Chapter One; The night of Fear

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*nearing the end of the sun's light.*


One of the most ancient and primal feelings within the world existing at the very dawn of creation when it's first screech was hailed, It's deafening cries as all came to.


Is the ultimate harbinger of death.


Can start conflicts.

It is through this feeling that one may even go to war.


Is more primal then smiles, more primal then even your own being.


IS the feeling that ALL shares.

Weather it be because of the night.




Darkness this feeling is shared through the collective thoughts of all that bear consciousness.


Is the most recognizable and most twisted feelings within this world, for it is carved into your very soul, you will never know what life is without terror, because even gods feel this feeling of sorrow and maddening darkness.

And it is through FEAR that a twisted metal claw reaches through and into this world.

He is called by man names.

Given more as time went on.

But he is known as a "demon" but others call him "darkness" itself, he is terror, for he represents the most primal terror that is within existence.


Many do not know his name, but all races know of his name.


"Fid-dle-sticks. End of men."

"Fid-dle-sticks. First of ten!"

The demon of fear itself.

As old as terror as been, But one does not know his true age.

An Eldritch horror which haunts the human race, devouring there raw fear.

However people reveled at his "fall".

But how do you defeat fear itself?

You don't, you can't.

So the demon would live.


As he always does!

Lives! And feeds on there fear!

And so a story is rewritten.

A girl originally destined for good, now finds herself on a dark road.

Fear will lead her to her destiny.

And she shall see with her own eyes, what lies beneath the pale skin of this world.

This world... Bathed in delicious...



Within the woods two girl could be seen within there home looking upon one another as they played a card game.

One was a younger looking girl with black hair and silver eyes, she was wearing a red shirt with a black skirt on.

The second was an older looking girl with yellow hair, purple-ish colored eyes, and a much more normal outfit.

This was Ruby Rose the younger sister and Yang Xiao Long, the older sister.

Now they say there playing this card game which just came out, with it You can skip, reverse or even force your opponents to draw more card.

"AHAHAH TAKE THIS YANG!" The younger one with her adorable face plopped down a black card with a +4 upon it, she looked at her sister as she now only held one card, she was going to win!

Until Yang smirked, and Ruby now became nervous.

"Oh Rubes I wouldn't get so smug now."

"Oh no! Wait yang!"



And so another of the same card was thrown down.

You see cards of this nature can be stacked on each other when they are the draw gets passed on to the next, and The cards add together to those total the other player has to draw.

So now young Ruby was forced to draw a cards when she almost won.

Victory was so close and yet now it was ripped away from her.


"Sorry little sis but you know how it is You try to hit me with a plus four I'll hit you with one back, and make sure next time to pack a little more firepower."

Ruby just pouted as her lips mushed together and she looked on at her sister, her eyes portrayed a deep sense of annoyance as now even more time was going to be put into this because of this move.

"Well I'll continue." Said yang as she played her next card.

*Three hours later*

Dear God, this game is never going to end!

They had be playing for THREE HOURS!

And not ONCE had they got down to one card!

Perhaps Yang should have not made her sister draw right because this seemed to backfire on her.

Yes the objective of the game wants to have the least number of cards and try to get your entire hand out, but unfortunately when someone has more cards that means more cards they get the torque you with.

Drawls, skips, reverses, and so on and so forth, Yang became quite affiliated with all the categories because she was basically hit with every goddamn thing imaginable.

And with her sisters creativity oh ya she could always now find the right time to play these cards.

Eventually the younger sister won and cheered louder then a Grimm could roar, the father and uncle in the next room almost jumped out of there own skin but shock there heads and chuckled.

"Seems like the kid won." Qrow Branwen, uncle of Ruby and Yang looked upon them.

Currently he was wearing his standard outfit, with his weapon upon his being, after all you never know when a Grimm will try and attack even while within such a safe spot.

The second, The father, was a man of blond hair and great character, a nice and very caring man seeing as he raised his two precious daughters without a mother's presence.

This was Tai Xiao Long.

One of the most caring people in the world.

Looking at the now hyper active ruby he quickly looked up towards the cookie jar and saw that it wasn't open so that was a good sign.

So she was just high on the emotions that where being expelled by her winning, understandable considering how long they where playing for.

Sprinting in she jumped into her days arms as she laughed and smile, Yang and Qrow smiled as Tai just excepted the hug as he to smiled at the girl.

"DAD I WON! I WON!" She had her eyes closed as a wide smile was across her face, her father seeing this heavenly sight was thanking the gods of this world for such a wonderful sight.

"Hehe I hear that ruby." He rubbed the top of her head as she beamed further into this mood of blissful purity. "I'm proud."

The girl looked towards Yang as she had a smug grin upon her face. Yang seeing this just shook her head, of course Ruby was acting like this.

Qrow however went over and ruffled up her hair getting her attention.

"Well here sense you won." He reached into his costs pocket and pulled out a sugar cookie, Tai and Yang where wide eyed as Ruby had stars in hers. She quickly took the cookie and devoured it like a demon devouring there preferred emotion, Tai and Yang could only watch in horror as Ruby then proceeded to sprint off into the house flying through the rooms and hallways screaming the entire time.

"QROW! YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SHE GETS TO MUCH SUGAR!" Tai was now facing the uncle of Ruby who was laughing his ass off.

"Sorry sorry, couldn't help it with those big adorable eyes looking at me." He looked at the ruby who was still sprinting around, until she tripped over a game piece left out as she flew through the air before slamming upon the ground.

