Chapter Three Agony and Fear, the first kill, and broken bonds reforged

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*Two year sense last chapter.*

So quite a bit of time has gone past and many things have taken root within the Household of Yang and Ruby.

Yang had finally meet her mother raven after being convince by Qrow to return, She was there helping her daughter out become stronger But Yang was resentful at first, but got over it after a little family gathering,  as they explained all that was going to happen, Raven looking towards both Yang and Ruby couldn't help but shutter a little.

This world was all about kill or be killed, however she couldn't shake that motherly instincts within herself. The very same instincts which caused her great conundrum so many years ago. And caused her to leave.

But Yang, her own daughter, almost died, And she wasn't even there to help. And for whatever strange reason it hurt.

It should have simply been chalked up to the fact that she was weak and the weak die but, it was simple after she thought about it, deep inside her heart Raven still had the lingering feelings of a mother towards Yang, but she was just to scared to let them fly because of how they were raised.

But now she was here, And whether she liked it or not she was going to have to deal with these feelings while she helped trained up her daughter After all with Little Miss Rose over there becoming the vessel of fiddlesticks She wasn't too keen on letting her daughter not be a skilled warrior went around her.

Not that she doesn't trust Ruby, She just doesn't trust the two demons that are with her, and the one within her.

On a completely different note Now that Yang's mother was helping her train, Evelyn was helping Ruby get a better understanding of how to use her demonic abilities.

Yes it might seem strange that the servant is training the master, but Evelyn didn't really seem like she was bothered by it, because considering that her master was literally fiddlesticks vessels This was just a golden opportunity to establish a connection with the young girl.

You see Evelyn was a very smart entity, She could have grow and understand many things, And after being with the young Rose for so long she was able to understand what friendship was and formed a pseudo friendship with Ruby allowing this relationship between master and servants to be a little bit more simple and less complex.

Tai, Qrow and Raven would sit back and watch and the Rose continue to work with her demonic abilities and to Raven who was trying to get used to the fact that her nephew had these abilities was astounded.

She could walk on her own too human legs just fine and she's also learned how to summon and unsummon the appendages which fiddlesticks gave her, It would also appear that she gained control over her voice being able to speak in a much more human voice rather than the blend between horrific nightmare and gentle little girls voice.

Also Ruby has learned how to use the essence of Fiddlesticks to augment Magic in certain ways.

She's created a few spells on her own which were usually meant to silence her victims before siphoning out their life force, devouring their very souls before they even have a chance to realize what's happening.

It was impressive, but terrifying, Because when they watched her do this to a Nevermore The poor thing didn't even know what hit it.

First Ruby used the shadows to keep herself concealed, Before unleashing a murder of crows which flew into the air and began to relentlessly attack the poor massive bird.

After fiddling it down enough towards her level Ruby would use her newfound magic to trap the beast within a nightmare.

This ability/magic was called [illusion of the demonic rose], A name which Evelyn helped her came up with.

You see as a creature of fear Ruby is capable of afflicting nightmares or horrific fear is upon her enemies, But using her magic she can take this one step further The spelling traps the target within their own mind and relentlessly attacks them with their own fear which is magnified by fiddlesticks's presents, essentially if one falls victim to this attack their minds will be robbed, and controlled by fear. Leaving themselves open towards being killed by Ruby.

So when she did use his ability on the bird it came falling out of the sky and crash landed into the forest, upon it just laying there Ruby was capable of taking her Scythe and just splitting its head off.

It was a very powerful display of ability, one which took many months to study practice the whole shebang.

However her magic at this moment in time still had quite the major flaw, since she was now just beginning to use magic It had very short range, since she couldn't really control the magic to a much wider field of range. On top of her already very short range It actually took around 2 seconds for her to gather up the magical energy required to use one of these attacks.

Now two seconds may not seem like a lot, But with creatures which are faster than the speed of light, and could easily tag/slice, or just cut off her head, before she's even able to gather percentage of her magical energy ya that was not going to sit right with her.

So increasing her range and getting faster at gathering up energy that was all that she was going to need to get better with magic.

But enough of this Now we join Ruby and she takes a casual stroll through the woods.
*With Ruby.*

The young girls slowly walked through the woods as a dark canopy is around her wrestled with the sounds of wild creatures darting between them.

They continue to run as they felt a dark presence exude over them, a twisted Eldritch darkness began to crawl up their spine.

