Chpt. 14: Jealousy

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 The lizard was holding a phone in her hands....paws? She seemed to be whispering to Undyne. Undyne set her down and she came up to me. I set Sans down as I faced her. 

The lizard girl stuck out a hand at me, I took it. "I'm Al-Alphys." I nodded. "Hello Al-Alphys, my name's y/n," she laughed a little and we started to make some small talk. 

We had been talking for at least five minute before Alphys asked a question. "Y/n, d-do you like an-anime?" I put a hand over my mouth and faked a gasp. "Oh my, how could I have been asked such an ABSURD question?" I glanced down to Alphys to see her grinning. "In other words, yes. Yes I do." I put my hand  down as I said this and looked back towards Alphys. She seemed to be fangirling. 

Undyne spoke up. "Hey now, you better not be trying to make a move on my girl!" I laughed and acknowledged the rest of the people around me. I noticed that there was what appeared to be a goat woman standing next to the young girl I saw earlier. 

Sans was also standing next to the woman. I could hear her laughing. I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw her laughing so hard. Sans was wiping away some invisible tears. 

I quickly turned back to Alphys. She had that look in her eyes. I've quite literally only known her for ten minutes at max, but I already know THAT look.

"Oh em gee! You like him don't you?!" Alphys practically screamed. I grabbed her and shushed her. "Sort of. He was just the first one besides Grillby to be at least somewhat understanding." I quickly explained, not wanting to draw more attention to us. Alphys seemed to understand and turned to talk to Undyne. Not before we traded contact info, though.

I observed the rest of the people that were here. The majority of them were dancing and having a good time.(not like that you sinners) I sighed and glanced back towards Sans and the woman, wishing I could try and have a dance with Sans. But I know that I could never bring myself to dance again. Not after THAT, anyways.

I quickly made a mental debate about whether or not I should at least introduce myself to the woman and the little girl. After realizing that everyone else was absorbed in their own conversations, I decided I should. I stood up and brushed myself off, trying to smooth the wrinkles that had formed on my dress.

I walked over to the little girl first, seeing that Sans and the woman were still talking to each other. She glanced up from the couch she was sitting on and waved at me, smiling. She looked familiar, in a way. "Hi, who are you?" She asked.

I sat down next to her "I could ask you the same thing, but my name is y/n." I grinned. She giggled a little, "I like your name, its very pretty. My name is Frisk," She puffed out her chest and then continued. "And I'm the monster ambassador... although I don't know what that means. That's just what everyone calls me." She had a little bit of a confused look on her face. I smiled a little, she seemed like the sweetest little thing on Earth.

"Well, its very nice to meet you Frisk." I started to stand up before she yanked on my dress a small bit. "Wait! Will I see you again?" I shrugged. "I don't know. It depends I guess. Do you know Sans?" Her face lit up at the mention of him "I'm going to assume that's a yes. So probably. Anyways, goodbye for now, Frisk."

I continued my way towards Sans and whoever the goat woman was. (This is what She is wearing)

I soon reached them and didn't know what to do. I didn't want to interrupt them, but I still wanted to introduce myself to the lady Sans was talking to. They continued conversing although they had obviously noticed me. "Anyways, is this the girl you've been telling me so much about, Sans?" My eyes widened at this. Oh, I hope he's said good things. I started to shift my weight from side to side in anxiety. Sans blushed a little and muttered a small "yes."

"Oh my, you're so gorgeous!" I still had no idea who this woman is but she was giving off a motherly or maybe even A grandmotherly vibe. She grasped my chin lightly and turned my head as she head it so she could see my face. "You've picked a good one, Sans." I could feel she said this jokingly, but I couldn't help but blush.

I stared at the ground so I wouldn't have to look at either of them, deciding I would have a staring contest with the ground. "So you two aren't, like,...a thing?" I asked, maintaining eye contact with the ground. The lady bellowed in laughter with Sans laughing nervously next to her. 

I glanced up in confusion. "Goodness no, we're just good friends. Back in the underground we would tell puns and jokes to each other." She clutched her chest a little as she had still been chuckling a little. I then noticed that Sans' skull was practically covered in blue. His smile had turned into one that he was very clearly forcing.

"Oh, my apologies. Let's start over," She did a little 'ahem' and then started up again. "My name is Toriel, what is your name?" Toriel smiled as she held her hands close to her, holding them in themselves. "Oh, my name is y/n. By the way, I love your dress, it's very fancy." I forced a small laugh, just to try to make it less awkward.

It didn't help at all.

"Why, thank you. As fancy as it may look, it's very comfortable." Toriel did a little twirl so I could see the rest of the dress. Sans nudged me a little harshly as he whispered "She's the queen." I gasped a little and quickly bow.

"I'm so very sorry, I didn't know you were of royalty." I held my bow as I commenced the staring contest with the ground. Toriel simply laughed and said. "Please, I'm not of royalty anymore, I left my husband ages ago." She frowned a tad but had a smile upon her once again and said to Sans. "Sans, I miss my husband." She looked sad when she said that. I grew the same way, realizing jus how long she must have been without even seeing him. "But my aim is getting better!" She did finger guns to Sans and me. 

I stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. I grinned though, practically involuntarily. She must really hate the king.

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