Pranking Sigel

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[Prank 1: Babying Sigel pt. 1]

     Sigel groaned as he woke up in the infirmary. He looked around, his green eyes dazed as he examined what was going on around him, sitting up with great effort. He didn't know how long he was unconscious, but he did remember everything. He was in here because an entire bottle of Drow poison was forced down his throat. He even remembered everything when he was unconscious.

     Even when Kitara spoon fed him.

     He gave a small shudder -he thought- as he looked around. He tilted his head as he heard running footsteps. Seraphald came barreling into the infirmary haphazardly, apparently sensing Sigel's mind link open up since he came into consciousness. Seraphald practically crushed Sigel in a hug, causing the leader to groan as pain was sent through his entire body.

     "Off," Sigel whispered.

     "Oops, sorry," Seraphald said, releasing him from the hug. "Your job sucks, you know that?" Seraphald said with a smile as he pulled a chair over and sat down next to his bed. Sigel gave a chuckle in return, the sound hurting his throat.

     "I know," he says. A tremor shook through Sigel, and he groaned.

     "Side effects," Sigel mumbled in answer to Seraphald's concerned gaze. Sigel's ear twitched, and he looked over at another high elf that lived in the castle. He recalled his name to be Miles, or something like that. He had white hair and pale skin to match, his eyes a bright yellow in color. And at the moment, he was snickering.

     "What's so funny?" Sigel asked him as he attempted to get up. A tremor passed through him, forcing him to sit back down with a grunt.

     "You," Miles said with a grin.

     "Need something to help you walk?" Seraphald offered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as well.

     "No, I'm fine," Sigel says. He didn't like those grins.

"Hey Miles? I think Sigel needs a cane. Can you make him one?" Seraphald asks him, despite what Sigel just said. Sigel growled as Miles put his hands together, then pulled them apart, a wooden cane appearing in his hands.

"I dont need it!" Sigel says as he stands up with a lot of effort. Seraphald and Miles snickered at him. Sigel growled at them as he looked over at the entrance of the infirmary. Kitara, a blonde haired, silver eyed half, walked into the infirmary, a calm expression on her face.

     "Oh, I see you're up Sigel. I just went to get some honey for your throat," she says kindly as Sigel nods.

     "Were you going to spoon feed it to him as well?" Seraphald asked with a grin. Sigel glared at his second in command.

     "Not if he doesn't want me to," Kitara replied.

     "Hmm, I dunno. Could you at least put it in a baby bottle for him?" Seraphald asked. Sigel could feel his face growing red as a few other conscious elves in the infirmary snicker at him. He heard Miles clap once and turned to look at him, just to see a baby bottle forming in his hands.

     "Seraphald!" Sigel said, very nearly shouted. Seraphald's body shook with poorly concealed laughter.

     "Maybe a stroller too," Kitara suggests with a sweet smile. Once again Miles clapped once, a massive baby stroller forming in front of him. Sigel's face grew redder out of embarrassment if that was even possible.

     "Kitara! Seraphald! This isn't funny!" He said, infuriated at being humiliated. Kitara, Seraphald, Miles, and many of the other elves in the infirmary broke out into genuine laughter.

     "Yes it is!" Seraphald as he laughed. Sigel growled and mustered up enough energy to teleport into his room.

  [Pranking Sigel: Babying Sigel pt. 2]

     A few days after that incident, Sigel was walking down the halls of Ostara Castle. He had found out that his tremors were permanent, and he was permanently weakened. However, this did not show as he strolled down the halls of the magnificent castle.

     "Sigel!" Came a small chirp, Sigel stopping and turning around, looking down at the ground. Solaris, a young golden colored dragon that was about the size of a medium sized dog, trotted up to him with a book in his mouth.

"Yes, Solaris?" Sigel says as he looks at the book.

"I found a cool spell! Wanna see?" The small dragon asks with a cute smile.

"Maybe later Solaris, okay?" He says as he knelt down and gently patted the young dragons head. Miles, the pale skinned, white haired, yellow eyed high elf appears next to Solaris with a grin. Not good.

"If he doesn't let you do your spell Solaris, you can just turn him into a baby!" The mischievous high elf says. Sigel gave him a death glare.

"A baby?" The young dragon asks.