One by one, each step taken, more began to run.

But to the young girl who was hearing the terrified aura of the creatures she did nothing nor said anything.

Right now Ruby Just simply wanted to get her mind off of a few things.

First was her steadfast growth into what Evelyn called demon maturity, and to be honest that is true.

With each passing day, with each subsequent night spent, she is receiving more and more power and memory's as well.

Her body hadn't received the full arsenal of what Fiddlesticks could provide, so slowly over time the collective power of the demon would enter her, and sense her body naturally augmented itself to allow for this power to dwell within her body, It was safe to say that the overall capacity she had was very good.

However there was a slight drawback to all this, sense Fiddlesticks is the demon of fear that would also mean that fear is a great way for the girl to recharge her overall energy supply while also furthering the process of Fiddlesticks power entering her, essentially by absorbing fear it was a way for her to speed all this up.

Now you might wonder why didn't she just go someone and just spread mass fear? Because simply put causing that would most likely not only alert other demons but also other champions that might be alive and possibly some gods.

Fiddlesticks had a lot of enemies, go figure when you're the demon of primordial fear You tend to get a lot of people who don't like you, and sadly ruby will have those very same people as her enemy's as well.

So with the possibility of her and her family possibly running into God's, or God forbid a hostile demon or worst the god killer, it made her wonder.

Was there a way she could keep them safe?

Her and Evelyn we're the only two individuals in this household who could go up against the higher power people and only ruby when she's older could take on beings like Aatrox and possibly Aurelian Sol.

But if I ever did come to pass and she was at risk of losing She would abandon all strategy and just unleash fiddlesticks.

Yes The demon deep within her own soul and heart, The Great Demon of fear itself.

He was capable of taking over Ruby knew this very easily when she actually entered into the world of dreams and found herself out in the woods when she came to, But it's simply Fiddlesticks was always there to take the wheel everybody ever went offline.

And seeing as he is the source of it all, If things get dicey just let the demon fly.

Especially if there as strong as Aatrox.

But besides this little conundrum the rose was doing quite fine actually, but looking up at one of the birds and seeing that it was her crow She decided to just head back No need to waste her time just walking around, She might as well head back and spend as much time with her family and this normal as possible like lifestyle, before everything went to shit.

So she did returning home she saw Yang greening at Evelyn as they seemed like they where in an argument.

"Oh please sweetie You could never defeat me at anything."

"Oh ya! Want to put your money where your mouth is."

"If your insisting on getting humiliated then who am I to deny you the gratifying experience."

"Evelyn.... What's going one?" Asked ruby who was using her normal voice.

Just because she could use a human voice doesn't mean she does, This was her natural voice, and she has embrace it as her uncle said to do.

"Ohhh hello master~" Evelyn brought one of her clawed fingers up to her lips. "But as of right now your sister is challenging me to we silly game called Uno, She thinks she'll beat me at it I think I'll give her a... Good ol reality check."

"...... Don't be fooled That game is chaos incarnate."

"Ohhh my sweet little master~ there's no need to worry. Everything will be fine."

Unfortunately for the primordial demon of agony she's about to experience what it's truly like to play Uno for the first time.
*Small time skip.*

Evelyn and Yang where now glaring at each other as they continue to play this chaotic ass game.

You see every possible thing that could have gone wrong for the both of them, did, they were currently both holding over 10 cards in their hands and it's already been over an hour At this point it was going to go on for the rest of the damn day.

"What twisted sick-minded human came up with this game!" Evelyn was very pissed off right now, and her words had venom dripping from her mouth.

"A very twisted man." Spoke ruby as she sat across from them eating cookies.

"I would like to meet this human and teach him what it means to truly feel agony."

"No hurting innocent people."

"Master they aren't innocent after creating this shit."

"No hurting them."

"Hmm fine, hurry up you little blonde make your move."

"All right draw four then!"

"...... Jokes on you I was ready for that."

Throwing down another card She grinned as she looked at the young girl who only smirked.

"Yeah well guess what So was I!"

Slamming the car upon the table It was now a draw 12, but Evelyn smirked.

"Oh this is so tragic.... If only I was the one who was taking it though."

Tossing another one of the draw fours yang's eyes widened as Evelyn smiled sadistically.

"Oh what's wrong cat got your tongue~, hurry up and draw your 16 cards and I'll get on with it. Also the colors now red."

