Chapter 13

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"What happened, Baby ?" Vincenzo frowned.

"Nothing. My stomach is upset. But as I am already late, I have to eat fast and that makes me frustrate and angry too." Bella said in hurry.

Salvatore chuckled.

"Babes, no one is going to say anything to you, you know ?" Salvatore asked, shaking his head.

"Yeah and if anyone says anything then just say them that you are Riccardo Russo's sister" Riccardo smirked.

He felt a smack on his head.

He groaned and glared at Salvatore.


"Not now, guys," Vincenzo said stopping them even before they could say anything "And What happened to your stomach ?" He directed his question towards Bella.

"I ate cookies at night so might be for that," She shrugged her shoulders and turned towards other two "Yes, stop fighting guys, you both are grown-ups. Behave like it. If you want, you can take some tips from me too" Bella sassed, rolling her eyes, and continue her eating.

Nancy, who just came there to take a dish, heard that and laughed.

Riccardo narrowed his eyes at her while Salvatore looked at her plainly. On other hand, Vincenzo laughed wholeheartedly.

"Sorry" Nancy mumbled a small apology before running in kitchen, still with a smile on her face.

Brothers sighed.

It's their regular life.

"Now you are not late huh ?" Riccardo glared at Bella, who just shrugged in response.

"You are becoming a naughtier day by day" Salvatore narrowed his eyes at her.

"And mature too" She stood up from her seat.

"You little-"

She squealed and ran inside the kitchen, before Riccardo could get her.

"She is so sassy" Riccardo huffed.

"And Savage too" Salvatore agreed.

Vincenzo chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

"Ric, are you going to drop her off at school ?" He asked him. Riccardo nodded his head.

"Drive carefully, Idiot" Salvatore said.

"Oh Sure, Idiot" He replied.


"Ok Enough, Idiots. She is right. You guys should take some tips from her" Vincenzo mocked.

Both of them shot glares at him.

"Let's goooooo, I am readyyyy" Bella said running towards them.

"Who is coming today ?" She asked looking at everyone.

"Your Favourite Brother, Babes" Riccardo said with a wide grin but his grin disappeared when he heard Bella's reply.

"Oh Sally, you are coming, let's go" She grinned mischievously.

Riccardo glared at her, playfully, while Vincenzo just chuckled.

"Oh no, Baby, I am not coming today. No worries, Ric will drop you off at school today. Bear with him today. Your favourite Brother will definitely come tomorrow." Salvatore said with sad smile, playing along with her.

Riccardo glared at him too.

"I will see you later" He warned his Elder brother, then turned towards his Bella "And you little munchkin-"

He said and lunged forward, picking her up in his arms, eliciting excited squeals and giggles from the little girl.

"Byee Bells, Take care." Riccardo smirked and said, "If someone bothers you, do you know what you should do ?"

Bella giggled. "Yes, I will kick them right in their guts."

"Yes, that's my girl !" Riccardo said, hugging her tightly and planting a kiss on her forehead. "Okay, now go."

"Bye, Ricc," Bella kissed his cheek and got out of the car.

She ran a bit inside but as soon as she reached the entrance, she turned around and looked back, giggling, waving her hand. Riccardo shook his head, chuckled, and waved at her. Bella laughed and ran inside the school.

Bella's footsteps echoed through the hallway as she made her way to her classroom. She entered her classroom, her heart pounding, and settled into her usual desk at the back of the room.

She had learned the names of a few classmates, and a couple of them had offered friendly smiles in the hallways. Today, Bella felt a bit more at ease as she settled into her desk, a sense of familiarity creeping in.

She's not the loner type; she loves making new friends. However, that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy her own company. She relishes moments alone, immersing herself in her imaginative world.

The classroom buzzed with muted conversations as students chatted with their friends, their voices a comforting backdrop to Bella's thoughts. She gently tapped her pencil on the notebook in front of her, lost in her own world.

The door swung open slowly, and the teacher, Ms. Anderson, stepped into the room. Ms. Anderson was a tall, graceful woman with a warm smile that instantly put her students at ease. A hushed silence fell over the classroom, punctuated by the shuffling of papers and the occasional cough.

Ms. Anderson made her way to the front of the classroom, her steps measured and confident. The teacher's voice was gentle as she greeted the students, "Good morning, everyone." The response was a chorus of "Good morning" from the students.