Tai, Yang, and Qrow had very different reactions.

Tai went to her side alongside yang, but as for Qrow he was just laughing.

"Ruby!" Tai and Yang called and all that got was...

"Ahhhhh everything spinning.... There are one... Two... Three... Six... Six yang's? That doesn't seem ri.... Right."

Yang and Tai sighed, Ruby was fine. Just a little.... Dazed.

So they just let her rest there on the ground as she was coming back to her senses, her body was regaining motor function but her mind froze.

"Little.... Light." A strange and malformed voice called out, its voice was compressed of a vale of rising and falling pitches as it fluctuated into a harmonious demonic sound.

Ruby fling herself up as she hid behind Yang. Tai and Qrow noticed her change in nature almost immediately, as she was shaking, she clung to yang as she shook.

"Wow wow, Calm down Rubes." Yang tries to reach out to hold ruby when she jerked away looking up at Yang ad of she was afraid of her.


She's never seen that kind of expression before, Ruby the always Happy go Lucky Girl, The girl who was the most air-headed thing in the entire world was now showing a fear so primal It was honestly shocking to just see.

"Ruby." Her dad came closer as he was on her level, Qrow also seeing this went forward and went on to her level as well, the three where able to get her to calm down but afterwards she just went to sleep.

Yang being the protective sister that she was stood by her side, as Tai and Qrow just traded glances.

"Whatever the hell was in that cookie, must have really spooked her." Qrow was trying to keep the composure he currently had without having his mind delve too deep into worry sense it would obstruct his line of thinking.

"We both know it wasn't the cookie."

"True.... To damn true."

The group was silent as they just looked outside, the sun was beginning to set and Yang began to grind her teeth together.

She was supposed to go after her mother, to try and find some lead on her. But now....

'No once ruby is fine I... I have to find her... I need to know why! Why did she leave us! Why did she leave... Me.'

So with her mind made up she stood by the girls side as she slept.

Unfortunately Ruby wasn't having a dream.

But a living Nightmare.

*Within the dream.*

Ruby was walking within a plan of nothing, the further she walked within this plane the more she became lost.

This area... It was like a large open field, and there over the horizon she saw some kind of figure standing there.

Made metal and wood it seemed like a scarecrow except it had three arms? Strange but maybe the farmers needed this guy to be a little scarier than the average scarecrow.

So she walked, further and further in until she heard... Crows?

She looked and there stood one lone crow, except his behavior seemed more.... Unnatural, it was confusing to the girl as she's seen many crows before and none of them have ever acted like this guy has.

He was looking straight at her, no movements, no nothing, Just a dead on stare in a stiff body as hard as stone.

"H-hi... How are you little gu-"


The bird squawked at her causing her to jump back, but what really got her was it's eyes.

They where hollow now... Just black pits of darkness and from them an Eldritch like green essence traveled down the birds face as its head began to slowly and like a puppet twist it's head.

None snapped but the bird different react, flesh was torn as more green essence came forth but when it's head stop rotating it's jaws where on top and it's head on bottom, It's head was a perfect 180° from where it once started.

Ruby was now backing away, as her feet touched the ground the grass was crushed under stepped, making a russling noise which the crow picked up on.

"N-nicw Birdy... N-n-nice b-'


The bird squawked again this time however much louder and in a much more twisted fashion, as its bottom jaw was now laying against the back of its neck.

Ruby at that point ran faster than she ever had in her entire damn life, fear picked up under her feet as she took off, faster and faster she ran until eventually she bolted straight into the woods but not before hearing what sounded like dozens if not hundreds of birds flying over top her.

She looked up and a murder of crows where there flying above her, And with many of them they began to land on different tree branches as all their inhuman eyes looked upon her.

'Oh no! No no no no no no! Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope noe nope nope nope nope nope nope NOPE!!!! RUN FOR IT!'

She ran off in the other direction as the murder of crows came flying at her, there razor shaper beaks and claws dug into her clothing and one into her right shoulder blade as she screamed but still pushed forward.

Eventually she outran the crows and was now hiding in a much darker part of the woods, one where the foliage was too dense for them to freely fly around.

However she felt something off.

And before she could thing a sharp meta thing touched her back.

She gasped as she began to breather heavier, what was this, she wondered, as a Shadow was cast upon her by whatever this thing was.

It was inhuman to be sure way taller than any man could be, with more limbs then humanly needed and an aura which seemed to drown her in fear.

"Little light.... Little... Li-gh-t."

Whatever this thing's voice was it was not human, This voice was fluctuating, like an inhuman blend between animal, other people's voices and a much darker demonic voice all thrown together into this horrible amalgamation.

'T-that voice.' she tried to turn but the metal pressed against her more.

"Little one.... May we see each other... Soooooon"

With that she felt nothing, looking down she saw what appeared to be a metal claw sticking out of her chest, soon a sickening feeling set in as she coughed up blood.

"Big plans you and I... Woman's in white says you could be good... Friend, she says she can provide but she lies, she won't control me... No one can. She cannot fool us, but... I can still get what we need.... Question is.... How long until then????? Li-tt-le li-g-ht"

Ruby felt her mind growing weaker Her body slowly dying blood continue to pour down and she was faintly able to see the horrible amalgamation of metal which made this thing's face.

It's metal jagged teeth were rusted to the age, cloth covered one side of its face and under it jaws, but it's eyes, hollow metal holes, where glowing a red which burned with such darkness it wasn't humanly comprehensible. It's mouth illuminating the same dark glow and even parts of the cloth were beginning to peel away revealing the skin below, that was this essence.

