Come Back...!

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What a boring day, I thought to myself as I leaned on a tree trunk, looking down at my boots. There was a war going on, so why was no one attacking? Not even a single Drow elf or Orc? Wow. I wiped my forehead with my sleeve, the hot muggy forest air making me sweat. Of course it was in the middle of summer too. Lovely.

"Hey Ferathen," the other elven guard next to me called, and I looked over at him. He had dark brown hair and green eyes as he grinned at me, his pointed ears twitching a bit. I sighed; that grin was never good.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked as I unsheathed my sword and took out a cloth to begin polishing the blade, even though it shone brightly. I ran the cloth over it again as the other guard assigned to the same post spoke to me.

"Could you go and get us something to snack on? And maybe something to drink?" He asked me.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" I retorted, looking over at him.

"Because. I'm tired of seeing you pacing around constantly, and you look like you could use something to do buddy," the other guard said. I thought about it, then finally shrugged in agreement.

"Yeah why not," I said as I sheathed my sword at my hip and turned around to go inside.

"See if they have any fruit tarts!" The other guard called at my back.

"Yeah, yeah!" I called back as I trotted in the direction of the large spiraling elven castle. I moved a strand of my golden colored hair out of my clear green eyes and behind my pointed elven ear as I trotted back to the castle that I called home.

     I pushed open the large, finely polished wooden doors that led into the kitchen of the palace. I grabbed a tray from a rack and grabbed a few fruits and meats that I saw. Unfortunately there were no fruit tarts like he asked for, but too flipping bad. I set the tray aside for a moment and grabbed a canteen, pouring the cold water from it into my mouth. I gave a contented sigh as the water cooled me down, and I grabbed a second canteen for my companion.

     With the tray in hand, I backed out of the large wooden doors and began heading back to my post. I realized that I wasn't supposed to leave, but whoops. I was sure Sigel could forgive me for going to grab a snack. It's not like anything would happen in a few minutes.

     The sounds of battle proved my last thought completely wrong. I heard my companion give a heart stopping scream, and I dropped the tray and ran forward, drawing my sword. I gave a dark growl once I came to the scene.

     Two Drow elf runeweavers were toying with my companion, both wielding swords and moving around him nimbly in a circle, like a pack of wolves would when they're about to kill their prey.

     "Hey!" I shout and charge at them recklessly, slashing one's shoulder with my sword. The black skinned brute hissed at me like a snake, and I could only assume that the second one was dealing with my companion. He charged at me, his sword stabbing into my side. I gave a surprised cry of pain, then I took the opportunity and his cockiness and I drove the sword through his heart. He sputtered and growled as I ripped my sword from his chest. He fell to the ground, dead, and I turned to my companion. I put my hand on the stab wound on my side as I began to feel a bit woozy.

Both he and the other Drow were laying on the ground, dead, both having impaled each other through the chest. I gasped, then I began running -more like limping- back to the castle once I saw more Drow elves making their approach from the surrounding forest.

I burst through the front doors of the castle, limping and bleeding. I used my mind link with my leader, Sigel, and located him in the library. My vision swirled as I called to everyone:

"Drow attack! Drow Attack!" Everyone around me flicked me a brief glance as they either ran to their dorms to get weapons or outside to fight. I didn't care what they did, honestly. I had to warn Sigel.

     With a staggering gait I made it to the large library. Holding my side I leaned on the door frame with a grimace. "Sigel!" I called frantically. Sigel, the tall 6'1, blonde and green haired elven leader stepped out from behind a book shelf, Seraphald looking out a moment later. Both their eyes widened at my condition and my friend and the leader rushed over.

     "Sigel! Drow attack! The Drow emperor! He's here!" I called. At that moment, I lost my balance and fell forward, my legs unable to support me any longer. Sigel caught me and gently laid me on the ground as I saw Seraphald draw his sword and run out of the library. I reached a hand out to him, but he turned a corner and vanished out of sight.

      "Wait...come back...Seraphald..." I said, surprised to find my own voice weak and quiet. Sigel gently laid a hand on my chest as he began a healing spell. I whimpered as the wound healed up, but I only continued to get more and more lightheaded and woozy. I also began feeling sick to my stomach.

"Ferathen," Sigel said, and I groaned and looked up at him. Why did his voice sound so distant?

"Sigel...I don't want to die...what's happening to me...?" I whispered. He looked back at where my injury was and his eyes widened slightly, though I myself couldn't see what was wrong.

"You're going to be alright, Ferathen. Just stay awake," he said. I became nervous as I looked at him. People usually only said that when someone was going to die. My breathing picked up and my fluttering heart beat faster.

"Wh-what's wrong?" I asked him as my body shivered, an action out of my control. I winced as where my wound once was began to sting something awful.

"It's nothing, Ferathen. Just stay calm and stay awake," he said to me calmly. I nodded shakily, wanting to believe him that it wasn't anything serious. A tremor passed through me, and black began to creep in on the edges of my vision. I know he told me to stay awake...but the floor was just so comfortable right now...

Sigel shook me, and I groaned and opened my eyes a bit wider. A sense of certainty that I wouldn't get to see my friends washed over me, and I looked at Sigel through dazed eyes.

"The medics will be here in a minute. Just hang on until then," Sigel told me, and I gave a weak nod as my eyes began to drift closed once more. "Ferathen!" Sigel barked and I gave a faint gasp and looked at him. I felt my body weakening by the minute, the burning, stinging sensation in my side getting worse and spreading. I felt myself slipping as the black at the edges of my vision crept in faster and farther than before. I felt Sigel shake me again, but I didn't have the energy to respond. I half saw him raise his hand, then my vision flashed as his hand connected with my face.

...Did he just slap me?

     "Sorry. But you need to stay awake," he says at my wide eyed, shocked expression. I had to admit the slap to the face worked. It woke me up for sure. I managed to deadpan at him. "Don't give me that," Sigel says as he looked up and around for the medics that he promised me that were going to be there.

     "Sigel..." I said, my voice raspy. He looked back down at me, and another feeling washed over me...a sense of incompleteness. Like I hadn't done something that I had meant to do.

     "Yes Ferathen?" The leader says. His calm green eyes turn sad as he looks at me, black once more creeping in on the edges of my vision.

     "Can you...can you tell Kitara...that I'm sorry? And Seraphald...that he...he's the best friend...I...I've ever had..." I say slowly, my own voice fading in and out as my vision swirls and makes me feel nauseous. I heard Sigel sigh distantly.

     "No, Ferathen. You're going to tell them yourself," the leader says. I didn't have the energy to wonder how when I knew that I was dying. That thought startled me a bit, but then I accepted the fact. Sigel's voice faded out, but I heard him say some sort of spell that dealt with spirits. I couldn't tell what he was saying, but all I knew was that it was a spell of some kind.

     I exhaled and I felt my spirit lift from my body, and I started the journey to the afterlife... I hoped.

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[Total Word Count: 1636 ]

Seraphald: TheShadowhunter782's main High elf OC. He's about 5'10 with blond hair and green eyes. In this short little story he's Ferathen's best friend.

Sigel: The high elven military leader. He's about 6'1 with green eyes and blonde hair streaked with green strands. He was the one to release Ferathen's spirit from his body, but he also counted on his spirit being held back so he could talk to those he loved one last time.

Kitara: Liznightangel's character. Shes a half elf with blonde hair and silver eyes. She's also Ferathen's cousin in this story.

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