Chapter Eight Burning Eyes

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Morning came once more to the duo of Ruby and Evelyn. The golden light awoke the younger girl this time.

Looking up at the sleeping older woman Ruby smiled as she pulled herself closer.

The silence of the morning, the quiet of the void that Ruby was all so familiar with, ever sense she absorbed Fiddlesticks, the primal abyss lays bare within her soul growing ever stronger as she feels the movements the darkness within.

Though this warmth was nice, it help to mask that coldness she felt every night, all those quiet nights with only the voices of Fiddlesticks victims to scream from the void, begging to be set free, there voices trapped for the one who speaks in the voices of thousands to use as he pleases to lure his victims to thee deaths and crush there hearts and body with his mechanical claws.

As Ruby layed silently she felt  Evelynn tighten her hold, before her nails tip was felt a bit above her lips, she looked up to see the girls eyes awaken and her predatory eyes shining.

Smiling Ruby pulled herself up slightly, she stretched but was outside Evelynn's hold, and she didn't like that, so the girl slithered her arm underneath her left arm and around the right side of her neck and she pulled Ruby back. She flopped again her impressively sized breast as she layed there with the pillows of Ev to be a comforting feeling.

"Where do you think your doing?" Evelyn whispered into her ear as Ruby smiled and layed back.

"I was going to be productive but this is better anyway."

"Hmm... Guess so."

Evelynn held her as she saw her nearly drifting back to sleep, she saw the girls peaceful face and felt her heart tug, the hell was this?

That solf porcelain sun kissed skin, her gentle breathing showing her calmness and at peace in this moment, that raven colored hair, soft in nature just like her. She may be her master, but at this point Evelyn was wondering if she desired to leave.

Don't get her wrong, having her ability to free rom would be great, but in theses few years she had learn how to act well... More human, to blend into the world, she had fought for a "better cause". But now has experience what "love" is called. She's gotten to feed on plenty of occasions and sure it wasn't with someone innocent or more delightful, but she was alive.

But that main one, she never knew it, love was something that was interesting, she was a treal seeker, someone who desired to explore and cause agony to feed and yet here she was, laying here with a girl cuddling together and not causing her pain.

She knew she would die without a question, the second she struck her Fiddlesticks would rip her in half before she could blink, but the thought of the idea remained, she wasn't causing any of them pain, which is outside her character... Maybe she had grown?

Her main reason for her actions was to gather enough essence to live and feel bliss from it but now... She had Ruby, an infinite supply of that, while also having it in its purest and rawest form. What else could she do?

What else does she want?

And mainly does she truly love the girl?

She loved her, but mainly do to how she grew up with her... But did she have those same feelings at the same level as Ruby? She said she loved her out of the heat of the moment, but was this truth?

And why does her gut hurt so much thinking about her finding out her feelings weren't finalized.

Would she reject her?

Would she lose this?

Evelynn was experiencing a mental battle like she had never faced, her question that simple but hardest to answer.

Was she truly in love with Ruby Rose.

Or was she just using her and pretending to love her. Acting as she would to get to this point, she was a deceiver and a trickster after all. She charmed her way into many places... So was this any different?

Honestly the old her would 100% use this girl, no questions asked, but after she's gone threw the effort to not treat her like a slave, but a friend made her wonder why Ruby even tried to begin with.

She could have just ordered her around and she wouldn't have been able to argue back, after all she couldn't overpowered the combined will of both Ruby, a girl who's stubbornness rivaled the fallen celestial of war, and fiddlesticks who's will was tied to his very exsitence as the first and only primal demon, a walking apocalypse in twisted demonic essence, something that's true form could destroy the very universe as they know it.

But she didn't, she fed her, even when she never needed food, played games with her even when she had Yang, read stories together with her when she never needed to. And even asked her how her days was.

She was either the worse slave owner in the world, or just that much of a carrying person that she would tend to her even when she was once an enemy.

She had threatened her life and yet here she is, hating the feeling at comes to her when she envisions Ruby heartbroken or sad at her, that angry face she makes when she felt like her love was betrayed.

But how does she deal with... This? All of this?

She doesn't know, she just... Just struggling with this idea. This thought of lose, it made her both sick and hatful towards herself, that this damned girl, this possessed girl, could change her so much, make her feel so warm inside and now while she lays asleep on her tits without a damned care in the world not even realize the damned position she's put her in!

Aghhhh it was so freaking annoying! This vexing plague that moved inside her stomach like sharp knifes cutting in, that gut-wrenching feeling of lose she never wanted to Invision, and yet was because Ruby fucking rose was all she could think about.

That smile, that damned laugh, those adorable eyes when she shows life, her personality, the warmth, and don't even get her started on that first round of sex she had with her, damned had her insides never felt so pulverized yet blessed in her lif~-.

'Aghhh FUCK! I'm doing it AGAIN! Come on Evelynn stay on track, your the charmer, not the charmed.'

"Hmmm Evelynn your soft... These are now my pillows."

"Ruby?" Looking down at her she saw the girl giggling in her sleep.