However this was all, now she was fading away, And the only thing she could see was this things darkly face as she drifted from the dream into the material world.
*Back within Ruby's house.*

Ruby erupted from her bed in a state of panic, sweat profusely leaked down her forehead as her body began to tremble.

Her mind was overrided with primal fear, Her mind was a hailstorm of different thoughts and feelings with fear being the overarching overlord of these swirling emotions.

It all happened so fast, it all... Aghhhh.

Ruby ran to the bathroom as she began to throw up, her poor little stomach wasn't able to handle the pressure her terrified body had placed upon it.

Rocking back and forth she hugged her own legs as she cried, tears flowing down her face and upon her clothing.

Whatever that.... That bloody thing way! It shock her to her very core. It made her feel fear like she never had before.

But also.... Strangely it also made her feel stronger.

You see it was only when the claw had pierced through her gut that she couldn't overcome the fear she was feeling.

But before she was actually starting to regain some from.of ground, but that came crashing down.

It was all for not, her walls feel and with it a part of herself.

But now as she looked upon herself in the mirror she couldn't help but notice something.

There her right eye... It was a reddish color.

And around this eye of hers she could see the space glow, confused she pressed her hand against this eye of hers as she was taken back.

Many warriors stood before a mechanical abomination as it's claws hands ripped and teared through skin, flesh and bone, those who held no power where slaughtered as quickly as they came into this world. Eventually the battle went on for so long that two shining balls of energy came to stop this.

Multiple powerful men and women stood before this beast as the darker being launched what appeared to be a ball of purple energy that leveled mountains.

However a slash would appear across this beings gut as they would stager back, The Demonic abomination of metal and wood looked upon this being as it's ghostly screeches pierced the land and caused many to stager back.


Ruby snapped her head back up as she looked at the mirror before her.

What was that? She asked herself this question as if someone else was there but there wasn't, It was just her.

Her and the nightmares crawling within her mind.

Tai was probably in bed and Yang... She didn't know where she was.

She was alone.... Alone and that was how it was going to be.

But something caught her attention about that being.

His words (if it can even be called a him) was reflecting on something.

'Big plans you and I... Woman's in white says you could be good... Friend, she says she can provide but she lies, she won't control me... No one can. She cannot fool us, but... I can still get what we need.... Question is.... How long until then????? Li-tt-le li-g-ht..... Who is this woman in white? And why would she suggest me to that thing? Is there something dad hasn't told me about? Is she the reason for why my man's gone? I.... I need to know!'

However even with her demanding the air, the air itself wasn't just going to tell her these secrets so she would just have to find them out herself.

She was always adventurous but knowing that that thing now existed was definitely going to put a bit of a trample in her step.

But now She couldn't back down if she falls to fear now, she will lose, She can't lose not now not until she finds the reason why this thing is even coming towards her.

But who could she ask?

Qrow? Maybe.

Tai her dad, probably.

Yang..... Probably not sense she would most likely try and pick a fight with It and be killed.

So with this she walked back and sat down, awaiting for when someone would show up.

Time went by and she didn't sleep, but what she did notice was Yang seeking back into the house.

'Why would big sis be seeking into the house? Actually why is she out so late?'

Yang was ten, Ruby was eight, and their dad always forbidden them to ever leave the house pass nine, because there where big monsters out there that would eat them without a second thought.

Ruby however wasn't scared of those monsters but rather the scarecrow she witnessed within her nightmares.

That thing was horrifying, the way it's body shambled with every twist and turn if it's constructed puppet body, that fear inducing red aura which seem to leak like blood from its open cloth.

The crows all of it, It's not the bigger impact on her than anything in her entire life.

But thinking about this... Her eyes began to tear up, her emotions where starting to ramp back up as she tried her best to keep them under control.

If she falls into fear then that's it, she loses, that thing wins, She had to be strong not only for Yang, her dad and best uncle Qrow, but also her Mama summer.

Yes her mother, the same one that dies and she never even got the chance to meet, The super Mama who would do anything to protect her family as her dad put it, a walking example of what a person can be.

It's funny She reached so far towards the light that she didn't even realize how dark it truly was, The scarecrow, It truly opened up her mind It really made her see That's world isn't about fantasies That darkness lies in every corner of this waking a nightmaric world.

It had the power to kill her and yet it sent her back, It has plans for her and she doesn't know what they are.

All she could do was just sit there silently trembling in the middle of this dark room, getting her mind under control and refusing to go to sleep.

She wouldn't fall into that things clutches, not again.
*The next days*

The sun rose, And Ruby watched it happen.

She did not fall asleep once, nor did she feel even remotely tired, this was good because she didn't wasn't to meet that thing again, that twisted monster.

So she looked around the room, she grabbed herself the TV and put on a funny show to watch, The same show that would always make her laugh was now barely even able to crack a smile from her.

The more she watched however she felt herself slowly drifting into her own mind. Question both large and small load within her.

'What does it want?'

'Whos the woman in white?'

'What was in that cookie?'

'Is everything going to be ok? Will she be able to move on from this?'

1 second past, then another, and another before long ten minutes passed as Ruby was trapped within a storm of paranoia, her right hand was trembling, she kept getting flashes of its face appearing within her mind as she would always jump every time they happened.

' Little Li-gh-t'

This things voice played back over and over within her mind, each time the words where always in a different distorted harmony.

Ruby was so deep within the caverns of her own mind she didn't notice the shadow behind her.

And like a panther they strikes placing there hands upon ruby.

