Chapter 8

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I woke up to this blissful feeling inside of me and I never want it to leave, even if I want to go back to sleep. But the sight that greeted me was definitely something worth waking up to. I shot my eyes wide open to find my head laying on top of a sleeping Ash's bare chest. One of his arms was wrapped around my waist. Now this is something I can get used to.

"We did it, Pikachu. We won."

Typical Ash. Always dreaming about pokemon battles. I stroke his sleeping face and kissed both cheeks, waiting for a reaction. I didn't get one. But I wasn't going to pass off this opportunity.

I begin kissing his chest and work my way down to his hard cock. Even in his sleep, he's still as hard as a rock type Pokemon. I started off jerking him off, which earned me some moans from my sleeping man.

"Oh Serena," Ash said in his sleep. "I like your type of celebrating party."

Ash is really turned on and his Caterpie was slowly involving into a Metapod. I responded by taking his dick in his mouth and began giving him a blowjob. More moans escape his mouth and it prompts me to increase my speed. I just love the feeling of Ash's cock in my mouth, but I also haven't forgotten this is the same dick that went in my ass last night. So I was gonna get him back for that and bite down on his manhood. Yes, with my teeth.


Looks like somebody's awake. Ash shot his head up and looks down at me.


"Morning Ash," I said with an innocent tone in my voice.

"What did you do that for?" Ash was rubbing his cock.

My innocent smile went away and was replaced by a grind, but I still have a few blush marks on my face. "That was for last night," I fired back. "You fucked my ass and I wasn't okay with that."

"Well that hurt."

"My ass hurts. Now we're both even."


Ash's face is so apologetic. I just couldn't stay mad at him, even if I wanted too. I leaned forward and kissed him.

"I forgive you," I said. We went back to kissing, but this time with more passion than before. It wasn't long before Both our tongues began exploring each other's mouth and then they started wrestling for control. My hands start roaming all over Ash's chest, earning me more moans and even a soft chuckle from the male before me.

"You enjoy playing with my chest?" He asked me.

"As much as you love playing with mine," I responded. After planting another peck on the lips, I look up and noticed a familiar look in his face. It was a mixture of hunger and lust. I know what he wants...and he was going to get it.

I got off him and laid on my back. Then my legs spread apart from one another. Ash waste no time to get on top of me and line his dick up. In just a few days, I had Ash Ketchum took my virginity away from me, something I've been dreaming about for a long time ever since I learned about sex. Last night, I had this wonderful dream of me and Ash getting married and the dream later shifted with us in a bigger house in Lumiose City. We were living very peacefully and had two kids running around the house.

But I was cut off by Ash who began thrusting his dick inside me. I moaned and clawed my nails behind his back.

"OH ASH," I gasped. "You are so strong. OHHH!! I LOVE IT!!!"

The speed got much faster and it was driving me crazy. But what was even more insane is how Ash's thrusting. The way he would slowly pull out and push his way back in me was taking me over the edge. Ten minutes in the love making, that sensational feeling was back.




We were connected by our lips again when we reached our climax. My inner walls tightened around him as a familiar warmth was filling up inside of me. Ash landed on top of me as we were both panting to catch our breath. Now that's what I like to call a wake up call.

"What a good way to start the morning off," Ash stated before giving me another kiss.

"You know what else?" I asked.


"Breakfast." I pushed Ash off me and got off the bed. "You stay your sexy self right here and I'm gonna make you a nice, big breakfast."

As I was putting some clothes on, I couldn't help but tease Ash a bit. How I would stretch down so my butt would be pointed directed at his face. After being fully dressed, I walked into the kitchen.


The smell of food filled the air in Serena's kitchen. She had already made food for all the pokemon in her house, including her own team and Ash's pokemon and was now cooking for herself and Ash. Speaking of pokemon, her Delphox and Pancham walked back inside the house after handing Rhyhorn his food.

"Delphox Del Delphox." (Okay, Serena. Rhyhorn has been feed.)

"Cham Pancham." (Now we can eat our food.)

"Thanks you guys," Serena told the two. "You two really helped me out."

"Delphox." (No problem.)

"Pancham Pancham." (We will always have your back.)