"Take out your books, students"

As the teacher began the lesson, Bella's eyes glistened with curiosity. She sat upright in her chair, her small hands gripping her notebook, ready to absorb knowledge but her mind drifted to far-off places, to adventures yet to be had.

She tried to focus on her lectures but her wild imagination kept drifting.

In her daydreams, she could be a fearless explorer discovering hidden treasures in a jungle, or a brave astronaut soaring through the cosmos. Her imagination was like a vivid tapestry, and she wove it with the threads of books, novels, and fanfictions she couldn't wait to dive into.

While her teacher scribbled on the chalkboard, Bella's gaze drifted beyond the confines of the classroom window. She daydreamed about the cozy corner of her room, bathed in warm, golden sunlight, where her favorite reading nook awaited. The plush armchair, her loyal companion, beckoned her with open arms.

Occasionally, her teacher's voice would pull her back to reality, but Bella's daydreams were relentless.

The chime of the classroom bell jolted Bella back to reality.

"I should stop reading all these fanfictions." She sighed and stood up from her place.

"I am hungry. Let's go and eat something" She mumbled and packed her bag.

Bella entered the cafeteria and went to an empty table in the corner.

She took out her lunch box and immediately a smile crept on her face seeing a note with it. She opened it.

'A Sandwich with lots of love and kisses'

She giggled and shook her head at Salvatore's antics.

She started munching on it.

"Hey Bella"

Startled, Bella looked up from her box, her eyes meeting Alberto's. Her smile faded slightly as she studied the familiar face before her.

"Recognize me ? Your first friend from Eastway High School," Alberto grinned.

When did he become her friend ?

Bella blinked. Once. Twice.

"Hii" She smiled slightly.

He made himself comfortable beside her.

"So, How are you ?" He grinned. "Man, I've missed you so much; it's been 24 hours since we last talked," he sighed.

"Hey, let's do one thing, give me your number, and then we can talk all the time." His eyes sparkled with excitement as he happily made this suggestion.

On the other side, Bella was taken aback by this. She stared at him, her eyes wide with shock and her mind racing with questions.

she wondered, Why is he acting like they know each other for such a long time ?

Bella cleared her throat.

"Um, I don't have my phone with me. Sorry," Bella lied.

Alberto narrowed his eyes. "Don't lie; I know you have a phone."

Bella was taken aback. She distinctly remembered not taking out her phone in front of Alberto yesterday.

So how did he know she had a phone ?

Never mind, that's not the point. She can't give him her phone number.

She cleared her throat. "It's not my phone; it belongs to my brother. I can't give you the number."

"Okay Nevermind, I am giving you my number. Text me or Call me whenever you are free"

He said and pulled out a book from his bag along with a pen. He tore a piece from the last page of his book, scribbled something on it, and handed it to Bella.

When Bella looked, there were numbers written on it. She sighed and accepted it from him.

There is no way in hell she was going to call or even text him.

"You know Bella, we are friends but we don't know about each other. Let me introduce myself to you, properly" He grinned.

She so badly wanted to tell him that she isn't his friend. And she is not even interested. But, she can't.

What if he feel bad ?

"I am Alberto. Alberto Muratore. I am basically very cool guy. I never hurt anyone." He began.

Bella, despite her bewilderment, managed to offer him a slight, polite smiles, not wanting to be rude.

"My father is a rich businessman of the town. We own a mansion too. If you want you can come there too. I could buy this school if I wanted to-"

His words flowed freely as he spoke of himself in the most positive terms, behaving as though he were auditioning for the role of the school's most amiable student.

"- I am the most handsome guy here, you know. Girls just can't resist my irresistible personality. Well, you know, I've got that charm that seems to work with the ladies. I must be doing something right if all the girls seem to enjoy my company. It's like I have a fan club, and they're all girls ! I think I'm the unofficial 'heartthrob' around here." He said smirking at the end of his sentence.

"So that's why no one came to save you when you were getting beaten up ?" Before she could stop herself, these words just came out of her mouth.

Her eyes widened. She immediately placed her hand over her mouth.

What did she just do?

How could she say just like that?

She gulped a little.

On the other side, Alberto suddenly fell silent. His eyes darkened, and his jaw clenched tight. He even clenched his fist. "What did you say ?" Alberto asked slowly yet dangerously.

Bella immediately shook her head.

"What did you just say ?"

"Nothing" Bella replied softly, looking down.

He sighed.

"Listen Bella, I know you are uncomfortable since yesterday. But, forget about it. There's no need to get so offended by this. It's normal. And it's not like I said that I want to do Sex with you" Alberto said to Bella in a stern voice.