"Hey Rube-"

"AHHH!!" Ruby screamed out in terror as she jumped away further then she even had, Yang looked at her worried as she now stood within the corner shaking.

"O-oh y-yang how are you?" Now realizing who this is she stood up as she looked at her sister. She had a cheeky smile on trying to hide the terror she just experienced, and Yang was just confused.

"Ruby are you... Ok?" She stepped closer, And as she did she saw her baby sisters right hand tremble. "Did you have a bad dream or something?"

'A bad dream she says.' Ruby felt herself twist at this being written off as a mere "bad dream". Then again Yang didn't know so taking a deep breath to try and relax her nerves she spoke calmly and very clearly. "I-its wasn't like a nightmare... It felt so real."

She tried to speak further on this but her words died before they could even be born, so Yang just smiled and walked over to her as she hugged her sister.

"It's ok Rubes, it was just a dream, everything will be fine nothing's going to get you It was all just in your mind."

Now that was a damn lie, Ruby felt what people of ancient times would call true nightmares, events which are barely left within the records of remnant.

But she felt safe, so she hugged back, clinging to Yang the older sister felt the younger sisters body tremble as she gently brushed her back whispering that all would be ok.

Ruby was begging this to be true, her little heart couldn't help but recall to that point where she was helpless. All she wanted now was Yang to be there for her, to just help her out like she always has before.

And it would appear that she was getting exactly that, With Ruby getting all the hugs she needed to regain so semblance of reassurance that everything was going to be all right.

But once she left go Ruby smiled. "Thanks Yang."

The older girl grinned "of course no need to worry."

She patted ruby on her head as she smiled, enjoying the pat she just stood there and let it happen.

After all with such a nightmare she needed some reassurance that everything was going to be all right.

And it was, However in the next three days... Things where going to Change, and things where going to be very different.

*Hours later, Yang P.O.V*

After I tend to ruby and whatever happened to her I returned to me room.

I went to my closet and opened it up and pulled my journal from it, I opened it up and crossed out another part of the woods which I've looked for mom, This is just crazy where on remnant could she possibly going to?

Honestly I know I should be there with Ruby but she's asleep right now, so things will probably work out better this way. As of now I should go get some things cheeked out while dad and ruby are occupied.

So there was my trusty friend the window which I felt through, I turned and saw the woods which I would be diving back into, so taking a deep breath, I went, the sun was still shinning brightly, and my chances where still slim but hey I'll take those.

And once again I went mack into my search.

"Wherever you are Mom I'm going to find you."

*Author's P.O.V*

Unfortunately for the young blonde haired girl her obsession with her mother will eventually cause something she can't take back.

Because currently Ruby found herself in another Nightmare.
_______________________________________*within The Dream*

Nothingness once again mashed together with terror into the creation of this great void which the young girl floated through.

She felt her soul spirit and body so light and free, she could fly around if she truly decided to and she did because she knew what Dark horrors lied within this world.

The flew and flew and flew, trying to run away from a terror which was going to constantly attack her mind.

However she played right into evils hand as she ended up within some kind of forest.....


Seeing herself within this dark thickening foliage, she felt her legs grow weak, 'Deep breaths Ruby.'

She did, it did nothing to calm herself down, and with a heavy heart she had a play a part in this game.

Walking through her feet sloshed through the thick murky mud which left a trail behind her, all around the sound of birds could be heard as she wiped her head around trying to find where they are.

Unfortunately she didn't and this caused her stomach to crawl with unease, But she kept walking.

Part of her just wanted this to end but strangely enough there was a part of her that wanted to keep on going, walking through the dark She couldn't help but feel like she's been here, somewhere before.

' You feel it, don't you.'

Ruby froze, that things voice it was back! So she rang for it.

' Little One... I'm only... Trying to... Hellllllllp.'


'Ohhhh little li-gh-t.... How wrong you Ar-e.'

Ruby didn't listen, she just kept on running, The sounds of splashing mud accrue ever louder as she continued to run, faster and faster.

'I can feel it... Your anger, your Fffeeaarrr... we can smell it, taste it.... All we need now.. is your word.'


"I'm afraid... We cannot."

This made her freeze, why? Well...

The conversations before sounded like they were from a long distance, like they where speaking through the mind this time however, This demon was extraordinarily close since she could hear his voice with her ears.

And she could now see him, his body standing there fully sprawled out like a scarecrow would.

However that was before she notice his arms suddenly drop, and his head began to twitch as it fell to the side. The shadows of hundreds of crows flew over top of Ruby as she began to back away.

"Can't run... Little Li-gh-t."

And before she could know what happened the demons eyes flashed red before springing to life, charging her down in a flail of limbs. As his mouth opened wide revealing the sharpened teeth within.

Her vision went black, her mind was numb all she could remember was that thing hitting her.

But now she was here in some battlefield torn and ruined.

'Lool for yourself little o-n-e, Tell us if you see any goodness left in this world.'

The field sprung to life as all was consumed in an ever-ending darkness, a Tower of power shot into the sky before it reducing all to Ash.

Nothing survived except for the ones who were gods in their own rights, beings whose power permitted their stay within the world.

However everything else was slaughtered, including the human race and many other of these so-called champions.

'T-this is the world... That you se-rv-e, they fear us, they know what makes them scared, and it's us'

"Why show me these things Just get it over with kill me already!"

'Little o-n-e, I cannot, until we are sure.'

"S-sure about what!"

'If you are to valuable to us alive, then you are dead.'