Pancham was sitting next to Pikachu and begin eating his food. Delphox, on the other hand, walked up to her plate that was next to Greninja. When she made it to the water pokemon, the fire type pulls him in for a kiss before sitting down next to him.

"Del Delphox Delphox." (Good morning Greninja.)

"Gren Gren ja." (Morning Delphox.)


Usually I would personally walk outside and feed Rhyhorn herself since Rhyhorn enjoys my company, but after last night, my legs are as weak as jelly. I got out of my bed and my body just fell apart. Somehow I managed to stand up properly, but whenever I would try to bend or sit down, a sharp pain would go up my butt. My face started sizzling as I rubbed it to try and make it feel better, but clearly that didn't work. As much as I am very ticked off at that, I just couldn't stay mad.

"Morning Serena," Ash yawned as he was walking in the kitchen. He was in a pair of black sweatpants and a grey sweat shirt.

"Hey Ash." He kisses me on the lips before taking a seat at the table. I handed him a plate filled with eggs, two sausage patties, a few bacon strips and what's a breakfast meal without a glass of orange juice?

"Wow this looks really good Serena," Ash told me. "You sure know your way around the kitchen."

'Thanks," I responded. "I'm flattered."

I fixed me a plate and joined Ash at the table. But as I was still having trouble sitting down. Eventually I did, but I took my dear time. At least the pain went down a little bit.

"Having trouble sitting down?" Ash asked laughing and mocking at me. So my pain is funny to him? Okay. I got something for that ass.

"Its all your fault," I fired back. "You and that monster between your legs." My eyes was glued on to Ash's cock that was being prisoned by a pair of boxers. I tried to distract myself by focusing on eating. "So, any plans for today?" I asked. "You planning on training for Thursday?"

"Yep," Ash answered. "I want to my Pokemon ready when we have our battle with Bonnie."

"I gotta warn you Ash: she is strong. I've seen her battle many times."

"And that's what makes me even more fired up. The stronger the opponent is the more exciting the battle is."

I giggled after hearing one of Ash's usual phrases. Yep. There's no doubt in my mind that's definitely the Ash Ketchum I know. It's that level of confidence and excitement that brought me this far in not just my journey as a performer, but as a person overall. It's also that same encouragement inspired a new goal I hope to achieve one day. I'll tell you later.

"So what about you?"

I snapped back into reality to answer Ash's question. "Huh?"

"What are your plans for today?"

"Oh. Well I'm going to hang with Shauna."

"Speaking of which, where is she? I didn't see her in the bed?"

"Shauna has a bakery business at the Lumiose Squares Mall that opens every morning at eight. I caught her leaving around 7:30."

Ash took a folkful of eggs and pop them in his mouth. "Well how about I check it out?"

"But what about your training?"

"Don't worry. I'll just swing over there and come back here to train. It won't hurt and my Pokemon and I can just come back here."

"On foot?" I asked shockingly. "Ash, the mall is 12 miles from here. That's pretty far."

"It's not a problem for me and my Pokemon. We ran 30 miles back in Kanto, so it's nothing to us."

Wow. Ash ran 30 miles before? He did say he has his own workout style. No wonder he's so strong, especially in bed. I finished eating my breakfast. "Well don't work too hard now." I got up and walked towards Ash, before dropping on my knees and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Just make sure you save some energy for what I have in stores for you."

Ash chuckled at my teasing and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Oh you got nothing to worry about."


Wow this place is amazing. Right now Ash and I were walking in the new Lumiose Squares Mall on our way to Shauna's bakery and cafe business.

"Whoa," Ash responded.

"Pika." (Wow.)

I can tell about both Ash and Pikachu's reaction is about the mall, but you can't blame them. If you can see the mall now, you too would be speechless. The mall had this modern look that makes it more open to the outside. There were numerous lounge areas for to relax on and it has its own movie theater, but I guess a lot of malls these days have a theater now. Before we knew it, we was at this cafe on the first floor of the center court called the "S&M Bakery & Cafe". The name makes the stores sounds kinky.

We walked inside and I find Shauna behind the counter. An apron was around her waist.

"Thanks for shopping. Have a great day." She had just handed two customers in front of her each a cup filled with ice cream, who smiled and walk away.

"Morning Shauna," I called out.

