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(This is another story from my now deleted Elven War Rp, though I have changed it up a little bit. My poor poor Sigel, always getting hurt)

The high elf walked down the graceful arched hallway at a quick pace as he muttered to himself angrily. His hurried steps echoed about the stone hallways as he turned a corner and walked into his room. He caught a brief glance of his emerald green eyes and long golden and green streaked hair as he turned to look at his mirror.

"Show me Kitara Woods," he spoke clearly. The mirror swirled within its intricate golden rim as the high elf leaned forward expectantly. Eventually the image of him vanished, and was replaced by a familiar half elf and her drow elven friend on a ship. The female drow walked away slowly, leaving the half elf alone on the deck.

"Where are you Kitara..." the high elf muttered as he closed his eyes, casting a location spell to locate her. Someone walking into his room, however, broke his concentration. He turned his head and looked over at the figure of the new elven leader.

"Ah, Seraphald, there you are," Sigel said as the other elf walked forward with an unusually stern look on his face. His short, blonde hair was messy and he had the familiar dark bags of stress under his pale green eyes.

"What are you doing?" Seraphald snapped.

"I'm going to find Kitara for you since you won't do it yourself. You love each other, and you're both making a mistake," Sigel said as he turned back to the mirror. He jumped in surprise as he felt Seraphald roughly grab him by the front of his shirt, a snarl on his friend's face.

"I don't need your help! Stay out of this!" He said in anger. Sigel was stunned into silence for a second.

"I don't want you to become like me, I can see it already! You're overworking yourself, you're not sleeping! Seraphald-" Sigel said to try and reason with his friend. Seraphald hissed and roughly shoved Sigel backwards with more force than was nessesary.

Sigel's eyes went wide as he threw his arms out to try and balance himself, loosing his footing on the smooth stone floor. He yelped as gravity took its hold on him. As he fell backwards a loud resounding crack filled the air, his vision flashing a bright white and a splitting pain driving into the back of his head. He collapsed to the ground weakly as he felt his warm blood seeping from the back of his head and onto the floor below him. A gurgling noise rose from his throat as he weakly reached a hand out to Seraphald, begging for his help, before his vision went completely dark.

     For how long his vision was nothing but darkness, Sigel couldn't tell. He had no day or night to tell the time. It was only when a forest started to take shape around him did he question how long he was unconscious. He looked around in confusion as a warm forest materialized around him, a sense of deja vu filling him.

"Odd...very odd..." Sigel muttered as he walked forward. A strange sense of strength filled him as well, one so strong he had to look at himself to see what had changed. His eyes widened as he saw he was no longer the sickly, weak elf he used to be. He actually had some decent muscles on his bones now, the fact bringing a small smile to his face in surprise. His pointed ear twitched slightly as he heard tiny footsteps running at him from behind.

"Daddy!" The young voice belonging to the footsteps yelled with glee. Sigel turned around, a large smile gracing his face as he saw a younger version of his half drow son running towards him with open arms. The little grey skinned, silver haired half drow was giggling happily at seeing his father returning. Sigel knelt down to his level and opened his arms, giving a quiet laugh. The half drow toddler giggled again as he leapt into his father's embrace.

     "I missed you daddy," the young Tso'sun said as he buried his face in Sigel's shoulder. Sigel smiled and closed his eyes in content as he embraced his son. A strange feeling lightened his heart and took the weight of his troubles off his shoulders...was it happiness? It had been so long since Sigel felt true joy and happiness, he had almost forgotten what it felt like.

"I missed you too son. Sorry I was away for so long," he said as he stroked his son's soft silver hair. A cute little purr came from the toddler, Sigel smiling wider and chuckling at him. Oh, how he had missed this.

"Four months, Sigel. These trips keep getting longer and longer," a kind, feminine voice spoke, causing Sigel to turn his head and look at the source. A graceful drow elf stood near them, her skin a dusky grey color, her straight hair long and a shining silver color. Her mischievous blue eyes accented her teasing smile as she tilted her head to the side and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Sorry, my love. Things got in the way from me coming back," Sigel said. He felt almost as if his words were...pre-scripted for him to say. His heart sank a little as he realized that this was just a memory, a memory inside his own head.

     "Something wrong?" The female drow asked him as she noted his smile drop. The high elf looked up at her and gave a shake of his head.

     "Nothing's wrong, Miz'ri. Just lost in thought is all," Sigel said as he picked his son up and held him to his chest, before standing up and looking at his wife with an adoring smile. Tso'sun purred louder as he clung to his father like a little koala as Sigel went over to Miz'ri.

     "Hmm, good," she said with a grin as she reached up and poked his nose. He chuckled as he leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss to the top of her head. She purred as she smiled up at him, draping her arms around his neck.

"I think," she started as she looked him in the eyes, "that we should go out tonight. It's been so long since we've had a nice date, just to ourselves," she said with a seductive purr to her voice. Sigel chuckled as he nodded his head in agreement.

"So where did you have in mind?" He asked her.

