Chapter Six Team Rwby and a little demonic surprise part two

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Weiss had been silent for the passed few minutes as after that little display of skill and efficiency shown by her two teammates.

People who she considered freaks had just outclassed her in almost every single category, they single-handedly slew over 55 grims with the greatest of ease they made them seem like chumps in comparison, like they where the monsters instead of them.

'Demoms that's what they are.' That was the only logical explanation the daughter of one of the richest men in the world thought, And although she made it metaphorically She was actually hitting the nail right on the head with the hammer on that one.

Theses two WHERE demons, in the truest sense of the word.

Beings who feed off of emotions, the darkness told in children's stories and legends across the world and even within the stars.

But getting back on topic any grimm that came across them Weiss would be ready to fight but when she watched Evelyn and Ruby walked towards them She was confused when the grimms went to attack But as they went teeth bearing and growls emanating they froze a few feet away from the petite girl whose heterochromic I seem to freeze them under her paralyzing gaze.

Beowolfs stood there quivering, teeth gnashing against each other almost like fearful chatter.

Actually the more the girl looked upon them they showed fear.

Eyes locked on towards the multicolored eye girl who walked past them as they whimpered before her very presence.

Backing away with their heads bent as low as possible It was almost like they were bowing to her The same way a mortal bows to a god.

Grimm's were creatures of negative emotion, soulless monstrosities that slaughter humans and huntsman alike.

So what on earth was her teammate!

How is her very presence causing the greatest enemy mankind has ever known to whimper and tremble in fear!

What dark secrets were below that skin suit she wore?

If she peeled back that perfectly suntan skin of hers, What would be below that?

What manner of horror would be below that skin she calls her own?

Would there even be crimson blood, or just the black liquor of evil?

The Schnee dare not speak her words fearing that if she called upon it the girl would pull back her own human skin and reveal the monster that lied beneath it.

She breathed heavily although she attempted to hide her fear She could not get past the demon of primal evil.

Fiddlesticks could sense her fear, Ruby could taste it, It tasted sweet, as it always does. The fear of a mortal, The fear with she fed on.

Evelyn looked towards the girl as she could also feel the negative emotion radiating off of the white haired girl Ruby's eye was glowing orange indicating that Fiddlesticks was more active than usual within her soul.

And from time to time she could catch a slight demonic smile spreading across her lips which she would quickly banish back into nothingness, seeing this little demonic side of her pop out here and there Evelyn couldn't help but smile either She loved this side of Ruby This wild side of her.

Though she did not dare speak upon it as of now Her little master was currently feeding.

Who is she to deny her feast?

At least the Schnee provided a more useful rule then then before with her former constant bitching.

Being the source of fear being fed upon by the primordial demon of fear, the ancient evil.

What an honor for human like her.

Evelyn by no means warshiped fiddlesticks far from it, But she did respect his power and she too learns to fear his authority as all demons should.

He was the king, No simple qualms about it Born before them all, strongest of them all, he had more than earned his title of king of the demons.

Ruby being his vessel means that this title is shared with her, So it's not far off to say that she is herself the king of the demons.

However after several more minutes of silence and Ruby feasting upon the fear of the schnee, Evelyn broke it.

"Enjoying yourself Ruby?"

Weiss was confused, how could she be enjoying something when her expression has just been blanked the entire time?

"Quite a bit Evelyn." There was more life in her words and there's ever had been shown during the entirety of her entrance into beacon, however her voice rumbled with a deep desire, an ethereal darkness was etched into her voice although it did not boil too highly to the surface. Only to a slight point where it could affect her words.

Evelyn smiled "Well I'm glad, And perhaps this gives you the energy to do a little something more special~"

Ruby although indulging on her demonic desires wasn't going to fully fall to Evelyn's little trick so easily, so stopping in her path she turned to her and gave her a boop on the nose with her pointer finger.

"Evelynn, Evelynn, Evelynn, I'm not going to fall for your tricks so easily."

Her silver eye was quiet lively, mainly because consuming such large amounts of fear was equivalent of a sugar rush, except this sugar rush was hundreds of times greater, It was the pure "bliss" (as Evelyn puts it) when demons such as herself consume their primary emotion. It can make them feel more alive, more hyperactive, except Fiddlesticks main emotion suppressing properties was most definitely still there, her demonic eye was still as dead as ever, but Weiss noticed it's change in color but again, did not wish to speak on it.

However there was a slight change that happens when she's in this state, you see It's kind of like her getting drunk in a way, when she's like this she's a lot more open, and is also very flirtatious, outgoing and very happy, Evelyn being who she is always loves messing with Ruby when she like this. But with what happened a little while ago and seeing as she almost got ruby, she was quite certain that if she played her cards right perhaps she'll get that little special reward she was promised.

"Fufufu ashame, I mean we're in such a secluded area. I thought for sure we could have got something going on~. You know, I could have warmed you up quite a bit~."

Weiss was now starting to grow uncomfortable with the more older girls teasing towards Ruby, she looked away, she didn't want to see what was going to happen... However she still took a slight peak here and there.

And there she caught the sight of Evelynn cupping Ruby's chin lifting her head up with her other arm slithering around her slim waist pulling her in, with her resting her claws right on the edge of her tail bone, only a slight movement away from grabbing a hold of her rear.