Bella's eyes widened again.

"W-What ?"

"And besides, you should get used to these things" Alberto added, rolling his eyes.

Bella gulped.

"What do you mean by this, that I should get used to these things ?" She asked him.

Alberto sighed.

"Leave it. We were on such a beautiful as well as an interesting topic but you just- ugghh ruin it." He mumbled annoyed.

Bella's head snapped towards him.

Bella was suddenly taken aback by his transformation.

The boy who had been speaking so sweetly just two minutes ago was now suddenly so angry. Why ?

"Well, never mind, I forgive you; you're so cute that's why I'm forgiving you" He suddenly pinched her cheeks making Bella slightly flinched due to sudden touch.

If she wasn't uncomfortable before, she is hundred and ten percent uncomfortable now.

"So, tell me about yourself" He said with a grin.

"Uh- My name is B-Bella. Bella Russo. I have three strong brothers" She said.

"Three Brothers ?" Alberto gasped a little.

"Hmm" She nods her head and looked down at her half-eaten sandwich.

She started eating it again.

Not wanting to appear rude, she extended her another sandwich towards Alberto. With a polite smile, she said, "Would you like some ?"

"No, I don't want it. My stomach is allergic to cheap foods; my Mom packed me something more high-class." He said Nonchalantly.

Bella gawked at him.

He refused Sally's sandwich; it's his loss, not hers.

"This is not cheap. This is actually the most delicious food of the world. Because, My Sally made this" She replied proudly.

Alberto chuckled.

"Cute. You are very cute. Be My Girlfriend" He blurted out, once again pinching her cheeks.

Her eyes widened in surprise, and her cheeks, already pink from the unexpected cheek pinch, turned an even deeper shade of crimson.

You are very cute. Be my girlfriend.

His words hung in the air, leaving her momentarily speechless.

"W-What ?"

She fumbled for words, her mind racing to comprehend what had just happened. It was as if the ground had shifted beneath her feet, and she found herself in an unfamiliar and awkward situation, caught off guard by Alberto's forwardness.

For a moment, she thought he might be joking, but when she saw the seriousness in his expression, she swiftly dismissed her initial notion that he was merely jesting.

Still, she asked "You are joking, right ?"

As if he suddenly realized the gravity of his words, he burst into laughter. "Yeah, yeah, I'm just joking." He laughed out loud.

However, Bella wasn't convinced at all. She couldn't understand why she didn't feel like he was joking. It was as if she could see through his lies. As if she could see through his laughs.

"Ok Ok, enough joking. Now tell me more about you" He said, after his mini laughing session came to an end.

Overwhelmed by fear, startlement, and an intense sense of discomfort, Bella didn't waste a moment.

"Uhm- I have some work." She immediately stood up from her chair swiftly excused herself from the uncomfortable situation.

Bella made her way out of the still busy cafeteria, totally unaware of two pairs of eyes watching her.

Her heart pounding in her chest. She came out of the cafeteria and ran towards the washroom.

She needed a moment to collect herself and process the unexpected turn of events.

What just happened ?


Classes went in blur.

Whole time her mind is occupied with Alberto's words.

You are cute. Be my Girlfriend.

He told her he was joking but why Bella's heart is not ready to accept it ?

Did Bella do the right thing by saving Alberto ?

Should she have done that ?

Was Alberto telling the truth about Mark and Teo ?

Or was Alberto at fault ?

Suddenly, a car pulled up in front of her, and the blaring horn jolted Bella out of her thoughts. She blinked rapidly, her focus shifting from Alberto's enigmatic behavior to the present moment. Her brother, Salvatore, sat behind the wheel.

Bella wasted no time. She eagerly hopped into the passenger seat with a smile adoring her face.

"Hey there, Babygirl" Salvatore smiled.

She immediately leaned in and kissed his cheek, with a grin.

He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Bella settled comfortably into the car's plush seats, fastening her seatbelt with a practiced click. The familiar scent of the car's interior, a mix of leather and Salvatore's favorite air freshener, enveloped her. She watched as her brother started the car's engine with a gentle purr, a subtle hum that signaled the beginning of their ride home.

As the car pulled away from the school, Bella began to recount the day's events and again Alberto's words started roaming in her little mind.

Am I thinking too much ?

What if Alberto was really joking ?

Who knows, maybe he just wants to be friends, and I'm overreacting ?