"Serena. I'm surprised to be seeing you this morning. I thought for sure you would still be sleeping."

'Well Ash wasn't about to let that happen." The both of us giggled ignoring Ash standing right beside us.

Besides performing, Shauna started this bakery business as a side career for her. I loved what she done with the place. It had that Southern old school vibe to it with wooden tables and benches, but still have a few flat screens and an amazing sound system.

Shauna also told me she has a partner, but I have never met her face to face since S&M's opening two months ago. But Shauna said she too is a performer and I know her, but never told me her name.

"So Shauna, where's your partner?" I asked the brunette.

"Oh yeah. Don't worry. She's on her way."

"So where is she?"

"Serena?" I turned my head and find a blue headed woman standing just inches from me with a Slurpuff and a Meowstic on either side of her.

"Miette?" I was very shock.

"That's me." Now that I thought about it, the cafe name goes sound obvious.

"So you're Shauna's partner?"

"Uh-Huh. We figure it would make us more recognized other than just our performances."


Ash decided to join in on the conversation. He hasn't seen Miette for so long himself, and he is still unaware of the little "battle" both Miette and his girlfriend have over him.

"Hey Miette," he said. "It's been a while."

"Pika." (Hey Slurpuff.)

"Slurpuff." (Hi Pikachu.)

Miette walks up to Ash. "five years long. Oh my, you sure have changed a lot the last time I saw you, Ash."

There goes Miette again. After all these years, she hasn't changed the flirting and the teasing, but this time it was different for Ash and Serena are now dating. So maybe when Serena tells her the news, Miette will be most likely to back off.

"I be careful if I was you Miette." Heads were locked on a green haired young woman who walked in the cafe with a Smoochum right beside.

"Nini," Serena called out with a smile.

"Hi Serena. Nice to meet you again."

Next to Miette, Bonnie, and Shauna, Nini knows all about Serena's feelings for Ash. But for the most part, she just stay out of her business. So all four of the performers were reunited once again. They were all happy to see one another again besides a grand festival.

"Well what do you know?" Shauna proclaimed. "The four of us are back together under one roof."

"We have you and Miette to thank for," Nini fired back. This was a sign telling Ash that it was time for him to go.

"Okay baby," referring to Serena. "Pikachu, Greninja and I are heading back over to the house to train. I'll see you later on today?"

"Do I have to answer that?" Serena playfully asked. The couple kissed once more and with that, Ash walked out saying goodbye to all the guys--I mean, girls, and they all waved bye to him.

"Pika Pika." (Wait for me Ash.)

His Greninja and Serena's Delphox was connected by the hands as they were saying their goodbyes. "Delphox Delphox Del." (Don't train too hard like last time Greninja.)

"Greninja Gre." (I'll be fine. I'll see you later.)


"Baby?" Miette said copying the term Ash called Serena. "Are you two dating?"

Serena felt her face heating up again. Usually she would scold Miette about being all up in her business, but it was different now because she can answer that with no second thoughts.

"Yes we are," Serena answered.

The honey hair colored performer waited for a reaction from Miette. Eventually, the blue female formed a nice, soft smile. "Well it's about time," Miette stated.

"Huh?" Okay. Now Serena was confused. "So, you're not mad or upset?"

"I'm relieved. I was never into Ash. I just said that to push you to telling him how you feel. Plus at the time we first met, we wasn't in friendly terms and I just played along just to see you get so flustered."

Well isn't this something? All this time Miette never had feelings for Ash. Somehow Serena felt more relieved than the time she and Ash started dating. That's one less love rival for her. But she still has Ash's former female companions left and all other of his crazy fan girls.

For the next few hours, the four performers just hanged around at S&M. It was now twenty minutes after five and it was starting to get late. "Oh Jesus, look at the time," Serena said.

"Yeah it's almost closing time," Shauna added. Serena made sure to got all of her possessions and she returned her Delphox back in her pokeball.

"Well girls I better go. I got a couple of stops I have to make before they closed."

"Okay Serena," Nini said. "It was good to see you again."