"Hehehe ev, I got a ring!"


While she was suffering from her own little internal conflict, Yang, who was across from Ruby's bed rose from hers, and looking over at her sister even with droopy eyes she had that shit eating grin that caused Evelynn to glare at her.

"Sooooo~ Ev~, how you enjoying yourself?"

"Yang I am not in the mood for-"

"Oh but it looks like Ruby is. And looks like I was correct, she does like the bigger melons."

Looking down the girls face was gone, and Evelynn could only sigh at this.

"Ya guess she does. Doesn't she." She brought her hand around and patted her head, giggling when she felt her nuzzle deeper into her person.

"Never thought I'd see you with a love struck gaze Ev, Ruby's done a number on you hasn't she."

"..... Ya, I guess she has hasn't she."

Yang raised a brow as she heard her voice, she seemed to be distort about something, if Yang had to guess she was just a bit overwhelmed is all, ya Ev was a demon, but put something with the ability to think in a situation where they feel pressured and you get a entity that is having to have a little mental crisis inside there own head.

Trust her, she's seen it plenty of times. Many of her old friends went threw the same when they tried to adjust to the new living style that love beings.

If you love someone you need to lose a few things, sacrifice some original habits to allow for the partners to figure out what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. What habits they can bring, and what habits that needed to go.

Even if it's as subtle as the changing in going to bed, and waking up in the morning. Things are bound to change because it's no longer about you, but also about your other.

Evelynn a sing girl for most her life now getting with Ruby either by some other feeling of satisfaction, or out of the genuineness of love. Is having to except that things are changing, habits are changing, and the two will have to work with these.

It's the feeling that comes with any relationship, if both parties have a completely different background, it's not unnatural for one to feel hesitant, or maybe even fearful of the idea of it. Shit she could also be thinking of what could happen if Rubus found out, which is also normal, when you love someone you want to always make them happy, or satisfied. If you feel hesitant about something then Its possible for you to fear that the other may take a negative twist on it and things can get bad, It's the way love works and you have to accept it.

In the begining stages Evelynn flirted her ass off, and did a bunch of teasing, so she was sure her love was in the realm of genuine, and maybe a little in satisfactory. But now that things are serious between the two. Ev will now have to actually have a "intimate relationship" with her sister. A relationship she has never had. So she was going to have to play a more direct and steady approach, which is one she would take time to get used to.

But that doesn't mean she's not going to be there for the two, shit out of everyone here she had the most experiences in genuine relationships, not one night stands, so she was going to help when she could. She was "wang" ("wing Yang") after all, she was Ruby's and Evelynn's proud wing woman. Whenever she could help her baby sister and smoking hot gf out she was going to help.

But she shook that off, because as of now Ruby had woken up, and with her rising up she lifted herself off the ground and placed a peck on Evelynns cheek.

"Morning again Ev."

"Morning Ruby."

"Well look at that, in one moment all my hopes for a cute relationship just came true all at once. So whens the wedding?"

"W-wedding!?" Evelynn asked, she stopped as she wanted to palm herself at why she stuttered saying that.

Ruby on the other hand said nothing, with a light blush on her cheeks she looked away shily not trying to make eye contact with the demoness. Or her tease of a sister.

Yang smirked, as she usually does, though she looked at the time and realize that she needed to get up. So she rolled herself out of her bed, went to the two, gave them another shit eating grin before pointing towards the clock. They understood though they where a bit annoyed (Evelynn more so.) But they got up as did there other teammates.

Blake eyed ruby as she and her Gf went into the bathroom to get changed and ready, she turned and looked towards Weiss. As the white haired compadre raised an eyebrow.

"Blake you good?"

"Oh.... Ya it's just... Well"

"You still got questions to ask her don't you."

"Ya, I do but I think they can wait."

"Probably best if ya do." Yang said as she pulled off her shirt exposing her larger then normal brust which was only covered by her black bra.

Blake and Weiss blushed as they looked away, Yang seeing the reaction laughed as she took this moment to tease.

"What never seen a girl take off her shirt before~? God I can imagine your guy's reaction when you actually get dirty with someone. You'll be reder than a tomato."

"No! And what makes you think that's just normal!? I swear both you and Ruby have no shame!" Weiss stated trying her damned best to keep her eyes away from taking another sneak peek. Damn her and her rapidly changing sexuality!

"I.... I don't even know what to say... Please put your shirt on Yang." Blake wasn't as embarrassed but definitely not ready for this at all, so she barrier herself into her book to hide her face... Something she usually does whenever she's embarrassed.

"Ya ya whatever, can't believe you get flustered from a girl taking her shirt off. I mean you have the same things on your chest as me.... Well maybe not you ice queen."


"Well whatever, this won't take long."

"Why didn't you just wait until Ruby and Evelyn get done?" Questioned Blake.

"Because there probably having a talk right now. Once which may take a bit of time."

"What talk?" Asked Blake, she got rather curious at what Yang said, far as she could tell they didn't need to take about anything. Then again can't take everything at face value, prime example being herself.