"Hehehe Evelyn~ You need to stop because we're currently busy." Ruby's more joyful and Happy go Lucky voice song, combined with her more human voice It sounded rather adorable to both girls who heard this.

"Ohh and why can't we take a bit of time huh? I mean look at you so full of energy, so full of just wanting, Don't try and lie I saw you taking sneak peeks at me~."

"Maybe, maybe not Who knows."

"Oh but I do~ such hungry eyes, I could feel them watching me like hot breath on my neck."

"Hehehe I don't know what you're talking about Evelyn." The girl leaned back as she had a half teasing half devilish smile.

"Ohh ruby You're not fooling anyone with this little innocent act of yours~, and don't try to tell me I'm not gorgeous~." She used her hand that rested on her spine to push her back up and now even closer to her face.

"Ohhhh~~ quite gorgeous~, all natural curves~, a bewitching face, and such a nice figure~. But if you don't back up I may end up doing something quite ravenous to you~"

Ruby leaned in a little bit more almost seemingly to challenge Evelyn, seeing this challenge the girl brought her face even closer daring Ruby to get closer.

"Ohhh and what would that be little rose~"

Weiss At this point was Just flabbergasted at what she was hearing at this point, did these two really not realize that they were in the middle of a fucking forest!! AND THEY'RE BEING WATCHED!!?

"Hey dolts." However she was blatantly ignored.

"Hehehe Take a bite out of the cake that's right here~."

Ruby leaned up a little further before doing a little bite gesture towards Evelyn, The clashing of her teeth clacking against each other rang through the silent forest.

"Hehehe I would like to see you try~."

Ruby now fully indulging in these primal desires of hers opened her mouth and was about to latch onto Evelyn's neck and possibly leave a pretty damn good hickey on her neck, buuuuuuuut.....


Ruby seemingly snack out of her drunken state as she looked at Evelyn before realizing just how close the two of them were...... and kind of froze.

Evelyn feeling her pulling away was now officially annoyed, turning towards the girl she sent her a very venomous glare.

"You couldn't have seriously kept your mouth shut for for like five more seconds? I have been waiting for this for so long.... and I almost just got it.... and now some loudmouth white-haired little brat wanted to ruin it. You are so lucky I don't gut you right here right now."

Weiss jumped back a little due to the insult but ruby (Who finally return to the right state of mind.) Slyly looked away and before speaking "Evelyn don't threaten-..... What's your name?"

It just occurred to Ruby that they actually never got the white haired girl's name.

"W-weiss, S-s-schnee."

"... Ok, Evelyn no threatening Weiss."

"Seriously? I can't inflict even the slightest bit of agony on her? Do you know how long I've been waiting for a moment like that Ruby? A. Long. Time. Is it so hard to ask for that? And here when I thought that with the minimum amount of watchers we could possibly have we could finally do something, but no, and yet again A girl is left unsatisfied."

Her voice was filled with not only displeasure, but also a slight annoyance and borderline hatred towards theses events, not that it really surprised Ruby considering Evelyn's nature, She doesn't like waiting super long for something and when she does and then it's suddenly gone, it only serves to annoy her even more.

Ruby looked down as she took a deep breath.

She too wanted a moment like that, but here it would just feel rather... Unfitting.

So having built up the courage she was going to need for what was going to come next, she took her hand and with a slight blush looked at her.

"Just wait until where in beacon okay.... I'll give you a special reward for waiting so long."

With the kindest possible smile she could give right now She hoped this would be enough and her relief Evelyn only looked on gleaming at this words that left her mouth.

"Hehehe All right I'll wait a little longer, But once this is done Ruby I don't care who's watching I'm getting that treat you just promised."

"Ok." Ruby nod her head as she said that before turning to Weiss, "are you ready?"

"O-oh ya totally."

"Then let's go."

With this little moment done they continue to walk passing by any Grimm which may come their way.

However Weiss was still very uncomfortable, not only because did she almost witness theses two nearly have a damn near makeout section, not only was the feeling of fear still very much present, but lastly and most importantly she just felt super uncomfortable and a bit scared towards her teammate.

Well for the Evelyn chick not so much, sense she seem to have a bit of a twisty personality but she've seen many people with a similar personality no no The main person she was scared of was the smaller petite girl whose mood seems to swing and grow more lively the more dark and eerie the surrounding area gets.

She just vexed the Schnee, like so much in fact.

One second she was a silent menace installing fear to someone as great as Pyrrha Nikos, but from what she has seen up to this point She was always more quiet and reserved than her blonde haired Girl she assumed was either her sister or another one of her friends, and along with Evelyn. But for whatever reason her mood changed faster than her father could throw out racial slurs at the white fang when this feeling of omnicity which stemmed from fear suddenly took root in the surrounding area.

Did she feed of it or something? Again it vexed the girl for a very good reason.

Or was she overthinking this, was this simply a byproduct from her semblance? Was this just merely a big thing she's overbloating. Probably, Her mind wasn't exactly the straightest as of right now.

'....... Actually no I don't think I'm going crazy because what the hell was that special reward she was talking about? That sounds almost like a master talking to there servant, Is Evelyn her servant or something? can't be, right? I mean from the way things look she's much older probably around my age, if not slightly older, So how would she be the servant of this weird child?'

Again that was just another question that was never going to be answered why? Because to get the answer she would have to speak to these two on a more personal level, and she's not sure if she's able to speak on that same level to people who make even the grimms terrified.