"Don't listen to him," Sigel growled. Solaris gave a grin as he started flipping through the magic book, looking for the spell.

"Found it!" The young dragon chirps as he began reading the spell out loud. Sigel teleported out of range and into his room before the dragon got to complete the spell.

[Prank 3: Payback]

Sigel, weeks after those incidents, had been thinking of a way to get back at Seraphald and them. The opportunity presented itself when Sigel decided to resign from the leadership position and give it to Seraphald. Sigel grinned as he walked back to his room, digging through a bag to search for his gold pouch. The faint sound of footsteps caught his attention, and he looked up towards his balcony.

     A black haired, yellow eyes forest elf was climbing over his balcony. Sigel chuckled as he watched the female forest elf walk in with a smirk on her face.

     "Hello Tier," he chuckles as he grabbed his gold pouch and began counting out some coins, snickering to himself.

     "What are you doing?" Tier, the forest elf, asked. Sigel looked over at her.

     "Getting payback for Seraphald teasing me. Speaking of, I need your help," Sigel said, grinning. Tier arched an eyebrow at him skeptically.

      "What do I need to do?" She asks.

     "Well. I need you to go buy the poofiest, ugliest dress you can find," Sigel said, handing her 600 gold coins for the prank. Tier's eyes widened, a small smirk spreading across her beautiful features.

     "Oh this is going to be good," she grinned. "I'll be back in no time," she said as she formed a portal, then hopped through to her destination of some sort of dress shop. Sigel, with a goofy grin on his face, went to his writing desk and took a small piece of parchment. He reached over and grabbed his quill and ink, then set to writing.

               This is for your ceremony tomorrow. Have fun putting it on!

     Sigel grinned as he summoned a small pin so he could pin it on to the dress that Tier chose. Sigel briefly used his scrying mirror to see where Seraphald was, the next leader walking down the hall and talking with his girlfriend Kitara. Even better!

     A portal opened and Tier stepped back through into his room, holding an abomination of a dress. Sigel held in a snicker at the dress's looks. The bottom was poofy and made it look like a cotton ball or a ball of gauze, the top tight with white, beady lace around it.

     "Good enough?" Tier asked.

     "Yes, that's great!" Sigel laughed as he took the dress, then pinned his note to the poofy bottom part of it. "Stay here for a minute," Sigel grinned as he teleported into Seraphald's room. He laid the dress down on his bed, snickering all the while as he made sure the note could be seen.

     Seraphald, I left something in your room for you, he mind linked him, putting on a brief, stoic facade to make sure Seraphald didn't pick up on the laughter in his voice.

     Alright, be right there, Seraphald responded. Sigel grinned as he teleported back into his room and focused the scrying mirror he had into Seraphald's room, Tier coming and standing next to him as they wait for Seraphald and Kitara to go into the next leader's room.

They didn't have to wait long. Soon enough his door opened, Kitara and Seraphald laughing as they talked. Sigel grinned mischievously as Seraphald noticed the dress, his smile dropping as he stared at it. Kitara's face turned red as she put her hands over her mouth to keep her from laughing out loud.

"Kitara I think this is for you," Seraphald said, trying to hand the dress off to her.

"No, it's for you," Kitara said as Seraphald sighed. Sigel and Tier laughed at his reactions, so much so that they were crying in laughter. Their mirth increased double fold as Seraphald proceeded to put on the dress. The next leader groaned as he put the dress on, turning to Kitara with a red face in embarrassment. Kitara broke out in laughter, Sigel and Tier practically rolling on the floor laughing.

"I have to wear this...?" Seraphald mumbled.

I have to say, that's the best reaction to any prank I've ever gotten, Sigel mind linked as he struggled to catch his breath. Seraphald's face blanched in the scrying mirror as he got the mind link.

Best. Prank. Ever.

--- --- ---

Hey guys! Sorry for the long delay in updates! I waited so long I forgot what else I was going to put, but eh, it's good enough. So, like it? XD and all of these things actually happened. Oh god was it funny!

Sigel: leader in the city

Seraphald: next in line for leadership (TheShadowhunter782 )

Kitara: Seraphald's girlfriend (Liznightangel )

Solaris: A small dragon with the ability to see spirits (ConstantRumbling )

Miles: A resident of the castle (Person left the rp)

[Total word count: 1641]

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