"Oh you know, the meaning of love and all that. Cheesy lovey dovy things that you'll never understand unless you got a special gal or guy in your heart. Well as long as it's not frozen over, right Ice Queen?"


Blake just sweat dropped at what she saw, this was the second time Yang tease the white haired teammate of there's. And honestly she could start to see why, her reactions where as genuine as they come, perfect for a teaser like Yang.

Though she turned her attention back to the bathroom door as it opened, and both girls returned with there uniforms on.

Ruby with a smile walked to the door as Evelynn (who also had a smile) followed after, Yang looked at her team as she shrugged though managed to keep a hidden smile as she saw the two leave, she quickly threw the rest of her school cloths on and headed out the door.

Weiss was next, not wanting to sit around, which left  Blake as the last in the room. Because she was just sitting there pondering her thoughts, until she realizing she was looking at where Ruby once stood, compared to now. So she quickly headed out to follow the girl to make sure she got with her team in time.

Can't be late after all, or she wouldn't hear the end of it.

*Later in class*

The sounds of clashing weapons was heard, the class watched as Jaune, went up against Cardin.

Cardin, was a much larger and bulker character then Jaune, as such in turns of pure muscle he greatly outclassed the blond haired boy, on top of this he was covered in armor.

On top of this he carried around a large mace like weapon that seemed to be quite effective at pummeling the  poor clearly outmatched Jaune back further and further.

But Jaune want going down, though he was panting her still had his resolve and weapons, with a sharpened Glare he rushed forward and as Cardin swung his mace Jaune countered by quickly blocking it with his shield, the impact caused him to skit back a little bit this allowed for him to swing his arm out to throw Cardin off balance a little as he tried to swing his blade in a horizontal slash.

Though he was a bit two slow on the offensive as a result he was easily countered by the more experienced fighter who was able to get his mace back in time to clash with the mace as the bulker male thrust forward and shoulder charged him, with his armored shoulder slamming into his chest causing him to get the air knocked out of him and with a quick follow up slamming of his mace into the boys back, he went straight into the ground.

"What did I say Jaune, This is where you lose."

He went to strike but...

"Enough! Mr Cardin, you've won. And Mr Jaune, you have lost the match is over." The light lit up as Mrs Goodwitch walked out to address everyone. "Now everyone as you can see Mr Jaune's aura dropped into the red, in a tournament style dual this would mean he is uneligible to continue the battle and he would have lost. And please Mr Arc, refer to your scroll when you're in combat. It's been weeks you should have already learned this. Gauging your aura is essential in combat If you are close to losing it or having it fully drop it is wiser to shift to a more defensive approach instead of all offense this can help you keep yourself alive. We don't need you being devoured by a grim."

"Tch, speak for yourself." Cardin spoke though as he did He shivered in his own armor as he turned around and saw the face of Ruby Rose, staring at him. The more he looked at those eyes of hers the more creeped out he felt... The sense of wrongness was just growing and the teacher spotted this.

"Mrs Rose, could you kindly refrain from having your Semblance directed on Mr Cardin. We don't need another incident of someone going into shock because of fear."

The class turned to the girl as she calmly nod her head and released the boy, causing a wave of relief to wash over him. Though relief quickly blood into anger as he glared at the girl and even went as far as to nearly point his weapon at her but Goodwitch Knowing damn well what Ruby is quickly glared at him, causing him to stop.

"Mr Cardin, I will have a talk with Ruby. You however will return to your seat. Your match is over, unless you wish to try and go again which I would highly disregard."

"Tch, like I'm going to sit and let that two bit doll looking freak to do that to me. If she wants to try act big and bad, then I'll put her in her place."

Goodwitch guts twisted into a not as she heard that, quickly darting her eyes between both the most powerful being in this room and this clearly delusional brat. She tried to speak once again, but shadows began to form along her peripheral visions almost like they were spreading up, she heard footsteps approaching as the class went silent, a sense of unease had to wash over them and Ruby walked calmly passed Goodwitch and walked right pass Cardin.

Though Ruby wasn't don't, glancing to her side she used her speed to appear beside him as she placed her hand upon his shoulder.

"Cardin... Are you sure you want this?"

In a flash Cardin's entire body tensed, his breathing stopped as Ruby glided her hand from his shoulder down until it fell to her side.

Standing next to him, he could only make a fant outline thanks to his peripheral vision.

She was smaller and yet she was just... Greater then him, she didn't even have a weapon! She was doing this with just her presence!

This... This is stupid... No! Ridiculous! What kind of monster is she!? H-how was she doing this? If this was Her semblance then how was she moving so fast? How was she able to summan crows, how?... How?... HOW!? HOW!?

'What the hell is this! M-move!!'

Looking back Ruby realized just how worthless this was, this man wasn't anything special, just your typical bully who wants to act powerful. By abusing those below them, It didn't make her sick though it did paint into perspective how worthless he actually was.

So she walked away, and as she did began to withdraw her [Aura of Fear] though Cardin being who he was tried to sneak her now that he though her guard was down.