Whatever they where she was sure one four things.

One; they where not normal by any means.

Two; they (mainly ruby) made the Grimms cower before her like a god coming before s mortal being.

Three; they weren't Faunus, or at least she thought so because they had no animalistic adaptations nor features then again there was Evelyn's weird spiked appendages but those seemed more like from the byproduct of a semblance then a natural animal trate.

Four; They clearly had some kind of romantic tension towards one another, with Evelyn being the more bold and straightforward one, and Ruby seemingly trying her best to keep her Virginity from being snatched. How she would do this Weiss had no idea sense they where both girls but she wouldn't put it passed this strange bold and seemingly demonic woman.

Oh and number Five; They had either some kind of foreplay they where roleplaying or some master and servants bond on top of being friends.

Welp guess she was just stuck with this crazy, not like she could say anything about it because this seems like something that just naturally happens between the two.... For whatever reason.

So with her mouth hushed up and her legs moving she went forth near her squadmates and made sure to be a help whenever they did fight, probably do to Ruby just getting borde and tired of them growling at her.

But a massive black and white feather came flying from the sky as Ruby looked up at the appending attack before bringing her scythe across in a horizontal strike causing the sharpened feather to split in two.

The two half's went flying passed the girl as they where flung in different directions, obliterating the trees that they impacted.

"What the-!" Weiss startled barely had enough time to avoid the second feather as Evelyn just like ruby effortlessly cut the projectile to pieces before flinging them away.


The two other girls looked up as lo and behold, there flying above them and coming back down for a second round was a massive black bird with multiple crimson eyes watching them closely.

"Hey Ruby."

Said girl looked towards Evelyn as she had a smirk.

"What is it?"

"Think you can control that bird?"

Now by no means did Ruby have the power to openly control the actions and hearts of individuals, but what she could do was inject enough fear into them to overwrite there sense of reason and basically force them through fear to follow her orders, but this wasn't perfect sense it relayed upon the fear of the target, if they overcome the free or can't be effected by it then this ability it useless, which is why it wasn't perfect mind control.

However this caught the Schnee's attention, making a Grimm cover in fear is once thing but controlling them is another.

However this Nevermore seems intelligent... To intelligent.

'Somethings not right, the bird is asleep.'

Looking at the Nevermore she sensed no emotions coming from it, almost like it's mind was just gone.

It's consciousness, it's drowning in a dream of some kind. And whatever darkness this was that was causing this, it was oozing into its wings and feathers. its overall appearance was darker, and it's eyes grew dimmer and more vengeful somehow.

It looked like a monster, a true monster.

"That's strange." Evelyn could see it as well, eyes opened, wings flapping, but no signs of showing fear or even some semblance of consciousness.

"What's strange?" Asked Weiss who looked at the very strange looking bird.

"...... Nightmare." Was all ruby said, but her voice rumbled with a slight bit of Fiddlesticks dark tune.

Evelyn sent a look towards Ruby.

"Are you sure?"

"..... Yes."

"What nightmare? How do dreams play into this?" Weiss was as confused as a newborn child on this.

"Tell later, as of now I need you to get safe, me and Evelyn will handle the big bird." Was all ruby replied with. "Get to safety, don't want my teammate getting hurt over a matter that doesn't concern her."

Weiss froze, up to this point she had been just sitting there, she hadn't contributed to this little quest of there's at all, she's just been standing there reliant on the duo to deal with it because she wasn't sure.

Her self pride was impacted, she thought that because she was trained by one of the best in the world, her family's states and all this that she was better.... How wrong she was, theses two showed more skill then she had in her entire time if training. And she was relying on them to clear the path.

Thats not what she wanted, perhaps she was overly confident in her abilities a little to much.

And now when standing before a monster and Ruby was about to fight it without second through, and even wanted her to stay back because.... She didn't want her to be hurt.

Cute, carrying, strong and the perfect example of a brave warrior, if she didn't have Eyes for Evelyn and she her, Weiss may have became interested in the girl. But sadly that wasn't going to happen. But she could repay the favor by stop being and acting as some girl who's better then everyone, and actually start actually pulling her weight. And show why she is as worthy of going to this place as them.

"...... No" was her only response after clearing up her mind.

She pulled out her own weapon, Myrtenaster, here and now she would make a stand.

She's was done letting her pride as a schnee cloud her mind long enough, time to stop acting like a spoiled brat and more like a huntsman, like her sister taught her. Show them what she can do, that she wasn't no damn flower needing to be cradle and trapped.

"I may not be as strong or have the cool ability's like you two... But I refuse to lie down and just let you handle the rest... I'm a huntsman in training just like the both of you, I'm going to fight. Because...." Taking a deep breath she spoke calmly and clearly. "Because weather we like it or not, where teammates, right Ruby."

Ruby only nod as she walked towards the big bird and Evelyn just smirked a little.

"Never thought you had it in you."

"Well I'm full of surprises." Taking a deep breath she calmed her nerves.

"I see, so the mask if off huh."

Weiss flinched slightly, the mask she had was a way of protecting her heart from the cruelty that came from within the Schnee family household, as such she kept the outlook and personality of this tough girl who would only take the best... Because she knew nothing else but the best.

She didn't expect Evelyn to see through her but guess that was something else that was special about her.

"I guess you can say that." Weiss was slightly more silent then she already was. But raising her weapons she walked, "But come on, I'm not letting our teammate handle all this by herself."