"Mmm fine!"

She drew her 16 cards and Evelyn looked on with a sadistic smirk which only grew.

"Now that I have eight cards in my hand I think I'll just hurry up and win this, Skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, skip, reverse, uno, reverse, Uno out."

After plopping down the last card the demon looked on at the young girl who was shocked, jaw dropped and everything.

"Now where was all that big talk coming from?"

"I.... Damn."

"Hehehe told you you would never win against me."

"Oh quiet, I don't want to hear it."

Evelyn set no longer and just rejoiced and the silent delicious taste of victory.

She looked at Ruby who sprouted one of Fiddlesticks metal limbs to grab another batch of cookies. "Ohhhh masterrrr~" she hummed getting Ruby's attention.

"Evelyn, I told you many times to just call me Ruby."

"Hehehe oh but my young master I can feel your heart beat if only slightly faster whenever I call you, what does that title one of your fetishes?"

Ruby stopped as she looked at her with a blank expression.

"I'm only Ten."

Evelyn smirked as she rested her arm upon the table and head in her hand.

"But you'll be older then the world eventually, time is such a meaningless thing to us demons, and getting you flustered if only a little well... Ahahah that's a win for me~."

".... Your a meanie, you know that."

"Fufufu my what a cute reaction you have, but I wish your face would just be a little bit more lively."

".... Maybe in future."

Evelyn just felt it at that, She would just continue to observe her young little master who was setting cookies and generating what appear to be some small black orb in her hand.

"Ohh Rubes what's that? Another magic your making or something like that?"

".... It's an orb made from fear." She began to have it role around her arm. "This is just another projectile idea I came up with."

"To inflict fear even at a longer range, and sense it's an orb You don't really have to worry about controlling it, Just Make it keep it's shape and then shoot, from that point on velocity will handle the rest."

"Yes, this way I can somewhat fight at longer ranges."

"Hmm it's a good idea, master~."

"You're not going to stop calling me that, aren't you."

"I mean a girl's got to have her fun. Because I mean this little bad demon took away my freedom, and I need some way to enjoy myself. Making you even the slightest bit flustered is something that I never thought I needed."

The room was silent as Ruby Just tilted her head at what she just heard.

".... Wow You're real piece of work." That was all Yang said before turning to Ruby. "Well rubus have fun with your new wife in the future."


There was two completely different reactions from the ones involved with this.

Ruby was Just confused, her and Evelyn weren't married, and she didn't think it would be humanly possible for them to ever have some form of romance.

Evelyn was just looking at Yang with a 'Wtf' expression, she's never actually had a partner before, If anything she's only had one night stands. And in her own words "All my Ex's are dead", Spoke volumes to her love life.

So for this little blonde haired girl who's only twelve to be speaking like this, irked her slightly.

Then again Evelyn looked towards Ruby and had to wonder, Even without this damn binding contract she still would have been in touch with this little one after their first encounter. It's just now she actually has an excuse to be around her, And she had many qualities of a great partner.

Even though she was young she was compassionate, caring, very straightforward with her demands, and overall strong and held almost no weakness.

Hell many of the men Evelyn seduced back in ancient times where there was supposed to be great warriors barely even add up to a fraction of what Ruby possessed today at such a young age.

So who knows, maybe in the future she would try and snag a little piece of her master, I mean she's never satisfied, It's just in her nature but something tells her that Ruby may end up changing that if you know what she means~.

However moving on past the horny succubus that Evelyn is, Ruby was done with her cookies and began to walk away.

"Evelyn let's go, where going to town."

"Ohh and why must I accompany you master?"

"You and Yang will fight, I-.... we do not want trouble forming between you two."

Evelyn after hearing Ruby's words just stood up and walk towards her small master side.

"Then what are we going to do in the town?"

"..... Get more cookies, and spy on white fang."

"..... Very well Master."

"Yang... We shall return, let dad and Auntie Raven and Uncle Qrow know of our departure."

"You got it little sis."

Ruby nod her head as she and Evelyn left, And at a moment later the three adult in question came walking in.

".... Tai, I'm going to say it right now Your daughter's got more game than you." Qrow patted him on the shoulder. "You raised her well."

However The trolling grin was replaced by a paint expression when Raven smacked the back of his head.

"Be quiet."