"What's going on inside your little mind ?" He asked her, the steering wheel spun swiftly in his hands as he expertly took each turn, keeping his eyes momentarily on Bella. He frowned when she doesn't replied.

"Bella," Salvatore said, his eyes on the road ahead, his grip on the steering wheel tight. Her head snapped towards him.

"What ?"

He sighed.

"You seem a bit off. Is something bothering you ?"

Bella stared at him for a minute, her fingers fidgeting with her dress as she mustered the courage to tell Salvatore, about what had happened earlier.

She hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Well, something did happen today," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.

Salvatore shot her a concerned glance, his brow furrowing. "What happened, Bella ? You can tell me."

Bella recounted the incident with Alberto, her voice quivering as she spoke. "Well, Alberto, he...he jokingly proposed to me, Sally"

Salvatore's jaw clenched visibly, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened even more. His protective instincts kicked in, and he struggled to maintain his composure. "He did what ?" he asked, his voice low and intense.

Bella sighed.

"Yeah, I-I mean he told me that he was j-joking but I don't know why I still felt- I mean It made me really uncomfortable. I didn't know how to react."

"Did he do anything else ?" He gritted his teeth.

"No," Bella continued, her gaze fixed on her lap, "but what if he was just joking, Sally ? What if I'm overreacting ? I don't want to make a big deal out of it if it was just a prank."

Salvatore's face remained hardened, but he softened his tone for Bella's sake. "Bella," he said, his voice filled with concern, "your feelings are valid. If something makes you uncomfortable, it's important to express that. Alberto should know better than to make jokes like that."

Bella looked up at her brother, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "I just don't want to cause any drama, Sally. I don't know if I should say anything."

Salvatore sighed, his protective instincts still at the forefront. "Bella, your well-being and comfort come first. If you're uncomfortable, then tell him that you are uncomfortable. And remember, it's never wrong to stand up for yourself when something makes you uncomfortable."

"But what if he was just jok-"

"No Bella, that's wrong. There is a difference. If a joke is making you uncomfortable, then it ceases to be a joke. You should let him know that you're not comfortable with it. Don't second-guess yourself by worrying about whether he'll feel bad or sad; always trust your instincts. Follow your guts. If you're feeling uncomfortable, you're feeling uncomfortable-no second thoughts. The next time he does something like this, you will express your feelings. You will tell him that you are uncomfortable." He explained.

Bella listened to him carefully.

Salvatore couldn't help but notice the somber expression on her face. He glanced over at her, and said softly "Remember, We'll always support you no matter what. You have your Vinny, Riccy and your favourite man of the world - Sally always with you."

She smiled softly.

"But my favourite man is Riccy" She smiled cheekily.

Salvatore narrowed his eyes.

"You little girl-" He poked her side, getting a chain of adorable giggles.

"Still Riccy is handsome- ahh" She giggled when he again poked her side.

Salvatore couldn't resist tugging playfully at her ponytail, messing up her hair. Bella let out a whine, her face breaking into a giggle.

With a sly grin and a mischievous glint in his eye, Salvatore decided to take an unexpected turn. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, and he abruptly turned it to the left, making the car veer in the opposite direction from their house.

Bella frowned.

She couldn't help but express her confusion.

"Where are we going, Sally ?"

Salvatore, his eyes focused on the road ahead, responded with a playful wink. "Well, I thought we could use a little treat to lighten the mood. How about some ice cream ?"

Bella's eyes twinkled.

Bella's initial puzzlement gave way to a delighted surprise as she realized they were heading to an ice cream shop. Her mood began to lift, and she couldn't help but cheered with a joy.

Salvatore pulled the car to a stop in front of a charming ice cream shop. It had a colorful sign, and the sweet aroma of freshly made ice cream wafted through the air. He and Bella stepped out of the car and walked into the cheerful shop.

Inside, the shop was adorned with colorful posters and had a vibrant atmosphere. Bella's eyes sparkled with excitement as she took in the array of flavors displayed in the glass case. She walked up to the counter, where a friendly ice cream vendor greeted them.

"Can I have a scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough, please ?" She said politely with a grin on her face.

Salvatore, standing beside her, observed Bella's choice with a warm smile. He then made his own selection.

"I'll take a scoop of pistachio, please."

"Sure Sir" Vendor said and immediately handed them their respective ice creams.

After receiving their ice cream cones, Salvatore and Bella found an available table near the window. They settled into their seats.

