💗Hiccstrid: I Love You Too Much

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Fandom: How To Train Your Dragon

Hiccup's POV

I am now inside my house sketching a new design for Toothless's tail when Gobber came. Hmmm... I wonder what he came in here for.

"Hey Gobber, what are you doing here?" I asked as I put my pencil down and looked at him.

"Hiccup, you gotta help us with the preparations. Snoggletog is like... 4 days away." He explained.

Ever since my dad died and I became cheif, I was having a hard time of doing my duties and responsibilities that I can't even have a moment with my girlfriend, Astrid. I was too busy with my work that I never get to spend time with her.

"Sure Gobber. Let's go." I said and stood up.

I followed Gobber and he led me into the great hall where I saw that almost everyone was there. I even saw Ruffnut and Tuffnut tangled in wires. They sure had fun.

"Uh, are you guys okay?" I asked, concerned about those two.

"Yeah, we're fine. We're just tangled in these wires. Tuffnut...w-would you remove your foot from m-my face!" Ruffnut said while struggling.

"Uh, I-I can't do that. One of the wires is on my foot." Tuffnut replied.

I rolled my eyes and left.

I checked the whole hall until I saw Astrid. She was standing in a chair while putting some lanterns until one of the chair's feet broke. Of course, I knew what was going to happen. I rushed to her and caught her in time.

"Hey Hiccup, thanks and can you let go now?" She asked.

I put her down on the ground and let her go. "Can I help you with the lanterns?" I asked.

"No thanks, Hiccup. I can handle this myself." She replied.

"But I insist." I said and grabbed some of the lanterns.

"Okay, fine." She said and grabbed 3 lanterns.

We put all the lanterns in place and rested for a bit. While resting, I gain an urge to talk.

"Hey Astrid, Can we meet later at the beach?" I asked.

"Sure. I haven't been there for days." She said and walked off.

That's when I got the idea of giving her a snoggletog present.

I went to my house to get all the things I need like the silver and the gems that I got from Trader Johann last month. Then, I head to Gobber's forge.

After 30 minutes, I finally made the present that I planned to give her. It's a silver ring with a diamond on it. It reminds me of her eyes.

I put it on a small wooden box and put it in my pocket. I'm ready to give it to her later.

A few hours later...

I am now here at the beach waiting for Astrid. I wonder what will be her reaction If I gave her my gift. After a few more minutes of waiting, she finally came with Stormfly.

"Hey Hiccup, am I late?" She asked before she sit down beside me.

"No you're not. And anyway, I have something to give to you." I said, giving her the box.

"Hiccup, what's this?" She asked.

"It's my snoggletog present for you. Open it." I said as I smiled at her.

She smiled back and opened the box. As she opened the box, her face was like 😳.

"Hiccup, Thanks." She said and hugged me for like a minute.

After that, I grabbed the ring and put it on her finger. Unfortunately, a heavy downpour arrived.

We quickly rode our dragons and guide her to her house. As we got to her house, I heard her sneezed.


We went inside and found her parents waiting for her. "What happened to you two?" Her mom asked as her dad grabbed some blankets.

I grabbed it and wrapped one around her and one around me. "We were just enjoying the view at the beach when it rained." I said.

"Achoo!!!" Astrid sneezed.

"I'll take care of her." I said and led Astrid to her room.

I let her down the bed and put the blanket on her. "You have a fever. You're burning up." I exclaimed as I touched her forehead.

She slept and I stayed there all night.


Morning came and of course I woke up. I found Astrid still sleeping on her bed. I stood up and went to her. I moved her bangs to the side. I touched her forehead and she still has a fever.

I went downstairs and I found out that everyone in Berk is still asleep so I went to my house to change my clothes. After I changed my clothes, I decided to go back to Astrid's house. As I got back, I found her parents at their dining table.

"Hey Hiccup. Astrid's still sick. Do you mind going up and give this bowl of soup for her?" Her mom asked.

"Sure." I said as I get the soup from her hands.

I went up and saw that Astrid is already awake from her slumber. "Hey Astrid. How are you feeling?" I asked as I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Still not good." She replied weakly.

"Since you're still weak, I'll feed you." I said.

"Hiccup, why are you doing this? I could do it myself." She asked.

"Because... I love you too much Astrid." I replied and fed her.

Phew! My very first one-shot for this book. A step into a bright future....

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