Ruby knew however Fiddlesticks basically made it to where no one can get the jump on her, sense the demon was inside her and could look through her skin in a 360° round of vision.  So when she sensed his rapid arrival she simply twitched her right index finger.

This motion caused Cardin to freeze as he could see above him?

And why was there... Blood?

Though reality seemed to snap as he was standing there, looking around he looked back at Ruby, with her back still turn He tried to raise his weapon but then his arm was gone... Blood spewed everywhere as he could feel the pain writhing through his body with a cry he fell down but... his arm was there... He tried to stand but his leg was then severed, again he cried but once his head slammed onto the floor he looked... Leg was still there... But the pain it was there it was present, his head his arm his leg they were all cut off so... Wh-what happened?

The class was just as confused as he was, All they witnessed was him charge her then he screamed, fell and tried again, He tried to continue and he screamed again holding on to his arm like it was severed, But it was there.

Ruby for one last time looked back at him, but Cardin would see a ghostly flame around her green eye, her face silent and num, no life was shown as he stared at her.

His vision began to blur, like static on a TV screen he saw the world just like it, her face the only thing he could make out in this world of glitching fear.

Though it was yet to end, for the eyes around bleed the ever-consuming dark liquid of evil, as from her silhouette He noticed a monstrosity spring forth from behind her, with twisted arms and a horrific face, he saw the monster loom over the girl, claws of predator ready to tear into his own flesh and heart.

All he could do was sit there his eyes shaking before he screamed.

He screamed his final screamed, as before there very eyes he Hit the floor, and was unconscious... Ruby looked at him as her cold unfeeling eyes stared at his feared writhing body before walking back towards her seat.

Though she stopped next to Goodwitch as the older woman just simply glance down at her, as she couldn't see her eyes, They were obscured by her hair.

"Sorry about that Mrs Goodwitch."


"I hope I didn't cause too much of a commotion."

"... No, your fine, everything that came after his challenge towards you was for him to bear. Though this leads me to my next point. Class as you can see Mr Cardin May have been strong enough to defeat Mr Arc, however appearance is not everything. Mrs Rose had shown that first hand. Do not ever think you are capable of just winning a battle due to sheer brute strength, and a little bit of training, They are people in this world who are far better than you, and who will always be better than you, It is wise for you to gauge your opponents based solely on their movements, how they are acting, and also how they going about fighting. Mrs Rose didn't need to use her weapon because Mr Cardin Did not take into account that she was already armed to begin with, ones Semblance should never not be taken into account. It can change the title of battle as quickly as we saw today, so Make sure you do not fall for this grave mistake. Always keep your mind open to what your opponent can do even if they look cute or small, They can still pose a major threat to you."

The class once regaining there composer understood and even some slight cheers where heard, team RWBY however was mixed, with Weiss and Blake not fully understanding what was happening and Evelyn and Yang either smiling or the one who started the cheering... Bet you can figure out who did that.

"Now return to your seat Mrs Rose, and now you did a splendid job. Honestly Mr Cardin needed that reality check."

Ruby nod her head and returned, upon sitting down Yang patted her shoulder and Evelynn smiled, she patted Ruby's head earning a chuckle as they stopped and diverted back to the class.

Blake on the other hand, was watching her closely, her hands where shaking and her body was shivering, her instincts were telling her to flee. Out of everyone in this room (besides Cardin) she was probably the one who was most effected by it... Though strangely enough Yang and Evelyn where not affected at all. Maybe do to tolerance?

That's probably what it was... Right?

Though all she could do was speculate and try making imaginary answers to a question she could never have answered until she gets the answers from Ruby herself.

Though looking at the girl now she was questioning if she could get those answers, considering how her own instincts where screaming to run in fear of her.

But she just needed for class to be over, maybe then she could snag her attention and hopefully get what she needed out of her.

*Lunch time.*

"There we where in the middle of the night." Nora sat at the same table of team RWBY. Along with the rest of her team, Team JNPR.

"It was day." Ren being the man he was corrected Nora on her blatant over dramaticization of the story.

"Surrounded on all sides by ursa!"

"They where beowolfs"

"And there where dozens of them!!"

"Two of them."

Off to the side Jaune sat bummed out as Pyrrha sat besides him comforting him.

Team RWBY however was eating, with Ruby just sitting there looking at her food and pondering in questions.

She had made contact with Raum, the Demon of secrets, and now was looking for the location of Nocturne. Her power flowed threw the realm of dreams as she wished it to, which was why everyone looked so unease, they where afraid to close there eyes as to avoid this feeling of unease that was moving threw the realm of dreams.

Fiddlesticks was a tenacious predator that's for sure, and she could tell that Nocturne is hiding from the demon, he's not trying to get grabbed by the demon instead he's looking for Ruby, believing that they two are separate, because they are making it seem like that they are separate.

Ruby is projecting her human consciousness somewhere else, while Fiddlesticks is able to project himself elsewhere, they move not as a unit but instead as wondering souls, they are trying to back Nocturne into attacking Ruby, that way Fiddlesticks can grab the Demon of Nightmares and be done with this.