"Hmmm calling her teammates even though your still terrified of Ruby."

".... Well it's only natural, you two seemed to be something more... It's in my human nature to fear the unknown, but as I look... I've been a bart as you said, I've bickered about these things long enough, and you two don't deserve it, well maybe you do for what you tried to pull with Ruby not to far back. But not Ruby, she's only been kind, and I've been spitting in her face.... I've not had anyone except my sister show that kind of compassion, and I guess I've been taking it for granted."

"Ahaha maybe you aren't so bad as I lay though, seems your more complex then you make yourself out to be."

"Ya I guess your right."

"Well now that your little speak is done ready for us to get on with the walk?"

"Wait don't we have the nevermore to deal with?"

Evelyn was about to speak when something heavy and large crashing was heard as Ruby appeared beside them in a burst of rose pedals.

"All done."

"W-wait you-" Weiss looked at the girl who held her Scythe in her hand.

"Well done Ruby." Evelyn smiled, she knew this would happen, ya whatever it was that was powering up the Grimm was strong but a Grimm is still a Grimm, and a Nevermore is a Nevermore, even if it's slightly enhanced there still weak when compared to Ruby. "But Weiss, great speech you had, really loved it."

"A-ahhhhh.... Oh please don't speak this to anyone! God this is embarrassing!"

"Ahaha and you where talking like such a white knight as well."

"OK OK STOP DONT REMIND ME!" Weiss felt embarrassed, here she was making a noble and brave statement to be better.... And then just have the problem which she was going to use to back up her claims... Disappear.

"But I liked it."

"Huh?" She looked at Ruby who smiled at her.

"People always need a strive, for you it's clearly to be better and just be the best you can."

"Y-ya I guess."

"But there is limitations, for you don't let your pride and snobbiness cloud your mind, you have the conviction, the form and the skill to do this."

"... How can you say that I have the skill... When I haven't even done anything?"

"Because if you believe yourself to be good, strong and brave I'll believe you, and if you need help with things I'll help sense where teammates. And my uncle always said that now we would be like a family, and family doesn't Abaddon each other. So how about it Weiss, willing to work with me and Evelyn and prove that where the best of everyone?" Ruby offered her hand as she awaited her response.

"You know ruby." With a smile she excepted the handshake. "That sounds nice."

The two girls smiled before Ruby turned to Evelyn and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go then."

Ruby, Evelyn and Weiss took to there path once again.

..... And Ruby diced the Nevermore's  corps to little tiny pieces.

After Fiddlesticks put the primordial fear in her very heart and soul she wasn't about to let this turn into a horror movie.

Even though she was the walking horror more.

But there was only room for one horror in this forest.

And that was them.

But with this out the way there epic journey began.
*Small time skip.*

So time passed obviously but after a few minutes they arrived at what appeared to be a few ruins with what appeared to be Yang and that black haired amber eyed girl standing next to her.


"Oh hey Ruby Evelyn and... Weiss. Huh, looks like you got the ice queen and Evelyn. Poor Evelyn must have been jealous."

"Ohhh no I more then think there I'll be no problems with me being in this special relationship with each other." Spoke Weiss as she shivered remembering the near mental scare she narrowly avoided getting because of her newfound teammates.

"Oh and what's this?" Yang noticing Ruby's face looking away and Evelyn's smirking expression told her all she needed to hear. "Oh~~? Ruby you naughty sister you! I'm so proud!"

"It wasn't like that." Ruby was trying to keep her cool, but Evelyn made that increasingly difficult when she pulled her in close and wrapped her arms around her waist.


"A-.…............ Quiet Evelyn."

Weiss shook her head as she walked passed.

Yang's teammate raised an Eyebrow and Yang clarified. "Oh that's Ruby you know my little sister, and the tall hot babe, ya that's her crush and soon to be wife Evelyn."

"Wife?" The secret cat girl looked at the duo.

"She's not my wife, Yang!" Ruby however shivered as Evelyn's hot breath meet with her ear causing a shiver to run down her spin.

"Not yet anyways~." The girl gently bit the top of her ear causing a slight moan to escape her lips.

"Hmmm~- a-ah.... Evelyn!"

Yang balled our laughing, Blake was confused and Weiss was well... Not paying attention but still had a slight blush.

"Ok, ok Ev, let's not kill ruby with your beauty and teasing, we still got to get into beacon, there I'll rent you two a hotel so you can get a freaky as you want."

"Wait yan-"

"Ooohhh sounds lovely~ but I'm going to need a week minimum, the second this one loses that iron resistance where going to be at it for qu~it~e so~me t~i~m~e~.

Ruby more flustered then she's been before summoned a small shadow hand to pull her hood over her face.

"..... I think you killed her." Blake looked at her teammate. "Is she going to be alright?"

"Ya, Ruby tends to act this way when flustered, remember what I said, normally she has a cold expression on at all times, when angry she has an aura which makes even god himself tremble, sad well it makes everyone else sad and when flustered...."

"She gets more shy."

"Yup. Oh hey Weiss you should grab a pe-"


The sounds of an explosion ripped through as Jaune D'Arc, Nora Valkyrie Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren came crashing through.

"Ya Weiss grab that piece like now."

"Already on it!"

She ended up grabbing the same piece as Yang and Blake before they turned and saw a massive scorpion Grimm looking at the group angry.

