[07] me.

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"taehyung... he said i was the only happy thing in his life."

"i tried to keep him alive. in just a short amount of time, he already meant so much to me. i'm still here, but it feels so suffocating when i breathe— actually, it feels like i'm not breathing at all. the moment he was gone, it felt like he stole the air from my lungs. but i'm okay, as long as i still breathe, i'm still here— and taehyung would want that, he would want me to stay here."

"if you're still breathing then you must be one of the lucky ones."

[ !!! ]

"hyun, live your life properly, yeah?" he smiles, a smile dripping with bitterness.

"i'm sorry i couldn't be there till the end, but you've been the most joyful thing that has happened to me and i'm utterly so thankful for your appearance in my life."

"t-tae," hyun whispers out, barely audible to the other.

"it's— it's okay, i'll be right here," he gestures to his heart, "in your heart."

"but you w-won't— you won't be here for me," she cries. "you won't be by my side."

"i'm sorry," he apologizes, "i can't stay here, i... i don't want to stay."

"take care, hyun." he leans back, letting the wind take him, and he falls.

but she grabs on his hand tightly before he can completely descend. she feels the pain striking in her arm, how her arm feels like it's going to break off any second from the amount of pain bolting through her. it hurts so god damn much because that single hold is the only thing that stops him from falling. but she doesn't want to let go, she won't let go, she'll never let go.

"don't you fucking dare, kim taehyung," she chokes out in sobs. she's crying hysterically, tears running uncontrollably down her face.

she wants to scream for help, she wants to do it so desperately but she can't. there's no one walking around in the midst of the dead starless night. there's no cars rushing, no sound of car tires rustling on the road, not a single person walking down the pavement, nothing.

"i love you, taehyung. don't leave, i love you so much, don't fucking leave me!"

the boy isn't returning the hold, and she feels his hand slipping. her heart beats so fast, so strong, it feels like her painful chest will burst. her heart thumps in a thunderous rhythm. she chokes down her sobs to stop him, to stop all of this, "p-please, tae, d-don't l-leave me here!" she begs.

"i-i'm sorry," he says.

and his hand slips out of her grip.

"TAEHYUNG!" she screams.

her body slumps down, face in her hands while the stream of tears won't stop flowing out the brown orbs that taehyung found so incredibly mind blowing. she sobs loudly as she lays on her knees, not accepting the reality she has to face. she wants this to be all a dream, a dream where she can wake up and everything will be fine, where she can wake up and taehyung will be right there.

"y-y-you didn't even s-say goodbye," she croaks out. the silence of the night is deafening, it frightens her. her limps tense uselessly and she trembles vigorously. the ocean no longer provided comfort and warmth. it no longer resembles the smile of the youthful boy, the boyish giggles he gives, the sweet yet broken laughs that sounds like music to her ears, the beautiful way the boy plays the piano. it no longer reminds her of the joyful moments with taehyung.

instead, the ocean now shakes her with fear, it puts her in mind of the devastating side of the most important person in her life. it evokes the fake smile that masks his true dejection, the sadness that builds up in him. it conjures up the way he speaks with misery, the way he avoids her when he's upset, the way he screams out all his bottled up feelings when he's in anger, and how he quivers in trepidation. it makes her consume the fact that maybe they were never meant to last, even though she tried so hard to change that.

they meet near the ocean, and it ends near the ocean.

there's an alternative ending :))

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