"Hmm, well...Ostara has sone really nice restaurants that I've always wanted to go to," Miz'ri purred as she smiled sweetly at him.

"I think we can do that," he said as he smiled at her.

"Great! Don't forget this time," she said as she playfully nudged his shoulder before walking off back to their little log cabin home.

"I didn't forget last time!" He called with a laugh. She replied to him in her native tongue, though the meaning of the words went right over his head. Tso'sun looked up at him with a cute little smile.

     "Da?" He asked.

     "Yes, son?" Sigel answered.

     "Can you play the violin for me?" He asked with wide, innocent eyes. Sigel gave a chuckle and nodded as he sat down on a fallen log, balancing his four year old son on his knee. He summoned his familiar wooden violin that had been a wedding gift to him from his friend.

     "Hmm...I think I know a great song," Sigel said with a smile as he tuned the violin expertly. He drew the bow across the strings, smiling at the sound. He closed his eyes and began to play the instrument with ease, smiled as he played one of his favorite songs by heart. It had no lyrics, otherwise he would have been singing them. He heard Tso'sun humming along to the music.

Someone calling his name, someone he didn't know, caused him to stop. Tso'sun looked up at him with a pout as Sigel looked around in confusion.

     "Sigel," someone said again. He could have sworn he recognized that voice, but for the life of him he couldn't place who it was. The high elf looked down at Tso'sun, who was still giving him an adorable pouty face.

     "Go back to your Ma, Tso'sun. I need to do something real quick," he said as he pat his son on the shoulder gently. Tso'sun whined as he slid of Sigel's knee, moping back towards the log cabin. Sigel stood up as the bow and violin vanished from his hands.

     "What is it? Who are you?" Sigel called into the seemingly empty forest. The familiar form of his draconic friend Kit materialized with a faint glimmer of light. Her metallic silver hair glinted brightly in the sun that filtered through the leaves, her dragon like golden eyes swirling as she smiled at him.

     "Sigel, you need to wake up," she said, her voice soft as she looked at him. He gave her a confused look.

     "Wake up? But..." he said quietly, shaking his head. She took a step forwards as the world around him started to fade and blur away.

"Your in a coma in the infirmary. Seraphald and Tso'sun are sitting by your side, waiting for you to wake up. They need you now," she said softly. He shook his head as his eyes widened, the very reality around them shredding quicker and quicker.

     "No! Wait, I-" he said as he watched his very dream tear itself apart around him. Too quickly it was only the two of them left in pitch black. Sigel shook his head with disbelieving eyes.

"Sigel please. You have to come back," Kit said, a bit more forcefully this time. Sigel swayed as he was returned to his sickly, weak body. He groaned as he clutched his head as his strength suddenly left him, replaced by fatigue and weakness. His ribcage became visible, his stomach unhealthily thin and face gaunt, his vision blurring.

     "Why would you do this to me..." he whispered as he fell to his knees.

     "You're needed alive, that's why," Kit said soothingly. Sigel managed to gain the strength to lift his head and look at her.

     "Kit, my friend...I live a half life. I can barely eat anymore thanks to V'uz's curse on me. I can barely sleep anymore, despite my exhaustion. I'm constantly shaky and weak thanks to K'yorl and his poison...tell me, is that a way you want to live? Always weak and tired but having to push that away day to day?" He asked her with pleading eyes. She opened her mouth and closed it a few times as she thought of what to say.

     "I would...I don't know..." she whispered quietly as she looked down and away.

     "Given the choice, would you rather pass away peacefully in your sleep with no pain, no worries, no misery? Or would you rather live a few more months in suffering before dying? Because I know I won't live much longer even if I do come back...I can feel it," he said softly. She said nothing as she bowed her head.

A bright golden white light shone from behind Sigel. Blinking in surprise he turned around to look at it, shielding his eyes from it's intensity. He gave a curious noise as he stood up shakily.

"Sigel..." Kit pleaded with a weak voice. Sigel gave a soft smile as he turned to look at Kit, to see her eyes watery.

"It's alright Kit. I...have something to ask of you, if you don't son. Tso'sun. Can you look after him for me? He's going to be so devastated...but he's strong. He's always been so much stronger than I have. And Seraphald...tell him I forgive him for me? He didn't mean to hurt me, I know that much. He's just a heartbroken man, much like I am...and to my Tier...please tell her I love her very, very much," Sigel said with a soft smile. Kit sniffled and gave a nod in agreement.

"I'll tell them, you have my word," the dragon in elven form said quietly. A sense of ease and peace overcame the high elf as he nodded in approval.

     "Thank you Kit," he said, before turning and looking at the source of light. With a hesitant breath he reached a hand out and walked towards it with slow steps. The world around him soon became enveloped in a comforting glow as he left his mortal body behind forever.

- - -

Seraphald and Tier belong to TheAnimeBeast
Kit and Kitara belong to Liznightangel
Tso'sun, Miz'ri, K'yorl, and Sigel belong to me

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