Chapter 2 Month 3 Sonic's View

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December 27th, Sunday

I woke up and Keanna was still next to me. I gently unwrapped my arms around her and got up. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started to make chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, and eggs. As soon as I started to make pancakes, Keanna ran down the stairs.

"PANCAKES!!!!" She shouted. It didn't take that long to wake her up. She helped me cook everything, and soon we were at the table eating. "Who knew I had such a good sense of smell now that ima hedgehog?"

"I know. It's really cool." I said, biting into my pancakes. She nodded.

"Mmmm..." She said as she was chewing on her pancakes. I smiled. "I miss being a human, though."

"What do you miss?" I asked her. She never mentioned missing anything from being a human before.

"Well..." She began. "I miss having my powers. I miss my dress, my hair, how it flowed over my shoulders and whatever, and I miss wearing no shoes and I miss... I miss my body..." She started getting teary eyed. She pawed at her eyes. "Stupid tears." She muttered and I smiled, coming over to her.

"Maybe you'll be a human again one day..." I replied.

"Not unless there's a magical wizard on the other side of the world that can turn me human." She stated. Than she got up.

"Is your concert soon?" I asked.

"Yeah. I gotta get set up. You coming with?" She asked.

"I'll watch." I replied, standing up.

"No duet today." She said and than we headed for town square. "Ya sure you don't wanna do a duet?" She asked as we arrived. I shook my head no.

"Thanks but no thanks. I have something that I gotta get." I replied and she nodded.

"Cya later hedgehog." She said.

"Right back atchya." I replied before leaving.

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