakota said, "I knew you would miss me seen how it's been two years in that crummy cell." I rolled my eyes and smiled, she still knew how to joke around like her old self. "Where's Ezra?" She asked. "Why?" Zeb asked, "Did you miss him?" "I missed all of you and my mom," she said making us all go silent. So her mom was still alive.

"Why do all of you look like you're in the headlights of a ship?" Dakota asked confused. "Um, well you see," I said not sure if I should tell her or not. I felt a hand lay on my shoulder and I looked over to see Kanan. "I'll tell her what's going on," he said, "The rest of you can go do whatever for a good rescue." We all left expect Kanan, I made my way to go see if Ezra was doing fine.

Kanan's P.O.V

"What's going on?" Dakota asked worried, "Is Ezra alright?" "Dakota, do you know anything about Ezra?" I asked. "Um, he squashed Zeb with his Zeb?" She said and I almost laughed. "I mean," I said, "Do you know that you're related to him?" Dakota seemed confused, "I'm what now?" "I guess not," I muttered, "Ok, let me start over. When you were younger, did you have any nightmares that would show up constantly?"

"Why are you asking me this?" She asked. "Cause I'm not entirely sure if my theory of you and Ezra being siblings," I said. Dakota stayed silent for a moment taking everything in. "There was a man and a woman arguing," Dakota started, "The two were in a house which I'm guessing was theirs. The woman was pregnant at that time. She was so mad that she grabbed a knife and stabbed the man in the stomach." "Is that all?" I asked and Dakota replied with a 'yes.'

"Kanan?" She asked. "Yeah?" I said. "Are you blind?" She asked me and I nodded, "It was just an accident though." "Who did it?" Dakota asked me. I sighed and said, "Why are you getting off topic?" "I wasn't," she said, "I just noticed that you were wearing a mask and I got curious." "It doesn't matter anymore," I said, "Can I keep asking you questions?" "Yeah," she said and I heard her shift in her bed.

"Do you know the man and the woman?" I asked. "No," she said, "Do you?" I stopped for a moment and thought. Yes, I did know them so I nodded my head. "Who are they?" She asked, "Are they my real parents?" "What do you mean real parents?" I asked. "My mom said that my dad died before I was born and I wondered at times if my mom was even my mom," Dakota said.

"No," I said, "that woman in your nightmare was not your real mother." "Ok," I heard her say. "But I want to know," I said leaning in a bit, "Is who is your mother?" "I was told to never say who my mom was," Dakota said. "Ok," I said, "Can I ask why I'm not supposed to know?" "No," Dakota said. "Alright," I said, "Will you tell Ezra?"

"Will I tell him what?" I asked. "Two years ago, he lost his mother," I said leaving out how his mother was killed. "So you think that my mother and his dad?" She asked confused. "Maybe," I said. "So you know what happened to my dad?" She asked, "Wait, was it that woman-I mean, Ezra's mom that killed my dad?" "I think so," I said.

   "So Ezra's parents are dead and me and my mother could possibly be the last of his family," she said with realization. "Now you know why I need to know who your mother is," I said. "Yeah," Dakota admitted. "Ok, I'll ask one more time," I said, "Who is your mother?" I heard the door slid open, "That would be me," I heard a familiar voice.

   "No way," I said and heard Dakota say, "Hi mom." I stood up and crossed my arms facing, "Ahsoka Tano."


Stay tuned and adios!!!!😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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