"Why is there a DeathStalker here??" Blake quickly turned but a loud quake was heard and an even bigger meaner and more territorial Nevermore was there.

"And there's another Nevermore." Evelyn looked at Ruby who was out of her hood but still in her hold, ruby looked up at her and kissed her cheek. "Later, promise."

"Fine." She let her go. "Your going to have to deal with them anyways."

"Who's them?" Asked Weiss as she doughed another attack from the Nevermore.

"All those angry Grimms."

The future team JNPR looked towards the woods and saw hundreds of Grimms charging towards them.

"Ohhhh wooooow that's a lot of Grimms." Nora shoot the DeathStalker with her Grenade launcher/hammer before looking at everyone. "Should we leave, I think we should leave."

"I second that, Jaune can you grab the relics?" Asked Ren.

"Ya I got it."

Retrieving to pieces he looked back as Pyrrha was fighting off the DeathStalker when a black speak came from nowhere as it flew through the Grimms head, tore through its internal organs, before blasting out on the other side.

Everyone turned to Ruby who's hand was outstretched.

"Everyone, go."

"You don't expect us to just let you fight all that by yourself?" Blake stated.

"Ya dolt where a team remember? And teammates fight together."

Yang didn't speak, she unloaded another round from her gauntlets into a Grimms eye blowing its brains out as she looked at Ruby.

"Ruby... You plan on allowing him out?"

The girl looked at the eldest sibling.

"..... Yes."

"Who's "him?" Nora now besides them asked as she looked at Ruby. "Wait ruby are you secretly a guy? I mean that would be a surprise but I was she's you where a gir-"

"Nora, focus." Ren shoot another Grimm while keeping eyes on the nevermore that was circling them.

"Ya Ahhhh... Who's him?"

"...... Fear itself."

Her response for many confused until Yang pat her shoulders.

"Hey question things I can back you up?"

Truth be told ever sense yang's training with her mom she's been a hell of a lot stronger, way stronger then she's ever been in the passed.

If Ruby was about to unleash Fiddlesticks then she felt the need to at least be here just in case something happens.

So that way history doesn't repeat itself.

Pyrrha pushed back the last of the Grimms that came but still many more continued to poor out.

"Seriously why is there so many?" Jaune nearly got his head taken off by a Beowolfs bite but Nora covered him.

"I don't know! But we have to keep fighting at this point!"

Pyrrha wasn't wrong, there was a seemingly endless amount of Grimms coming towards them, they where pinned down on all sides and any and all hopes of them getting out closed the second theses things came barging in.

"Everyone." Ruby walked forward as she seemed to twitch, her arms and body was becoming jittery. "Stand back."

They looked at her until Evelyn spoke up.

"It would be in your best interest to not get caught by what's to come."

A member (Jaune) gulled as they stood behind ruby as a sharp breath left her mouth.

'I leave the rest to you......'

Grimms became to leap at her, the nevermore dove down Talions ready to end them but this lever happened.


Her eyes snapped back open, her eyes darting around from corner to corner as in her eye socket before they froze, it rolled around before stopping, as finally faster then they could realize there folly her eye snapped back into looking at them as a thick black icor ran down her eyes before s dense red and black aura was discharged from her.

The Grimms closes where thrown back as this newfound dark power floated to Ruby's dark hormones thoughts.

{Play this.}

"R-ruby?" Weiss was flabbergasted at the girl's sudden transformation but it got worse... Much... Much worse.

Her body jerked back and forth, like something lying underneath the skin of the girl was pulling at her like a puppet master and the strings on the puppet.

No one spoke as from her back, sides and all around metal limbs sprouted as she rose into the air, Crescent Rose was handed to Yang as a newfound weapons was materialized in her hand.

Fiddlesticks original Scythe.

And there she went limp.

Her body silent before the sky began to darken, her breath stopping at this point before one by one her arms fell to her side as a sharp metal ring ran through there ears. The sudden noise caused them to jump slightly before the girl began to move.

Once all her limbs had touched the ground the claws began to dig their way into the dirt like a wolves claws through flesh, her head began to jerk to the side as her face now rested perfectly horizontal than where her head originally started.

Her claws began to pull her towards the Grimms before she's suddenly sprang to life.

Her neck bones popped as they were suddenly thrashed back into place, Her legs exploded into a frenzy as they shot forth digging into the ground and propelling her forward faster than what was humanly possible.

Her eyes pulsing with unbridled evil, the same black iker running down like thick black rivers.

The first Grimm suffered a gruesome fate as the metal claws of Ruby Rose dug into its skull before tearing out its skull, Well half of it that it.

The second was quickly dismissed as the second appendage punched through its rib cage before crushing its heart.

Another was ripped in two as the girl threw them beast into a jagged rock.

The 4th 5th and 6th went out the same with a quick slash to their skulls ripping the top of their skulls from their bottom halfs.

She tore through them, But the group At this point couldn't see, The Darkness was so thick all they could hear was just a distant cry of the grimms before they ran silent.

What felt like an eternity went by as the sound of gnashing teeth, meat being severed, and bones being crunched was all that they could hear.

After enough time Fiddlesticks looked at the remaining Grimms Before moving rubys cape outwards opening it up as they let the darkness of the cape show to the world.

And lying within it and endless abyss was all that was seen.

