xi. expanding the menu

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   LIZ WATCHED WITH wide eyes as her brother stepped out onto the fog covered grass with his bat raised. The only noises were the gargling of the creatures and the leaves crunching below Steve's feet. Steve started whistling to try and get the baby Demogorgon's attention and lure it out, "Come on, buddy."

   Steps were heard coming down the ladder, but Liz's eyes were frozen on her brother. She was gripping her arms, probably leaving fingernail marks as she hoped and prayed that Steve wouldn't get killed by those creatures, "What's he doing?" Max ran up next to Liz, looking out the window.

   "Expanding the menu." Dustin answers.

"Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy. Come on. Dinner time." Steve spoke as he was finally in the center of the junkyard, in front of the pile of rotting meat. "Human tastes better than cat, I promise."

"He's insane." Max states.

"He's awesome." Dustin chuckles.

"Will both of you shut up?" Liz whisper-yells, stressed and worried about her brother. "He could get severely injured or... or... killed."

Max looked over at Liz with a worried look. She watched Liz's expression turn to one of worry to one of fear quickly. Liz spotted the Demogorgon, and her eyes widened. It was the size of dog, and could've even been mistaken as one. Liz quickly turned around and closed her eyes, still gripping her arms, "I can't watch!"

   Liz takes deep breaths before a set of arms make their way around her body, and pull her into Max. Liz sighs in content at the feeling of Max's arms around her, and she hugs back, "He's gonna be fine. I haven't known your brother long, but he seems like a badass."

   "Steve! Watch out!" Lucas yells. Liz pushes herself out of Max's arms and rushes over to the window.

   "A little busy here!" Steve yells back, his eyes locked onto the baby Demogorgon that sat in a few feet across from him.

"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!" Lucas screeched. Liz looked in the direction Lucas told Steve and her eyes widened as another creature identical to the other hopped onto a rusted car and growled at Steve.

"Steve!" Dustin screamed before running over to the bus door and yanking it open. "Steve! Abort! Abort!"

Steve looked over his left shoulder at Dustin before a loud growl was heard, making him snap his head back toward the creature. It started running towards him, and Liz ran to the door of the bus, "Steve! Get out of there!"

Liz watched with wide eyes as her brother dodged the creature and slid off the hood of a car, barely missing another one that came at him. Another one came at him, but Steve managed to hit it with his bat, as if it were a baseball. Screams were heard all around the bus from the kids, screaming at Steve to hurry and run faster towards the bus. Liz felt tears come to her eyes as four baby Demogorgon's chased after her brother. The group quickly moved aside as Steve jumped into the bus. Dustin shut the bus door, but started cowering in the corner as the Demogorgon's started banging on the door.

"Are they rabid or something?" Max asked, still not believing that these things were monsters from another dimension.

Liz gripped onto one of the seats as Steve grabbed a panel of metal and pushed it in front of the door with his feet to try to protect the group even more. Lucas shook his head, almost trying to convince himself as he yelled, "They can't get in! They can't!"

Something slammed into the side of the bus making all five of them scream. The bus rocked due to the impact, and Liz gripped the seat so tight that she could've ripped the plastic cover off. The screeching of a Demogorgon echoed around the bus as a hand made its way through the cracks in the doors. More screams were heard as the kids made their way towards the back of the bus while Steve used his bat to hurt the Demogorgon.

Dustin grabbed his supercomm from his bag, and pressed the talk button before yelling, "Is anyone there? Mike? Will? God! Anyone!" Claws penetrated the metal of the bus right next to the group. They all screamed and moved away, closer to the windows. Liz bumped into Max who both grabbed hold of each other with scared faces. "We're at the old junkyard, and we are going to die!"

   It grew silent, and Liz immediately knew that was a bad sign. The only noises came from Steve as his bat hit the Demogorgon that was probably now dead, and banging from the roof. Max stood right in front of the ladder that lead to the opening in the roof. Her eyes were wide as she looked up slowly, and Liz stood behind her watching where her gaze went, only to see one of the Demogorgon's poke it's head into the opening and roar. Max screamed, and Liz quickly grabbed her arm, "Max!"

   "Outta the way! Outta the way!" Steve yelled before sticking his bat up in the air towards the creature that growled, it's mouth opening up. "You want some? Come get this!"

Right before the creature was going to dive into the bus, an echoing growl was heard and the creature turned it's head in that direction. With a shriek, the creature lept off the bus, shaking the bus as it did so and fled the junkyard along with the other creatures.

Silence surrounded the group once again, and Liz took deep breaths before looking over at Max. She glanced down at her hand and saw it holding Lucas's. A feeling of jealousy quickly took over her body, but she ignored it as Lucas and Max quickly let go of each other's hands, their faces turning light shades of pink.

Steve guided the group over to the bus door and opened it slowly, making the rusty hinges creak loudly. He was the first to step out, his bat raised just in case.

"What... happened?" Lucas questioned slowly as they all slowly exited the bus.

"I don't know." Max responded. Liz could feel her shaking as she stood behind her.

"Steve scared 'em off?" Dustin guessed.

Liz scoffed, "No way. Monsters from another dimension getting scared by a teenager with a bat?"

"Liz is right. No way," Steve starts, turning around the face the group, his bat over his right shoulder. "They're going somewhere."

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[ 1096 WORDS ]


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