"Same here Nini." All the girls gathered around for a group hug before pulling away. Even with a similar goal, they made sure to never let anything get in their way of their sister like bond. Serena was the first one to leave the cafe. After serving the last few customers, Shauna went to the back and began closing up. Miette and Nini are left alone as the blue headed baker started locking the cash register. A conversation was soon started by the two.

"Can I asked you something Miette?" Nini asked.

"Go ahead."

"Did you really mean all that stuff you said to Serena earlier today?"

"Well of course not. My heart will always thrive for Ash."

Nini was wide eyeing at the girl. "Then why did you said all that stuff to Serena?"

"I needed her guard down, so I could make a move on Ash."

"Okay. I am so confused. Where are you going with this?"

Miette sighed. "Listen, they say the way to win a man's heart is through his stomach and Ash loves food. So my plan is to win Ash over with my cooking skills, but for now, he will be my fuck buddy for the time being."

Nini did not want to be in the middle of this. She knew instantly that nothing good can come out of this. Look out Ash, cause Miette is coming for you.


"OH FUCK SERENA," Ash grunted as I swallow most of his shaft. I went down even further on his cock and almost gagged. My throat muscles started tighting around his cock, causing Ash to groan with pleasure. I pulled back to get a fresh breath of air, but I was jerking him off at the same time.

"You like that Ashy?" I asked, earning me a nod from the male.

I spat on the top of his dick and rubbed it around before plunging back down even deeper than before. I love blowjobs. Just the feel of it in my mouth makes me so hot especially the reaction of my tongue touching the skin. During the blowjob, I was also giving Ash more pleasure by playing around with his balls. But Ash wasn't the only one getting pleasure. With one hand fondling with Ash's balls, I had the other hand underneath this blue skirt I'm wearing and thrusting two fingers in and out of my pussy.

"Serena, I'm cumming." I increased the speed of my blowjob, waiting for Ash to reach his peak. He was running on hand through my hair as a sign I'm doing a good job and the other one was smacking my two butt cheeks, making me moan through the sucking. Finally, he came inside my mouth and I swallowed a few times until all of it was gone. I sucked Ash's dick a few more times until I was sure that he was clean.

After which, I lifted myself off but my right hand was still stroking his cock to keep him hard. Ash was trying to catch his breath.

"You enjoyed that?"

"Do I have to answer?" Ash fired back. We both laid there giggling as I was licking my lips in hunger and stopped my hand job. I crawled on top of Ash and went into a heated make out section to continue the romantic vibe.

I went all out for tonight. I want this night to be perfect and nothing more than our love. Which is why I had 50 candles scattering all over the master suite, soft music playing in the background, but the real surprise for Ash is my outfit. My outfit includes a white and blue blouse with a bright red bow on the front, a blue skirt, my hair is tied up by a red bandana and black socks that ride all the way up my legs. I know Ash loves this little schoolgirl cosplaying.

I pulled away from Ash when I noticed a small yellow box on the table besides us. "Hey Ash, what is this?"

I grabbed the box and see there was a note on top. I opened it up and see it has my name on it.

"Open it and see for yourself."

Inside the box is a platinum necklace. I gasped and covered my mouth so speechless. "Ash it's so beautiful."

"I bought that before I left the mall. I figure since we are now a couple, I would make it official."

Tears was coming out of my eyes, but with joy. This is the side of Ash I have never seen before. I was starting to even think if this was Ash, but honestly I love this side and I'll take it. "Thank you Ash. I'll always treasure this."

He took the necklace from my hand and told me to turn around. Once I did, the necklace was around my neck before it was clipped on.

"How does it look?" I asked.


After that, we went back in to kissing and this time, we both added our tongues in the mix. It wasn't long for things to get heated.


"That...was...amazing." I stated in between my breaths. Right now I was laying completely naked on my bed with only the necklace Ash gave me.

Speaking of Ash, he wrapped his arms around me and pull me in for another kissing session. "Hey I was thinking," he started off. "How about tomorrow I take you out on a date?"

"A date? Like an official date?"


"Okay," I replied smiling. "Where?"

"It's a surprised. We can go after I finished training."

"Okay. It's a date."

There you have it everyone. Ash and Serena are officially going out, his battle with Bonnie is on the way, and Miette is now in the mix. A lot is going to happen over the course of this story and I'm just getting starting. So stay tuned for more of Feelings.


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