However the insides of it began to sprout eyes, hundreds upon hundreds of black and red eyes opened up as the black blood began to bleed from there iris traveling down below the girl forming a puddle of black below.

".... I... Smell your... Ffffeeeeaaarrrr... No-w I.... e-a-t."

Like a scene straight out of a horror movie thousands upon thousands of hands sprouted from the dark confines of Ruby's hood as the grims were grabbed to hold of and dragged towards the shadow which now expanded below the girl.

Pulled into an endless darkness They were devoured, their life essence was stolen and so was the fear that they radiated.

One by one they're screams died as quickly as their own existence came to an end, And when it was all done Fiddlesticks dropped the final corpse upon the ground as the darkness devoured it.

It looked towards the group which could no longer see, A little final wish from Ruby to have them be obstructed from the gruesome scene that they were about to behold.

Allowing her control, the limbs disappeared, Her eye returned to normal the black substance disappeared and soon after the sky returned to normal and the cocoon of Darkness disappeared allowing the group to see all the grimms dead and gone.

*End theme*

Obviously the group wasn't expecting such a sight, They had not seen it but they definitely heard it.

They heard whatever the hell that voice was.

Weiss, Blake, Pyrrha, Ren, Jaune, Nora and Ren looked upon the girl who looked at them before lowering her head.

"Sorry you had to hear that."

"..,..... Ahhh What was that?" Jaune had heard and seen many things along his way to beacon Academy however he has never heard something that dark and that sinister before in his entire life.

"Yeah Ruby what was that?"

The girl went to open her mouth but her older sister took the stage as she looked at everyone.

"Hey guys not the burst your bubble but we still have an initiation to complete, And before you go throwing around accusations and all this and all that let me remind you that she just got us out of a pretty tight spot so let's not portray into this too much all right That nevermore can come back and I'm not too fond of fighting right now."

Truth be told yang even though she tried to do damage control wasn't exactly the most stellar about it, Of course of all times that Ruby had to let out the damn demon was when she was surrounded and with other people watching her as well.

She doesn't blame her though hell even with the two of them that would have taken an extreme amount of time but this would draw suspicion towards her more.

Then again it was this time of the month where fiddlesticks gets to come out so she would take this as a blessing, things could have ended a whole lot worse if she didn't decide to just consume all of them.

Weiss was the first one to come around which was kind of surprising considering her recent mentality towards Ruby but the girl did get her to open up and I guess she did save their lives so she wouldn't pride too much into it.

Blake a girl with her own secrets didn't feel like prying into it either, Also due to the fact that she was quite terrified just by being near Ruby but she was going to keep this to herself.

Nora was just shocked and stellar about what happened So it really wasn't that big of a surprise that she only laughed it off and promised to keep it a secret, Ren nod agreeing with Yang that it was indeed useful especially for getting out of such a tight spot, Pyrrha obviously chose to accept it being the kind compassionate woman that she was and Jaune Well he didn't have that much say in the matter because well everyone else is choosing to accept and move on with it, so why should he have any qualms about it?"

Seeing this Ruby smiled at Yang, Before with there pieces in hand they left. However she turned around as she thought the Nevermore would try and attack but Evelyn showed one of its feathers indicating that she was the one that killed it when Ruby was on her little slaughter spree.

"Did good didn't I."

"Hehe sure did."

Evelyn smirking to herself kissed Ruby's forehead as she teased along the bottom of her chin.

"Now I expect that reword~."

Seeing how everyone was already ahead of her Ruby decided to smirk back. She was done playing the innocent type.

Call it some of Fiddlesticks's primal nature still being left inside her head after he took over, or her just wanting to get it one, she didn't give a crap, Because she leaned up and kissed Evelyn on her cheek But before pulling away she gave a pretty hard smack on her ass causing her to yelp slightly in surprise, Ruby walked away, grin plastered on her face.

"Oh you'll get it~."

Today was quiet the day. And tonight would be even more so.
*Time skip.*

"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, Sky Lark The four of you retrieved a black Bishop piece, and now have formed the Team CRDL. Lead by, Cardin Winchester."

The room they stood within uproar upload the new team joining there ranks.

"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren from today forward you will be working underneath the team JNPR, lease by Jaune Arc."

Nora dove into Ren's arms in a hug as the best friend hugged her back.

And Jaune was confused. "W-wait me??"

"Let me congratulate you, young man."

Jaune shiley just nod his head before backing away.

"And lastly Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long, You shuffle under the team Rwby leader by Ruby Rose."

The audience once again began to uproar in approval, and so did team JNPR, but Ruby sent the headmaster a dark glare and he understood what she was getting at.

"Now hold on before anyone fully celebrates I have another announcement to make."

The room went silent as he spoke loudly and clearly.

"Now It has come to my attention that you miss Evelyn had not collected any relic at all which would usually mean that you failed."

The student looked at the woman who's golden eyes narrowed.

"However.... After reviewing the footage and seeing your expert skills first hand not only defeating an entire pack of Beowolfs with a single strike, but also single-handedly taking down a Nevermore whos was even more dangerous than the last, on top of assisting team Rwby and JNPR on their quest to gather their relic I would like to offer you a special bargain, You may be allowed to join any team of your desire but if you do not wish you can simply-"

"Team RWBY."

She cut the man off and he nodded his head.

"Then Evelyn you shall work alongside as an honorary member of Team RWBY."