Though he silence hasn't gone unnoticed by the rest of the team nor Team JNPR. As when Nora was done with her epic story and Jaune saw ruby's kind of unnormal behavior they looked at Yang who just rubbed the back of her head.

Looks like she was going to have to cover again.

"I guess you guys are wondering why she's like that?"

"Well ya, she looks gone... Is she ok?" Asked Ren.

"Ya, Ruby just has times where she spaces out is all, they'll usually when she's doing this it's because she's trying to think about something. Honestly it's just best leave her be as of right now, she's clearly dealing with something."

"Well shouldn't we try to help?" Asked Pyrrha. Her kind and compassionate heart wanting to try and reach out to the silent girl.

"Again Rubus is fine, she's not going to need any help right now Just give her some room guys."

Team JNPR backed down as this wasn't there concern, Ruby was apart of team RWBY though they wanted to help, This was clearly a matter of Ruby. So they couldn't really do anything.

Blake and Weiss wanted to say something but Ruby raised her head, the act caused them to smile as it seemed like there worry where for not.

And Yang just looked at the rest before shaking her head, She literally told him that she would be all right.

'Welp people will be people, No changing that.' Yang picked up the last bite of food and ate it.

"Ooohhh Ruby what where you thinking about!!" Nora asked, Ruby looked towards her only to see her stretched over the table as she was face-to-face with her. "We're thinking about your dreams? Grimm's? Ohh maybe demons! Sense you know you know sooooooooo much about them! Oh and by the way me and Ren have wondered how do you know so much? And if it's ok can you tell us? Pleas-"

"Nora, please sit down, Ruby just came out of thought, and Evelyn doesn't seem to keen on listening to your loudness. So please sit down. And give her some room."

"Ohh alright Ren."

Sitting back down Ruby looked at the faces of team JNPR as she shook her head.

"Sorry if I scared you all, I was just thinking about something that's all."

"Well dolt, is it anything important? You know like if something that could cause a problem? If so you can tell us we are a team after all." Weiss answered to her, looking her dead in the eyes as Ruby smiled.

"Ya, I'm good, I was just thinking about home." It was a lie that Evelynn, and Yang, knew right off rip, but everyone else that wasn't Even or the best wing woman around, bought it and offer some kind words before diverting their self back to their food.

Though Ruby noticed something off about Jaune.

"Jaune, are you... Ok?"

"Ya, w-why do you ask?"

"Because you don't look good. Isn't it obvious?" Evelynn pipped in. "Let me guess you're probably thinking about what happened earlier today right, when Cardin beat you today huh? Or is it all the other times you've been harassed by him."

"W-what?? N-no no. Guys I'm good Just look." He have a forced smile and a thumbs up.

"..... You're hopeless." That was all Evelynn said as she returned to eating. But not even notice in the recoil that Juane had at her words.

Though looking across from them Ruby saw Cardin and his group harassing, a bunny eared girl.

Looking upon the scene Juane wanted to ask as he clenched his first in anger and Ruby saw this. Though before she acted Pyrrha called to Juane.

"Juane Evelyn is right, you've been picked on sense the begining by Cardin."

"What Cardin Winchester, come on he's a guy who likes to do pranks. You know practical jokes and all that."

"Jaune, He's a bully. Nothing more nothing less." Ruby looked at him as she held her hand towards him, honestly she could just kill him, form a murder below him and have them fly up into his armor and flesh, get him ripped in half from the inside, though Yang was the voice of reason as she gently lowered her arm.

"Hey, Rubus, want me to deal with the  prick? You know I don't take bullying well."

"... You sure?"

"Ya, and you know it's been a while." She stood up as she cracked her knuckles. "I'll try and be reasonable at first however if he doesn't and his buddies decide to try and jump me I can count on you right sis?"

".... But you don't need my help. Your strong enough to do it yourself."

"Ya, I know. That its the thought that counts. Always having each other back is good."

The girl nod and smiled in agreement, though as Yang was about to head off Juane spoke up.

"W-wait Yang, You do know if you go through with this you're going to get in trouble r-right?"

"Ya, though I don't remember when I cared about that. Far as I'm concerned I'm helping out in this regard. Alright See you guys when I'm done."

She went towards the group, once arriving she was watching as Cardin was pulling on her ear, causing her a great sense of pain so she "kindly" grabbed Cardin shoulder with her insane levels of strength and begin to grip down.

The members of Team CRDL looked to there leader as they saw Yang standing there with her hand upon Cardin's shoulder guard, and we'll she was putting enough strength into this to bend the metal.

"Hey sooooo I was thinking that you all could maybe stop being a bunch of annoying jackasses and maybe let the poor girl go. So how about it Cardin, feel like doing this the easy way of the hard way?"

The entire room went silent at this point, Cardin had ended up letting go of the girls ear allowing her the freedom to move and Yang simply glanced back towards her team, and with her eyes told her to go to them.

She nod and ran, causing Cardin to glare at Yang who in return let go of his shoulder, seeing as though he already released the person she came to help.

"Well it was a pleasure doing business with you gentlemen, I hope we can do these kind of transactions in the future."

