♚ Contest Winners For April 2018

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Today marks the end of our three-month extended contests - though if you didn't win this month, May's contests are now open!

Contest winner will be announced below. Featured Author will always include an interview with the winning author.

This month's contests included:

.Featured Author (held monthly).

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W i t h o u t F u r t h e r A d o . . .

Our runner up is -

ღ. Vandyana .ღ

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A n d . . .

A p r i l ' s F e a t u r e d A u t h o r

ღ. XxdomeafavourxX .ღ

For those who don't know, Hera is an author with such sophistication that you'll be left wondering how you're not holding a physical copy of her book in your hands.

Since starting on Wattpad two ago, she's written 1 book, that being her brilliant work, Beckoning Silence. Nearly from the start, her teachers and those closest to her realized the talent she had brewing inside, and though she started reading on Wattpad two years ago, she's now posting her own material to the site we all know and love. Her work is an utterly incredible addition to the platform, and you'll all know what I'm talking about when you head over and check out the synopsis for her novel, Beckoning Silence!

Since getting to know Hera, I can tell you that her kindness is the first thing you'll notice. Though I've only shared a few messages with her, you can tell that she appreciates every comment that comes her way. She's one of many authors that know the importance of receiving support from your readers, and I know that she's never been one to walk away without appreciation. Along with her main great quality, comes her knack for writing. While talking with her I soon realized the astounding approach she takes when it comes to her stories. She understands that every once in a while, it's best to walk away and come back to your work with an open mind. She's also got the dedication that it takes to give your work a second look (which is something I can't say for myself sometimes!) to ensure the quality of her writing is up to her usual amazing standards. As I said earlier, she has a sophistication to her writing that will draw you in within seconds. I highly suggest you watch this author to see what else she's got in store for us all!

I would like to give my personal congratulations to this amazing author! You will be featured both here, and on my website!

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For anyone that would like to get to know Hera better, check out the interview below!

How long have you been on Wattpad?
I was just a random reader back in 2016.. But from Apr 2k17, I've been an active writer. So basically 2 years and three months I suppose.

How long have you been writing?
As I said, I've been writing since July of 2017

When did you first realize you wanted to write?
Writing has pretty much been a thing from when I was in 4th grade. Teachers and everyone appreciated my work. But I realized its importance just an year ago (^o^)

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I sing, dance and draw till one extent. Or I'm usually reading books. I even listen to Music. Oh god. How did I miss that? And did I mention I am a kpop fan? Well if I'm not doing any of the above then I'm definitely into Kpop dramas. Or kpop anything. Like music. And I prefer listening to BTS. ❤️❤️❤️

Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say when you do?
I do. Actually. The readers give me such pleasure.❤️ love them to infinity and beyond! I'm nothing without them. Really. They usually give me some advice on how to improve my writing style. And where I've been going wrong. And how they keep waiting for the next update. On the whole, its not only bcuz I love to write, its bcuz of them that keeps my fingers twitching to type more of the content into my story. \(^o^)/

What do you think makes a good story?
All you need is a good plot. You need a story which not only excites you to write, but also attracts the readers. It should be out of your comfort zone. Everyone can write about Hansel and Gretel but what makes your story special is the interesting story-line which keeps you and your readers intrigued.

How do you go about writing a chapter?
I usually go out for a walk before I write a chapter. Or I simply take a break from my writing and give myself some free time to think. I usually need two to three days to set a finalized chapter. And when I've thought of some good stuff to put into a chapter, then I activate my keyboard and off I go.

What gives you inspiration?
The great writers on Wattpad or who have written the best selling novels inspire me a lot. The style in which they write makes me think how wonderful it is to create our own world of our own characters, our own story and publish it to spread out to this whole world. And I guess that's that.

Who influences your writing?
Not being able to write a proper chapter influences me a lot. It just upsets and affects my thoughts. So I always make sure to think twice, thrice, before I enter content into my story.

How would you describe yourself as a writer?
When I talk to people, they actually really don't know I write. Even my parents became familiar with my writing not long ago. So maybe I am an anonymous writer. Stuck in a corner, but actually putting stuff into a story, which just happens to be my imagination. And coming to imagination, that's what has made me a young writer.. A budding writer. (^u^)

What's your favorite genre to write under?
Teen Fiction is the first thing that pops into my mind.. And I guess it is my most favourite genre. And I'm more than comfortable to write under it. Because, being a teenager, I love writing about teens and their imaginary lives that they're stuck in and how they go on about it. ◕‿◕

What's one of your favorite stories on Wattpad?
Oh that's a really good question! My top favourite book is The Bad Boy And The Tom Boy by Nicole on Wattpad. It's so far the longest book I've ever read as it has minimum of 70-80 chapters. And none of the chapters are boring. As I went on reading the book, I couldn't resist not continuing it. And ugh!!! I am in love with Samuel Cahill!

And finally, what's one of your favorite stories you've written on Wattpad?
Well I've written many books. And they've eventually gone into my recycle bin after a couple of chapters due to the unsatisfied story-line. But! Currently I have only one on going book, called Beckoning Silence. And I guess it's the one story which I actually love writing and thinking about. The reason is that I have created my own worlds, a lot similar to ours. Well its basically ours, but I've given the place a fictional name. And I guess I've that much to tell for now \(^o^)/

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Thank you all to those who entered!

Continue reading to enter Featured Author for May!


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