Chapter 3: A Day in Logan's Life!

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It's been a few days since RAW and Logan's scheduled to be on RAW this coming Monday where he'll defend the Tag titles on his own, against The Miz and Mizdow, two people he's worked with a fair amount over these past couple of weeks but this one is a bigger story for him, he still can't believe that Nicole didn't want him to do it because she still love's John.

Logan: Oh, leave me alone...

Logan sighed pushing his phone onto the counter top in his kitchen, he wakes up pretty early most morning's he has animals to look after, also his sister, Morgan is visiting with his niece, Kiera today, their going to be staying with him in LA for a few days, he's hoping that Duncan and AJ can keep it under control in the meantime.

Duncan: What's eating you?

Logan looked over to the hallway to see Duncan walking though, at least he's wearing more then just his underwear this time, apparently they've stopped for a break, Logan though was a little focused on this whole Nikki thing, he's been pinning over her for years, then he finally get's her and she's just not all that interested in him.

Logan: Nikki keeps trying to call me. I'm not over reacting about this am I?

Duncan opened the fridge and pulled out the orange juice while looking over to him, Duncan doesn't actually live here, he just asked to stay for a couple of days and hasn't left yet, it's been 2 years since then, Logan didn't mind, he already looks after a fair amount of animals, what's a 6'5 one to make a difference.

Duncan: No, well... maybe a little. If your the only one giving, then it's not worth it. She gotta give too.

Logan knows that, it's not his first relationship but each of his has failed, he doesn't want another fail, he wants to find that special someone to settle down with, to have a family, he see's his sister with his niece and honestly, he's a little jealous, Logan's always wanted kids but it's finding the right person to share them with that's the problem.

Logan: I don't know mate.

Logan sighed as he finished his coffee to get ready for the day, they have a new horse coming in today, Logan's not a vet by the way, he just owns this land where the animals stay, he has professional vets that come by every day or so, he technically has 3 vets that work for him, sometimes their all on site, other times there's just the one, they work whenever they want and Logan pays them, he trusts them not to take advantage of his good nature and tell him honestly the hours they do, so far he's pretty sure their not screwing him.

Duncan: Maybe try someone knew. What about Natalie, she has those...

Logan turned to face Duncan after he said that, the idea of dating someone other then Nikki right now, just doesn't sit right with him, but he couldn't help but chuckle when he saw Duncan imitating having a large chest.

Duncan: ... Huge personalities.

Natalie Neidhart was cool, she's actually been a good friend for a while but Logan's never saw her as anything more, sure she's nice, she loves what he loves but he's pretty sure she doesn't want to have kids so it wouldn't work between them either, maybe Logan should look outside the WWE to find love because it clearly isn't going to work out inside it.

Logan: Oh, do you reckon you two could put a pause on the bed springs? My niece is coming by today and I don't need you two scaring her.

Logan wanted to change the subject, not because he didn't want to talk about it, Logan's a very open person, he knows that building up your emotions and thoughts is bad for you, so he's happy to talk about them, he's just not sure what to say anymore about it, so he changed it to the matter at hand and that's the two grown ups, in his guest room, mating like rabbits in heat.

Duncan: Really? When's she getting here?

Duncan asked while grabbing two glass from the cupboard, OJ is the best thing to drink doing what their doing, he's just a little worried about AJ at this point, they were going pretty wild when he went to bed and are still apparently going strong, Logan's mildly impressed, especially with his bum shoulder.

Logan: I dunno, a couple of hours or so.

Logan wasn't rally sure when, Morgan and Kiera are just kind of going to get here, it won't be in the AM, Logan knows that much, Morgan really isn't a morning person, neither was Logan though till he found something he loved doing, he actually found two things, looking after animals and the WWE, 6 years in the WWE, 4 with this animal shelter sort of thing and he's as happy as a bug, he just wants that special something to share it all with.

Duncan: Oh, so not soon. You deal with whatever you doing. I'm going back upstairs. Bye, bye.

Logan chuckled as Duncan left him on his own, he took all the OJ and both the glasses making him thing they won't be needing breakfast at any point either, so Logan just opted to get ready for the day, he's not planning on leave today so he wore clothes that are comfy, to just lounge around in, to then kill some time, he decided to play the Resident Evil Remake on his PS4, with Resident Evil: Revelations 2 coming up, Logan wants to play through them all again.

He was 12 when he first played the Resident Evil game, he and his friends used to spend all night just playing it, they never really completed the game, they just ran around and tried to see who'd survive the longest, the older Logan got the the more he appreciated a good game, although he wasn't really a fan of Resident Evil 6, that was a little strange, it was a good game but a bad Resident Evil game, he enjoyed the first Revelations game so he's got high hopes for it's sequel.

Eventually he needed to get stuff done, he did have an animal arriving today after all, so he got dressed properly, as soon as he did, there was a knock at the front door, Logan pretty much already knew who it was, so he wasn't surprised when he walked towards the door opening it to see another old friend.

Harvey: Got another one for ya.