"Damn sis I thought we were on the same team."

Raven sighed before chopping him on the head fully putting him into the ground.

"No we never have been."

"You're cruel you know that." Qrow pointed at her even though he could no longer see her.

"Unless you want me to break that finger I'd recommend you put it down."

Qrow sighed and just lowered his hand.

Yang meanwhile Just began to laugh her ass off and Raven seeing this had a bit of a shocked expression and she looked at her daughter before feeling some kind of warm feeling rise from her heart.
*With Ruby and Evelyn.*

The demon of agony and the Demon of primordial fear we're now walking around the town, Evelyn however took a much more human form in order to not catch suspicion from the passing town people.

They walked silently with Ruby having her hood over her head keeping her eyes hidden from the world to see.

You see a little while back Ruby was actually mocked for having dual color eyes, Although it wasn't a very big nuisance to her It's still somewhat hurt and she didn't wish for any more problems to arise over people seeing her eyes so she just hid them.

Evelyn however would pay those little pricks of visit, And let's just say that their families will never mentally recover from that.

However moving on the two demons found there Wait into the storm and through the totally legal way ruby got her money (*cough* Evelyn totally didn't steal it *cough*) she had enough to buy whatever the hell she desired.

Which was every single box of her favorite cookies.

The cash register was a bet shocked that such a young girl was buying so many cookies, and he went to ask, but Evelyn simply shushed him away. She told him just to run the cookies through that way they can get better things to get to, and not have to spend x amount of time trying to tell this cash register why her little master desires her cookies. Instead of doing his damn job.

So he did as he was told and placed all of them within there bags, which Ruby happily accepted carrying them out. She had a slight smile upon her face as the bags she had at her side rustled with all the goodies she can now get into.

Evelyn simply laughed at her reaction she's never met an entity quite like Ruby, She was in amalgamation between human and demon but instead of being dark, cold, and edgy like most other demons are. She was still much the same way she was as a human Just with a few demonic traits here and there.

However as they were about to leave the town they noticed some suspicious looking people enter an alleyway, seeing this Ruby followed with Evelyn not short behind.

When they arrived they noticed that the men wore the symbols of the white fang upon there shoulders.

They're talking about some kind of robbery and riot that was going to take place later on tonight, that was going to be quite violent, and seeing as they where going to just massacre innocent people Ruby stepped out from the shadows.

Evelyn watched as Ruby went in front of the group of individuals as they looked down upon her.

"What do you want brat?"

Ruby just continued to look at him not even fazed by the insult.

"Hey I'm talking to-"

"Dude seriously back off there's something wrong about this girl."

One of the aggressive man's friends grabbed his shoulder trying to pull him back, Ruby however looks towards the friend before focusing an aura of fear upon him.

The man in question began to tense up, he felt his heart pumping so fast he could hear the beating in his own ears, His breathing became erratic so much so that it was becoming harder to breathe.

His legs were quivering and his jaws were clacking together.

The friends had no idea what was going on, but when Ruby raised her hand the watched as the man began to jurk as some kind of essence was being ripped from his very soul.

This green essence was then absorbed by the young Rose, and she watched as his lifeless body dropped.

"W-What the hell!"

"Holy shit this girls a demon!"


"Evelyn don't let them escape."

"Hehe okay my young little master."

The men who tried to flee could only watch as from the darkness a woman silhouette could be seen, before two Spike like appendages came from her back.

"W-who The hell are you!?"

"Aghhh, I hate it when men are so cowardice, turns me off. And I don't like being disappointed. But perhaps you're screams will be worth savoring."

The men who tried to back away were only put right into the aura of fear which was produced by Ruby, and for the one who tried to run Well he was impaled by one of Evelyn's appendages and then pinned against the wall.

"Ahhh~ now that's something I love to see, that spot of yours really needed a nice splash of red~."

The man began to scream in agony, as Evelyn's sharpened appendage now began to spin like a drill, blending his internal organs and causing blood to erupt from his mouth as he continuously begged but the demon simply chopped off his head after having enough.

"Now boys."

Fully emerged within the light they could see her illustrious form. As her trusty little friends flowed not too far from her.

"Who's next but just know I'm a bit of a biter~."

Too afraid to move because of Ruby's presents they where just east pickings to the demon as she brutally murdered the third one leaving the last trembling on the ground right before Ruby Rose.