"Oh shut up you freak loving bitch!" Cardin spoke, He knew damn well who this person was She was the older sister of the freak who humiliated him. And being the kind of generic dipshit he was, His first thoughts weren't whether or not he was an imminent danger, No no, That would require a brain cell amount more than 10, which he was lacking, instead he was thinking about how this is the perfect chance to get back at the freak who blatantly humiliated him.

"Hmm, That's some mouth on you, kiss your mother with it?" Yang gave one of her snappy comebacks.

"You know I have just about had enough of you and your sister being in this school, honestly screw the Fanus your entire family must be the biggest freaks on this planet! Especially that things mother! Actually no I don't even think that a mother could love that thing!!"

Cardin swung at the girl, now having have been humiliated two times he would not stand for it. Though He should have listened to Goodwitch Because the second he almost made contact, Yang ended up grabbing his hand. And gave one killer glare.


Though The poor bastard couldn't even realize how much he fucked up as Yang ended up bringing her fist directly into his face sending him flying through his team's table and directly into a wall.

She walked by his team who all scurried out of the room as fast as possible leaving only him and her.

"Listen here you jackass, talk all the shit you want But if you think for a moment I'm going to let you insult MY SISTER MOTHER YOUR DEAD WRONG!"

Grabbing him by his throat She dragged him up the wall, And honestly she smiled to herself because this reminded her of a story her mother told her about when she was back in beacon, Guess the old saying still goes like mother like daughter.

Though as she smiled Cardin couldn't help just start shaking sense her crimson eyes burned a hold through his skull, and into his soul, the rage behind them was immense and the glare easily sold the point.

So all the man could do was looked One last Time at the eyes of a pissed off Yang. Before it was lights out.

She dropped the teen and walked back to her table, and she held a goofy smile as she realize she went a little bit overboard.

"Hehe sorry bout that."

"No don't be, I enjoyed the show." Evelynn said, She kind of got off to seeing that to feared infused face of his, as the agony that came from the overwhelming defeat was just spectacular. The girls a sadist so what else do you expect.

"No need to apologize, you helped her out after all."

Ruby without taking her eyes off the cookies held her hand towards the rabbit girl.

"Oh ya, hey sorry about that I tried to make it a bit of a cleaner rescue mission however you still have that turned out."

"Y-ya, b-but thank you miss!"

"Ahah, ohhhh stop You flatter me."

"N-no please accepted You helped me out! I'm forever thankful!"

"Well beautiful mind telling me your name?"

"W-wha?" The poor bunny eared girl was not another victim of the teasing of the Yang, her cheeks lit up like a Christmas tree as she looked away from her.

"What never got a compliment before?"

"N-no, It's just that no one's ever called me beautiful... Everyone thinks I'm a freak because of my ears."

"What's not to like about your ears?"

"Huh" the bunny looked up as Ruby looked at them.

"They look soft, and cute. I don't see a reason for anyone to call you a freak because of them. That's just how you were born, there's no point in being discriminatory towards someone who had no say in their birth."

"Yup, just like Rubus said, So come on Tell us your name."

"I-its Velvet, Velvet Scarlatina."

"Well I'm Yang, Yang Xiǎo Lóng."

"Ruby, Ruby Rose. And this is my team."

She moved her hand towards Blake.

"I'm Blake, Blake Belladonna."

Then Weiss.

"Weiss, Weiss Schnee."

"Y-your a Schnee... Well that would explain why your hair looks to pretty."

The Schnee smiled. "Thank you for the compliment."

"And lastly-"

"Me." Evelynn wrapped her arms around Ruby as she looked at the rabbit. "I'm Evelynn, I don't have a last name however thought I am perfectly fine without it."

Velvet noticed how close they where But didn't feel like commenting on it.

"And those are our friends, from Team JNPR."

"Helllooooo. My name is Nora! Nora Valkyrie!"

"Ren. Lie Ren."

"Pyrrha. Pyrrha Nikos. It's a pleasure to meet you." She gave a charming smile which caused Velvet to blush lightly.

"And I'm Jaune Arc. And ahhh..... I'm the leader of Team JNPR."

"Well, it's nice to meet all of you." Velvet confirmed though she was going to continue until she heard the announcement come on.

[Miss Yang Xiǎo Lóng, please report to the headmaster room, along with Ruby Rose.]

"Well that was a bit late, though ready to start the show Rubus?"

"Sure... The headmaster is just probably going to try and scold us what we did."

"Ya, probably."

Both stood up as the went towards the exit of the lunch room as the surrounding teams looked at each other, but the two main teams just figured this was something that was to be, though the bunny eared a girl felt a bit bad sense she technically by default got yang in trouble though she does wonder why Mrs Goodwitch called Ruby.

Guess we'll just have to wait until they get back to ask why.

*Meanwhile with the sisters.*

"Rubus I'm telling you this is the best ever! Feels like we're in an action movie!"

".... It does doesn't it."

"Ya, though I'm probably going to fall asleep due to the lecture we're going to be receiving. But now that where You know away from the group Tell me, how's Fiddlesticks holding up."