Harvey has been Logan's, well, delivery guy for a few years now, he always takes care of the animals and is never running late, actually there was one time where he got a puncture but as soon as it was repaired he drove the rest of the distance flat out, even through the night, he's a determined man that likes his job, so Logan was happy to pay him for his work.

Logan: Thanks mate, I'm just glad we got the room.

Logan and Harvey watched as a coupe of his vet's helped the horse out the carriage, you can see that it isn't feeling too well because of the way it's walking, it's probably just sick, if not then they might have to keep it here, they don't look the fact people put horse's down when they break a bone, here they live out their lives as comfortably as they can.

Keira: Uncle Logan!

Logan and Harvey turned around just as he was tackled into a hug by a young girl, Logan laughed while lifting the girl into the sky, hanging her upside down making her giggle as her mother walked towards them with a smile.

Morgan: She couldn't wait to see the animals.

Morgan has their stuff to stay a couple of nights, Logan didn't mind and loves having his family here, even his younger sister Elise, who can be a pain in the ass, their parents aren't too happy with her because she still doesn't know what she wants to do for life, they have three kids total, Logan is a WWE champion, Morgan runs her own business online, she's a Private Investor, she takes peoples money and Invests it into stock's for a small percentage of the outcome, if they lose, she loses so she needs to be careful with her investments, but Elise is still bouncing around the room like a ping pong ball.

Logan: Really? So you didn't come here to see me?

Logan asked while holding Kiera over his right shoulder, his right hand holding her in place so she doesn't fall, Logan's never met the girls father, none of them have, Morgan just told them she wanted a baby so she made a deal with a friend of hers, Logan thought about doing that as well but the difference is, Morgan's gay and it wasn't a physical thing.

Kiera: Can I go see the pony's.

Morgan smiled a wide smile as Logan looked to her with a "Fine" sort of look, he didn't mind and told her to be careful, putting her back down and they all watched her run over to the new horse that was just dropped off, it being now out the carriage the vets were happy to let Kiera put him, they know she's a good girl and won't do anything to hurt or scare the animals.

Harvey: I gotta get outta here. I need you to sign this.

Logan accepted the delivery by signing the form then that meant Harvey can go home and do whatever the hell he wants to do, Harvey bid them both farewell, then left them alone so they walked towards the new horse and Keira who's having a lot of fun, she knows what not to do when it comes to the animals, like you should never stand behind a horse, one tick and their kick your teeth down your throat.

Morgan: So, you got a girlfriend yet?

Logan's been single for a while now, about a year if you ignore all what's going on with Nikki right now, it's been a weird few days, he's not sure if Nikki's tried calling him again since this morning because he hasn't checked his phone, Logan likes his days off because it's just him and his hobbies, he deals with the drama at work.

Logan: I could ask you the same thing.

Logan wasn't one to sugar coat things, Morgan knew that which is why she just ripped the bandage off, they all know how much Logan wants to have his own family, he's always been a role model for his sister's, ever since he was 16, Logan never went out and got drunk, he never slept around, he never did drugs, he worked hard and tried his best at everything, Morgan seems to have followed slightly in his footsteps but Elise seems to be dragging behind, still living with mommy and daddy.

Logan: It's complicated. She's still hooked on her Ex.

Morgan looked up to him as Logan watched one of the vet's lift Kiera onto one of the younger horse's, so she doesn't fall off, Morgan "Oh'd" to him as she's had that, women can tend to take longer to get over an Ex then guy's can, like it or hate it, women are just that much more sensitive then guy's are, not all of them of course but most of the time.

Morgan: Oh yeah, who? Someone from work or a lucky barista at Starbucks?

Logan chuckled to her as they leant on the fence and watched as Keira was so happy right now on the back of the horse, just walking around a little, Logan has all kinds of animals here, horses, pigs, cows, dogs, cats, chickens, all sorts, Kiera loves horses though and he can understand why, horses are great, they are some of the most softest creatures in the world, she's on "Bolts" back right now, Logan didn't pick the name.

Logan: Work. Nikki Bella.

Morgan looked to her brother with wide eyes, she's watched him on Tv since he pretty much started in the WWE, so has most his family, they can't obviously see every episode of RAW or Smackdown he's on because he's on most of them, they know how hard he works and they also know who he works with from seeing them on Tv, which is how Morgan knows her.

Morgan: You lucky bastard. What I wouldn't do to be locked in a room with her for an hour.

Logan chuckled as she has been on and on at him for months to introduce her to a few of the women from the WWE, Logan would be he's not sure any of them are actually into women, at least he doesn't think they are but she still tries to get him to introduce her to them, she's confident she can convince one or two to switch teams.

Logan: Yeah, you'd have to beat her ex for it.

She could see it was bothering him, she can understand why, he's had 3 relationships in his life and they've all failed, one was actually cheating on him, Morgan always did say that girl was nuts though, her cheating on Logan was just proof of that, at some point though you start to wonder if your the problem with relationships going wrong but it's not Logan, he's great, maybe too great...


{To Be Continued!}

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