"P-please... I-i won't do it... I'll leave become a better person! Please I have a wife and family!"

Ruby watched from her crow as the man went for one of his knifes, he was just hoping to buy time.

"..... You say that and yet you lie."

The man looked at the green eye of Ruby as it began to catch a flame.

"You have no intentions of change, You would have killed, and kill while you smile, You are no innocent, So stop pleading because I doubt you gave that same Mercy too all that you've killed."

"Y-you.... DEMONS!!"

Evelyn went to strike him but before the man could even reach Ruby one of her massive metal claws came flying out from her back grabbing a hold of the man's face and the lifting him into the air.




"Be quiet." Evelyn wrapped one of her appendages around his mouth keeping him quiet. "The reason why we killed you is simple, You see my young master here although being a demon is a very benevolent demon She does not hurt the innocent She only hurts the ones that are guilty, however you're a case makes no sense As someone who's been around longer than the Faunus I will admit humankind has persistently neglected your existence however truly presented your case without weapons or threats in hand? No you haven't You continue to do the same song and dance for as long as I can remember, "we want our rights" And yet you blow up buildings. "We want to be treated as equals all of you." And yet you murder children. Now I'm no white knight far from it, But at least I know that whatever cause you're trying to move forward to It isn't going to work with how you're current mindsets are but who are we to talk? Right Ruby, I mean we're just demons."

"..... True Evelyn we are just demons."

"Right, so maybe we're the ones completely in the wrong but who cares" the girls lips twisted back into a grin promising endless pain. "Its not like anyone's going to remember your existence anyways in a hundred years."

The man looked on terrified as he saw another on of Ruby's appendages come up and grab the lower part of his body before both additional hands began to pull, And the man could only muffledly scream before he was ripped into, and his to halves are thrown to the ground, guts and blood falling out like a rushing river.

How are the sounds of sirens caught their ears and Ruby picked up her bags and left, Evelyn followed as she grabbed a hold of her master and they were transported away.

They arrived inside the forest and Ruby looked down upon the town and felt nothing.

"Now that was a rush ahhh~ I could get used to this~."

"Let's go home."

"All right then young master."

Evelyn dropped her human appearance and returned to her demon form as she followed her leader back towards their house where there not too long, (only about an hour and a half walk) The family was looking upon the news of the murder which was just had by the two of them.

Tai wasn't to pleased, and Qrow and Raven where just looking upon the demons who Entered the house.

But before they could open their mouths Ruby walked past them and placed her cookies upon the table before coming back inside the room and sitting down on the couch.

"..... Okay Ruby I'm going to cut to the chase or you responsible for those?"

"..... Only one, Evelyn killed the rest."

"It was true they were trying to run away."

"And why?" Asked Qrow.

Ruby looked down as her uncle sighed.

"Just want to know if they were going to do something or what the reason behind it was, where they going to hurt someone or they doing to do something like what was the reason why you killed them?"

"Going to commit robbery and start a riot which would have killed many people."

"And it doesn't help that there apart of the same people who ended up bombing one of the towns not too far away from that one too long ago, If anything Ruby was doing this world a favor by getting rid of them. The death total that would have happened because of their little scheme would have been more than I do in a midnight stroll and that's saying something."

"..... Well I still don't see a reason to give Ruby a punishment."

Qrow and Tai looked at Raven as she spoke.

"As much as you two want to try and baby her You need to realize she's not a human, things like this are bound to happen, and Qrow." She turned to him. "I thought you would be most agreeing of this little brother, considering you're the one who gave her the whole speech about embracing that side of her."

"I know but.... I'm just not ready to see this kind of thing happen because of my niece all right." The uncle wasn't per se mad about Ruby killing four complete scumbags, It was just something he wasn't ready for and I guess he was taking it out in a very unhealthy way, he didn't want to scare his niece but this was just... Something he was going to have to begrudgingly accept.

Along with many things.

"Well whether you like it or not It's something that's going to happen from here on out, And as the demon said Ruby probably prevented hundreds of needless deaths, I say the death of four nobodies It's a small price to pay for an entire town." Stand raven, sure her niece was only 10 and she ended up killing somebody but it was only one person, when compared to her at her age she probably ended up killing over 30 people at this point. And she had a valid reason to do it Raven did it because that was just their way of life.