"He's fine, though he is a bit more satisfied sense last time, probably do to all the students fearing me."

"Ya well There are of no importance, remember was Mom and dad told ya."

"Ya, I knew off the bat that this would be an adventuality, though I was not expecting It happened so soon."

"Well that's what happens when you're just awesome like that."

Ruby chuckled, Yang really was something else.

Sometime later they were able to reach the elevator and when they walked inside they pressed the button to take them to the highest level of this academy.

They stood there silently.

For longer.

And longer.

And much much longer.

"They could have installed elevator music on this."


Silence lasted a bit longer as they continues to rise up towards Ozpins office.

"Ahhhh how much longer?"

"No long now, We should be reaching there in about 10 seconds."

"Good to know."

And as Ruby said, ten seconds passed and the door opened as the walked inside to see Ozpins office.

{Ignore Pyrrha}

"Mrs Rose, Mrs Xiǎo Lóng, please have a seat."

The two sat and once that did Ozpin redirected them toward a screen. As they heard the elevator behind open as they presumed that it was probably Goodwitch

"Mrs Yang if I may ask why did you feel the need to engage Mr Cardin in such a regard?"

"Well it seemed like my team and team JNPR didn't like how Cardin was treating Velvet so I stepped in to help the girl."

"I see, well I cannot punish you for the act of saving another, because you are all being trained for the very act of saving and preserving the people, but I would like to ask ask you a question if you do not mine."

"I mean you already have me here so go on and ask."

"Do you know your Mother?"

"Ya, she came back to the house alittle while ago."

"I see, so Raven has returned."

"Ya But headmaster is that really all the reason why you decided to bring me here? To ask if my mom was back?"

"No, it's not, I originally was going to speak to you about how you handled the situation with Cardin Winchester however after reviewing what was caught Cardin acted of his own free will and tried to harm another student which is forbidden outside of combat class. He and his group will not be put on strike and watch, if they so much as harm or harass another student within the academy They will be expelled."

"That's good, he was acting like a major douchebag."

"I guess your right, Though the same could be said to you, This time I will make an exception However please reframe from openly engaged in physical fighting with another student unless there is no other choice or no adult which can get there within time, we would not like to encourage the act of overzealous violence now."

"Ya ya I get it."

"Good. Now I would like to ask you a question Ruby."

"Yes headmaster."

"You are aware of the impact your power is causing to the student population correct? We have several reports of students fearing to attend class because of some feeling of terror they are experiencing, now it's grown to where students are actively requesting different classes to avoid your aura's influence, If this continues any further we could possibly be running into not having enough space or having to deny students they request which would cause a riot. If at all possible I would like to ask of you to please keep Fiddlesticks within check or try and limit your aura if only a little."

".... I can try."

Ozpin smiled, "That's all I needed to hear. Though I would like to ask one last question."


"Tell me Ruby, You wouldn't be trying to contact and possibly bond with another powerful demon correct. You do know that If the general of Atlas gets word of this, I won't be hearing the end of it, and honestly it could get quite bad."

Ruby narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. Yang looked at her baby sister, though It didn't take long for her to piece it together as her ember Celica activated and she was ready to fight.

Ozpin realizing that his words might have been taken as a threat quickly raised his hands. "I didn't mean it as a threat, I'm simply saying that the general will not stop talking about it for hours if it is true."

".... Well you don't need to worry then Headmaster." Ruby looked at his eyes as he did hers, Ozpin knew that if he tried to push any further he could possibly strain the already little ground he had.

"That's good, now You can leave and return to your class."

Yang and Ruby stood as they went to the door as he looked back and saw the figure who was standing there, it was Goodwitch though he raised his hand and a figure came from the shadows of the room, and as they did the light revealed there form.

"Thank you for coming Quinn."

"Yes, hello Ozpin."

"I presume you now know what your mission is?"

"Yes, Goodwitch showed me the plan for what you plan on doing. You wish for me to spy on that girl? That's the reason why you called me from Demacia."

"Yes, though I should warn you to be careful with her."

"Yes, I heard what you said. What connections does she have with demons? From how you said it, she was already got one, So why is she still here? I thought you did not wish for beings like them to enter within this academy. So why is she an exception?"

"Because she is more important then you can think of."

"I see, Well for the safety of Demacia I will watch over her. Though if she poses a massive threats to Demacia, and the other countries I will report this directly to them."

"I understand, although Demacia sent you over because you were one of the best spies that they have, And we are on a good terms, Your allegiance will always be aligned with Demacia. Though she will not be a threat to your country I assure you."

"I understand Ozpin, though That will have to be seen after the report."

"I understand."

The trio looked upon one another as they looked towards the sky.

As of now they can only question how things would continue from here on out.

*Meanwhile elsewhere a few hours later.*

Ruby sat within her bed as she summoned her crow and looked within its eyes as she could see Ozpins, Goodwitch and with the headmaster on the phone, This wasn't a surprise for Ruby but something seemed off.

But now she wasn't going to be focusing on on Ozpin no... She had a demon to talk to.

