☘Tasuha: Tears and Memories

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(Dedicated to the person who requested for this
Thunder_Sarah I'll do your Nishimiya x Ishida request next. I really love this ship ●﹏●)

Taki's POV

I couldn't believe it! After 5 years... I had this feeling again, a feeling that I always yearned to have. This feeling was way more than what I felt for Okudera- senpai when I was still in high school. Maybe because... it's just too different? Or maybe because I finally can see her again. Mitsuha.

After telling me her name, I suddenly remembered the moments we had. Even the moments we had at Itomori. The switching of bodies, discovering new things and even knowing ourselves. I couldn't believe that I would forget something like that. But at least now I can really see her, here in front of me.

She was at the bottom part of the stairs, tears running down on her face as she also remembered me and the memories that we had. Maybe... we had the same feeling all this time. Maybe... we were yearning for each other.

To be honest, she had not change a lot. He hair grew longer, her face was still the same but she became a bit more matured and she was still wearing the red braided cord that I gave on the night wherein we forgot about each other completely. Sometimes, I thought that if I ever see her again, she might have changed. But here she was, still the same girl that I met a few years ago.

I came back to the reality when I realized that she was in front of me. She hugged me so tight that I couldn't even breathe. I think she missed me too much.

She let go of the hug and spoke up. "Nice to see you again, Taki- kun!"

I rubbed the back of my neck.
"Nice to see you too!"

She smiled and grabbed a piece of paper from her bag. "I really want to talk to you more but I really have to go. I still have a meeting in 30 minutes. Gomenasai but here." With that, she gave me the piece of paper and left.

With that, I smiled.

I opened the folded paper and saw that she had written a letter for me, containing her number.


If you want to talk or meet soon, just call me. I'm free during Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays。

- みつは.

P. S: My number is 09 9XX XXX

I smiled in victory upon reading the paper. It was just a short message but to me, it feels like a letter. A letter with a thousand words.

Mitsuha's POV

As I entered the train, I couldn't stop thinking about Taki-kun. After all this years, I found what I was really looking for. I can't believe that he hasn't changed all these years. He was still an airhead. I wonder what would Yotsuha react if I tell her the full story. I know that she had seen me, the other me but I think she needs to know what went on last 5 years ago. I think... Her face will be like -> (⊙o⊙)

I chuckled at the thought. I just missed Taki-kun so much and I'm not gonna deny it. To be honest, I don't really know what I really feel for him. Sigh...

"I love you. "

The memory of those words flashed in my head. It has been 5 years yet I still remember it clearly. I was on my way to my father that night to convince him but then I stumbled. I was actually stressed that I forgot Taki's name. I remembered that he wrote something on the palm of my hand but instead of Taki's name written in it, the words that are written are: I love you.

I smiled at the memory. But is he really serious about it or did he just love me as a friend. Speaking of, I wonder how him and Okudera are doing... Did they became a thing?

Sometimes, whenever I think of Taki and Okudera together, I feel lonely. Maybe because of the fact that I haven't had any crush before. Or maybe... I'm Jealous?

I snapped out of my thoughts as I went out of the train. I shouldn't think like that because it might lead to something weird. I was just walking towards my work when I hear my phone beeped.

I opened my phone and the message was from an unfamiliar number. I read it carefully.

To: Mitsuha
From: 09 XXX XXXX

Hey Mitsuha. This is me, Taki. Are you free tomorrow lunch? You said you're free during Fridays and I was wondering if we could hangout?

I smiled as I read the message. I did say that I was free during fridays but tomorrow, we have an important investment to do. Oh well... I'll text him later.

A few hours later...

"Yotsuha! I'm home...!" I said as I entered the apartment.

I sighed after a long day of work. It was tiring but worth it. I smiled when I smelled something delicious... Hamburg Steak!!!

I rushed to the dining room and saw Yotsuha preparing dinner. She may be just a high school student but she's good at cooking. She might be a chef one day...

"Hey sis. What's up?" She said as she sat down on the chair that is on the other side of the table.

I sighed. "It was quite Tiring. Mr. Fullbuster wants to go an extra mile with all the investments. Luckily, Ms. Juvia was there and told him that everything is enough... Hays... I ship those two."

Yotsuha chuckled. "You're getting old... Aren't you?" She joked as I frowned at her. "You don't even have a boyfriend yet."

"Well... You don't even have one either."