Tai however was the one struggling the most, he knew that his daughter was going to eventually do something like this he just wasn't expecting it to happen so soon I mean she still technically considered a child, But this child packing more fire power than Atlas and with her heroic qualities I guess it was only a matter of time before she found trouble and ended up taking someone's life.

The worst part about it was that Ruby couldn't even Express human emotions about this, sure she's long sensed forgot about caring for such things, after all this was going to be a daily theme from here on out. But in the context of human law If this was ever brought to light it could be a good spear to continuously poke at her with and eventually it could possibly even go into something greater.

But what was he supposedly supposed to do? Scorn her for doing what was it right.

Just like her uncle Ruby's father just wasn't ready for this and I guess he never will be.

But while the father had his little conundrum the aunt of Ruby crouch down to her level and used a napkin to wipe off a bit of blood that was on her face.

"I'm proud of you little demon You stepped up to the plate and did something which most others would be hesitant to do, sure it was more brutal than I needed to be but whatever it's worth I'm proud of you."

"Thanks auntie."

Raven gave a little smile as she walked away.

"I'm going to go check on Yang... I'll see you all later. But go easy on the little demon."

Now with her gone it just left Evelyn Ruby Qrow and Tai there.

Qrow however would speak up first.

"Well for all it's worth can't really be mad at you, they were members of the white fang And would have probably done something horrific to that poor town and the people tho lived there, however now that you got your first taste of blood don't go blood hungry all right, If you can do that then I guess there will be no problem."

"Ok uncle Qrow."

The uncle smiled as Tai looked at his daughter.

"..... And I'll say it the same, as much as I want things to be different, they can't so I guess now I'll just have to accept that this change it's just natural part of our newfound crazy life huh."

"Ya.... It sure is."

Tai just smiled, he imagined how his wife would have reacted, seeing that her daughter has grown up in such a way.

Though knowing her she would have just been cheesingly smiling as she with a cheery optimistic voice spoken away which would have lifted everyone's spirit allowing them all to see a better and brighter path for them.

Ruby look at Evelyn before pointing towards the Uno cars that were on the table and seeing what her little master was requesting Evelyn tried to slowly back away not wanting to play another round of that atrocious game but unfortunately Ruby was faster and grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the table.

She was about to play Uno against a truly creative but twisted mind.

And may whatever mercy befall upon her twisted soul.
*Meanwhile with Yang.*

The young girl was simply laying on her bed watching TV as she was getting ready to head off to sleep But that's when the door open and her mother came walking in.

"Oh hi mom."

Raven seem to stiffen at her outgoing voice and extraordinarily happy emphasis on the word mom.

"Y-yes hello Yang."

The mother pulled up a chair and put it next to her daughters bed.

"... So Mom you got anything you want to watch? Being continue watching that one survivor show you like."

"Ahah It seems like you liked it more."

"Nah you totally liked it more."

"Only because I wanted to see how factually right it was."


Raven looked at her daughter with a raised eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

"Oh it's just that I used to hold such resentment towards you but after these past 2 years it's been like a blissful dream for me. I mean yeah I'm still a little angry with you but just being able to sit here and talk with you about these silly things It's like a dream come true, I'm really glad you came back Mom It's been quite nice with you here."

The emotions in her words are not fall under raider, Raven could hear them as clearly as insects at dust, and felt her heart drop a little.

".... That's what I'm here to talk about yang."

"Oh why's that?"

Raven Sat there trying to collect her courage, As of right now she was probably going to have to do the hardest thing she's ever done in her entire life and that was apologize for all the missed years of her daughter's life.

There was no excuse she could also make to justify the reason she was just afraid, The Great Raven afraid of motherhood... Torn between the ideologies of the tribe and the feelings of being a mother.

So with one final breath she open and spoke.

"Yang... There is no excuse I can make for the justification of leaving your life I told myself it was because you were all weak, that tai and you we're simply too weak, But that was just the mindset instilled within me by living within my tribe. It wasn't fair to compare you a child and not born in that climate, and Tai a man who had a genuinely caring heart and who was never raised to embrace survival of the fittest."

Looking at her daughter dead in the eyes She quelled her shaking nerves.

"I ran because I was afraid, I had been taught to just always embrace the true nature of this world being that strength was all, And I reflected my insecurities upon all of you and I left because I chose the tribe over my own daughter and husband. I left because I was afraid of facing What was lying beyond that final step."