"O-oh... Aghhh..."

She stayed quiet as the memories died and she was back in the forest, but now before she she could get a look at the demon which was causing all this.

In simple terms he was a true monster in appearance But oddly enough he did resemble a human scarecrow if only that scarecrow was put through a demonic blender.

His overall appearance was sinister with all those spare limbs She had to wonder why he needed all?

Who knows She was just silent sitting there on the floor as this thing looked down at her.



Both parties look at each other both not saying anything.

Until ruby spoke.

"W-What is your name?"

It might sound foolish but she at least wanted to know the name of the demon that was keeping her trapped in this perpetual terror.

The being looked up as she said those words.

His mouth "opened" as twisted words were sung in a harmonious thume of demonic horror.

"We are called many names, being great and small fear our name, many tried to forget but no-ne succeed.... We are the ancient fear, The shadows which haunted this world long before its creation, many know us, many try to forget, but we are called fiddlesticks, The first of 10, and the end of men."

Ruby just gulped, This thing was older than the planet itself.... yep that totally wasn't making things more creepy not at all nope nope not at all.

The young girl continued to look down not looking at this thing.

Until Fiddlesticks spoke again.

"Sil-ver eyessssss.... Just like her."

'J-just like her wait does that mean!!'

She looked up at the demon as she spoke.

"Y-you knew my mom? Her name was-"

"Summer yessss.. Fiddlesticks knew her well... Kind woman many called her even good friend to Fiddlesticks she was."

Ruby about had a heart attack, Her mom knew this thing?! HOW!!?

"H-how did you know my mom?"

Fiddlesticks paused as he thought back.

"Summer would help in ways, helping rebuild what we lost, in exchange protection we gave... Unfortunately the curse on this form seems to have now taken effect, we are unable to uphold our end of the deal. And with her gone, time, much time, will need to be spent to rebuild what we lost."

"I-i don't understand, why attack me if you are supposed to protect?"

"..... Connection To summer we did not know, but fear we needed to help rebuild what we lost."

"I-i don't get it. Why would you need fear to help rebuild yourself?"

"Mortal creature I am not... Fear required for my being to rebuild."

"Oh..... I.... I don't know what to say."

Truth be taller this entire conversation was taking a heavier toll on her than she expected, first terror was firmly planted within her soul, then She got introduced to this monstrosity and now what she's finding out apparently her mom had some kind of contract or some kind of friendship with it which permitted this thing from acting against them.

It was a lot, like a lot, a lot, And now she just fell back sitting on her butt she continued to look up at the forest around her.

Her mom really was the best That only had she kept them safe and beyond the grave but she also managed to make friends with whatever Fiddlesticks was.

It was kind of nice in that sense not even when her mom was around she was still looking out for them even if it was through strange means.

"W-What are you going to do now?"

Truth be told Fiddlesticks never truly needed to abide by the contract he and Summer had set for each other, he only did so that way he could get parts and extra things to hunt to continuously boost his power That way he could always fix his puppet body, not needing to craft a new one, he only followed this contract because in exchange for not attacking three other people he got a plethora of different things he could draw fear from.

But now that she's gone, he truly wondered why keep this contract upheld? Sure the curse he spoke about was now in the full effect still doesn't mean he should abide by that contract any longer.

But then again, why miss the chance to get another vessel?

This girl was much like summer, strong, gifted, and even a Scythe wielder like himself, there was just too much good to just kill this girl off.

So why not make use of this girl's heart?

I mean a contract must be a fulfilled, Even if it's by the offspring of the one who made it.

This is just how demon contracts always go.

So he looked towards her as he spoke.

"Three days time, Follow the crow and fulfill what is needed to be done."

"I-i don't understand."

"Don't worry little li-gh-t you will... In time."

Ruby felt herself drift away again, as she felt weak, collapsing to the ground all she could see was darkness taking hold of her vision as she went back into the physical realm, While Fiddlesticks just chuckled.

"Little one will prove to be useful as Woman in white said, and don't worry Friend, contract will still be kept, but through different people."

He wondered how Summer would react, not that he truly care, She was just a means to an end like all humans were, including this one as well.

I mean he was fear incarnate, The first demon to ever exist, The 1st of 10, the end of men.

The death bringer, The harbinger of souls, The scarecrow, humans where just tools, as they always are.

As they always will be.

*Back home.*

Ruby woke up from her eventful encounter with Fiddlesticks as she wondered what was to happen now?

Clearly there were things she was not told, things which she needed in order to get the full picture.

However As of now that was probably never going to happen The only person who she could probably talk to on this matter was Fiddlesticks but that probably wasn't going to work.

Although strangely enough she didn't notice her right eye glowing red again, this continued to confuse her until it just disappeared like it did before however unlike last time this lasted significantly longer.

Perhaps fiddlesticks did something to her? Quite frankly when it came to that entity she had no idea where the hell to even begin.

From the looks of things he seems to be inorganic but he possessed some kind of spirit just wrapped up in a amalgamation of metal wood cloth and limbs.

Looking outside now She knows that the Sun was already past the halfway point in the sky, She also heard the door open and saw her dad and Yang wall inside but Yang seemed to be angry.

"Yang we've been over this many times already you have to stop sneaking out!"

Ruby jerked back at the angered sound of her father voice as he was scorning yang for something.

"I need to find her dad! Where did she even go! You won't tell me and so I took matters into my own hands!"

"You are only 10 years old! For gods sake Yang you left Ruby all alone! An eight year old girl! Your sister! I rely upon you to watch her while I'm out."