"Well... Wendy-san said that studies go first... Even though she has that secret admirer named Romeo... " Yotsuha said.

I smiled. "That's good to hear. Anyways, I really can't believe it. I think I met the one... "

Yotsuha almost spat her drink. "Ehhh!?!?!?"

"Well.. There's this guy that I really like. I met him since 5 years ago... "

Yotsuha opened her mouth to speak. "5 years ago? Why don't I know him?"

With that, I explained the story to her. I was planning on letting her know sooner but... She has to know.

After explaining the story... She totally went surprised. "So he was you and he saved us from getting dead by the comet?"

I nodded.

"I have to know him, sis... I wanna know if he suits you." Yotsuha said as she crossed her arms.

"Since when did you care about those stuff?"

She just chuckled and we continued eating.


I am now in my office, typing some stuff in my computer. I am actually preparing a presentation for later and I must make sure that this will go great.

I was just here, typing seriously when Ms. Juvia appeared at the door. That's so odd since Mr. Fullbuster won't just send her if he needs to meet me.

"Mitsuha-san, Mira-san said that someone wants to meet you at the lobby. You should go now since it seems important." Ms. Juvia said.

"Okay. I'll be there. Thanks Ms. Juvia." I said as I grabbed my purse.

She chuckled. "Just call me Juvia. No need for formalities. "

I smiled at her reply. I really hope that she and Mr. Fullbuster would be together. Good thing Ultear is not here anymore.

I locked my office and began to walk towards the lobby with Ms. J- I mean Juvia. "Uh, Juvia? "

She turned to me and smiled. "Yes, Mitsuha-san?"

I gripped on my purse. "If Mr. Fullbuster finds out that I'm not working, how would he react?"

As I said that, the said person came out of his office. It was Mr. Fullbuster. I'm doomed...

"Don't worry Mitsuha-san. I told him that you're taking your break until 2pm. Besides, you need to rest too."

I smiled at Juvia and Mr. Fullbuster. "Thank you so much." With that, I left the two of them, heading towards the lobby.

As I got there, I saw a familiar guy talking to Mira at the counter. "She'll be here soon. " I hear Mira said.

"Taki-kun!" I exclaimed and he turned around. "Hey Mitsuha."

"Sorry Taking about yesterday. I forgot to reply." I said.

We went out of the office and we began to walk towards the train station which was nearby. A lit of people were at the train and Taki was facing me, making sure that no one would bump me. His arms were around me and his hands are pressed against the wall. I blushed at the closeness.

We arrived at the cafe wherein I raid their snacks last 5 years ago. This is my favorite café of all.

Taki and I sat down, facing each other. We began to give our orders to the waitress. We began to talk about our lives. That was when I asked him the question.

"Did you and Okudera became a thing?" I asked.

Taki's POV

When Mitsuha asked that question, I was flustered. Nothing did happened between me and Okudera but I remembered that she was engaged and I was completely upset about it.

So I answered Mitsuha. "Nah. We didn't became a thing. Okudera was already engaged 1 month ago."

Mitsuha suddenly became red from embarrassment. "Sorry for asking. I didn't mean to-"

That was when I cut her off. "It's okay, Mitsuha. By the way, I wanted you to have these." I said as I gave her a brown envelope.

She became curious. "What's this?" She asked. "Open it." I replied.

She opened the envelope and she took out my drawings of Itomori. She almost cried but she was holding back.

"I want you to have these not because I want you to remember the tragic experience you had but, I want you to remember the memories that we both had. In the place where we first met." I said as I took a small sip in my coffee.

We went outside of the café. I am now waking her back to her house and of course, I was upset. We passed by the park and she sat on a bench. I sat beside her too but then, I noticed something. She was already crying. Tears went down on her tinted cheek. I think, she remembers her tragic moment.

I wiped her tears away and made her look at me. "Mitsuha, I know you're still engulf by your tragedy of the past but the important thing is that you're safe and alive. So please... Stop crying. " I said in my low, gentle voice.

She did not stop. The tears are still flowing down her cheeks. I don't want to see her like this so... I hugged her. "I really love you Mitsuha, a lot. I hate seeing you like this so please stop."

With that, she stopped crying and just hugged me even more.

• • • • •
Hey guys... I beat my record and this was the longest chapter yet. The next one shot that I'll write might be Boya or Ishida x Nishimiya so stay tune!

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