Garden Of Tears [Pt. 2]

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• Part 2: Snowy Days and her.

I was sleeping peacefully. I know it is already morning but I decided to sleep more for 5 minutes. But then, my sleeping was interrupted when I heard a voice calling my name. ‘Gray-sama, Gray-sama... Please... Save me!'

I woke up, upon hearing those words.

The voice really sounds familiar but I could not remember who was it. I checked my phone and saw that it was 9 pm. I got up and began to prepare myself. Im heading to that garden again.

I was about to head out of my apartment but then, the rain was pouring in a heavy manner. I grabbed my umbrella which was at the side, opened it and head to the garden.

Upon reaching the entrance of the garden, I looked at the donation box. I dropped a 20 jewel bill. I went inside and saw that no one is here today. It must be because of the bad weather.

I entered one of the cottages and sit there. I took out a can of coffee and began to drink in a slow pace. After a few minutes of looking at some Wattpad stories, I heard the sound of small footsteps. I placed the phone back to my pocket and looked at the girl who is now in front of me. Upon seeing her, I began to observe her. She had blue hair, dreamy eyes and petite body frame. She seems likeable... I blushed. Wait... I know this girl.

She sat beside me and we greeted each other. I gave her cold glares but then... what am I even doing? She is my (secret) crush! I shouldn't be like this to her.
I gave her a can of coffee.

She turned red and thanked me. I blushed as she turned into that color. She seems really cute! But then, a few minutes later, I saw her looking, well more like looking at me. I asked her why but... she changed the topic. Sigh.

A few days later, we began to hang out more and because of that, I also began to skip school. While hanging out with her, I realized many things. I realized that, fun is not all about studying but it is also fun when you recognized a beauty of a person... I was enjoying our hang outs but then...

I found out that her life is in danger. She is in a coma and could die anytime.

From there, I became absent during schooldays and instead, I began to help Juvia in her mission. I visited some of our friends and classmates but most of didn't care at all. But then, when Lucy knew about what happened to her, she cried and Juvia was able to get her 2nd genuine tear.

"Juvia will be okay right?" Lucy asked as she hugged me while crying at my shoulder."

I reassured her. "She'll be fine. I know her, she is a strong woman."

I was about to say more things but, my phone beeped, signalling me that someone is calling. I opened my phone and saw that it was mom. "Hey mom. Why did you call?"

Mom answered after a few seconds. "Hey Gray. Can you come home please."

I frowned. 'Great... she is gonna ask a favor...'

I replied. "Sure Mom, I'll be home in 10 minutes..." I said nothing else and hang up. I wonder what mom will ask of me.

I went home 10 minutes later and saw that mom is placing some fruits in a basket. She suddenly looked at me and smiled. "Gray, can you bring this fruits to the hospital?"

I became confused. "To the hospital... why?"

My mom's face began sad. "Well... I called Ms. Lockser this morning and she said that her daughter is still in a coma. So I want you to bring this fruits to them. Room 201."

I nod and headed to the hospital.

Upon reaching it, the whole place was really silent until I saw some nurses rushing towards a room. I became curious of what's happening. I panicked when I saw which room they were heading. Room 201.

I rushed inside and saw that the doctors were trying to revive her. I pushed some of the nurses aside but Mr. Lockser held me back. I feel helpless as I saw Juvia's pale face. I looked at the monitor and saw only a straight line. Oh no....

● ● ●

After a few minutes, she began to have a hearbeat again. I am very thankful that the doctors were able to revive her. I dont want to lose her yet.

For a few hours, I stayed at the hospital. I talked to her parents and other relatives who went to visit her. From time to time, I would always look at Juvia. I wish she would wake up soon.

Upon reaching 2:55 pm, all of her relatives went home and her parents went to the hospital canteen to buy some water. And now, I am alone with her in this room. I went to her, sit beside her and looked at her. The Juvia that I know, slightly changed. Her hair wasn't so silky anymore, her skin turned more pale and her lips became dry. I held her hand and tears began to flow out of my eyes.

"Juvia, please wake up. Dont leave me and your family behind. Im begging... please stay. I love you so please...stay with me." I said as I cried. I just really feel so helpless.

I looked at the window and saw something falling. As I take a closer look, I realized that snow is falling. Today is the first snowfall which means......

No... Juvia... don't give up.

I cried more as I was holding her hand. If only I could turn back time, I could've saved her from being like this. I wish I could do anything...

"Juvia, please stay." I murmured.

After a few minutes of crying, a miracle happened. Her hand gripped my hand hardly and she opened her eyes. She tilted her head and looked in my direction. "G-gray-sama..." She said with a weak voice.

I didn't waste anymore time and suddenly hugged her. She was shocked by my sudden act and blushed into a light shade of pink.

"Juvia, I'm glad you are okay. You are really okay!" I exclaimed and hug her tightly. She hugged back as well.

"Please... don't ever leave me like that again."

She smiled and looked at me. "I won't leave you, Gray-sama. Ever."

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