"..... Fine."

She turned and just walked away, however I'm slow motion she turned and looked at Ruby before looking away as she walked back towards her room.

There father sighed, this obsession of hers was really starting to become a problem.

But seeing ruby up he smiled and went to her, sitting down next to her he look at his youngest and smiled.

"Hey Ruby finally up huh."

"Ya." Her voice was a lot quieter then it usually has been in years, Her mind wasn't all the way put back together after her fateful encounter with Fiddlesticks.

Tai picked up that something was wrong and looked at his youngest girl a bit concerned, "Ruby are you alright?"

".... Ya, just a bad Dream."

Again that was a lie but how was she supposed to tell him about Fiddlesticks and all this mess.

And it seemed like he was having problems with Yang and didn't want him to be overly worried about her.

Tai however could see this dream really took a lot out of her, so with a heavy sigh he put his arm around her and brought her in close, Ruby layed against his side as he spoke.

"Listen Ruby I know theses dream can be rough, trust me I've had my far share of them, and really only a few of them where every truly bad, but things like these are just bound to happen we live in a not very forgiving world, so when you are feeling like this I need you to keep your face up and your heart filled with care, because wrist theses dreams can do is rob you of who you really are."

Silence went around the room as Ruby looked up at her had "have you seen people react strongly to bad dreams?"

".... Many, back when I was a huntsman there were quite a few other huntsmans who fell into terrible nightmares, they would always speak of them but they weren't really meaningful just manifestations of doubt loneliness and insecurity, So although it can be scary The only way to fight fear is to stand up in the face of fear and not be afraid."

Ruby was silent, she though about what her father said and wondered if theses would apply to Fiddlesticks.

'It called itself the ancient fear, so maybe if I'm not afraid next time we see each other I can get some answers, I mean mom made it to where he can't hurt me... Well not anymore sense he now realizes I'm my mother's daughter but still.'

Her mind was filled with blissful ignorance not realizing that fiddlesticks was the one in command of the entire deal but oh well let her have her hopes. Because as of now she didn't need to worry about him She could just sit there and silent openly accepting the love her father gave her.

At least in these moments she can realize what was true and what was not, She could let her guard down and be at ease.

But question rose up as they always do, why was he and Yang having a bit of a fight?

It seemed like a problem that's been going on for a while now but she's never seen anything like that, so why now?

Looking up at her dad she lightly shook him getting his attention looking down at her when he saw her big adorable eyes staring at her he understood her silent message.

"*Sighs* well Ruby I'm presuming you want to know what's going on with Yang and me?"

"Ya... Why were you and big sister fighting? That doesn't seem like you guys."

"Truth be told Ruby I'm trying to protect Yang from a painful truth which she's far too young to know."

"Hmm and that truth is that? Does this have to deal with her search for her mom?"

"..... Ya, I just wish she wouldn't take such massive risk. Going out alone is... Dangerous there are so many things out there that would love to rip her apart, and I.... I can lose you guys, I already lost the loves of my life... I can't lose my little girl's to."

His voice was trembling silently, a deep fear was etched into his very soul, and Ruby could sense this.

This fear, it was like a sweet smell, a smell which even some of the best cookies could hardly produce, it made her freeze up as this wasn't natural it was almost like...

' Your Fffeeaarrr... we can smell it'

Memory's of when Fiddlesticks was explaining how it could sense her anger and fear, this is what she was doing to Tai.

Sensing his fear, just like how the demon did.

It already had its claws in her, part of itself was now in her, And how terrifying this was to the small girl.

Having this monster inside her.... Or at least a part of it, was something she never wanted.

But hey not it has, why? Because this world doesn't care for what you want, it only cares for what it wants.

Ruby Although she believed in the fairy tales also knew very well the Dark Legends which existed within this world, She knew of the grims because of her uncle, she also knew of quiet a bit of dark beings of myth as well, like for instance demons.

There was two her Uncle Qrow told her about, Evelynn, a demon who charms humans into coming closer to her before gruesomely torturing them, and the more scarier one Nocturne, The demon of nightmares being who attacks via at humankind's most vulnerable points, within there own minds.

But why was it that no one ever told her about Fiddlesticks then?

Then again she remembered him saying that all wish to forget about him, though she can't blame them still kind of sucks that no one told her about him.

And I guess she was just paying the price for it, like many other people who have fallen into her situation forced to pay for something they never wanted.

However tai getting up snapped her out of her mind as he sighed, "Well I'm going to go get breakfast prepared. Seems like you might be a little hungry."

Ruby nod her head as she looked upon the ground, he was wondering how much longer this would be.

'Three days, that's What he said why three days? What's going to happen on that third day?'

She didn't know, She would never know until then So I guess she would just have to continue playing her part even if it's an unwilling part.

'Well let's just continue with how things are going now, I guess I still got a little bit more time until My life turns completely crazy.'

*Upon the Third day.*

Ruby was now sitting alone and scared.

Body trembling, mind racing, She went to find Yang but she was gone apparently she didn't listen to there dad and chose to wander off into the woods leaving her all alone.

Scared and alone.

Alone, and in Fear.

Not being able to bear this feeling any longer she stood up She looked outside and noticed a little flash of yellow go by, thinking this was Yang she bolted out the house.


Running and running was all that she kept doing, And when she eventually made it to that clearing where she saw the yellow there was nothing there.

Yang wasn't there but what was was a massive monster.

This thing towered over the girl, And as she looked upon and pending death she awaited to be taken away until...