Yang looking at her mother and noticed slight tears beginning to form.

"I.... Abandoned you because I was a bitch, I was scared and I was a hypocrite I always told others to not fear to always continue striving and that strength was all that mattered but after seeing the truth behind this world after coming to realize what I was after seeing how truly weak I am, I reflected all of this on my own family. I was disgusted with myself I absolutely hated the fact that I was so pathetic and I left I fled and returned to an area which I thought I could hide from these feelings to continue to keep my darwinistic mind afloat but now after being here for 2 years and seeing all that you've grown to be I realized how stupid I was."

Yang at this point in time was not beginning to cry, hearing her mother's words and finally getting the closure she's so desperately been wanting all of this was just so much to take in.

"And there's no excuse I can't make up some fabricated lie about why I ran I gave you the honest to heavens truth. If you choose to reject me I will understand After all I did that for past 10 years of your life so if you want I could-"

"Mom just stop!" Ravens mouth closed as she looked at her crying daughter who walked over to her before hugging her.

Raven froze a little, she wasn't expecting this but after feeling Yang's arms wrap around her so tightly it caused a strange feeling of warmth to arise.

"I don't care about any of that anymore because now you openly stood here and you explained why we have a lot to catch up on and now I don't want a relationship being like that Yes I hated you but now you're here I can put that resentment behind me we can look towards the future and not have to hold on to the demons inside of us, I almost died trying to get this. To hear this from you so I don't care any longer I just want my mom back I want to be able to see you everyday for you to be there when I'm at my lowest point. To help me grow stronger to help me fight against this cruel world, I just want my mom, I want you."

Raven feeling tears now flow down her eyes hugged her daughter back, as she welp into her chest.

Tai who was standing there smiled, looks like Yang finally found her mom.

And as for the demons, Ruby was smiling and her forced companion, She was just looking towards Yang's door.

"Aha looks like the blonde finally got her mom back, how lovely for them."

"Evelyn don't ruin the moment."

The demon of agony just rolled her eyes as Ruby plopped down another plus four.

"How many of those demondamn things do you have!" The woman who usually does not get very upset was now officially a bit pissed.


The demon begrudgingly draw out another four cards.

And Ruby continue to torment the demon of agony until eventually she won and Evelyn was just collapsed on the table.

"I hate whoever created this infuriating game"

"We want to thank them."

"Of course you do."

Qrow just laughed at the two Demons interacting with each other.

But eventually he turned back to the TV in the living room and put on something to watch as he just waited for the rest of this day to come to an end.

However far out two separate events were taking place.

*Within beacon academy.*

Back within the high office far above the ground A familiar man drinking coffee could be seen overlooking what appeared to be some kind of video recording of two individuals massacring the the four white thing members which was broadcasted on the news that very same day.

"It would appear that Evelyn has shown up And also an unexpected visitor, looks like your daughter's summer has gotten herself in quite the predicament."


"Oh great." The head principal of beacon looked at the man who stood before him.

"What can I do for you today James?"

There before him was general ironwood, headmaster of Atlas Academy.

"Please tell me why there is the report of sightings of demons inside your area and you're doing nothing about it!? We can't just let those two run amok there are greater a threat than the Grimms!"

".... It went exactly do you suppose we do?"

"Mobilize my forces and gather up your huntsman we'll drive them out."

"Hmmm perhaps that would work for Evelyn, But I'm not too certain about our special second guess."

"What do you mean explain yourself?"

"Simple James Take a look."

Playing the footage back the general watch as some small childlike a girl sprouted would appeared to be too large metal appendages which were razor sharp before proceeding to rip the man in half and throw his two halves away like used garbage.

But seeing the appendages he was reminded of an old fable which was told throughout history of a demon made of metal and wood, The Scarecrow.

"You see now."

"So what as if they actually are the demon from the myth if that's what you're trying to get at."

"James you should know by now that myth is just another word for history at this point, we both know what that thing is, or more accurately Whos power that is."

"...... Fiddlesticks."

"Yes, the most ancient demon of them all the one who existed long before grims or anything like that."

"Which is even more of a reason to get them out! If you let them run amok they're going to cause chaos! They need to be dealt with as fast as possible."