Darkness, We all consuming endless abyss The twisted to the imagination of those that lie within the unconscious state of dreams, Ruby was falling down and endless chasm of nightmares and dreams looking across the infinite voyage of blackness that stretched the horizon of infinity.

Though as she wish she stopped her descent, floating within nothing more than a nightmare that was spreading all around her, darkness twisted in tune to the creator of this dream realm.

The demon of nightmares flied threw the realm of dreams, attacking all inside there nightmares, taking what it needed to grow, feed itself, and move on.

Victim after victim It kept on taking with Ruby there just waiting for the team into eventually come to take the bait.

And it seems like things would work as they planned, for when she demon approached it was unaware of the connection that this human had. And he would make his final mistake.

So, another who's dreams are of life and hope, well I cannot say I am impressed, it seems that all you humans dream of a distant future that will probably never come.

Ruby heard the demons voice, the twisting echoes of the darkness, the vales mouth that opened to birth the words it deemed fitting to speak.

No matter, you'll be like all the rest, food for my starvation.

In a quick motion the demons blade ran threw her gutz through to Nocturne realization, something was wrong the second She was fully impaled, most humans would jerk back or scream at the insertion of his blade, They would howl to the nothing which would only mask their voice but she did not even move, she did not scream, she just stood.

He looked at her form as she had her eyes close, but no sign of pain, he puked forward, nothing, to nightmares where there anymore, nothing... Until something from the dark grabbed him, claws dug into his skin as he felt the essence of terror enter his his blackened heart.

Ruby would feel the feel become restrained, as the essence of Fiddlesticks had manifested into a demonic warden that would serve to keep him bound for now, so without needed anything else she "walked" as she did, the blade slid out, but no pain was felt, for she just decided not to feel it.

"We finally found you... After so long you finally took the bait."

You.... I should have known something was off about you... Possessed.


Looking at the demon who was held by a manifested Fiddlesticks she smiled at there catch.

"It is us, nightmare."

"So The prodigal son has returned, and found himself a new doll to be his host. Tch, to think I could fall for this trick my desperation must truly be showing."

"Is it, now, shall we have a talk?"

"What would I possibly gain form a talk, with the likes of you You are better off just killing me now."

Ruby, Fiddlesticks and Nocturne all stood there within the realm of dreams as the looked at one another.

With Ruby standing before the demon of nightmares.

Nocturne being held by the Demon of Primal Fear.

And Fiddlesticks being the dark power halting Nocturne from being able to break free.

It would seem that things could go any way from this point forward, either from death, to a bond, though That is only depending on the party involve.

It would safe to say That whatever would occur within these dreams What shape would happens from here on out.

And there You have it ladies and gentleman This newest chapter is done I hope you guys enjoyed.

I am so freaking sorry for taking so long with having to write However I had to deal with driving school freaking family problems and so many other problems I basically had a checklist for every single thing I needed to do But I am now back and I decided to give you all a new chapter for fiddles storie.

Now from here on out things are going to take a dramatic turn As you can clearly see both Ruby and Yang are definitely not like their Canon counterparts with a Ruby being even further from her Canon counterpart, Though that's not exclude that yang herself is going to be a beast, As you can see here she's a lot stronger she's a lot more feisty and she's a lot more refined then her basic self. Though I guess that's what happened when your sister is the little demon of primal fear now You kind of have to change and make yourself a little bit stronger that way you're not being left in the dust.

Also Nocturne I know many of you are probably wondering how the hell he was so easily captured and for one Nocturne is very hasty with his approach how the hell do you think he got banished? And two If you seriously thought that He could possibly win in a straight on confrontation with Fiddlesticks, You're out of your mind. That thing is absolutely nightmare fuel and pure overpoweredness incarnate. I cannot stress to you enough how b******* powerful fiddlesticks is, He is quite literally the darkness that is moving all the universe, The legend of the Ten Kings are originated from him Nocturne was not going to stand a chance against him Though that doesn't mean that he's just going to submit, far from it the next chapter will have to go into great detail about how this potential alliance could happen or if he just going to die Though the tricky part about demons is that death is never truly an option for them now is it.

Anyways I seriously do hope you guys enjoyed this and also I should be updating Beast family in the given future and also this story as well Ally of five books to be updating after all So I plan on getting a lot of trappers out for you guys while I'm on summer break Hope you guys like it let me know if you guys notice any misspellings cuz I will be changing those back to how it's originally meant to be cuz I'm seriously getting sick of typos. So yeah catch you guys later You have anything you guys want to talk about let me know in the comments if anything you guys are concerned about or possibly champions you want to see Just give me a a comment and I will gladly try and see if I can fit them all into the story.

Also don't worry about if your favorite characters from League don't make it That is completely acceptable because not every single character is going to be making into these stories after all there's like what over a hundred different characters from League of Legends there's absolutely no way that I'm going to be able to actually fit every single character inside of this story maybe a good amount but not every single damn League of Legends character All right then without further to do this is my actual final time I'm saying this for this chapter Peace out yo.

Word count: 9018

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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