A crow came flying in from absolutely nowhere and dive bombed into the Grimm, It's razor Sharp beak tearing into its eye before ripping out the crimson ball before eating it.

The Grimm roared in anger but soon this stopped when a whole murder of crows came flying at it, And it was ripped to pieces, claws and beaks teared through flesh pulling apart bones and making these things screams of agony muffled as none would hear it.

It would be devoured, ripped to pieces, and be forgotten.

And soon all that was left was the white bones of the grim which fell to the ground covered in some kind of blood-like substance.

The crows would looked at her before Ruby would hear someone else, it sounded like a girl's scream.


She went to run but a crow stopped her.

"You wouldn't have the strength to win, You would both be killed."

"I-... I cant just leave her to die! I have to help!"

"And what would you do? Get killed as well?"

"I......" She stopped Time seemed to move slower, as her mind raced with thought, She would be killed as simply as her sister would She wasn't no God no champion just a girl.

Just a girl.... Who's so happen to know where the most ancient demon resided and he already sent an invitation.

I guess this was how things would have to play out, sorry tai, Yang, But it seems like the little rose will make the ultimate sacrifice even means to save her family.

"Then help her!"

The Crows were silent but soon they began to disappear, and from the foliage Fiddlesticks came walking out but his puppet like body seems to be heavily damaged with the majority of his limbs ripped off and essence leaking from him.

"I cannot help... As of now, But there is a way I can assist."

"How tell me! I'll pay any price that's necessary! But I refuse to lose my family! NOT AGAIN!" At this point Ruby was not feeling any fear She was more afraid of losing her sister than she was facing down the primordial demon.

Seeing this Fiddlesticks was intrigued this helpless little girl Now being more brave because of something else, truly just like her mother acted when name it.

"You would pay any price?"

"Yes." There was no wavering in her voice when she said that, It was either this or Yang died.

"Then hold still." One of his massive metal arms reached out, claws outstretched as they bend around her head but not fully grabbing her.

Not long after this gestured was made, ruby saw the black and red essence of his body drain from him and enter her, slowly and surely fiddlesticks primordial dark essence made itself home within the girl's heart and soul.

Upon the transfer being completed the puppet body failed to pieces, and Ruby fell to the ground as well.

Time once again moved slowly, the dark whispers of the night song within the rushing wind, before the girls hand shoot up and reached for the stars.

"AGHHHHHHHHHH!!! A cry of both human and demon was heard as from the girls back demonic metal arms sprouted, the clawed fingers planting themselves within the dirt as green and silver eyes looked upon the forest, with a demonic animalistic like growl coming from the girls the roach She thrashed off into the forest, but not before sprouting more appendages which grabbed the scythe which was once belonging to the puppet as she rushed towards her pray.

Fiddlesticks found his new host, a host which would suit him well.

'Yang, don't worry, where on our way.'

*With Yang.*

The girl was bleeding as there before her was a massive wolf like creature made from a black substance with bone white armor.

A Beowolf stood before her and it was hungry.

However before it could devour the poor girl, The Beowolf Heard what sounded like it's alpha's cry, before it heard it's roar.

But something was off, that roar was unnatural, there was a darkness within it which could not be explained with just words or thoughts.

But to the animals mind, this caused fear to boil to the surface, this feeling, this dark crawling feeling.


It was growing closer.


The sound of metal was heard, before peering through the darkness green and silver stared at the wolf like creature as it began to back away.

"We can't feel it... Feeeear... Your fear."

Yang looked at the Beowolf as now It was beginning to move away as whatever this thing was it was coming closer.

However while she wasn't expecting was when the monster stepped foot into the moonlight The first thing she saw was her sister's body hanging limp, sprouting from her side and her back were massive demonic metal legs which carries her up high, but her eyes where doll, they carried no life in them.

But before she could even understand or utter a word, "Ruby" charge this thing with a flurry of sprawling legs, The limbs thrashing around as a dug into dirt throwing her forward before she tackled to the wolf like creature, her appendages lashing out in ferocity as she tore into the poor things body.

Chunks of flesh and meat were ripped away from its body, Ruby's head suddenly snapped up, as she looked down and noticed that one of its claws were now impaled within her leg.

"RUBY!" Yang absolutely terrified tried to stand up but fell back down, however what caught her attention was her sister's own human arm reaching down and grabbing the wolf's claw from out of her leg before throwing the damn beast into a tree.

She looked at the now hole in her leg and saw the crimson blood leaking down, But she said nothing, Her eyes were as doll as a dolls, her mouth never moving to utter a single word not even though weep of pain came from her.

All she did was used her additional appendages to carry her towards this Grimm, before using the one closest to her right arm to grab its throat and lifted up into the air as she held her arm out and a black and red essence seem to latch on to the creatures chest like a leech before draining what appeared to be some kind of essence from it.

The hole in her leg began to quickly heal and as She continued to drain away its life The wolf struggled to get away howling and weeping but soon this grew quiet and it fell to the ground as an empty husk.

"R-ruby? I-its that you"

"Yes Yang it's me." Her voice still a blend between hers and fiddlesticks responded to her.

"What happened? What caused this to happen?"

"I couldn't leave you to die.... Made a deal to be able to save you.... I... Didn't want to be more lonely then I already was. I couldn't let you die."

"Oh ruby." Yang fell to the ground as the girl demon hybrid lowered herself to the ground as she stood on her own human legs She tried to walk forward but fell face-first, It would appear that she would need to get used to walking with her own legs again.