"What do you suggest we do? send an army of insects after them, because that's what they're going to be to these beings, James you know very little about how strong demons truly are. Because in ancient myth they have defeated hundreds of great champions they have made entire nations fall Nations which were stronger then what Atlas is today. And that's talking about the normal in major demons we're not talking about fiddlesticks himself who was responsible for an atrocity so great It's been erased from history itself."

The room went silent James did not wish to push the man's temper any further, It was already apparent that Ozpin was stressed enough the relevation of two demons now showing up One of them being connected to fiddlesticks was probably enough to even make this old veteran tremble.

"..... Then what do you think we should do?"

"........ There's not much we can do, But it would appear that they're targeting only the one that are guilty of some kind of charge like murder, in some kind of strange way It would appear that they're playing the good guy role."

"Tch, please as if demons whatever do that."

"You would be a surprised about what demons can do they're mysterious creatures after all we don't know their full capacity for good and evil."

"....... That might be true so you're just going to continue to survey them?"

"It's the safest possible option as of now, considering that eventually maybe in the future they could possibly be allies."

"And what if they don't become allies but instead enemies?"

"..... Then I guess I'll have to call some old friends back into the fight."

Realizing that the general was going to be able to get nothing else out of the headmaster of beacon Academy he simply walked away and head towards the elevator pressing a button as the door closed and he descended down.

Ozpin sighed. "Why of all people did you Miss Ruby Rose have to accept fiddlesticks into your soul?"

No one was there to answer his questions, well except a crow that was watching outside his window looking upon the conversation that was just had with ironwood.

"Dear Wolf have you returned?"

"I have Little Lamb."

"Tell me What did you find in your search?"

"The girl made her first kill, quite the gruesome one in fact."

"Ahh So she has tasted blood for the first time, And she has also tasted fear."

"That she has."

"I wonder how much longer until The other champions take notice."

"Not long now."

"wherever This leads I know that were ever lamb goes..."

"Wolf is sure to follow... And wherever wolf goes..."

"Lamb is sure to follow. Now and forever."

Kindred faded into darkness once again as they continue to watch this world and its story unravel.

Bonds were forged today, large steps were taken The next point of it all is the arrival of Yang and Ruby into beacon Academy where there the bulk of the story will take place.

But we wonder...

How will the other react?

To demons prowing through their walls?

There You have it ladies and gentlemen this newest chapter is done.

Oh boy I feel great three chapters out already dear God this is the new world record for me!

Anyways besides that I hope you guys enjoyed this sorry for the a little bit slower pace but I wanted to get a few things out of the way before we continued on to beacon.

First Yang and Ravens relationship Well considering that there's going to be quite the emotional struggle later on down the line I wanted to have some kind of parental figure to be there for Yang and who better yet than her mother because you know a mother's love is amazing.

So now over the course of Yang's next 5 years they're going to grow a much stronger bond and even have some character developments happen.

And for the subtle hints of Evelyn and Ruby getting into a future relationship look let's just be honest now those two are going to get together and that's going to be Ruby's future lover, I knew it may come as a shock to you all but I'm not including fox girl but listen she has enough of her own stories It's time for Evelyn.

And before you ask no it's not going to be overly top kinky with BDSM s*** going on almost every chapter Evelyn learned how to collect and be who she is today She can also learn how to be a Good lover as well After all demons are very intelligent creatures who are capable of much change Just look at our boy fiddlesticks for example.

Now moving on past that point If you all have any questions or concerns you may have feel free to leave them I'm open to any form of constructive criticism if you have any idea for champions you would like to see Also give some names I already mentioned a few of them two of them being our favorite cosmic space dragon and the edgy sword darkin Aatrox.

Who knows if they'll make an appearance in this story they probably knowing  my crazy ass let's be honest, oh and another thing If you guys have any ideas for other magical abilities which Ruby can make in the future I'm open to listening to those as well because considering the fact that she is fear incarnate I figured that she would also be able to have an arsenal of different magics and all that which ties into her demonic side so here are the basis for magic abilities.

They have to accommodate into something along the lines of fear life stealing silencing or just overall demonic things, nothing so over the top like destroying the entire damn planet or busting entire stars If you want to suggest ideas like that go to Oryx's story and suggest those there because that's where all the planet busting is going to be done.

So yeah without further to do I hope you guys enjoyed, I will catch you all within the fourth chapter which should either come out today or tomorrow And yeah peace out to you all!

Word count: 8050

DIO OUT!!!!!!!

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