"Yumm" She moaned after eating first bite of her ice-cream.

"You know what, Sally? The government should include ice cream in a balanced diet. Every meal should contain ice cream. Without ice cream, your meal is incomplete. And those who don't eat ice cream with meals should be subjected to hefty fines. At least this way, Vinny will have to allow me to have ice cream every day. Just imagine, ice cream with breakfast in the morning, ice cream with lunch in the afternoon, ice cream with dinner at night-nothing but ice cream all day. It will be so much fun, life will be completely set !" She ranted dreamily.

Salvatore laughed wholeheartedly at that.

Bella and her wild imaginations always amused him.

"Wait, let me inform Vince that we've come for ice cream. Otherwise, he'll have a sword hanging over my neck !" Salvatore shuddered at the thought and took out his phone to message Vincenzo.

Bella laughed at that.

Salvatore focused on his phone to message his brother, his attention momentarily diverted.

Bella was savoring her chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, sipping on the sweet nostalgia of childhood. She moaned with every bite.

Ice creams can always lift mood.

She took another spoonful of her ice cream, enjoying the dessert.

But then, something unexpected caught her attention. An old man.

An old man sitting a few tables away was staring at them more precisely at her intently.

She frowned slightly as she glanced behind her to check if anyone was there, but there was no one behind her.

Bella met his gaze, and for a brief second, their eyes locked. In that fleeting moment, she thought she saw a smirk on the old man's face. It sent a shiver down her spine, making her feel uneasy and uncomfortable.

"Bella" She snapped out.

"What happened ? Where did the smile on your face suddenly disappear to ?" Salvatore asked her playfully.

Bella looked at him and again looked behind him but to her surprise no one was there. No old man. Her eyes widened.

Is she hallucinating ?

Where did that man go ?

She gasped.

She is literally seeing things.

"Babes, what happened ?" Salvatore asked, concerned.

"N-Nothing, I guess, I am going to be mental patient soon, Sally" She sighed dramatically.

He narrowed his eyes.

"Why ?"

"I guess, I am watching things. For a second, I thought I saw someone there staring at us." She replied pointing behind Salvatore. His face turned serious.

Salvatore immediately turned around.

He looked around at everyone, but he didn't see anything unusual, so he turned back towards Bella.

"Did you see his or her face ?" He asked her, seriously.

"He. He is a man. Actually an Old man. But I didn't see his face properly. It was just for mere second" She explained.

He nodded, thinking about something.

"Leave it, Sally, I am just being paranoid" She sighed dramatically again.

He chuckled and shook his head.

"My baby is learning new words, huh ?" He smirked.

She whinned at that and he laughed.


"Just a few days left now. Then my good days will come. I won't have to eat this poor people's food anymore. I'll have money too. After getting the money, I'll first repay all my debts, then I'll live in a big mansion, then I'll get treatment for my illnesses, then I'll travel the world-"

"Shaira" a man shook her.

"What ?" She snapped.

"Snap out of your dreams" He glared at her.

"Why ?" She glared at him back.

He sighed and back down.

"Because it's not that easy, Shaira"

"What do you mean ?" She glared at him.

That man sighed.

"I am scared. I saw her today. She is looking so happy with them"

Shaira tilted her head. A glare turned into a smirk. An Evil Smirk.

"Oh. Not for long. It's time to call him"

"But what if-"

"No what ifs. Everything will be fine. I will make everything fine. After all, this is a matter of 450 billion Euros. And when it comes to money, I can do anything."

Shaira smirked.

"Oh, Vincenzo Russo, you won't be able to do anything. I'll take your daughter right from under your nose, and you won't be able to do anything, just like you couldn't do anything thirteen years ago." She whispered with a smirk.

She laughed out loudly.

"I will come in your life, soon"

To Be Continued...

Longest Chapter till date. First time crossed 4k+ words.

You guys like long Chapters, right ?

I Expect more comments in this chapter (if you can, then only. Not forcing ☺️)

So tell me what do you think about the chapter ? Alberto ? Old man ? Shaira ?

Little Preview :

Xxx : I am not even asking you. I am telling you. Stop being a brat and do as I said. (Growl)

Yyy : Bruises may toughen the skin, but they don't heal the soul.

Zzz : Take care of her. She is too naive. And while eating icecream, she looks cute too.

Guess people...

Don't forget to Vote and Comment.

I will meet you soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 13 September 2023.

Total Words : 4320 words 😁.

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