So she simply used her added appendages to crawl towards Yang and when she was in front of her the older sister wept.

Holding the now emotionless ruby she cried.

"It's going to be okay Yang."


"It's going to be okay Yang."


The older sibling continued to cry holding a now broken radio that was Ruby, as she kept saying it was going to be ok.

Guilt sadness and anger towards herself made Yang continue to break down, as Ruby funneled her aura into Yang healing her, how she could do such a miracle was only things to the memories that were left inside her head after merging with Fiddlesticks.

Eventually Qrow and Tai found the two and after seeing the monstrous thing Ruby became they where left in shock as Tai and Qrow knew those appendages well, they belonged to something they long wished would have left this world.

But unfortunately now they find their claws within Ruby, and from the general look of things it would appear that one of the two siblings made the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep the other one alive.

Ruby Rose, daughter of Tai Xiao Long and Summer Rose, Head now bonded with the primordial evil, the 1st of 10 Kings the most powerful demon of all and the most ancient creature to possibly have ever existed within this entire universe.


And they could only watch with slight discomfort as the youngest continue to speak in that dark twisted emotionless voice portraying no emotions as almost like a broken record She continue to say the same lines over and over again as the cold nights wind rushed past them.

This was truly going to be known as the night of fear, where great sacrifices were made in an even deeper dark future was ahead of them.

They could only hope that ruby wouldn't fall victim to the demons insufferable craving for fear, but unfortunately Fiddlesticks revival did not go unnoticed.

"Ahhhh what a rush." A beautiful voice spoke through the voyage of darkness of this hotel room, A dead human lied upon the ground as she hugged herself, the feeling that came with devouring that wonderful feeling it was pure bliss.

But a dark pressence made itself known throughout all of the world, feeling this she looked up.

"Ahhh looks like Fiddle has finally come back better then ever, I wonder how much longer until we cross paths."

In a spiral of magic the girl disappeared as her laughter echoed all throughout this town, as the inhuman being was simply gone.

"Hmmm so the mightiest of us has returned, your power is a strong as ever Fiddlesticks, to think I could even feel your strength within my realm of dreams, oh well at least now the humans will know terror like the never had before."

The entity turned around to hundreds to possibly thousands of different humans who were all having their eyes closed dreaming such sweet dreams.

The creature went to a few before dragging their mind into a realm of darkness where they would be tortured by horrific nightmares.

As time went on, it was only for a short amount of time before they simply broke and their lives came to an end that very instant.

"Hm humans."

The creature of nightmares continue to float around this realm of dark oblivion snatching humans into these dreams where they would be tortured and if they ever died they would die within the real world, Because this is how he operates I mean he is the demon of nightmares after all You can expect him to play any differently.

In a tall mighty building overlooking a large area A man you're getting a cup of coffee could be seen sitting at his desk overlooking the area.

He didn't know why but a sickening dark feeling of fear began to crawl deep inside of him, he remembers this feeling all too well, the feeling of the ancient fears presence.

It had been some time since he's checked in on that location probably best to do so.

With a heavy sigh he rose, "I'll make arrangements tomorrow." The man spoke to himself as he left his office.

"Hmmm it has awakened."

"Seems so little lamb."

"I wonder how will this vessel of his fair in the long terms."

"Ahhh who cares, shouldn't we deal with it?"

"That is none of our concern deer wolf."

".... Lamb tell me, why do the humans try to hard to forget it's name? And yet they always they always fail."

"Humans are flawed like that, they try so hard to forget what they cannot understand, and yet they are always reminded of what they try to forget. It is just how humans are."


"What's wrong dear wolf? Are you sad?"

"I am little lamb."

"What does it feel like?"

"A long hunt with no kill."

The two where silent as they peered off into the eternal nothing.

"Will the others come back?"

"Those that do will wish they hadn't."

The duo continued to look across the forest and upon the form of Ruby Rose the newest vessel of the ancient fear.

"I wonder if she would give a good fight."

"Perhaps But I highly doubt it, not many can match our skill."

"That is true little Lamb."

Now noticing the four of them enter their home lamb and wolf disappeared, they would return in time because all must meet them, every God every being every mortal every living organism always meets the end, Just give it time all stories come to an end even those of Gods.

Or in this case ancient demons, But before a story can end it must begin and so a new story will be written within the grains of history. The story of how the ancient fear returned but not as people would expect.

For all can never expect fear to return the same way twice.

And that's how it shall be for now until the end of all.

There You haven't ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it very much because holy s*** I had an absolute blast writing this chapter.

So you got to introduce to a lot of future characters one of them being a pair of my absolute favorites to anyone who knows who they are power to you to anyone who doesn't know Well I literally just said their names So have fun going on and researching about them and listening to their voice lines cuz holy s*** they're amazing.

Now moving on, Ruby and Fiddlesticks merging together, I hope you guys liked how I did this because it was either fiddlesticks forcefully took over her body which was a very high possibility what's be honest now or Ruby came across and almost dead fiddlesticks and somehow took his power which I felt like really wouldn't work too well so I just went with this route where the demon merges with her becoming what the hell they are now.

Also if you have some character suggestions you would like to have up here within this story let me know All the demons will most likely play a part because considering that this is the first of 10 being the very first king all the other demons will most likely react in some form So they're on their way don't worry about it.

Now if tou you excuse me I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving and I hope you all have a wonderful beautiful day because I sure as hell had one.

And remember...

Fid-dle-sticks End of Men.

Fid-dle-sticks first of ten!

Word count; 10117

DIO OUT!!!!!!

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