The students howled, and even some teacher approved of what Ozpin did, But once this was finally settled and all the teams were distributed there newfound uniforms it was off to there dorm rooms where there They would make it home for the rest of this school year.

It didn't take too long for Team RWBY to find their dorm but once they got in they realized they had five members and only four beds.

Evelyn looked at Ruby, and she understood. "Evelyn will sleep with me."

The group nod in agreement, since the two of them seems to have some kind of special relationship it's not too much for surprise that they would also share the same bed.

But seeing how little room they had because of the bed and stuff, their leader went into silent thinking before coming up with a great idea.

"We're going to have bunk beds."

"Bunk beds?" Weiss said the thing out loud before thinking upon it. "Actually that doesn't sound too bad I've always wanted bunk beds."

"I'm fine with it." Blake basically a grade in her own way.

"Then let's make some bunk beds!" Yang's cheer free personality blasted to the extreme as she went over towards her bed and the newfound teams made their arrangements.
*Time skip.*

So after a few short minutes of moving around all their stuff They came up with a pretty good room design.

The bunk beds were as you could expect, bunk beds, The beds were stacked on top of each other with  extra things around the room to fill in the gaps. And some rope tied to the ceiling to make sure everything state on straight.

Weiss, Blake and Yang fully unpacked with all their pictures and all that sprouted all over the room and with all this done they decided to go down to get something to eat.

Well Yang Weiss and Blake did, and yang being the ultimate wingwoman She was easily convinced the other two to leave the two demons alone whereupon everyone being gone well....

{Warning slight lemon inbound.}

Evelyn was the one who made the first move, sneaking up behind the younger and smaller girl She dragged her fingers across her openly exposed skin with Ruby shuddering and shaking slightly to her soft gentle touch, taking her ear into her mouth She lightly bit down on it causing a sharp sensation to spring through the girls body causing her to slightly jerk.

"Hmmm quite squeamish aren't you~"

"Hehe can't help it when you do it it just feels so good~."

"Now that's what I like to hear."

Taking the first lead Evelyn pushed Ruby against the wall before placing her right leg in between her legs pinning her fully against it, looking down at the smaller girl she smirked as she brought her lips down upon her neck gently bitting and sucking Ruby's soft gentle moans echoed around the silent room as the demon of agony slid her hand up under the girls shirt and bra and quiet roughly grabbed her right breast.

The Sutton sensation caused Ruby to jerk against the wall, her back arched slightly as she raised up, a sharp gasp exiting her body before Evelyn's silenced it by bringing her lips down upon Ruby's smothering her in a deep kiss.

This kiss became more and more heated and sloppy as they poured there most primal desires into it, No longer having anyone to hold them back, in silence, and alone.

Evelyn still attacking her neck and breast then slid her final hand down towards Ruby's skirt, lightly caressing the area where her womanhood would be the moans only intensified.

However Ruby's harmonic desires begin to scream in her head, roaring at her like a raging storm She didn't care any longer nothing was here to hold her back any longer.

With more strength and Evelyn was prepared for Ruby broke free from her grasp grabbing her by her waist she lifted up the taller woman before slamming her back against the wall, The sudden force of it cause the entire room to shake, Ruby with desire burning in her eyes hungered for the woman put her hands below Evelyn's shirt and bra before fleeing them off her.

She knew she could regenerate them It was made from her magic so she didn't care, and now seeing those large naked breasts before her she licked her lips before indulging her meal.

Evelyn gasped, Just like Ruby her back began to arc as it bent more into that of a crescent moon but Ruby kept her pinned, She hungryly sucked and bit lightly upon her breast causing the ones dominator to become the dominated.

Mimicking what she was doing to her, Ruby also slid her hands down and caressed her womanhood, the very same What she desired to ravage with all her being.

Evelyn tried to push back, But that wasn't going to happen, Because if the grip that Ruby had on her wasn't already bad enough She summoned for two of her demonic appendages and placed them upon the girl's shoulders pushing her further into the wall, a slight crack formed but That was something she could easily have repaired.

When she was done with the girls breast She used one of her appendages too push herself up coming face to face with the girl She dove in hungrily taking her own lips.

During this time she would pick up Evelyn as she carried her to her bed before throwing her on it, Weiss had the top bunk she had the bottom, And this was quite great because it made it more easily acceptable to get her onto that bed.

Now laying against it both girls just dove back in enjoying the blissful storm which came from the two of them were ravaging each other, demonic desires were on full display, and anyone who would be passing by it would sound like the hottest make out was happening.

And it was, and after a solid 30 minutes of straight making out feeling and grabbing each other sucking and biting the two of them pulled away, ruby pressed her forehead against Evelyn's and her eyes, there eyes more accurately still held such deep desire within them.

"Hehehe~ My my Rub- Ahhh~ AHHHH~~ GOD YES~~ JUST LIKE THAT~"

Digging her claws into the younger girls back She continued to etch her on, currently Ruby's hands had already slipped past the girls skin tight lower clothing meant to cover up her ass and woman hood, and was assaulting her womanhood.

It was quite amazing what she could do with just two fingers, Because quite frankly to Evelyn there's two fingers felt better than the plethora of manhood shes had go through her.

{Real quick sorry if that offends some people. But hey it's fiction and a fanfic.}

And after another 10 minutes of non-stop bliss, she came, and Evelyn's smiled at the girl but this smile was that of a devilish girl one hungering for more.

However Now looking around the room many of the pictures were knocked down books were thrashed around, and The nice beautiful room they had just built was no ruined.

Ruby looked down at Evelyn before taking a kiss from her lips.

"Love you Evelyn."

The demon looked at her before looking at the girls rising and falling chest.

I guess this was what would love to felt like, oh well, guess the charmer had fell in for the charmies be-witching allure.

"Same to you Ruby~."

Both girls would kiss for a final time tonight falling back onto the bed with Ruby on top she ravaged the demon's mouth before slowly rising up from her.

{Lemon over, sorry if this was kind of shitty But this is my first time writing something like this.}

"Now come on let's get this fixed up real quick before the rest come back."

"Hmmm fine."

Rising from the bed she snagged a quick kiss, as the two girls quickly remade the room so that way when the other girls would return they wouldn't suspect anything differently.

And once the final book was placed back Ruby looked at Evelyn before silently walking up behind her and gently wrapping her arms around her waist, laying her head upon Evelyn's shoulder She looked up at the taller woman.

"..... So does this mean you're my girlfriend?"

".... Ahaha oh ruby, You know originally I would have said no because I only used to do one time stance, But considering what I just felt and what I got out of that not to mention these new rising feelings which you've seem to install within my body Yes I would assume that this would make us a newfound romantic couple as humans would put it."

"Hehehe best day ever."

"You're adorable."

"And you're hot."

The two of them with giggle before sharing one final kiss for tonight.

"Well I'm heading off to bed. Coming to join?"

"You're not going to join your friends to eat?"

"No, I don't think I will I'm not that hungry and I had plenty of fear to devour today."

"Hmm Guess you're right, so yes I shall join you in bed."

Ruby nod as she layed down, Before feeling the bed shift as the larger girl laid behind the littler one, as she wrapped her arms around Ruby's waist before pulling her in spooning the girl.

Ruby drifted off into her dreams, and Evelyn decided to join her and her blissful slumber.

All the while and outside force was moving.
*Within a dark realm.*

Within a realm of shadow and darkness we're all laws no longer made sense but that of a dreams A single dark entity could be seen flying around the never-ending reaches of this nether world It's dark silhouette like body casting an eternal shadow upon the already darken the lands around it, It's clawed shadowy like fingers fluctuating as it seems to almost be stretching them out before we're tracking them back in.

The monster continue to fly evading the realm of other dreams killing and tormenting the ones responsible for the creation of such dreams feeding off of their terror.

This would happen more and more, humans would always fear the dark They would fear the dark corners of their minds which he claimed as his source His domain of power!

"Humans, tch, deplorable creatures."

Murdering another human by ripping off his bottom jaw he watched as his essence slowly faded into nothing.

"Theses creatures serve no better purpose than to simply feed us demons, there as plentiful as a rodents which makes them Good for the harvest at least."

Drifting within his own dream realm he stopped as he felt a dark power much more than his out there in the world.

"Hmmmmm.... !!!"

Looking into the reaches of the human world to the minds of an unlikely human who was sleeping at this time within his kingdom of darkness, he was able sense something.

"That power... So the prodigal son return, the strongest of us all fiddlesticks but I wonder why aren't you killing the humans?"

Using this puppet on strings he made the human look towards the direction where the power was coming from and there often the horizon a tall building stood tall, he knew it was beacon Academy a school for humans to go to in order to become huntress and huntsman people who "fought off against the darkness."

How laughable!


He had dealt with huntsman's before They were as simple to kill as any other normal mortal creature! How are they supposed to fight the darkness when he is the darkness!

The nightmare which alerts in the shadows of every human mind, a demon whose power derives from terror itself!

However if fiddlesticks was within that building what was keeping him contained?

What crude twisted thing had the mortals come up this time in order to try and control a demon of that caliber.

But then also caught his attention was that....

"Evelyn..... She's there as well."

Now more intrigued now than ever The shadow demon killed off his human puppet having the body dropped to the floor next to the family, who now grieved.

"Hmmmm It would appear that an investigation is in order, I wonder what I shall find."

Drifting off into the reaches of the nether world, His silhouette flashed before the world.

Nocturne the Eternal nightmare had come.

And it would be only a matter of time before he crossed paths with the King of demons once more.

There You have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done I hope you all enjoyed it.

Now before you ask Is Beast family supposed to be updated Yes what happened It didn't save and all my progress was gone with it over 4,000 words gone and since I already had this being worked on I decided to just work with it.

Also another thing Yes I had a slight lemon happen, That was the first time I ever wrote one so let me know how I did it and it just so happens at the first lemon I ever did was a woman on woman but I don't give a s***. Just let me know how I did and then give me feedback.

But moving away from that yep you read that last part right ladies and gentlemen nocturne has arrived One of the other named demons the demon of nightmares is here to play I wonder how he's going to interact with Ruby and Evelyn as well?

Now without further to do I will have to leave you guys to your own devices so as is tradition please give me any ideas for future plot ideas characters you would like to see ways of making Ruby and Evelyn's relationship blossom into something new you know Just general tips that your boy's going to want in order to continuously improve his story to give you all what you guys deserve a good well working story which the fans enjoy.

As for Beast family I will try and get that chapter posted But by what time I have no idea considering that I have not back to school and not having a break.

So without forever to do have a good day see you all later and bless your faces and goodbye.

Word count: 9440

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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